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Why UML won the election? (Other than weakness of NC and their actions)

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Registered: Oct 2013
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Registered: Oct 2013
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चर्को आलोचनापछि सरकारद्वारा ईन्टरनेटमा लगाईएको १३ प्रतिशत कर फिर्ता

There are too many heads involved in this protest so biddwan yuraj k and his daddy 8 class Oli back tracked.

But in the case of destructive "monitory and fiscal policies" of biddwan, there are not many protesting in the media. So they are not taking it back.

But, mark my world. biddwan's "monitory and fiscal policies" will destroy economy and commie. It is proven again, there is no single real economist in Nepal who could analyze monitory and fiscal policies. No one has analysed it and published their analysis in the media.

Dont be surprised, if "monitory and fiscal policies" push Nepal's economy into recession. New banking policy is more and more looking like far more destructive than I been expecting.

Too bad, these policies hit economy big in months and years, not in days. unlike internet TAX.

Could 8 class Oli be suffering from "inferiority complex" cause of his 8 class graduate certificate? Otherwise, he would not have given absolute power to biddwan Yuraj K with no question asked, since, he is the one elected by the people not the biddwan.

I am the first one to float the idea "country is ran by advisers' advice not the elected official, no person is intelligent enough to run a country, s/he needs advisers". 8 class Oli did try to gather advisers. but they all turned out to be wrong one. from ignorant dangerous yuraj K to bhariya bishnu rijal.

8 Class Oli gathered advisers, even though wrongs ones. But our biddwan Yuraj K thinks he knows everything. And he has gathered only his dogs/yes men/dalal.

Commie mentality is the biggest problem. All ex commie nations prospered after commie are dead. Even in China- Mao had to die before China started progress. Just imagine, if China had killed Mao 5 year before.....
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Thu Jul 26, 2018 8:36 pm. »
Registered: Mar 2018
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मंगलबार सुरुवातदेखिनै बढ्न थालेको शेयर बजारले आफ्नो बृद्धि थेग्न नसक्दा सामान्य अंकले हरियो भएर बन्द भएको छ। कानुन मन्त्री शेरवहादुर तामाङसँगै अर्थमन्त्री डा. युवराज खतिवडा र अन्य केही मन्त्रीले राजिनामा गर्ने हल्ला फिँजाइएको थियो। खासगरी अर्थमन्त्री बारे फिँजाइएको हल्लाले बृद्धि देखिएको लगानीकर्ताहरु बताउँछन्। तर त्यो हल्ला मित्थ्या सावित भएपछि बजार फेरि पछाडि फर्किएको हो।
Market reacted positively even for bluff about FM step down. So he should take this reaction seriously and take positive steps for infrastructure development of capital market in coming days, not only in words as we've heard previously.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7756
भारतीय पुँजी बजारले फेरि बनायो नयाँ रेकर्ड, नेप्सेले अब कहिले गर्ला यस्तो सुरुवात ?

India has decreased TAX to win next election while Biddwan Yuraj K fooled 8 class Oli into increasing TAX.

If we look at human history, countries started to develop after commie are finished.

If we read comment in social media about economy, not just hobos, even those who are called expert or those who got certificate from Media of being expert- based on their views, I can easily say, Nepal will not become mid level income country till they are alive.

Sati ko sarap.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7756
biddwan gothalo ka santan Yuraj K's strategy:

- Increase tax
- Divert most of the capital
- which used to go to other sector including consumption- into infrastructure

- Economy of a nation is economy of a nation. GDP growth is GDP growth.

Nepal's normal GDP growth is 6%. If govt do nothing or if govt does not harm, Nepal GDP growth reach around 6%.

GDP or GDP growth means Nepal's GDP or GDP growing under constant conditions. i.e- Nepal GDP or GDP was growing under previous tax rates.


Nepal GDP or GDP growth was growing by using capital/bank loan based on past policies.

Now our biddwan dalal gothalo ka santan Yuraj K has Increased TAX RATES and prevented bank loan from going to those sector which were helping GDP or GDP growth.

Cause of his new high tax rate and blocking of capital flow to those sector which were fueling yesterday's GDP or GDP growth will now be affected. Which means, contribution of yesterday's sector to GDP or GDP growth will be down.

Which will decrease GDP growth? And investment in infrastructure sector (diverting most of the capital to infrastructure) wont help in GDP growth or creation of jobs like biddwan dalal yuraj K or oli has been expecting.

Contribution of investment and infrastructure sector is for long term. That is why countries slowly invest in those sector. Pouring too much investment in infrastructure would only create higher inflation and harm economic growth.

FIRE YURAJ K- IDIOT 8 CLASS PASS OLI, he has been fooling you.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7756
अर्थमन्त्री भन्छन्- कर उठाउन आक्रामक भएकै हौं
राजस्व नउठाए अझै ऋण थप्ने ?

biddwan gothalo ka santan Yuraj K's strategy:

- Increase tax
- Divert most of the capital- which used to go to other sector including consumption- into infrastructure


Why did not economist, govt in other countries did not get this idea??????????????????? Is this such a brilliant idea which ordinary economist could not think of????????? Or other countries/economist dont follow this idea cause this idea does not work??????????????

8 class Oli should advice Modi- Why dont India increase tax, divert capital from other sector to infrastructure and build India just like China. Wonder what India will answer? kasto retard raicha ta bhandaina????
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7756
अर्थमन्त्री भन्छन्ः मलाई दातृ निकाय र निजी क्षेत्रले विश्वास गरिसके

So he knows, private sector did not like him and did not trusted him.

Now, he thinks they have trusted him. WRONG, they still dont like you. And without private sector development is not possible. Ask former communist states.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7756
अर्थमन्त्री खतिवडाले भनेः इन्टरनेट चलाएपछि कर पनि तिर्नुपर्छ
He may increase the perimeter of tax, don't be surprised if he levy tax on "every breath","PEE", "SHIT" and "BED TIME ENTERTAINMENT"


k hijo samma teska bau lai tax na tere internet chalaya ko thyo ta????

this tike biddwan will end communism in Nepal just like they have extinct in other part of the world.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7756
Why UML won the election? (Other than weakness of NC and their actions)

Before election.
- China rail
- People friendly
- pro economy, development, private sector, share market
- Promise to fight corruption etc.

Now, after election.

- NC was anti Nepal. So they lost the election. But Before election voters did not expect UML to become anti people. NC was/is anti Nepal but not anti People. Now UML has become anti people which People did not expected before election. This will make UML pay in next election. Cause of this UML may even break up in near future or before next election.

- Before election, when people used to criticize NC activity, their dogs used to come after people. And When people used to criticize UML, if they were wrong, UML used to change their position.

After election, UML has become like NC. Today, when people criticize, UML has begun to attack people and now their dog has began to attack Nepalese in social media. Count down has begun for UML.

- Before election, Oli used to talk about pro economy, development, private sector, share market.
After election, they are attacking private sector, disrespect private sector and now openly talk about destroying stock market. Has increased tax on all.

- After election, UML has started to protect corrupt, crony capitalist, criminals and start to beat people to protect interest of criminals. Black money of UML politician, cooperative are being used to take over business private sector is suppose to run.

People voted for Oli, but tike Yuraj K has destroyed the image of govt by disrespecting private sector, openly destroying share market, increased tax. Now cause of him, many will never vote for commie.

There were voters, even after knowing NC is dalal, they used to say, I would never vote for commie. No of those people are increasing, Including myself. All those who voted for commie no longer supports commie. and may never vote for commie again.

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