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Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
Can Muktinath acquire Civil bank, the rumor which was surfaced few months back ??????
Possibility is there if Civil is ready to loose there identity. Muktinath bank seems desperate to become a commercial bank which is possible only by merger at this moment.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
Is there any probability of HBL BOKL pairing ???
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
Shreekrishnaji, CIVIL bank is one the most awaited bank to get acquire.
Probable partner could be CZBIL -PANDEY family being common.
BOK can be another one (sanchaya kosh being a common investor)
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
BIG MERGER is now converted to FORCED or FAMILY MERGER.
lets hope better pairing.

Some of our friends in this forum have really great GUT FEELINGS, so why dont we guess/match the probable pair.
Registered: Dec 2016
Posts: 173
Isn't that most of the banks in Nepal. :D
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
Did you get your answer today SHREEKRISHNA JI ?
with rana/shrestha/khetan bank !!!
Registered: Jul 2015
Posts: 30
Civil bank kun bank saga merge ma or acquire ma Jane possibilities cha puli bhairav jee?
Registered: Jul 2015
Posts: 30
Civil bank kun bank saga merge ma or acquire ma Jane possibilities cha puli bhairav jee?
Registered: Jul 2015
Posts: 30
Civil bank kun bank saga merge ma or acquire ma Jane possibilities cha puli bhairav jee?
Registered: Jul 2015
Posts: 30
Civil bank kun bank saga merge ma or acquire ma Jane possibilities cha puli bhairav jee?
Registered: Jul 2015
Posts: 30
Civil bank kun bank saga merge ma or acquire ma Jane possibilities cha puli bhairav jee?
Registered: Jul 2015
Posts: 30
Civil bank kun bank saga merge ma or acquire ma Jane possibilities cha puli bhairav jee?
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 822
CIVIL bank will go merger.
Investment Bank will also go in merger.
Century will also go for merger.
NCC will also go for merger.
Kumari will further acquire dev banks.

Dev Banks will be erased significantly.
Volumes of shares will decrease permanently due to reduced swap ratios and temporarily due to suspension of transactions.

....Baki Ishwor Ko Leela...
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
MUKTINATH BANK CEO straight away denied the possibility of merger with DESTROYED BANKs.
For MNBBL to become a commercial bank, this is ONLY OPTION available now. Otherwise they ve to continue in B Category.
PRAVU is good example for B class to become A .
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
Heard about some problem with CIVIL BANK
What are the probabilities of solving CIVIL BANK problem ? Any chance of FORCE merger with some WELL TO DO banks ?
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 822
Many Commercial Banks and Many Development Banks are setting In for Merger

It is almost certain that almost all development banks will get merged except few exceptions

BIG AMALGAMATIONS for development Banks

.....Baki Ishwor Ko Leela.....
Registered: Dec 2016
Posts: 173
Yo granai parne ho hajur. Khoi yo arthamantri ley k garchha k garchha. Jhyap Jhup parera dui char ota incentives diyera, tax rate 5 years samma 30% discount, merger ma janey lai spread rate ma concession diyera milaunu ni. Kasta nalayak chan yo desh ma. Sati Ko sarap.

No of Financial Institutions in Nepal start of this fiscal year: 171 (Commercial, Dev, Finance and Micro)
No of branches: 6,650
Number of Nepalese per branch: 3363
No of saving cooperatives: 35,512


Yo banks ra insurance ko bahek kehi business nahuney bho yo desh ma.
Registered: Jan 2017
Posts: 51
ब्रोकरहाउसभरि मुक्तिनाथ र सिभिल बैंकबीच मर्जरको चर्चा
*** going on?

Can it be true?
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
- मर्जर पार्टनरको खोजीमा सिभिल बैंक, साधारणसभा आह्वान
- नेपाल राष्ट्र बैङ्कले जसरी पनि बैंकहरुलाई मर्जर गराएर संख्या घटाई गुणस्तर बढाउने अडान लिएपछि अधिकांश बैंकहरु मर्जरमा जान तयार
अन्तत वाणिज्य बैंकहरुको संख्या १४।१५ मा झार्ने, विकास बैंकहरुको संख्या र फाइनान्स कम्पनीको संख्या पनि १६ १६ मा झार्ने राष्ट्र बैङ्कको योजना छ
- क्षेत्रीय स्तरका विकास बैंकहरु पनि मर्जरकै क्रममा रहेका छन्/ यसबाहेक, अन्य विकास बैंकहरु पनि मर्जर प्रकृयामै देखिन्छन्/

Possible merger partner for youth bank like CCBL, CBL ???
Can we see existence of development banks after few year ?
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 822
BIG MERGER is a hoax now... Its gonna be FORCE MERGER now
BFI shall be compulsorily forced to merge now.
Also some groundshaking policies might emerge in MFI's.

Registered: Dec 2016
Posts: 173
Whats the ideal number of Grade A , B and C financial institutions, per our experts here?

Do we even need separate Development banks and Finance companies?

I think we keep Grade A(maybe 14 banks: 2 Govt, ADB and (RBB+NBL) and 12 Public.
Grade B and C, should be combined.
Micro-finances, I don't see a need. They ain't doing shit but provide poor people with higher interest dominated loans. Besides, the people from big banks are controlling them.
Cooperatives, I don't know how we can put this dragon in chain. Too many of them sprouting like mushrooms.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
Good thing can be learnt from anyone -
भारतकी वित्त मन्त्री निर्मला सितारमणले शुक्रबार मात्रै सरकारी स्वामित्वका १० बाणिज्य बैंकलाई मर्ज गराएर चार वटा बैंक बनाउने घोषणा गरेकी छिन्
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 822
There is a debate whether or not to merge NBL and RBB, while leaving ADBL specialized in agricultural sector.
I hope this debate comes to a meaningful conclusion as soon as possible.

If RBB & NBL merges, it will be the greatest merger in history of banking sector.
Total market value of asset will be beyond 4 kharab, Not to forget, With 32 ropanis in durbar marg and 16 ropani in new road. (Current NIBL in durbar marg is also RBB Property and there is a large land aside and beside it).

Other operational synergies are obvious.

I hope this merger happens.
But there is a definite force that does not want this merger to happen.

....Baki Ishwor Ko Leela...
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
other plausible merger /acquisition

Searching HOST for LBBL and GBBL.
Can any one guess probable GROOM for these BRIDE ?

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