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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7772
Nepal had been facing all kind of problem, economy been in coma since sher bahadur became PM ..........

............. and still neither sher bahadur nor dalal congress was awake,

, but for MCC/malik, both have become hyper active.

my vote,

mandale during national election (as a FU vote)

(been planning to give vote to dalal congress during local, for being local but) I am looking for other, except for dalal congress and commie, for nagar palika and for woda still will go to dalal congress. (due to MCC).
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7772
Every time, NC/sherbahadur becomes PM, Nepal's economy crashes.

- Current crisis is created by mainly NRB policy and finance ministry.

And NRB policy was supported by former bureaucrats few months back.

Turned out, those bureaucrats are NC/sherbahadur's economic advisers. Those, who failed everytime, when in power, becomes adviser later on.

What would be the outcome? Nepal has been facing since ever.

Now, that adviser is about to become ambassador to India.

I occasionally see that guy in white Mercedes. Who gave him that car- Ingo or some corporate house????

And that adviser also supports MCC. Every thing is connected like a web, and many cant see. And still, theirs' is the voice louder.

Its amazing, US has to pay 100s of billions to make that society vassal where as in Nepal, all they have to do is invest few 100 million and buy 100 agents in power, then the whole county becomes their ho.

Politicians may feel proud when, highly educated top bureaucrats becomes they doggo. They think, they are their doggo.... but, turns out, those doggo are just the implant of cia/raw agent. This has always been the story.

Instead of hanging foreign agents, CIA/RAW makes pakhe politicians happy while implanting their agent inside their inner circle.

Wonder if, sher bahadur's swasni is the CIA handler of those agents.

Nepal is a hopeless case.

Sati ko sarap.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7772
I am 90% sure, I would be giving vote to mandale in upcoming national election. At least, indirect vote.

I always considered mandale to be rapist, dalal, doggie, reason behind economic disaster, corrupt, crook, lack of law and many more.

And others are no different. So in terms of quality, same.

Why voting for mandale?

- pay back. For their internal politics- power centered in the most corrupt, criminal......

- for what they did to the economy and share market

- to crash maoist to 5th or lower.

- I hope mandale gets 20-25 lakh vote (which i think wont happen, but we have 1.5 year left, who knows). terrorist less than 8 lakh and nc, uml- not more than 25 lakh.

- just like in US, many voted for trump as F U vote to others....

- Until there is third new party, no govt should control for 5 year, should not be more than 2 year, yuraj k proved that, sher bahadur and maoist have proved it again. so, if mandale gets 25 lakh vote. we may see change in govt frequently.

- sab chor ho, so it does not matter. it may scare others dalals though. :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7772
Looks like next PM is from NC.

When I supported KP Oli, i got gali from many in this forum. That time, they were saying, for bull, share market needs NC govt. Now your wish about to come true.

Madhav/Prachanda is the biggest party buy why NC? may be, they read my post. Who ever is in the govt, or head the govt lose election. Trying to exchange 5 year by gifting 1.5 year to Deuba.

Bishnu paudel or deuba..... NEPSE going to be boom boom.

I have been saying, chunab jitne tehi pakhe, 8 classe fatha ho but to run govt./to win next election- they need me. Oli did not listen to me, and yuraj k destroyed economy, country, commie and kp oli. Will next govt listen to me? :mrgreen:

You sh!t hole need me, not the other way round.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7772
Crows Are Self-Aware and 'Know What They Know,' Just Like Humans

So KP Oli is below crow, who does not know what he knows, but thinks knows everything.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7772
Many of my advice, prediction and analysis have come true and many many more will be realized in following days and years.

Free advice to 8 classe KP Oli, make a deal with communist party before house is reinstated, or you will meet the fait of bhusya doggie.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 1455

अहिले बजारमा चलेको सबैभन्दा Hit शब्द,

होकी हैन,

२-३ महिनामा स्पष्ट होला :mrgreen: :mrgreen: l
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7772
Nepal's constitution is not like that of US which was written 300 year back.

Those who wrote constitution are all alive.

Instead of asking them what they wrote or tried to write, they are asking so called legal expert.

So criminal legal expert be telling those who drafted the constitution "this is what you were trying to draft..". :mrgreen:

Will constitutional court ask those who drafted the constitution to appear in the court and ask what they wrote or trying to wright?

Its amazing, hardly any one believes in court or judges of nepal, but those criminals who appointed them, selected them believes them. Court is the most corrupt govt institution in Nepal, second is police. In all, media is the most corrupt.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7772
नेपालका लागि पूर्वराजदूत एवं भारतका पूर्वविदेश सचिव श्याम शरणले प्रधानमन्त्री केपी शर्मा ओलीलाई राजीनामा गर्न मनाएर विवादास्पद छवि नभएका कुनै राजनीतिज्ञलाई प्रधानमन्त्री बनाउन पहल भइरहेको दावी गरेका छन्

Idiot 8 classe put corrupt and criminal everywhere including court. He thought, they are his dog.

I had been saying, no one dreams of becoming dog of 8 classe or any other bhariyi, if they are pretending to be one- either they are CIA or RAW's agent or soon will be one.

Now looks like, court may make decision as per order from CIA or RAW just like in Brazil.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7772
Cause of low life wanna be dicktators like shahs, koirals, deubas, prachanda, baburam, now KP oli, Nepal passed new constitution to prevent dissolution of the house by will of those in pOwer.

today's constitution clearly states about house dissolution process.

And still we are confused what supreme court would do???? Court has always been the biggest corrupt in Nepal, and cause of their latest activity, supreme court is turning out to be national security threat.

Its time to audit supreme court verdicts and hang guilty judges, if we want to save Nepal. Remember, CIA couped in Brazil misusing their supreme court.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7772
Now the case has gone to the constitutional bench........... 8 classe's sanak may get reversed.

In case there is election, UML may get around Zero and Moaist around 5 seats in the election if it happens, so commies need to work together again, before the court gives verdict.

What would he be the best way forward to the commie politicians, parties and the country? (Since they have not a single one with functioning brain advising, let me- the greatest mind ever walked on the earth, second to GOD- give them the best solution)

- Continue the current govt, but need to change some ministers especially tanky baje.

- 8 classe's hands, legs and tongue should be cut off, meaning, he should be make power less.

- Party should make decisions regarding appointment and legal and constitutional decisions.

- Like I have been saying, yuraj k destroyed commie, politicians and country for 2.5 year, now commie only have 2 year to reverse and they can get back some support if they work on the economy, reduce tax, increase income of the people and solve economic problem.... I know how to do it.

Even raw, cia seem like shocked by the parliament dissolution decision but it seems, hearing their agents, they may support the dissolution- which means Nepal and commie are dead.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7772
I think there will be election.

Election indeed, but not national election, rather by-election of vacant post created by Oli gang leaving communist party/or sacking since they dont have 40% needed to form New Party.

And they will find out their public support, they have been talking about. Will they even one seat???????

They wasted 2 and a half year, they are suppose to start building economy or they began to work, but KP Oli kept on betraying deals one after another and now about to break the party (which I thought wont happen but who I am, I am no God Just second to GOD :mrgreen: )

Who wants my vote? I want following answer?

- Tax rates. All tax rates from income to road tax to custom duty. Just saying, promising to reduce tax wont be enough, I want Tax rate.

- For share market, I want international investor to be introduced within a year and I want market makers with 200 billion capital, at least, reduction of commission, broker license to bfis.

- I want Chinese Train.

- Referendum policy. Vote to reject, vote to recall. Reduction of size of elected body (all elected body under 500- local included body and state and for central not more than 75).

- and many more.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7772
Tapare have put everything on sell.

How to save Nepal?

We need third party.

In next election, indian congress may win election and they will openly sell Nepal to India.

We are dead. One way or other.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7772
Before election KP Oli talked about development, share market, economy ...... so he made yuraj k fiance minister.

But after yuraj k took office, all he did was increased tax, went after tax, made doing business harder, barked a lot and after he was fired. .. .... . he talks about how he improved tax system, borrowed a lot of $ which was looted by KP oli and gang and .............. does not say much about how he improved financial life of people, how he improved economy/development/business.

And las does not care.

Nepal needs referendum about the govt to know if people want mid term election or not- every year. Or likes of 8classse will keep on fooling us.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7772
There are many countries in the world which are corrupt but only in Nepal, they took bribe in medical supply, why???????????????????? pakhe tapare

Those running govt are pakhe tapare who took bribe during pandemic too, but media did raise the issue but that raising issue was more of a political hit rather than pushing for legal punishment, Why?????????????? media is ran by pakhe tapare

pakhe tapare destroyed post covid economy, pakhe papare is the reason there wide spread IndianVirus in Nepal, and the same pakhe tapare are killing people in the name of controlling the pandemic many many times more than pandemic itself, and still so called civil society member dont want to replace govt why?????????????? those civil society are pakhe tapare, for whom, their dna is such that crime, lying, incompetence, dalali is normal activity. its their culture going on for at least 300 year (probably thousands of years)

May be its time to stop voting for pakhe tapare communist socialist.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7772
Tanki mantry was saying, experts have many conflicting views ...........

That is why I have been saying, no country is ran by pakhe tapare 8 classe 10 classe............. how expert became expert, who gave them the title, to be expert you have to be expert ........

if govt were ran by competent, they would have asked those so called expert who been recommending lockdown.....

- If we go for lock down till Corona ends- 1-2 corore would die, so how could your solution be the solution to the disease which would kill 50 to 150 times more people than the disease itself.

- Just going for lock down must have killed many heart patient and added more heart patients.

- Many could have committed suicide due to lock down driven economic crisis and mental crisis.

If you are a politician, you need to make a list of experts, keep an eye over their work, analysis and result. You cant ask for advice from every moro.n out there. Just be a waste of time and if you are dumb, dumb are more likely to be attracted toward another dumb advice and they are attracted toward negative advice like a fly towards sh!t. DUMB SHOULD STAY AWAY FROM OTHER DUMB.

Chaudary human trafficked IndianVirus
Dont be like Chaudary.

This could be the final communist govt in Nepal.

- Economy destroyed their vote bank.

-Then Indianvirus that spread due to communist taking bribe from human trafficking, their own human trafficking from one district to another and from India and bribe for medical supply have destroyed their vote bank further.

-Now, their action to control IndianVirus is going to destroy their vote bank further.

स्वास्थ्यमा समस्या आएपछि जापानका (Nepal's) प्रधानमन्त्रीले राजीनामा दिँदै :mrgreen: tapare le chardcha
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Fri Aug 28, 2020 1:50 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7772
काठमाडौँ उपत्यकामा तपाईँ बिहिबारदेखि मर्निङ वाक या अरु कुनै अत्यावश्यक नभएको काममा निस्कँदै हुनुहुन्छ ? एकै छिन त हो, त्यहीँ पर पुगेर आईहाल्छु नि भन्ने सोचमा निस्कने सोच बनाउनुभएको छ ? यदी त्यसो गर्नुभयो भने तपाईँ कारवाहीमा पर्न सक्नुहुन्छ |

रातिदेखि लागु हुने निषेधाज्ञाको आदेशानुसार यसपाली भने प्रहरीले अत्यावश्यकबाहेकका गतिविधिमा खुबै कडाई गर्ने छ | काठमाडौँका प्रमुख जिल्ला अधिकारी जनकराज दाहालले भने, 'मर्निङ वा इभिनिङ वाक जान्छु भन्ने सोचेर ननिस्किनुहोस्, सङ्क्रामक रोग ऐन २०२० अनुसार कारवाही हुन्छ |'

-Morning walk, evening walk is unnecessary. This is what I have been talking about. CDE, I am sure, he got master's degree and I have been saying pakhe, gobar sorne just cause they memorize book wont make them human.

Tapare dont even know, morning walk is for health and health is not important, says this tapare.

Walking, travelling in private vehicle dont transmit IndianVirus.

When we have las running country, country is ran by dictator aka bureaucracy.

Kathmandu and majority district did not get IndianVirus cause of the residence. We got it cause tapare politicians and bureaucrts entered dogs from all over nepal and also they entered IndianVirus from India.

Those who gave pass to IndianVirus and those police who took bribe to let in IndianVirus, they are the ones who are suppose to be hung, not no, its people of kathmandu who are being threatened.

We (also, I) voted for a las, now we are being dictated by tapare pakhe bureaucrat. We need election ASAP.

Its time to rise, people, with khukuri.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7772
Its amazing how, govar sornay in Nepal has confidence of becoming PM, Minister, higher level bureaucrat, businessman ........... worst, they even have confidence that they can run a country. ....... how did gover sorney got such confidence. .......... its tapare thing. sarbagyani, fataha.....

Remember kathmandu for 1000 of years, how tapare corrupt hillibilli entered IndianVirus from all over Nepal and India into Kathmandu during pandamic and lock down and now innocent people are dying. Remember during election. Now they want lock down again. Can you Imagine, not just economic lead death, lack of exercise kill more people due to lock down than IndianVirus, and no tapara expert viro doctor sees it,,, why? Its Tapare thing. ..... Tapare confidence has blinded them.

Remember during early days, how tapare running media supported letting freely in IndianVirus into Nepal, Into kathmandu, now we have the pandamic, cause of usual suspect.............. Tapara. ........ Behind every ill in Nepal, there is 80% times, Tapare is behind it. from corruption to dalali to incompetency.

Tapare was dalal of shah, then rana, then british ..... now they are in power and now they are selling Nepal to India and US.
Registered: Sep 2013
Posts: 259
शासक छैनन शोषकहरुले देशमा सासन चलाएपछि कुनै पनि क्षेत्र बांकि राखेनन् ,WTO भन्सार घटाउ भनेको नमान्ने ,यस वर्ष हुदैन अर्को वर्ष गर्छु भन्ने पनि शासक???जनतालाई कर को भारि बोकाएर अाफु सुविधाको गाडि चढ्ने । यस्तालाई हामिले खुरुखुरु कर तिर्नु पर्ने ।
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7772
If everybody wears mask properly, it very much lowers transmission between strangers.

When people move from one district to another (from hot spot), they change their residence and spread virus to other members of the house and all of them highly likely spread to office colleagues who then spread to their family members.

This is why district travelling should be prohibited. But politician and bureaucracy and police helped in travelling between districts. Behind almost all crime and ill, there has always been politicians, bureaucracy and police.

Nepal needs third party or two year military take over and punish all the criminal.

Pakhe le des chalaune haina.

Most amazing is, Indians are entering into Nepal freely. How did they entered Kathmandu. Why are they not hung and human traffickers hung along them.

Cause of humanitarian reason I could not oppose people leaving Kathmandu, but entering kathmandu during pandemic is not acceptable. Lock down during pandemic has become dashain to pakhes. Ghar basi basi talab.

Remember, Nepal has been ran by taparas, pakhes, communist/socialist since centuries. And all of them are same person. Sati ko sarap.

Taparas has certain many bad character.
Pakhes have certain many bad character.
communist/socialist have certain many bad character.

In Nepal all of them are same. And result is sh!thole called Nepal. Nepal is the only country in the world which is a sh!thole and not in war for a long time. Cause Nepal is being ruled by same person who is tapare, pahe, communist/socialist- from politician, bureaucracy, bank, business, police, media, including so called advisers.

Sati ko sarap.

Kp Oli destroyed economy, share market, did nothing during blockade, earthquake not doing nothing during pandemic. either lock down or nothing. He is freely walk covid freely.

Locals needs to take care of those who has arrived from outside and has covid 19. Look into hollywood move to find meaning of taking care of.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7772
KP Oli should hold everything he has been doing and ask UN, World bank to hold world's finance ministers meeting.

Finance minister of Nepal is the most distinguished finance minister the world has ever seen. No other has has held the posts he has hold- NRB governor, National planning commission head, job at world bank/UN, secretly/illegally taught communist about economics, professor and finally Finance minister. ........ who knows, if he is blessed by CIA, he would become next PM to hold emergency election just like former judge did.

It is a different thing, he has never been able to produce anything during his time in power or any a result while in power.

And that greatest economist, fiance minister wants to tell all finance ministers in the world at UN/WB convention to stop wasting money to save their economy.

I heard US is planning to pump in 2-4 trillion dollar and China (dont now its fake or true, I got from western fake news) is pumping into 7 trillion dollar.

I dont think China needs 7 trillion to save their economy. They may be going to invest those money in belt and road projects.

If true, China is going for replacing Dollar as international money. That is what 7 trillion is for.

Yuraj k is the biggest virus than corona. It has been proven again, UML dont have linga. This time, Yuraj k turned out to be more powerful than UML and maosit. :mrgreen:
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 826
I have worked with finance ministry for a long time
I have known the finance ministry very closely
I know the Revenue Investigation Department, Customs, Inland Revenue Department very closely
I know Finance Ministry from the eyes of Secretary, Additional Secretary, Deputy Secretary, & Officers, have worked with all the levels
Things have greatly improved internally



« Last edit by पूजीभैरव on Wed Mar 04, 2020 6:01 am. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7772
Another very important election agenda for next election:

Should we give vote to party that does not even have a leader who can run finance ministry?

Yuraj k has proven what happens when we find finance minister from outside politics. Yuraj k has proven that his ego, personal sanak is more important than the economy, people's wish.

Even after back clash from public, he is hard pressed on to implement his sanak cause he does not care about needing to get elected in next election.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7772
'देशभरि घुमिराखेको छु, जनता कहीँ पनि खुशी देखिँदैनन्'

म त देशभरि घुमिराखेको छु | स्थानीय तहले, प्रदेशले र संघले लगाएको करले ढाड भाँच्चियो भन्ने जनताका गुनासा छन्

(Remember, I warned about this during first budget of sarbagyani yuraj k. Taxation and religion. Sat Jun 09, 2018 9:27 pm)

व्यवसायीहरू लगानी गर्नुभन्दा पनि अब के गर्ने भनेर टाउकोमा हात राखेर बसेका छन् | उहाँहरूसँग त मैले प्रत्यक्ष अन्तरक्रिया गरेको छु | कोही पनि खुशीजस्तो देखिँदैनन्

I have been saying this for almost 2 year. If they had listen to me, this day would not have come.

In Nepal, every body are sarbagyani. So you cant waste you precious time on those. Tragic- most of them have joined media and social media.

So when you find someone who keep on making one after another prediction correct- You keep on that person on close list. Its for you, not for that person. :mrgreen:
Registered: Dec 2016
Posts: 173
Tapai hami justo harek din kaam/kaaj garera gujara garnu parne bhayo po, they would know the difference between theory and practice.
Theory ma ta sabai kura make sense but practice is another story.
Kunai pani system ma things tend to go to an equilibrium. Stakeholders would bargain with each other to get optimal result for themselves. Aba testo system ma aayera kasailey pokhari ma thulo dhunga fyakchha bhane there will be some ripple effects.
Aba good/grounded policy makers try to bring incremental changes not a wholesome fantasy. They try to buy support from all stakeholders. They see stakeholders as prisoners of the system/equilibrium rather than enemies/renters from whom rent is to be extracted as much as possible or banished from the stage.
Nepal ko policymakers/governments are looking for others to punish. This is immaturity in their part. Government ley matra desh kasari bikash garna sakchha? Ani obviously, FM seems to have a GOD complex. Body language bata prasta hunchha. Servant leader hoina ki Master of the Universe syndrome chha unlike the teaching from communism. Yo afai ma example ho, theory ra practice ko duri ko!

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