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Election agenda

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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Like I said before, Sher bahadur does not care what happens in Nepal.

He becomes active only during party or national election, setting- govt contract and govt job, and when foreign master gives him order. He really does not care when there is problem going on in Nepal.

Weeks back he said, India wont buy electricity produced by China so they have to handover all river to India. Now he has begun to do it. and the agent is his in-law.

Every time Sher bahadur becomes PM, Nepal lose something big.

Govt who increased import tax on lot of stuff, they decreased on some- turned out that good is being imported by sher bahadur's son. Shree 3.

Amazing, when all Nepali says in UK, his son returns back and immediately has taken over his family business, which is rping Nepal.

Nepal is in final stage. VOTE RIGHT.

I would like to see Nepalese suffer a lot, but want to see Nepal intact.

You know, what happens when Nepalese suffer, they beg CIA, RAW and they suffer even more.

Sati ko sarap.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
How relation between foreign master and Nepali doggo work:

Answer is by raping Nepal.

To make foreign master, from Nepal- politician, bureaucracy, police, media, civil society, judges, political professional organization, ngo etc etc --- give Nepali land to india, nepali river to india, nepali water to india, nepali citizenship to india, draft law/constitution which is anti nepal but make raw/cia happy ....... so all given to foreign master belongs to Nepal.

To make doggo from Nepal happy, foreign master- protect doggo from international court for harming nepal and nepali, blackmail doggo for harming nepal and nepali, give them high post, ministry, pm through setting, protect them from bureaucracy, ciaa, judge, media, civil society, ngo (who are all agent of raw, cia) .... let them loot Nepal (as if nepal is ho of raw/cia) etc etc ... so here again, the one who will be giving is Nepal.

Nepal is being used as a ho by domestic and foreign enemy. India or US dont make general general of US or India, they make that general general of Nepal and let steal wealth of Nepal. They steal wealth of Nepal but become loyal to RAW, CIA.

What if you are a criminal but not raw or cia agent? CIA, RAW will send ciaa, bureaucracy, judges, civil society, media, ngo (who all are cia, raw agent) after you and destroy you.

Nepal is in last stage. VOTE RIGHT. vote for independent candidate, small party.

I saw in social media, a murder goon in chitwon was released by judge (who became judge through setting) probably for the election.

To save Nepal, 10000 needs to be hung. We are in last stage VOTE RIGHT.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
About the airport,

Personally, Nepal is about to get three international airports, whose capacity could be in crores. I believe, they would be more than enough for 10/20 year.

I would like to see one more international airport, by converting biratnagar airport.

So, I am not the supporter of Nijgard.

But, Judges making decision is unacceptable to me.

And I keep on reading that, people are saying, judiciary has been used by foreign power to stop the project.

No two individuals think a like, and still, just like in other case related to Nepal, China, India- gangan's doggos, all, are anti this project ....... which means, their master in not too fond of this project.

To get read of likes of gangan, VOTE RIGHT. His gang is national security threat and threat to the economy and share market.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
ट्रेडिङ व्यवसायका कारण औद्योगिक विकास हुन नसकेको हो: उपाध्यक्ष पौडेल

after us/uk return was a failure, sher bahadur's wife made this varia national planning commission boss.

every idiot in nepal has one or two, their original idea.

But only one in the universe is SECOND TO GOD.

If we dont get read of nc, uml, maoist, madeshi .... idiots like this and yuraj k will keep on replacing each other.

VOTE RIGHT. vote others, stop running around the circle.

आर्थिक विषयमा राजनीतिक दलको समान धारणा नबनेसम्म विदेशी लगानी बढ्दैन: वाग्ले

brother of current celebrity economist made by fake news. How many brothers are in his family? All in professional jhole business of Nepali congress.

At least these are not haram like uml/maoist's jholes like yuraj k, ex governor chettry, current and past secretary of finance and tax.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
A SpaceX flight attendant said EM exposed himself and propositioned her for se., documents show. The company paid $250,000 for her silence.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Is it possible for likes of sher bahadur to put rapist in the higher post (judges, police boss, govt contract, nepse boss, sebon boss, bureaucracy) through setting without the help from- media, civil society, cadres, corporate house, cia, raw , jhole expert, jhole analyst, hr agents, ngo, ingo, supporters etc etc.

Even wife of sher bahadur who actively involved in setting- govt position to govt contract has come out in support of the rape victim.

It's like all those who are the reason, there is unknown rape cases, high rape case, multiple rape by same rapist, rapist being above the law are the ones who vocally supporting/acting the victim.

While they are talking about the rape case, I am talking about the reason behind high rape case.

I believe, in the crime- rape ....... people close to or protected by share bahadur, there are more rapist close to share bahadur than kp oli, or even prachanda or even girija.

VOTE RIGHT. Peaceful revolution can only be started by cities, not village. People in cities should take responsibility. congress, uml, maosit, madeshi parties are the reason behind rape, poverty, dalali, lack of rule of law....
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
So today is madan bhandari death versary????

I dont know anybody/public who gives a damn about madan bhandari or knew anyone who gave a damn. Hardly anybody cared when he died.

But I like to take and talk an example of his family (women).

Madan bhandari's whole politics revolved around anti india politics- after his death his daughter became doctor with indian scholarship and later went poilo with indian doggo.

Why doggo?
- Her master is nephew of former president who threatened nepalese not to pass constitution cause india did not like it, while he was in president's post.
- India made karki CIAA boss through that president while he was president, other players were baburam, maosit and nc.

Sati ko sarap

Today, his wife and his party has become openly RAW agent.

Choose women in your life carefully. Raise your women/girls right.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680

sree 3 maharani treats nepalese as raiti, but infront of malik, she knows, how to present herself.

Knowingly unknowingly, sub human's body gives real mentality through body language.

People dont understand, when your ancestor keep on repeating same thing, that thing is coded in your gene. It's called evolution.

I dont know the history, but I believe rana did cot parba with the backing of british india.

Rana started as doggo of shah, then betrayed them and became doggo of british, after british rule ended in the world, they became doggo of raw and cia- which is ongoing today.

Rana is a self started surname. And synonym of dalali, the most dangerous dalali. Unlike most of other dalals, they are cold blooded killer.

We need to vote them out, bring in nationalist mard and investigate all of them and hang them. we need revolution before they meet with natural death. REMEMEBR WHEN YOU VOTE DURING NATIONAL ELECTION, within a year.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Remember a couple of more before voting:

1: अरुण -४ जलविद्युत पनि भारतीय कम्पनी सतलजलाई (when will they handover the project to nepal)

2: बिटक्वाइनबारे छलफल गर्न राष्ट्र बैंकको टोली एल साल्भाडोरमा (we need big reform in NRB)
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
In last election:

UML got around 35% vote
NC got 32%
Maoist 12%
Madeshi 10%
Remaining 10%

This election (mayor)
I want to see remining cross 20%, I would be happy. If it crosses around 30%, I would take it as a beginning of new revolution. Looking at RPP gathering, they could do pretty well.

When uml, nc, maosit loose a lot of seats for two consecutive times, their source of money will degrade and wont be able to buy votes or cadres and will vanish just like maoist.

sher bahadur offering new hydro project to india to make master happy. Its amazing, to make india happy, politicians in nepal give something for long term to india and india gives goodies to politicians, bureaucrats of nepal.

and oli was saying, the terrorist who killed police is innocent.

Remember while voting.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Share market is the temple and investors are 100 koti gods of Nepali politics.

I have been saying for a long time that any govt, finance minister, prime minister, governor, finance secretary------ who are anti share market, ultimately destroy the whole economy.

And it has been true, I have been watching that for last 10 year very closely.

Today, that influence has become so huge that, investors/share market can destroy the whole party, politics.

If govt/nrb go against share market, Investors take their money outside the country and remittance flow would decrease too and create banking and economic crisis.

Anti share market means,
crash of the economy,
crash of the economy means,
loose election.

Share market is the boss of politics.

Whole world knows that, that is why govt of the world dont let their share market crash big and for long time.

But pakhes in Nepal, dont see that. That is why the one in the govt always lose election.

Since parties in govt and opposition are anti share market, its time share market vote for new one.

Let's teach them the lesson the hard way. :evil:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
US been providing Nepal around 15 billion grant per year and spending probably 100-150 billion per year by CIA to destroy Nepal.

अमेरिकाले दियो एमसीसीभन्दा ठूलो अनुदान, ८० अर्ब स्वीकार गर्ने सरकारको निर्णय

For 5 year, which is like 16 billion per year.

MCC is 50 billion for 5 year which is like 10 billion per year.

So, does this mean, US grant to Nepal increased by 11 billion per year. Thank to MCC.

US gives Israel, one of the richest country in the world, 4billion dollar per year officially, probably far more secretly. US could be spending at least 100 billion per year for Israel. And still Israel did not supported US in Ukraine, cause of their national interest.

Should Nepal destroy relation with China for 16billion/year?

Election in less than a month. Vote wisely.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
उद्योगी साहिल अग्रवाल राष्ट्रपतिबाट भए सम्मानित, सुप्रवल जनसेवाश्री पदकद्वारा विभूषित

भट्ट र अग्रवालको योजनामा कालो धनलाई सेतो बनाउन अर्थमन्त्री नै सक्रिय

जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालय मकवानपुरले महिला कर्मचारीलाई दुर्व्यवहार गरेको अभियोगमा रिद्धिसिद्धी सिमेन्ट उद्योगका महाप्रबन्धक पक्राउ परेका छन्

नेपाल प्रहरीका पूर्व एसएसपी समेत रहेका मल्ललाई प्रहरीले थप अनुसन्धानका लागि मंगलबार जिल्ला अदालतबाट सात दिनको म्याद थप गरिएको जनाएको छ

घटना गुपचुप राख्नका लागि प्रहरीलाई उद्योग प्रशासनले दबाब दिए पनि स्थानीय र उद्योगका कर्मचारीको प्रदर्शनका कारण मात्र प्रहरीले कारबाही अगाडि बढाएको स्थानीयले बताएका छन्

कोरोनाको समयमा थर्मल गनलगायतका सामाग्रीको कारोबजारी गर्दै गरेका बेला कुटनीतिक व्यक्तिले प्रयोग गर्ने गाडीमा रंगेहात पक्राउ परेका सुलभ अग्रवालका भाई साहिल अग्रवाल प्रबन्ध निर्देशक रहेको रिद्धिसिद्धि सिमेन्ट उद्योग शंकर अग्रवाल अध्यक्ष रहेको शंकर ग्रुप स्वामित्वको हो

पर्दापछाडि बसेका दीपक भट्ट र साहिल अग्रवालको मिलेमतोमा हिमालयन रिइन्स्योरेन्सलाई स्वीकृति प्राप्त भएपछि वर्षौंदेखि एमाले भनेर लागि परेका अन्य कम्पनीका प्रमोटर छक्क परेका छन्

साहिल अग्रवाल खोज्दै सरकार, अकुत सम्पत्ति र कर छलीको आरोप

अध्यक्ष साहिल अग्रवाल नै चलखेलमा लागेको भन्दै डन्डी उत्पादकहरुले मागे राजीनामा

२ अर्ब ५३ करोड बिजुलीको बिल नतिर्ने लोडसेडिङ माफिया साहिल अग्रवाल विभुषित

I dont think it will be hard to make election decision.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
A gentle reminder,

I have birthday in this year. :mrgreen:

A leader is one
who knows the way
goes the way
and shows the way

In Nepal (also world) they shares this kind of videos and try to tell 'this is what leader is', this his 'what leader should be'.

Trust me, this is exactly the leaders there are in Nepal, all leaders are like this (probably in the world). this is why they leaders in became leaders.

and what the fk that means,

In Nepal, leaders help their followers in Looting Nepal. They even send money to local body so their their followers could loot it.

They give protection to their criminal followers. Remember, how sher bahadur, kp oli, prachanda and others protect their followers from law.

Their leader build strong organization so that their criminal follower have a big gang and protection. Today, political party gives protection to all criminal members that is why all criminals are member of political party. Even those criminal who dont get to loot budget, but are involved in other petty crime, becomes member for protection. That is why there are 20 lakh political party member. That is why all professional organizations are politically affiliated.

Their leader builds setting in police, army (new army general came as a setting, i think), judiciary even in international politics...... that is why all of them went to embassy party few days ago.

So dont think, political leaders are not leaders in Nepal, they are, but they are criminal leaders. not brilliant ones who will work for the country, but smart enough to loot and reach into power.

They are not just leaders for the country or people. That is why only criminals win in party politics, their cadre wont vote for good guy who talk about rule of law.

This is why, we need 1 crore nepalese to hit the road with khukuri.


Dont vote for the known old criminals, at least vote for new one, if the new one turned out to be criminal, then we shall vote for another new one next time. Last time I voted for KP oli, before that time, KP was nerve the boss, not even boss of his own party. Keep on voting for new one until we find the right one. If not, there will never be right one if we keep on voting for same old one, circularly.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Not long ago,

One used to say 'they be ruling for 50 yr' ...... now they are forced to join hand with musho thapa. share market, economy, yuraj k, ghamanda, misuse of power, covid response, mcc, dalali, corruption etc etc destroyed them. now embassy photo leak will fk them.

There was another one, who just less than few months ago 'they will single handedly will get majority'. now they are forced to join hand with any one interested, now tells to critic, remember what happened last time they went along. truth is, less than 9 month ago, they could have become largest party without cooperation. economy, share market, mcc, dalali, corruption and now embassy photo will rape them.

And there is another one, who won the majority three election back, only party to win majority since a long time ...... they know, they are close to existence. embassy photo leak wont affect them though.

Only voting right can make new year happy.

time to punish them for economy, share market, dalali, corruption, rule of law .........

I have a dream, those three party going into election together and sill lose.

30 day left.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
PMs, leaders went to indian embassy to see off indian ambassidory.

it is said army boss also went there.

as soon as some bahun became army boss, i know, something big will happen.

(let's not say anything about bahun), they are the chosen one. In the world, zoo can do any think, in nepal bahun can do anything.

congrats, mandales.

I had been saying, 25lakh need to hit the raod with khukursi.... now, since bahun army went to indian embassy, so now 1 crore need to hit the road with khukuri..... balance of power has changed drastically. if we are to save nepal.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
महङ्गा स्मार्टफोन र टेलिभिजनमा पनि भन्सार र कर बढाएर आयात नियन्त्रण गर्ने तयारी

good, tara prachanda lai chai expensive latest phone ko kami hunu hundiana hai.

janta lai pelnu parcha. and tax payers should keep on buying vehicles for bureaucrats and politicians and their family.

'अर्थतन्त्र संकटमा गएको होइन, उसिनेको खानुपर्ने भएको मात्र हो,' डेपुटी गभर्नरको अन्तर्वार्ता

yo RC lai kaile samma palne. Srilanka ma ta resign garyo. Nepali economy is suffering due to this mc's policy.

investigate blackmandu's owners' wealth, source of wealth, and like with domestic and foreign elements. and nationalize the wealth.

get ready to win election, mandale ho.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Wed Apr 06, 2022 1:30 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
What happen during Chinese FM visit?

Media is silent.

Some are saying, it went bad.

My advice to China, stop giving grant for infrastructure (build only connectivity for future need), instead spend money on ngo, ingo. Buy dalal media, fake civil society dalals.

I think, very few follow fake msm in Nepal. Buy media like youtube, tiktok instead.

Use you intelligence to collect evidence of crime committed by raw, cia agents- from politicians to bureaucracy, business etc and leak the evidence through media and civil society.

Nepalese are the worst human in the world. They dont deserve help/grant that make their life easy. Those who get paid by cia, raw support cia, raw. ........ amazing is, those who are not getting benefit also support raw, cia.

I am voting for mandale as FU vote. Hope they get 25% votes.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
PM Deuba's unstated message of Delhi visit is personal-political, to thank Delhi for helping him regain the organisational control of Nepali Congress. He also has to seek continuing Indian support for in Nepali parliamentary elections.

And Maoist sheltering in Delhi, cuts throat of 1000s of indian dalal Congress .........

Kukur ta dalal congress po hunu.

Let me ask again, 'what would a dog do when her/his puppy is killed by his/her master?'

Who is a better pet, a dog or indian dalal congress????

Back to back, dalal congress has proven again that dalal congress is no good for the economy.

What does yuba hero neta gangan say, what dalal koirala say who ran against dalal sher bahadur, what dalal paudel say, who lost to dalal sher bahadur precious time, india involved that time too ......

What would Nepali say????

As for me, I have no option of third party, so as a FU vote, I will give vote to mandale. I was planning to give vote to mandale only in national election, but due to economy and MCC I am gonna vote to mandale in local election too. And now, SD MC discloser.

What the rest of Nepalese would do? I know, same old.... hope 25 lakh would vote for mandale and send a clear message to dalals.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
वैशाख ९ मा एमालेले चुनावी घोषणपत्र सार्वजनिक गर्ने
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
How dangerous is MCC

विश्व अर्थतन्त्रबाट अलग्गिने खतरा टर्‍याे : गृहमन्त्री


US keeps on blackmailing Nepal until MCC transforms into East India Company.

Nepal needs to get read of dalal parties and politicians and bureaucracy and business class and civil society and media.

Dont vote for NC, uml, maoist?

Is sher bahadur going for a coup? There is a good chance, they might postpone election till they can.

Time for violent revolution.

Nepal need to free itself from western controlled economy, media.

This war is between World Vs West.

Dalal sher bahdaudr has killed free media by blocking RT News. CIA control thousands of fake news and still they are scared of handful of russian, iranina media ??? Incompetent impure breed rednecks.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
:mrgreen: "Chicago Bulls " :mrgreen: landed in TIA
Political parties are planning to provide "ONE VILLAGE, ONE CHICAGO BULL" during election time.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
यस्ता छन् एमसिसी पारित गर्न तयार पारिएका ११ बुँदे व्याख्यात्मक घाेषणाका बुँदाहरु

many older politicians are linked with mahakali, pancheswhor, koshi .....

now, MCC will be limed with gangan thapa.

Like I have been saying, control media, control 99%.

gangan was talking about passing MCC with sankalpa prastab..... what the f is that?

I he saying, one party of the contract sign one document and another party another document.

Media keep on spreading that current finance minister was a successful when he was in home ministry, hydro ministry and people believed that, same with this gangan thapa and many others.

What happens when we sign MCC?

Let's say, Japan gives us donation. Japan is US' vassal. If US tells them not to provide donation and if they stop, world will call Japan, US' geisha?

If we sign MCC, and US order japan not to help Nepal, Japan will stop helping citing 'Nepal broke MCC deal'.

Meaning, MCC will destroy Nepal legally internationally.

US wont have to go after Nepal Illegally, they can destroy US legally.

Why do you think, all those chaos going on just for donation???
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Lendrup of Sikkim, treated like a joi by India before India took it over. And after, treated like a stray doggo.

Now, let's talk about dalal Nepali congress- born in India, by indian, for Indian.

All knows NC is doggo of India.

All knows, maoist are raised by India and sheltered in India.

And still, India let maoist who were sheltering in India at that time, cut throat of their own doggo NC like some cucumber.

(Do you know, anglo, zoo, indian and sunni muslim kill their own doggo, when killing serves them, or no longer useful)

And still, dalal NC still loyal to their master India.

May be dalals in NC may be thinking, India let other NC doggo killed by maoist, India wont have let maoist kill them (who are alive).

All happened when the most corrupt NC doggo girija was the boss (many have over taken giriga in corruption today) and still doggo in NC still considered girija as mahan.

Doggo is always doggo.

मिनेन्द्र रिजाल ko swasni le मिनेन्द्र रिजाल ko ijjat cha bhanthyo ta.

Somebody kill stray dogs and monkeys. They have been attacking people and children.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
सत्तारुढ गठबन्धनको बैठक अघि किन बालकोट पुगे मिनेन्द्र रिजाल ?

Supporter of Indian blockade, who told Nepalese there was no blockade during blockade while he was minister ............ who had been inactive for sometime has become hyper active for MCC.

How dangerous is MCC?

Few days ago, his was was saying "he has dignity". Dalal with dignity..... its just like sher bahadur's wife calling sher bahadur 'competent'.

Bajai le dalal logne ko lagi barta rakhya jasto cha.

Wonder why is has become active for MCC.

Wonder if the money he got from selling his school is deposited in 5eye or india to evade tax. Now CIA or RAW has given him a call.

chor rai chor.

May be I should have told to girl, during feb 14, that my father is a kharab pati and we have car collection from Mercedes, bmw, Ferrari in the garage.

MC, dalal ko ijjat.

And one of those who are supporting MCC just few year back criticized Ring Road being built by Chinese, which is a grant BTW.

MCC, looking more and more like the most dangerous company after East India Company.

Congrats Mandale!

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