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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
कांग्रेसको घोषणापत्र: (first of all, no body believes in these nonsense) But still, let me do my analysis.

* आयात, कर्जा र मुद्रास्फ्रीतिको चाप: त्यसैले तत्काल मितव्ययिताको बृहत् प्याकेज लागू गर्ने प्रतिबद्धता गरेका छौं (joke)

* आयात, कर्जा र मुद्रास्फ्रीतिको चाप: लामो समयसम्म अवलम्बन गरिएको विस्तारवादी मौद्रिक नीतिका कारण कर्जाको ठूलो हिस्सा अनुत्पादक क्षेत्रमा प्रवाहित हुुुुुुुुुुुुुुुुुुँदा रोजगारी सिर्जनामा प्रत्यक्ष योगदान कम छ भने आयात र जग्गाको मूल्यमा अस्वाभाविक वृद्धि भएको छ | भूमिलाई आन्तरिक उत्पादनसँग जोड्ने, कर्जा वृद्धि र आर्थिक वृद्धि बीचको तादात्म्यलाई सघन बनाउने र जग्गा कारोबारजन्य अवैध आयलाई चोख्याउने बाटो बन्द गर्नेजस्ता व्यापक मौद्रिक सुधारको अगुवाइ राष्ट्रबैंकको परामर्शमा नेपाली कांग्रेसले गर्नेछ

(this will hardly make any impact, hardly increase export- this is not how you bring investment in industries/export. this will slightly increase unemployment and inflation- due to low investment in industries)

* कांग्रेसले ज्येष्ठ नागरिक भत्ता ६५ वर्षमै दिने घोषणा गरेको छ| चालु आर्थिक वर्षको बजेटमार्फत सरकारले ६८ वर्ष पुगेका ज्येष्ठ नागरिकलाई वृद्धभत्ता दिँदै आएको छ| घोषणापत्रमा अब ज्येष्ठ नागरिक भत्ता क्रमश: ६५ वर्षमा झारिने उल्लेख छ (inflation, increase import, financial instability, destroy moral.... )

* ५ वर्षभित्र १० हजार मेगावाट बिजुली उत्पादन: Does adding current under construction project reach total of 10000mw capacity? If now, its like saying, go f yourself.

* कांग्रेसले आगामी ५ वर्षमा विद्युतीय सवारीसाधनको प्रयोग ५० प्रतिशत पुर्याउने संकल्प गरेको छ: Its a joke right. They have no idea how even simple things work. If they had said, within 5 year, new sales of electric will be made 50% then may be. But they are saying, half of those vehicles on the road will be electric in 5 year is a joke.

Let's say, every year 7% vehicles are replaced by new vehicles. Then if all new vehicles are electric then in 5 year, no of electric vehicles' share plying on the road will be 35%. But, new vehicles' share is not even 10% at this time. New vehicles share may increase drastically after 2023.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Nepal is in last stage. Setting has crossed all limits.

नेताहरुविरुद्ध 'नो, नट अगेन' प्रचार गरे १ लाख जरिवाना र पाँच वर्ष कैद गर्ने आयोगको चेतावनी

VOTE RIGHT! As if your life depends on it.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
They are saying Nepali congress is keeping the comedian in jail to increase vote bank.

They all have been misusing police and police has been behaving as private goons since ever- kidnapping politician, kidnapping enemy and blackmailing, threatening people...

Its time for a revolution.

Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 1385

'जसको शक्ति उसैको भक्ति' भनेको यहि हो

अहिलेनै 'अपूर्व क्षितिज'कै घटनालाई हेरौ न,

हो यो चुनाबमा धेरै फोहोर बढार्नु छ l

:) :)
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
When kp oli was having illegal kidney transplant (when he was in pm's post) another person who had similar kidney transplant was arrested by police.

VOTE RIGHT! We are in last stage.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680

If Congress/maoist win election or form govt or become finance minister- there will be more collapse of the economy and collapse will go on for a long time, as well as more collapse of share market.

This is not the first time economy, share market collapsed under their leadership. It happened back to back.

Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
शताब्दी पुरुष सत्यमोहन जोशीको निधनमा सरकारले एक दिन राष्ट्रिय बिदा दिने

To end this tamasa

Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Today, no of political dalals have reached new heights and dalali also has reached 'no limit' dalali.

Without political backing, you can do nothing in Nepal. You cant do business. Bureaucracy give you all kind of problem.

Dalali has become so unlimited that dalals have begun to send their wife (and other women) to politicians. And when there is problem, those dalals blame their wife in support of their political master.

Remember, mahara's daughter.

Nepal is in last stage.

Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Dont be an a hole!

About 20 year back, when I had to stay in teaching hospital, there were two medical shops. One had a long que and another empty. I was wondering why? So I went to the empty one, I already had bought some medicine earlier, when I asked for rest- the shopkeeper responded- chaina (he does not have those, in a rude voice). Even though he had those, I saw from where I was standing.

Meaning, If you have a bad vibe, people tend to stay away from you. Amazing is, most of the people in hospital hardly knows that person and still no body was visiting his shop.

Some people surprise me with the profession they choose. I dont understand, why do people, those who dont have people to people skill, chose the profession in which they have to deal with a lot of people.

Why do people, who dont have communication skill chose job with a lot of communication requirement. Like, I am SECOND TO GOD but my communication skill is bad so I am anonymous.

Do be an a hole, it repels people.


Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
दसैं संघारमा छ तर तयारी पोसाक, जुत्ता-चप्पल थोक बजारमा छैन रौनक

पोहोरको भन्दा व्यापारमा ७० देखि ९० प्रतिशतसम्म गिरावट आएको थोक व्यवसायीहरू गुनासो गर्छन्

यो दसैंको व्यापार अहिलेसम्मकै निराशाजनक भएको थोक व्यवसायीहरू सुनाउँछन्

रन्जना मलस्थित ओएमजी कलेक्सनकी सञ्चालक सुलोचना श्रेष्ठ यसपालिको दसैंमा व्यापार सुकेको बताउँछिन्।|'पोहोरपरारका तुलनामा ९५ प्रतिशत हाराहारी नै घटेको छ,' फेन्सी, लेडिज वेयरको थोक व्यवसायमा १२ वर्षदेखि आबद्ध उनी भन्छिन्, 'अहिलेसम्म यस्तो दसैं कहिल्यै थिएन

अहिले अर्थतन्त्रमा छाएको विश्वव्यापी संकट तथा मन्दीको नै असरले व्यापार सुस्ताएको उनको बुझाइ छ

- This is why this problem wont be solved. If you dont know the reason behind the problem, problem will never be solved. If you dont know who is behind the problem, it wont be solved.

FYI, it is the doing of NRB, finance ministry, media, those so called experts and wanna be experts crated this problem, which I have been warning since a year now.

Why this problem is not cause of international economy- check the remittance: its the same, check export: hardly any change. So what we receive from outside has not changed means it is not cause by international economy.

This is basic economy. Identify whom to follow for advice and knowledge.

VOTE RIGHT! Country need right person for the right job. It is not possible for commoners to identify whom to follow. Remember, I am the only one who understands economy in Nepal.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680

Lenders should not pay interest until- 40% interest is refunded and interest is reduced to 10%.

I think, as per govt law, loan shark cant charge more than 10% interest on loan. Somebody need to sue banks and NRB against current interest rate on loan.

Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
I hope everyone who exchange vote for money dies.

Death to Governor and his entire family.

Death to those who supported NRB #IamwithNRB
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
All sides could be evil. Just cause one is evil does not make another side good.

Former CJ, who- released dig who killed and cut into pieces his wife- prematurely, dissolved a party just cause name was not as per rule, supported in dissolving the house constituently and many more.

How could any one call this guy good?

Main reason for the situation of Nepal is majority of Nepalese themselves.

Sati ko sarap
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
सामान बोकेका भारतीय ट्रक नेपाल आउन रोकतोक छैन, तर नेपाली भारत जान किन रोक ?

until media, media people, media owner like this is not taken care of, Nepal's destruction wont stop.

Nepal media is ran by criminal, foreigner, cia, raw and are anti nepal, anti china.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
एमसीसीमा १५ करोडको काम गर्न ४१ करोड खर्च

Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
कुलमान कमाल: प्राधिकरणको नाफा १६४% ले बढ्यो, १६ अर्ब नाफा गर्दा विद्युत चुहावट १५.३८% मा झर्यो

I have been hearing about this leakage (stolen) 15% for decades now. It has always been 15%.

But still when media needs to make kul man hero- they say, 'hero kool man reduced leakage (from 15% to 15% :mrgreen: )

Why is media been makin kul man hero forcefully? It is working pretty well just like 'chinese debt trap" propaganda.

Only thing I like about kul man is, he is active and under his leadership- NEC has become active.

Ending of loadshedding has got nothing to do with kul man.

And profit of NEC increased cause business volume has increased and hero kul man increased price of electricity. And electricity production did not increase cause of kul man.

Load shedding has re started cause of kul man's incompetency.

Media make only those hero, in Nepal, who are CIA or RAW agent. Be careful of this kul man guy.

Few years ago, under kul man, media were saying, leakage went down to under 10%, now it is back to 15%.

I think bureaucracy, kul man, maost, nc, uml, madeshi been looting that 15%.

VOTE RIGHT, something bad has been going on for a long time, its time to change those.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
बेलायत पनि नेपालको श्रम बजार हुने, वार्षिक ५५ लाख आम्दानी हुने गरी नर्स पठाइने

- This is opposite of remittance. Instead of sending Remittance, they will sell their property and convert it into pound.

Suppose everything else in out economy is good, but if this happens, we are done.
(Even worse, if this happens, then NRB, media, fake economic expert, dumb crowd will blame sharemarket, banking loan etc)

Those who dump our citizenship are rats. Nepal is a democratic country, everybody is free to dump Nepali citizenship.

But Nepal should make sure, those cant get back Nepal citizenship. When come to Nepal, Nepal needs to keep close eye on them. They could rape Nepal.

I wonder if owner of hamropatro, patho, routine of nepal banda, factsnepal are foreigners.

Nepal needs to keep close eye on those nepalese who are associated with NRB associaltion.

VOTE RIGHT, we need law that help to protect Nepal from NRN.

Remember, those first president of iraq after US invasion, Afghanistan etc are like NRN.

Those who cant be loyal to the country of their origin, cant be loyal to their new country. This is one of the reason US is crashing like no superpower in the past crashed without major war.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Just cause they take nepali citizenship wont make it permanent.

After revolution they will lose the citizenship with their wealth, they will become beggars of bihar.

All I know is, indian origins' population in Nepal is 5%. I dont care rest.

Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Imran Khan won huge in byelection. But media in Nepal wont cover it, cause they dont have authority from CIA/RAW.

In Nepal, this kind of revolution is not possible. We have to do revolution step by step. In Nepal, majority swap their vote for money.

So as we have to reduce votes of dalal congress and dalal communists- in doing so, their ability to loot will decrease which will decrease their ability of buying votes.

VOTE RIGHT, we are the ones who have to start.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
If hydrogen technology improves a lot, we could be 100% self sufficient in energy.

Bangladesh depends on sea food.

Our 50% land is useless for agriculture.

अर्थ मन्त्रालयले भन्यो-'सीसीटीभी फुटेज मेटियो'

In civilized world, this means direct jail.

VOTE RIGHT, Vote all of them out.
Registered: Dec 2016
Posts: 173
By 2050, Nepal should at least be self sufficient on Food and 80% on Energy and grow its population to 5 corores. Our landmass if managed properly can easily support this much population. A flat Bangladesh, smaller than Nepal has population of 14 corores.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Why ambassador from Nepal in India are India agent (even current one)?

Watch this video,

Fri Jul 20, 2018 9:01 pm

Nepali ambassadors dont represent Nepal, they are foriegn agent and their job is to manipulate Nepal's foreign policy and domestic policy in favor of their foriegn master, and anti Nepal.

Current nepali ambassador in India (who is also anti share market and anti economy, who destroyed Nepal when he was secretary and incompetent)- is being used to give many hydro to India while nepal got to sell some electricity to india.

I had been asking- I regularly see the ambassador in white Mercedes while he was in Nepal. Who gave him the car- foreign master or corporate house??

« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Wed Jun 29, 2022 1:58 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
It seems like, by mistake, the maha movie has covered many problems in the society except two are wrong.

1: Dumb criminals- Just like in Real life, in that movie too, the criminal head has involve his entire family. If you are really going to get involved into crime, do it yourself, dont involve your family. Protect them from law.

Just like in that movie- so called business houses have involved the almost whole family into crime. sree 3 rana, prachanda, bahuram, nepal, koirala, jhalanath and everyone have involve their entire family in their crime.

2: Just like in Real life, girls are ok with her partner before relation but wants him to change after relation. It does not work like in real life.

3: Just like in real life in Nepal, girls choose pakhe, khate, loser.

4: Most importantly, Just like in Nepal- in the move too, if you want to make money you have to become a criminal.

In Nepal- govt policy, taxation, NRB- monetary policy, interest rate --------- destroy official economy. And helps underground economy, criminal economy. 99% rich in Nepal are criminals. Nepal is a hopeless sh!thole thanks to govt and NRB and criminal goons protected by politicians, media, bureaucracy, judges...

Un true
1: Those who are involved in crime dont go to jail and crime in Nepal is organized. Crime is conducted using setting. Criminals, drug dealers are close associates of politicians and they are protected by those in power, who came to power through setting with politicians- like bosses at police, judges, bureaucrats. And also they are protected by media, hr agents, ngo, ingo, cia, raw who have setting with each and everyone.

I was suppose to post this, but forgot the main point.....

What if you are a criminal but not raw or cia agent? CIA, RAW will send ciaa, bureaucracy, judges, civil society, media, ngo (who all are cia, raw agent) after you and destroy you. (from: Tue May 31, 2022 6:30 pm)

- Years back, there was criminal case involving owner of sagarmatha channel. It used to be all over media regularly.

Then one day, when Modi visited Nepal, the owner stood on the street welcoming Modi.... and then the case vanished from media, probably from the court too.

- Prachanda's previous gharpati too was standing on the road welcoming Modi, then his case too disappeared from Media coverage.

Dam chadayo bhane kam gardo raicha.

Almost all media have relation with one or another politician. But their big boss is same- RAW and CIA. Those media go after politician's opponent, but when order come from RAW, CIA you get full protection.

Oli, sher bahadur, prachanda may think, all those whom they have setting with are their doggo, but the truth is those doggos big boss is RAW, CIA.

KP Oli must have found out the hard way. Through setting in court, he was able to get the verdict- "if name of a party is illegal, party gets separated".

then after order from RAW, CIA same court gave another coup verdict- and made sher bahadur pm, made it ok for parliamentary members to vote for another party and letting party split even without enough members. Also let Chaudhary keep his congress post which is illegal as per law.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
watch this
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
What if you are a criminal but not raw or cia agent? CIA, RAW will send ciaa, bureaucracy, judges, civil society, media, ngo (who all are cia, raw agent) after you and destroy you. (from: Tue May 31, 2022 6:30 pm)

After Gupta and sons' case in southafrica. Similar, everything in Nepal, except for the hunting of Gupta and Sons.

More than a decade ago, I had a job. I was new, one of the supplier was there. He was a 'friend from south'.

I asked him if he was working for the supplier or he owned the company.

He replied, he was just a staff over there.

Then I responded, "all the friends from south are rich, why are not you?".

He said, "they do all kind of illegal works. They sell drugs too. But I did not".

I responded, "So they made money by selling drugs and started other business using drug money."

His reply was, "They still sell drugs".

Less than 5 year ago, I was at NIC Asia. One customer was very angry and he yelled "I know, those promoter of this bank started banking business with money made from selling drugs".

(hamlai thah cha, yaha ko promoter le drugs beche ko paisa le bank khole ko)

Its amazing right! Yuraj k, who disrespected every one, treated almost everyone like a trash. .... gave not just medals to the family members, he reduced tax on chocolate too. That guy, who increased tax on every body gave tax deduction to his masters.

Since, they are his master, they must be UML, KP oli's people too.

Gupta and sons of Nepal are above the law.

Our village idiot finance minister who hates share market has reduced tax for some and increased on others. He decreased tax for our gupta and sons- aka shankar group. He also reduced tax for rana kaji. Only handful returns back from UK and one of them is son of sher bahadur. As soon as he returns, he has taken up his family business, i.e. raping Nepal.

Today, US is desperate and going around threatening everyone. Their main target is China and Tibet could be a bigger venue than Taiwan. Cause in Taiwan, NATO cant send weapon during war time just like in Ukraine.

If sher bahadur and family dont implement order from CIA, they will go to jail for Corruption. It is said, loot money from the vehicle no plate go to US. So the one receiving and sending the loot money, do you think they could say no to CIA? CIA got all proof of crime, corruption of all criminals including sher bahadur and family and all other corrupt and criminals.

If we dont VOTE them OUT, we are so dead.

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