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Pig farm

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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
bfis were very undervalued and had not increased. And still some idiot been selling it , probably to buy over valued stocks. I had been watching MNBBL too. Some were selling as if they would die if they dont sell it by night.

Now pigs are about to get slaughtered.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
After khasi, time of Pig has come :D
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Is half of 1000 gang soon going to be slaughtered????

They may loose in billions.

Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2147
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Till 2/3 month ago, share market was doom and gloom.

Now, looks like, NEPSE does not now how to go down.

For last three year, I had been saying, when share market increases, you wont get to invest at low- for long term, so keep on investing. Told you so.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Its hard to reply from mobile.
Registered: Apr 2016
Posts: 345
i was expecting the reply of rising sun ji on this thread on 1 pm....
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Feel the burn.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
When almost all are talking about the start of the bull, if some Pig comes to get slaughtered, what can I say????

Wonder, those who come to sell this week, how many are selling and how many are swapping?
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2147
Hijo ra Aaja gari 2 days ma 4 Arab ko topi lagaidiye kheladi le.

Yaha madhe kosle kosle Topi lagay???
ra kosle kosle topi lagay diye ??

Just Joke !! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Apr 2016
Posts: 345
k garne rising ji ........i have already sold 5000 units of janata bank nepal @ 180 :| .....
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Then dive into bfis. bull in bfis still to wake.

Tomorrow, global will start trading. may be it will trigger bull in bfis.
Registered: Apr 2016
Posts: 345
pigs are being slaughtered.........but for me bel pakyo harsa na bismat..........sold major no of shares
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Enemy of Share market of Nepal (mostly our friends from south) dumped many shares during last 4 year to crash the market to 1100.

I believe they were unable to buy back with most of they cash which they converted by selling shares at low point cause they had to use that money to support their other business during liquidity crisis and some of their gang member had to sell at 1100/1200 to support other business.

If bull starts now, they are the main ones who is going to be pig from the Pig farm. :twisted:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
दुई वर्र्षे कार्यकाल सकिएका अर्थमन्त्री युवराज खतिवडा, बलराम बाँस्कोटा र कालीबहादुर मल्लले पुन: उम्मेदवार बन्न तिब्र 'लबिङ्ग' गरेपनि अधिकांस सचिवालयका नेताहरु दोहोrयाउने पक्षमा नरहेको स्रोतले बतायो|

'नयाँ साथीहरु आउँछन्,' सचिवालय सदस्य झलनाथ खनालले अन्नपूर्णसँग भने,' दोहोरिएर कोही पनि आउँदैन| छलफल जारी छ|'

jhalanatha does not want yuraj k

bamdev does not want yuraj k (he has even said, commie lost recent election cause of yuraj k)

prachanda does not want yuraj k

madhav nepal does not want yuraj k

With out them, KP Oli's support may not be more than 25% in communist party.

We may find out tomorrow if yuraj k will be replaced.

I am an strategist too (other than analyst), I say, NEPSE needs to cross 1500/1600 while yuraj k still finance minister for the good future, that will keep pressure in next minister to take NEPSE higher than 1500/1600.

And since, if NEPSE start bull run after yuraj k's replacement has been announced, yuraj k wont get credit for bull run. bull run will give credit to exit of yuraj k.

At this time, NEPSE is suppose to be at around 3500.

In share market, manipulator loots by crashing market not by increasing market. So govt should never let share market crash and help enemy of the people.

Let's kill pigs
Registered: Apr 2016
Posts: 345
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
relax pigs, you wont get slaughtered :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Yes fat pigs got slaughtered.

Their latest reaction:
"""""""""" Our friend representing 1000 gang in this forum taking about selling long term shares and advising others not to buy for a couple of month and baisal posting multiple message warning not to invest ........... coincidental????

some great mind once said nothing is coincidental. """"""""""""

Says they are desperate and scared. Now saying, not to buy.

Really, just little time left to buy. And 100 of billion waiting to get in.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
Today, lot of PIGs bleed till death.
सेयर धितोको ६५% सम्म लोन लिन ज्योतिले बोलायो लगानीकर्ता
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
I had been expecting slaughter of small investors but turned out its 1000 gang who got slaughtered.

What ever happened since huger strike, were all out of their control that is why the are unable to control policy to NEPSE.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Waiting for a slaughter of pigs.

One circuit break then some big trading and NEPSE becomes strong.

Few more big trading then seller may be sucked dry. Then circuit.

Tic Toc
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Tic Toc

सरकारले निवृत्तभरण कोष (पेन्सन फण्ड) को रकम बैंक तथा वित्तीय संस्थाको शेयरमा समेत लगानी गर्न पाउने व्यवस्था गरेको छ |

Is this why NEPSE rose today?????

So biddwan talks about so called productive sector and calls bfis non productive/unreal sector. so called expert, media been teaching public bfis are not real sector........ and now biddwan wants pension fund to invest only in bfis and no so called real sector????? hypocrite.

By the way, does CIT, pension fund of army, police, too belong to this सरकारले निवृत्तभरण कोष (पेन्सन फण्ड)?????

All over the world, the no one instrument where Pension fund is share market, some pension fund also invest in foreign share market to diversify. But in Nepal, just now, govt looks to be positive but just in BFIs.

I believe till big foreigner investor are opened into Nepal's stock market, share market in Nepal remain undervalued.

But still, today, market value of some companies are below face value. This is lowest of the low point. This could be the last chance for Pension fund to invest in this low point. If Pension funds dont grab this opportunity, at list, I, will blame biddwan, gothalos running Pension fund for life.

I will keep on reminding, how biddwan, gothalos running pension fund, politician, so called expert, media missed investing in NEPSE when NEPSE reach 10000. And will say, how Nepal used to be ran by sati ko sarap.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Tic Toc

सरकारले निवृत्तभरण कोष (पेन्सन फण्ड) को रकम बैंक तथा वित्तीय संस्थाको शेयरमा समेत लगानी गर्न पाउने व्यवस्था गरेको छ |

Is this why NEPSE rose today?????

So biddwan talks about so called productive sector and calls bfis non productive/unreal sector. so called expert, media been teaching public bfis are not real sector........ and now biddwan wants pension fund to invest only in bfis and no so called real sector????? hypocrite.

By the way, does CIT, pension fund of army, police, too belong to this सरकारले निवृत्तभरण कोष (पेन्सन फण्ड)?????
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
NEPSE is totally controlled by criminal big players supported by bureaucracy.

Even after good news, without criminal big players initiation, there may not be bull and pigs may not join.

Though, there is good news, if criminals want to bring down the market, it could go down.

When NEPSE reach 2500, pig may start to buy saying "they are saying NEPSE will reach 10000 in a few year".

भद्र सहमतिपछि ब्याजदर घटाउँदैं बाणिज्य बैंकहरु

बैंकर्स संघ भन्छ 'अब कर्जाको व्याज घट्ने आधार बन्यो'

अनलाइन कारोबार साउन १ देखि

Pigs are raised so that they could be slaughtered. :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Blood bath


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