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Pig farm

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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
NEPSE is under valued by a lot.
More than 40% shares can easily more than double in short time.
More than 40% shares can easily increase more than 50%.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
PRIN and Nepal insurance plan to increase capital through bonus (by selling re insurance share) and Some right.

Probably: around 45% bonus and around 10% right.

This should help to start bull run.

What is taking so long for bull to start? Talk have been going on for months now.

Just 20 billion extra would be enough to cross NEPSE 2500.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Halla was, bull will soon start.

Reality is stoploss sellers.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
Lumpy Skin Disease
Whats the magnitude of loss incurred by live stock sector ?
We have heard the figure is in many billions.

So we dont want to enter a pigsty by buying sectors (??) affected by this situation.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
I believe NEPSE will become vibrant from in around 2800. Turnover 12-15billion.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
UP from today.

I am told.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Share market in Nepal: either boom boom or hopeless :'(

मौद्रिक नीति कडा नआउने राष्ट्र बैंक सञ्चालक समितिका सदस्य चिन्तामणि शिवाकोटीको दाबी, शेयर बजारमा लचिलो नीति लिइने
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
नेप्से बोर्ड बैठकको निर्णय : नयाँ ब्रोकरलाई सदस्यता, 'नेप्से-३० इन्डेक्स' को आन्तरिक परीक्षण गरिने
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
नेपाल धितोपत्र बोर्ड बाट लाइसेन्स पाएका ७ वटा नयाँ ब्रोकर कम्पनीहरुले यही असारभित्रै कारोबार सुरु गर्न पाउन भएका छन्

Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Looks like only Hotel and non life have clear bull.

When market increases, it looks like boom boom.

When market decreases, it is scary.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
अर्थमन्त्रीले भने 'शेयरबजारमा पोजेटिभ भाइब्स र पोजेटिभ सेन्टिमेन्ट सिर्जना गर्न लागि पर्छु'

अर्थमन्त्रीले सोधे- सेयर बजार कसरी बढाउने? लगानीकर्ताले दिएका सुझाव यस्ता छन्

सेयर बजार सुधारका लागि ठोस योजना बनाएर अघि बढ्न सेबोनलाई अर्थमन्त्रीको निर्देशन

लगानीकर्ताको राय सुझाव कार्यान्वयनमा लैजाने अर्थमन्त्रीको वाचा, सबैसँग सहकार्य गर्ने संकेत

सेयर बजारमा सकारात्मक माहौल तयार गर्ने अर्थमन्त्रीको वचन, भने-'राष्ट्रबैंकको नीति पनि संसोधन हुन्छ'

सेयर लगानीकर्ताको मनोबल उकास्‍न आवश्यक पहलकदमी लिन्छु: अर्थमन्त्री

Like I have been saying since the beginning- Share market in Nepal is ran on 'sanak'.

Sanak of NRB, ex finance ministers, bureaucracy of finance ministry destroyed Share market.

Now, fundamentals look like going to the right direction, and still Market does not increase. Cause share market is waiting for 'sanak' of big investors to increase it. Cause khates (small investor) get to eat only when big investor sh!ts. So stop disrespecting big players unless they try to crash the market.

"""I""" SECONDD TO GOD has no idea when market will increase, which stock or sector will rise the most.... cause share market is ran on 'sanak' and I am not a GOD who can guess 'sanak of idiots'. :'(
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
सेयर लगानीकर्ताको मनोबल उकास्न खोज्दै अर्थमन्त्री, आफैंले टेलिफोन गरेर लगानीकर्तालाई भेट्न बोलाए

- Reverse all anti share market provinces in monetary policy
- Let Cooperatives and BFIs invest in share market freely with one condition- they cant sell for 2.5 year. And they should be able to invest in BFIs too.
- Pension funds, insurance should invest min of 20% to max of 60% and should be banned from selling for 5 year.
- Fulfill other demands of invertors organization agreed by former govt.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
शेयर बजार तल झरेको छ, व्यवसायीहरूकाे आत्म विश्वासलाई बढाउँदै जानुपर्छ :अर्थमन्त्री प्रकाशशरण महत

मन्त्री महतले भने,जुन अहिले निराशा छ, त्यो निराशालाई आशामा बदल्नुपर्नेछ |अहिले प्रतिफल दरमा समस्या छ,ब्याजदर उच्च छ,शेयर बजार झरेको छ,साना उद्यमी व्यवसायी तथा ठुला व्यवसायीकाे आत्मविश्वास कम भएकाे अवस्था छ, त्याे आत्मविश्वासलाइ बढाउन लाग्नुपर्छ | त्यसकालागि सम्पूर्ण राज्य संयन्त्र, विशेषगरी, अर्थ संयन्त्र अत्यन्त सक्रिय हुनुपर्छ

RIP bishnu paudel?????

kukur bhato bhaya gu khancha. did 10th grade paudel eat gu?
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
Its clear indication of meshing emotion and investment. Need expert counselling & rigorous practice to segregate these two entities.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
What if chaudhary becomes FM?

- He will work to help himself and his master from south
- Will he push for liberal policies? may be

bishnu paudel and kp oli messed big. half of current problems could have been easily solved with one drop of ink and would have taken a day. paudel missed big.

My sleeping problem could be caused by share market. During last few days, when dropping is slowed down, sleeping improved.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
Need PSY consultation.
Long term insomnia may have disastrous impact in health.

People with insomnia were 22% more likely to have heart attack and 10% more likely to have a stroke than those who slept well.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
:) hope so.

afno ta 1.5 year bho nindra ma problem bhaya ko- share market ho ke, hidden health or some other reason- dont know.

About 1 year nindra lage thyo, tyo bhanda agadi, tyo bhanda agai pani 2/3 barsa nindra ma problem.
Registered: Apr 2016
Posts: 345
सरकार परिवर्तन हुने खबर को खड्को पार गरेजस्तो छ है । । ।बिगत १ महिना देखी राम्रो सँग सुत्न पनि पैएको थिएन अब अनन्द ले सुत्ने हो
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
What SMART MONEY did in last two trading session?

tyeskolagani sold heavily on wednesday. R they deaf & dumb or too smart ?

Now the reason is revealed.

What will happen on SUNDAy market ?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Almost everyone thinks monitory policy will be highly positive.

And still market is down cause looks like big players still are not increasing the market.

That's how important big players are in NEPSE. And still there are dead stupid idiots in share market who say- 'this policy is good for small investor and bad for big'.

Those dead stupid idiots dont even know, when policy is bad, all would suffer.

Those who dont know when market crashes all would suffer, if you dont know the importance of big players- you dont know a thing about share market, stop presenting yourself as share expert all over social media. Stop calling yourself share expert. So shut the f up!
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
Nitty-gritty of mid term review is more important than monetory policy review itself.

What SMART MONEY did yesterday & planning to do today ?

tyeskolagani sold heavily yesterday. R they deaf & dumb or too smart ?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
शुक्रबार मौद्रिक नीतिको समीक्षा गर्दै राष्ट्र बैंक


Those who sold today, recently dhalne bho. If the news is true.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Weak hand lai flush gareko hola players le.

It is sure, monetary policy will be far better than current one and will be declared in a few days.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
BOOM BOOM भनेको DOOM DOOM पो भयो त

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