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Conspiracy Theory

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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
US Senate unanimously passes resolution declaring Putin a war criminal

What a circus????

It's like Nepali parliament passing 'definition' of contract, recently.

No wonder, Nepal is hopeless, while US crashing like no empire had in the history of mankind'.

Now, Duma should pass 'US Senators are GAY' on april 1st. It will teach them.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Ukraine, Russian Negotiators Say "Significant Progress" Made In Ceasefire Talks, Expect Signed Deal In "Next Few Days"

Let's hope so.

Ukrainian should listen and analyze what anglo sh!t been saying:

"We'll make, Ukraine Russia's Afghanistan"

"Even if Russia wins, we will make sure, the cost be high"

"We have to prepare for a long war"

"Guerilla warfare"

"They may take Ukraine, but they wont be able to control it"

"Ukrainian will make it hard for Russia"

Everything say, Ukraine will be ruined. They have no plan to save Ukraine, their only plan is to give Russia suffering. Its them Vs Russia- Ukraine no exist.

And clown president only following their play book, not Ukraine's play book. There is no Ukraine's play book.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
As per pakistani radar, that missile turned 90^.

Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
India says it accidentally fired missile into Pakistan
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Covid 19 also found in waste water in Spain from march.

Before they attacked Iraq, CIA attacked US with anthrax and blamed on Iraq.

Now anthrax is found in Ukraine bio lab ran by CIA. May be if Russia had not attacked Ukraine now, CIA would have attacked Russia with anthrax from Ukraine bio lab which would have forced Russia to attack Ukraine.

One bio lab would been enough for CIA in Ukraine, but they were running 30, why? they wanted to show Russia that the anthrax came from Ukraine so that Russia would attack Ukraine.

And anthrax came from ford district bio lab of US army, they were saying after they already attacked Iraq. Today, some, even China is asking UN to investigate ford district bio lab for Covid 19, and that lab is closed at this time for being unsafe.

(I want to wright about how Russia been preparing for the war. Anglo been preparing to start Cold war, Which I been saying, and pushing for hillary was part of it and later biden, who is brain dead, made a president for the same reason. Anglo wanted cold war 2, and Russia, China had their won plan too, even bigger).
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
A cancer research center in Italy, researchers analyzed blood samples taken from 959 healthy volunteers during a lung cancer screening trial in October 2019. They found that more than 100 people had developed coronavirus-linked immunoglobulin M antibodies, immunoglobulin G antibodies, or both. This led the scientists to believe that the volunteers had recently contracted SARS-CoV-2.

So when was the DAY ZERO & GROUND ZERO ?

One can go through these documents if time avails to know more in details about the P COVID vaccine research
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
UN Security Council to hold a meeting at the request of Russia about an allegation the United States is using chemical weapons in Ukraine.

"exactly the kind of false flag effort we have warned Russia might initiate to justify a biological or chemical weapons attack" :mrgreen:
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
Pak military reported a high altitude object entered Pakistan at supersonic speed and crashed into pakistan territory .
Is it a ब्रह्मास्त्र ?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
During corona related 'wuhan lab' senate hearing in US, they called Dr.Fuchi.

(Its amazing, wanna be redneck conspiracy theorist, said, covid came from wuhan lab just cause that lab was in wuhan)

Now, when there is hearing for 'Ukraine bio lab' in their senate, they are asking question to cookie zoo.

Look, wanna be conspiracy theorist, this is how elite conspiracy theorist think- "they asked dr.fuchi about wuhan lab cause it was a scientific research bio lab, and they are asking question about 'Ukraine bio lab' to cookie zoo, cause its military/cia bio lab". Truth always leaks, just a matter of time, all you have to do is look carefully.

Russian- "US, Ukrainian and Georgian laboratories near Russian borders are implementing a project where bats are considered as carriers of bioweapons - Russian Defense Ministry."
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Thu Mar 10, 2022 8:14 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Some are saying its fake news.

"There are biological research facilities in Ukraine, and we fear that Russia will take control over them." - U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland at a congressional hearing

There are many bio labs US control all over the world. Most are encircling Russia, China and Iran.

One of the basic rules of conspiracy theory- Is something bad happens and there is concrete proof who is behind it, first finger should be pointed at CIA.

Timing of covid-19 says, if it is man made, it is CIA.

Saudis, UAE Refuse To Take Biden's Calls To Discuss Ukraine Situation, Talk To Putin Instead

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Only idiots in Nepal dont see it.

Refusing US' president's call .......... O boy

Week back, when foreign ministers of most of the Gulf counties visited China together, I said "them visiting together to China means something big is happening, change is coming. It means they will deal with future even together". (this is how you do conspiracy theory.... kids) :D

(I would like to float a conspiracy theory about when Russia decided to go for their plan, why did they choose this time- soon)
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
Maj-Gen Vitaly Gerasimov, 41st Army chief of staff, died along with other Russian officers -BBC
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
How did I find out CIA, anglo zoo created ISIS?

- After Syria protest, war broke out. CIA was able to cure generals of Syria to fight Syrian dictator. CIA was loosing the war.

Then CIA, anglo zoo started to bring in foreigner mercenary.

Those early days, fake news like CNN, BBC was motivating Muslims to join the war against the dictator. CNN, BBC and other fake news were like recruiting Muslims to fight.

They were saying how muslims all around the were going to syria to fight the dictator. How those mercenaries are trained by CIA, MI6, Turkey and funded by saudi, Qatari, UAE and provided weapons.

Then few years later, those fake news started to call those foreign fighters ISIS.

Then CIA kept on rebranding ISIS. They were dividend in many groups, Some went with US, some with turkey .....

CIA, MI6 trying to do the same in Ukraine. They have even made a video of one Nepali joining the mercenary (hope putin kills the mercenary), another promotional video was of a mercenary from Thailand.

For the first time, NATO mercenary, other mercenaries, NAZI and ISIS are openly fighting together against Russia. Anglo Zoo must be really deperate.

There is peace talk tomorrow, if it fails, Russia may flatten Kiev tomorrow night.

Then there will be another peace talk.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
If 25lakh dont hit the road with khukuri, Nepal may not Survive.

Has deuba's puppet regime blocked Russian News channel? It time for violent protest or Nepal is finished.

Russia was one of the few countries which protested indian blockade, at least in voice.

Looks like Russia has begun Economic war. Commodity and fuel price have already increased a lot and still increasing.

Wester market also crashing. Russian market crash fast while western is going to crash slowly.

Russian will recover and become greater, while, western's all over for them. China will over take. West enjoyed their no 1 position. If China becomes np1, they wont enjoy no1 benefit which they been enjoying for centuries.

From Oil alone, Russia is making more than 500million$ per day extra. And from other commodity and grains, they may be making 2 billion extra per day, which is more than 700billion$ per year. But they are providing extra discount so, they are making more than 600 billion per year.

And after expenses of war Russia could still make extra 500 billion per year.

West has confiscated 100s of billions of dollars of Russia. Russia too had confiscated 100s of billions of western wealth too. Because of this western share companies, banks will loose a lot and share holders will loose in multiple times.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
Listen from 3' onward
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
I had to search 'Gerasimov Doctrine' .. permanent war.

It is perfect for Russia. Permanent war means, investment in EU will suffer, high inflation, economy will suffer while Russia will keep selling their commodity to asian clients.

EU sufferings economically means revolution.

Being a big gas station, helps Russia.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
The Gerasimov Doctrine is not working for Mr P in these 8 days & infact used by there opponent against them.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Ukraine War

World Vs west

Everybody knows, except for dumb and Nepalese (which is same)

Why anglo zoo promoting young, if possible woman for leadership?????

- Young means, they grew up under anglo zoo propaganda machine.

- Woman means, even easier to control their mind.

Also, woman are only face, real boss are behind. Like president of Nepal. Evil use innocent, weak looking face (some looks like wtch) to implement their evil agenda. That is why, a lot of defense minister of west are woman.

- Best latest example is, foreign minister of Germany ... totally grew up under anglo Zoo propaganda machine.

When there is war between World vs west, I know who to support, If peace is not possible. We are financing Russia by paying double price for commodity, may triple soon.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
US now saying, QUAD is not a military alliance against China, just an economic alliance.

Just like MCC.

Why do they do like this, why do that say like this?

If they call it military alliance against China, the vassals state as well as people would get scared. So called it peaceful alliance, but the enemy already knows that, then slowly start bulling the enemy and when enemy responses, the hate between two countries, the hate between people of two countries would start .......... divide and rule .... anglo sh!t zoo tactics going on for ages.

Has been working in Nepal too against China.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
I cant believe, I started this thread to cover Cold War II On Sat Apr 07, 2018 1:27 pm

Not many know or remember, but I had followed previous US election closely. I vividly remember how the whole system (including cia, fbi) not just media also foreigner govt pushed to elect Hillary Clinton.

I said that time, all they did that was to start COLD WAR II. Even though Trump was deep state ho, but he was not insider person, so they did not trust him.

Then in last election, Biden, who most of the time, does not even realize that he is alive, won the election. Just to start Cold war II.

But too late, in 4 year a lot have changed. With in a year of Biden in the seat, Cold war II begins.

Some older post:

- Is stage being set up for COLD WAR-II ???

- Wed Apr 11, 2018 7:29 pm
England have been ruling the world for 100s of years. Directly or through proxy. Their end of rule is coming to an end
Majority of victims of England are far bigger then England and they are scared they will come for revenge.
With in 5-10 year, balance of power will sift away from England.
hey need COLD WAR- II to try to stop Russia and China.
And for the declaration of COLD WAR-II they desperately needed Hillary Clinton as US president. And that may be the reason, the whole system supported the Clinton openly. But things did not go as planned.

- Thu Apr 12, 2018 5:55 pm
Russian president Putin may have asked help from India to fight NATO and ISIS.
I dont think Putin expect India to help Russia.
Russia and China may push pakistan and Iran to start alliance

- Fri Apr 13, 2018 2:42 pm
During vetnam war, US/west were opposed by some left/hippies, and were forced to retreat.

Right usually support war.

To prevent such opposition during COLD WAR-II I believe west created may propaganda and one of them is .......

Before US election, west had been attacking Russia, by calling them enemy of LGBTQ.

I guess, this propaganda was to make sure Left hate Russia during COLD WAR-II and dont demonstrate opposing COLD WAR-II.

At present, many rights are opposing anti russia hysteria, but they believe, when COLD WAR-II starts, they will support their troops.

It seems like paid leftest in west are supporting war, but they are paid !!$! , real left base may still oppose WAR.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
For your kind information , it was a merchant ship (not a battle ship) & we dont know whether it was a provoked or unprovoked action.
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2147
Russian Navy destroyed 1 ROMANIAN battleship @ Black Sea.

Will it will considered as an Attack on NATO ?? As Romania is member of NATO.

Ukraine President Zelenskyy is likely to flee in next 72 Hours to Qatar as per Intelligence Report.

Let's see what happen Next 🤔🤔
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2147
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Ukrainian President is a zoo.

All zoos are unofficial Israeli citizen.

All Israeli citizens are unofficial dual citizen of US.

Ukrainian President, who is a zoo, is neither militarily nor diplomatically trying to protect the boundary of Ukraine.

Radicals in Ukraine are nazi.

US, UK and zoo, all they want is sanction Russia. They are just looking for a reasons to sanction Russia.

All the activity of Ukrainian president who is a zoo, all he is doing is not protecting integrity of Ukraine but only helping, creating narrative which only helps US, UK, Zoo to sanction Russia.

History could repeat!

Remember, Hitler blamed zoo for selling out Germany for personal gains before WWII.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
They, We have been focusing too much on economic impact on Europe and world due to Russia Ukraine conflict.

US just warned about terrorist attack in Russia.

I think, if there is major war in Ukraine, there is highly likely, EU too will face terrorist attack.

BYE Euro trash.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Is it me or you are seeing this too.

Patrakar and neta in Nepal openly bravely anti Nepal to make foreign master happy, whose masters are CIA and RAW.

But they dont want to go anti super power Russia just to make CIA happy. Why?

Are they scared of US and Russia both?

But they are brave to express anti China view, though?

Is it cause India is not anti Russia openly, so RAW agents too dont want to be anti Russia and become a target?

Or, RAW and CIA only pumping cash against Nepal and China only, not against Russia, In Nepal?

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