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Conspiracy Theory

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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7621
Ukraine was not in NATO, but NATO was in 🇺🇦 since 2014

Stoltenberg admits they've been arming and training ukraine for 8 years
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7621
White american say "asians are loyal to their native country than to US".

Amazing right!

Traitors like 'donald lu', us ambassador to srilanka and may other asian and indians working in the west are helping their 'white and zoo master' destroy their native country and still those white and zoo call them TRAITORS.

Same white who are in payroll of british and zoo and work for british and zoo against their own country of living - call those asians traitors who been betraying and helping to destroy their country of origin.

This is just racism and dumb thingie.

Wonder what family of scums like 'donald lu' were doing during opium war:
- Informant for british (just like in current nepal)
- involved with church (just like in current nepal)
- working as a professional (you know what i mean)

No body likes traitors like 'donald lu'. Not in the country they are living in or in the country of their origin or any other society. Scum on the face of the earth.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7621
WEF Announced Recruitment of 'Information Warriors' To Control the Narrative on Social Media

- After having total control of 99.99% media, they still seek more propagandist.

Like I have been saying, 'doggos dont have brain, those who have brain are not doggos'. Only doggo will work for evil.

Seems like, their propaganda is only working in Nepal. That's not a compliment.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7621
UN Declares war on 'Dangerous Conspiracy Theories'.

:'( :'( :'(
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7621
World Economic Forum Calls For Merging Of Human And AI Intel To Censor "Hate Speech" & "Misinformation"

U.S. CDC appears to have deleted the statement that the "mRNA and the spike protein do not last long in the body" from their website.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2329
Ou Yang Li-hsing died of a "sudden heart attack without external intrusion"

Is that so ?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7621
Ye,, Another Joseph Stalin. Russian RT should do a bit of homework. The guy is a prominent foot soldier of the USAID funded colour revolution in Sri Lanka. In SL most of the 'Marxist' political parties & individuals carrying Russian names are proxies of the Western imperialists.

- It looks like, in most of the world, most of those commies and socialist are in payroll of CIA. In Nepal too. In Nepal, jholes are openly supporting CIA.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7621
Do you your won analysis (conspiracy theory) this time. I am just going to give you two information.

I think, it is not possible for innocent mind to do conspiracy theory, so let me give some clues as a question:

Did the deep state or should I say master of red necks or should i be specific and name them- zoo and british--- choose the judge to control the verdict? Is it even legal or moral or ... ? Were west ever had- democracy, human right, rule of law???? etc etc

And look at the face of the judge. She looked scared. She knows, what would happen to her if she did not give verdict the zoo, british want or get epstined.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Fri Aug 05, 2022 2:41 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7621
There have been 38 edits to the "recession" page on Wikipedia in the last 3 days attempting to change the definition of recession.

- Remember, I have been saying, everything in west is propaganda. It has become possible cause they been controlling for almost 300 year. And educated fools used wikipedia words as facts or proof.

I have said few times now "first time I found out about how west controls every thing, first question I asked myself was- how is it possible?". Turned out it is possible just like IndianBlockadesNepal never happened.

West can make media in Nepal go against Nepal, ask yourself, what more things they could do?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7621
Regime change protestors claim that the their "IT center" was destroyed by the military. They are literally admitting that they had an online propaganda center.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7621
Srilanka needs to hang all those who have/had a foreign link who took part in the demonstration.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7621
How USAID is funding and training an online media empire in Sri Lanka. Thread

1. Roar Media is an online media organization in Sri Lanka with 1.2M visitors to their website and 10.9M social reach

2. According to Roar, some of their investors are IREX and Google news

3. According to IREX, they are funded by the following organizations including USAID, US State Department, Open Society and Ford Foundations, and Millennium Challenge Corporation (supposed counter to BRI in Europe, Asia & Pacific including Sri Lanka)

4. IREX also has a journalistic training program in Sri Lanka called MEND supported by USAID, which Roar, according to their own website received a grant from

5. Roar has published several articles criticizing China's influence in Sri Lanka in the past, including an article where they falsely claim the Hambantota Port lease was a debt/equity swap.

6. Roar's editor in chief Roel Raymond has played a crucial role in Sri Lanka's regime change protests, by using her Twitter presence to support them and to rally people against the leaders.

7. These are some of her many tweets about the protests.

8. Roel Raymond can be seen with the USAID funded IREX team in the image below

9. Almost 2 months after the first riots/protests in Sri Lanka broke out, Roel Raymond was invited to meet the US ambassador

MCC has appeared in the coup.
In Nepal too, may media personality and youth (wanna be civil society), those who get prize from CIA regularly meet with ambassador from west.

Almost all media in Nepal is controlled by CIA/RAW, I think they have introduced new social media too in Nepal like- Factcheckers, Routine of Nepal bandha, hamropatro, pathao etc.

This is why" Wealth of owners/promoters of BFIs, insurance, media should be investigated, its source, where investment came from, their expenses, their domestic and international link, their activities- to protect national security as well as economy.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7621
Let's analyze how CIA been funding, controlling media in srilanka just like in Nepal.

How USAID, NED and NATO fund Sri Lanka's "Fact Checkers". Thread:

1. WatchDog is Sri Lanka's one of the most popular fact checkers.

2. WatchDog's CEO Yudhanjaya Wijeratne, has played an active role in Sri Lanka's regime change protests through his online presence

3. Watchdog lists the following organizations as their partners/funders. Some of them are NATO, OCCRP and IREX. Let's find out who's behind OCCRP and IREX

4. IREX lists USAID as their partner for their local media training program (MEND). IREX is also supported by Open Society Foundation, Ford Foundation and several other key organizations

5. OCCRP is funded by the following organizations including US State Department, NED, Open Society Foundations, Rockefeller Borthers Fund

6. Almost two months after the first unrest, Watchdog's CEO Yudhanjaya met US ambassador.

It looks like, Srilanka has a lot more CIA presence than in Nepal. Seems like, they had been planning coup and economic hit for a long time.

Almost all media in Nepal is controlled by CIA/RAW, I think they have introduced new social media too in Nepal like- Factcheckers, Routine of Nepal bandha, hamropatro, pathao etc.

The owner from hamropatro seems like a CIA agent
who been meeting politicians and bureaucrats to influence them.

Since older media are exposed and hated, CIA seems to have introduced new ones like I mentioned.

Be careful of those new social medias too.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7621
Real Lesson for Nepal from Srilanka: (not those propaganda spread by dalal media)

How NED produces Pro-IMF and Anti-China propaganda content in Sri Lanka through local Youtubers. Thread:

1. On April 18th 2022, a prominent Youtuber in Sri Lanka who usually produces comedy skits, shared a video that addresses Sri Lanka's economic crisis.

2. The skit pulls at your heartstrings, and portrays China and India as predatorial loan sharks, despite collectively owning less than 12% of the country's national debt, while the majority is owned by the west.

3. The video ends hinting at the importance of an IMF program

4. One of the video's sponsors is Verite Research, a local think tank with a research team consisting of ex employees of western financial institutions, and is funded by none other than NED

5. As disclosed by the NED in Feb 2022, NED granted them $75000

6. The video gained over 1 million views, Sri Lanka's population is only 22 million.

7. On May 25, after several protests and riots, and a month after the video had been published, the Youtubers in question were invited to the US embassy to meet the ambassador

(Since they have money and power but dumb, they play same plot. In Nepal, they been circulating ''Chinese debt trap'' for a long time now. And other anti- chinese and russian propaganda)
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7621
Since you said paam- it has got to be gupta and son. Since its gupta and son's it has to be big and crook and with connection in the south, also who needs to hide a lot of money.

since chaudhary has already sent a lot of money over seas, so the one who hide money in other's name and has to sent it to south is nica or shankar (since they are new super rich in nepal).
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2141
Which Business House in Nepal is on the Step towards becoming the Anil Ambani of Nepal ?? 🤔🤔

Ko Hola ?? Any Guesses ??

Reply Paam.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7621
Where debt came from? In Nepal, yuraj k (cia agent) pushed for it, during his time, I read in a paper, during last few year, debt in Nepal increased by a lot.

Organic farming- I have been hearing lately, it was pushed by americans. american push gmo, chemical fertilizers all over the world but in srilanka they pushed organic- meaning another economic hit.

""""""NEPAL is too on the Wrong Path, Mega Budget Size but not backed by Revenue."""""

- Dont say these things in Public, if you care for Nepal. If you put these in the mind of politicians and bureaucrats, they will try to increase revenue by increasing tax, instead of increasing economy.

In Nepal, high tax is one of the reasons, our product cant compete.

PashupatiNath is indeed very powerful.
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2141
Due to Covid Sri Lanka Tourism Sector was Bombed which was one of the Major Source of Foreign Currency Inflow.

Which resulted in Lower Forex Reserve and due to Low Forex Reserve they cannot make Scheduled Intrest Re-payment on Short Term Debts which were in Foreign Currency, which degraded their Credit Rating which resulted in No inflow of Foreign Investment in Country but infact outflow of Foreign Investment.

Sri Lanka aimed to become the Organic Food Bowl of the world and thus destroyed all Agricultural Land which were Non-Organic based into Organic based Land. Crops grown on Organic Land gave far lower Production of foods compared to Non-Organic based Land, which resulted in the Food Crisis.

To mitigate the food Crisis they started importing more foods from Other Countries for which payment need to be made in Foreign Currency, Which further resulted in a strong Decline in their Foreign Reserve.

The Devaluation of the Lankan Rupee against $$ due to crisis resulted in further Stronger out flow of the Foreign Currency by 80+% for the same Commodidity import due to devaluation of the Lankan Rupee.

At Last the Goverement Declared itself Bankrupt as they could make Re-payment.

Moral of the Storey : Sri Lanka had a Long Term Vision but was backed by Short term Financing only.

NEPAL is too on the Wrong Path, Mega Budget Size but not backed by Revenue.

Due to Blessing of Pashupati Nath we are Still running despite all Hanky Panky Act of Desh Chaluani Thekedars.

Enjoy the Monsoon Rain !!
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7621
Srilanka was an economic hit:

(Everything know about economic hit on srilanka till now- could be facts or conspiracy)

- Bombing on tourism industry: It could be by CIA. Srilanka depends on tourism for foreign currency. Srilanka is close to China. China and srilank attacked (increased attack) around 2019 at the same time. Today's crisis is foreign currency driven.

- Debt trap: More than 80% of debt of srilanka is controlled by CIA using western banks, world bank, adb, imf, japan etc. Only 10% comes from China.

In the social media, they are saying, IMF bailed out Srilanka 16 times. Could be lies? or true. Or just IMF gave srilanka loan 16 times.

CIA made yuraj k finance minister in Nepal. During his 2.5 years all he did was trying to push MCC and borrow money from CIA. DEBT trap- CIA way of hitting country economically. CIA guy pushing for CIA loan.

Same could have happened in srilanka.

- Organic farming: We been hearing about one of the problem srilanka facing is food crisis driven by organic farming. Turned out It was pushed by CIA.

(I support Organic farming, but I would study for 10 year till it is fully implemented, unlike srilanka which pushed in a year cause CIA told them)

Remember, All over the world, CIA push GMO, chemical fertilizers while they pushed Organic farming.

This is one of the clear proof that Srilanka is an economic hit of CIA going on for decades.

- Black money in the west: I thought current srilankan politicians are pro China. Turned out they are working with everybody. And their Children are in West.

Just like in the world, CIA helps criminals, corrupt to loot the country and hide money in the west... so that they could destroy that country economically and control politicians and bureaucracy and business communisty.

Same happened in Srilanka too.

(These are the only four information I got about srilankan, economic hit by CIA, till now. I will add when I find more.)
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7621
Dumb educated people are the dumbest. They are the easiest to fool and mind control. Control the media, you get to control them.
When Trump was calling 'CNN' fake news, those dumb must have tried to cross verify fake news they heard from CNN, by following other source too, then they must have heard same news in other channel. Which lead them to believe that Trump was lying.

It could not get into their mind that all news media and well as other media are fake and controlled by same force.

Till around 15 year back, I was one of them. I used to see west as leader of democracy and freedom and rule of law and human right. I used to hear conspiracy against west, and I too used to think those people were nuts.

After maoist came into power, there used to be ethnic based violent demonstration. They were sponsored by west. Those days, I used to ask - Nepal is democratic country, majority wants democracy, freedom and why do west sponsored such ethnic based violent demonstration?

Then I began to study about west and international as well as domestic politics. In a very short time I found out a lot of truth. I also found that west controls everything. They are involved in micro management.

I was already critical thinker that time. As soon as I found out, west controls everything and involved in micro management, I ask- how is it possible?

Soon I realized, British been ruling for 300 years, and US took over from them. So in span of 300 year, they are able to control everything.

(This is how I questioned my own finding and fount the truth too. Unlike other educated dumbs who are stubborn.)

In 2019 was the peak of US/west/cia/mi6 going after China. They must be going after China lot before. That time, they wanted to create problem using HongKong.

Same year, there was a bombing in Srilanka- tourist spot. We dont see Srilanka for radical muslim and bombing since they defeated tamil tiger.

Srilanka has close relation with China and tourism is the main source of foreign currency and economy.

CIA's thinkin/strategy is 'taking out a domino'.

There is high chance that CIA could be behind that bombing of tourism spot in Srilanka on 2019, to destroy Srilanka which is close to China- by destroy their economy and source of foreign currency.

Today, main economic problem of Srilanka is foriegn currency. Other economic problem began due to the lack of foreign currency.

Even the latest coup in Srilanka happened when they were talking to Russia for assistance.


Too many coincidences.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7621
At least nine women were given a date-rape drug at an invite-only event attended by Chancellor Olaf Scholz and MPs, his Social Democratic Party (SDP) said Saturday

- Why this hit piece in AFP news? Why do they want to get read of Germany Chancellor? Is it cause he is not doing enough for Ukraine or he is not able to stop war which is destroying their economy??
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7621
I have been taking about(conspiracy):
-British(anglo) turned local war into world war.
-Anglozoo rule

Basis of my theories are just a few- germany superiority of their technology, british- jealousy, cunning, race, evil nature, personality etc.
Only fact involved was- british had nothing to do with the war, and still just did not fought, the expanded it.

this is a long video, but watch it in detail.

This proves that my conspiracy theory about WWI is very accurate.

- also proves, how dumb white americans are, small minority in US are anglo and rest are european and still they been loyal to anglo. Like I have been saying- control media, control 99%.

- deep state

- never ending war

- anglozoo behind all war

- anglozoo always play dirty and always put their people in right place

- do you know, all presidents in US are anti war during election.

- its amazing, those who are in payroll in Nepal are so anti race, but they are getting paid by pro race (anglozoo also indian).
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2329
Through the process of APOPTOSIS cells in our body dies on itself. It just requires some signal.
There are lot of things which can help to expedite such process, either through modern medicine or by using our traditional medicines.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7621
"David Icke" one of the greatest Conspiracy theorist.

A lot of theories he said turning out to be true.

But there is one theory he said, which his hater use and laugh at is "Royal of Britain are lizard people". I think, he said they came from, probably, moon.

When I heard it at first, I thought, he said it as comparatively like we use term like bokshi. It's not really a bokshi but the person who destroy other people by sucking their life. You know what I mean.

I only hate people when that person cross the red line, just cause we dont agree in many does not mean, I stop respecting that person.

Then during covid I got to learn a lot about Virus.

When germs enter out body they lay egg. Then the hatchling eats our body and grow. But, virus does not work like that.

When Virus enter our body, it enters our cell or its tentacles enters out cell and orders out cell to become similar virus.

Its like, our cell become completely different organism that can function or survive on their own. Its like, there is total transformation of one organism or part of one organism into completely different organism.

Its like shapeshifter, we seen in movie.

So could "Royal of Britain really be lizard people".

Now let's come to the real thing I want to talk about.

Human science made a huge progress during last 100 or 200 years. What will the people of 1000 year in future be doing or what will they find new.

Could the understanding of Virus change science for good or something more evil.

Will human be able to create shapeshifter when human be able to understand Virus?

There was in news, that said, there is a tablet that can cure some form of cancer. But the problem is it cost 20k per table and 80k for cure.

So, will the understanding of virus in future, would we be able to order cancer cell to commit suicide.

Future science, Virus science for medial use as well as crating shapeshifter. Or end of the humanity.

And it is said, Virus is the reason behind complex organisms' existence on the earth. Virus is behind the evolution.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Thu Jun 16, 2022 6:29 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7621
How is Kp Oli going to top this?

may be just like banks do with 4/12, may be govt should let indians write an application that they are nepal and get nepali citizenship from delhi.

VOTE VOTE cities needs to vote them out, villagers are ho, they sell nepal for 2 thousand.

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