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Conspiracy Theory

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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
Iran and Saudi signed peace deal.

Few days ago- saudi fm went to Russia to seal protection deal. So he went there to get protection from anglo zoo expecting anglo zoo's response for going for peace deal.

And before going to Moscow, he went to Kiev and gave Ukraine few hundred million to prevent anglo zoo from getting angry for visiting Moscow.

Meaning, anglo zoo are running mob rule in the world. I say, all agents of anglo zoo (including in Nepal) should be hung.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
A lot of chemical accidents happening in US. Could Russia and Iran responding for attack on them- drone attacks?

And to divert the attention, to make sure people wont know that Russia and Iran are attacking them and US govt cant do anything- US govt been bombarding US public with Chinese spy balloons, ufos. Now US is saying, the last three UFOs could be US companies'. :D

There are videos of Ukraine attacking Russian army with chemical weapon.

Could Russia be taking revenge on US for chemical attack with chemical attack (chemical accident)?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the US public believes is false"- William J Casey (CIA director 1981)

Since the beginning of Syria war, fake news like CNN, BBC been motivating muslims all over the world to go to Syria and fight the dictator. They been telling that those were freedom fighters and how US, NATO, Turkey, Gulf been financing, training, providing weapons to those fighters from all over the world.

And a few year back, same fake news began to call those muslim freedom fighters- ISIS and kept on rebranding ISIS.

This is how, I found out, CIA and others created ISIS.

There were stories like- how muslim in west went to Syria to help freedom fighters.

And in Ukraine war, similar happened. This time, they made motivational ad for every country- south korea, thailand etc. And even in one of those ad, they showed a nepali guy who joined foriegn legion from Ukraine side. Hope he is already killed by now. That's how fake motivation propaganda they been using.

They made movies like Rambo in the past. Today, they have movies like expendables- in which heroes are mercenaries.

In Nepal- For around century, Nepalese society see/are shown- joining/being in laure (mercenary) is a pride, bravery, wealth, hero etc. Its a well respected job- in reality, it is evil job. laure is daka, where they are used to invade weak countries to steal their land, resources.

(Today, for a large no of people of Nepal, being dalal has become pride. You can see many of them in media and social media. Nepalese people are the people with least amount of dignity, in the world.)

I have begun to think, British created this propaganda in Nepal since around century to motivate Nepalese to join British mercenary force.
So this kind of brain washing been going on to make people outside their country join their army and die for them while stealing other's resource, enslave others for centuries and kill unarmed women and children in process.

I think, in Nepal it started after 'kot parba' when Rana couped.

Before Rana, army of Nepal been fighting British and other army and serving those in power too. After kot parba- what I see is, Nepal Army's rifle has turned towards Nepalese people only. Job of Nepalese Army has become just to serve those in power and suppress society.

So this mercenary hiring propaganda is not new the west been using.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
To divert attention away from nord stream terror attack by us/some nato members exposer,

They created chinese balloon shooting by f22 hype(f22's first kill) btw,

And when people laughed at balloon shooting by f22,

Now they are creating UFO hoax/calling balloon UFO.

This is what happens when deep state select dumb hos for big job.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
From no where some CIA fake news covered 'hunter biden's laptop story' for weeks and then again, since last few days, it disappeared again. They been calling it fake news for years, now hunter biden himself accepts it as truth.

(You may not know, social media like youtube censors hunter biden's laptop's not just story but also the term)

I tell you what happened? They were covering it to pressure Biden to approve 'tanks and long range missile' to Ukraine.

That's how evil empire is ran. If their puppet ignore order, puppet master starts to blackmail them. If needed- even kill the puppet like JFK and more and many faced attempted assassination. That is why the puppet master always select criminal for politician and high rankings.

When Obama was president- when he was hesitant to bomb Syria, CNN 24/7 covered the story that 'Obama's drone attack is a war crime', and that coverage was gone as soon as Obama started to bomb Syria.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622

Now Tucker Carson needs to find out who controls CIA?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
Twitter locked Prachanda's account.

I believe, Musk is just a show host. Twitter's non american's account is still controlled by CIA. American's account by FBI.

After prachanda's account is locked, Govt should tell people to open account in non western (or non westerned' controlled) social media.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622

You are welcome, human!
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
It's been around 5 year, my interest in sports has decreased mainly due to share market crisis. I have been supporting Argentina in Football and Srilanka in cricket.

Both turned out to be loser countries (no fighter's attitude). So instead of focusing on them, I been focusing on individual game and support one team or oppose another team (Since I became wise and matured). Their loss used to affect me for days that is why I changed my attitude.

I did not expected Argentina to win the world cup. When they won, It did make me happy for few hours- why less? cause of same old problem- Share market crash. (To run a country, govt has to motivate people. But in Nepal- bahunbad has destroyed everything).

As game progressed, I felt like this whole game was fixed by GOD to give victory to Argentina- since knockout game. Like- Good teams- germany, spain, portugal, brazil were eliminated by weak teams so that Argentina would get to face weak team. I became happy after Argentina won, less cause of Argentina winning, more cause I felt like my fate could be about to change too :) :) :)

Argentina did start to play well from semi final. And france played very bad for first 80 minute (till their first goal). They are saying there is a reason .......

First ..... (what is conspiracy in all this?)

English premier league: I began to watch this league since around 20 year. My interest started due to the hate for Manu. I hated their attitude and success. I started to watch hoping to see them lose. When I began to watch, they used to be like GOD, they won 3-5 games during early years since I began to watch and lost only one.

They used to be very strong team, but, still, I felt like those league were scripted or being played to give victory to Manu. During that time, their closest rival used to be chelsey so I supported Chelsey.

The conspiracy in EPL was- in every 10 major mistakes referee used to made- 7/8 used to go in favor of Manu. And most of those used to be during crucial time. Like- penalty, free kick just out side the box, offside.

Manu used to get penalty/free kick/offside during last minutes when they were not suppose to get or opposition did not used to get when they were suppose to get. And this mistake was the reason Manu won 1/2 league in 3/4 league they won, while I began to watch during early years. Manu won extra leagues due to empires mistake other wise they would have become second 1/2 times in those 3/4 times they won.

They were best teams but they were not suppose to win all those season.

Their manager was a d-head and their strategy was offensive. And when you are too offensive, you have a threat of getting counter attacked too. And when they played offensive, they used to score goals with the help of referee's mistake that is how they used to win the match during last minutes that is how they became very popular those days.
And counter attack of opposition were saved by referee's mistake too.

Then I used to ask, why 7/8 mistakes of referee always used to go in favor of Manu during crucial time? That mistake was suppose to go 50/50.

I made a lot of noise in social media regarding this. Then after 1 or 2 year, so called experts began to question this. But they did not talk about what I talked about.

I think they tried to mislead crowd. They used to say- Officials used to favor Manu caused Manu's manager used to intimidate them. His personality and success intimidate those officials so they could not go against Manu.

But, guess what, those so called experts did not talk about referees mistake. They said, officials favored/helped Manu by increasing extra time more than they should. And during this extra time, Manu used to score and win.

And after Manu manager retried, Manu stopped getting those favor from officials and their down fall began (one of the reasons).

And later I found out, that Manu manager was an Scottish guy who favored United UK. This is when my conspiracy theory began- that MI5 used to give victory to Manu to make their manager hero so that Scottish people would support united UK.

Why I began to support Italy team?

Like I said, I hated Manu. And their game was highly offensive, meaning, their defensive used to be venerable, and they were always facing threat of counter attack from opposition.

I used to feel like, if you want to beat Manu, you have to play Italian game. And for the first time, Manu was destroyed by a team, and that team was Man city. Man city thrashed Manu with around 4 goal. This is when would found out how to beat Manu.

Later I found out, manager of Man city was from Italy. Since this time I began to support Italy and Man city.

So what is the conspiracy of World Cup 2022?

- Argentina was not a good team when the cup began. Their game improved only since semi final.

I have a weak conspiracy theory in Argentina winning the cup. Could Russia or Russia+Gulf gave Argentina victory?

War in Ukraine has turned into war between west vs rest of the world. World cup motivates people of the world. Could Russia have given world cup to Argentina to gather people of the world? How all good teams were stopped during early stage by weak teams. One or two can be called co incident, 4 not much.

Even during final, France had no energy, playing like some weak african team for almost first 80 minute. Later I found out, they were suffering from virus (probably middle eastern common cold). Could Russia+Gulf have given them the virus?

Some saying, France did not get virus, they were poisoned. After looking at their game in final, who knows?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
Israeli Intelligence Warns Iran Is Mulling Terror Attack On World Cup

zoo/cia could try to do something in Qatar if they are not stopped.

Remember, they are desperate.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
Guess what? RT news is back :D :D :D in Nepal
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
'Conspiracy Author' David Icke Banned From EU, Labeled A "Terrorist"

Another story,
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
IF Russia or China loses to evil empire- people of US, europe will lose democracy, freedom, rule of law .......... so will rest of the world.

The Atlantic- Let's declare a pandemic amnesty. We need to fogive one another for what we did and said when we were in the dark abut covid.

(What about that guy from healthcare ministry in Nepal, CDOs, kp oli and his ministers in Nepal? I did warned them not to go for long and harsh lockdown)

Docs show Facebook and Twitter closely collaborating with Dept of Homeland Security, FBI to police "disinfo." Plans to expand censorship on topics like withdrawal from Afghanistan, origins of COVID, info that undermines trust in financial institutions.

(What should we do to those who closed facebook page in Nepal? Those who jailed for making fun in Nepal- including KP oli who jailed some for making fun of them when he was PM?)

(These are some of the proofs- how conspiracy theorist has been destroying slept people in 2020s)
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
Ukraine war:

Point 1: Some in west talked about making ukraine, afghanistan for Russia. Meaning, bleed Russia in Ukraine for a long time and destroy Russia.

Point 2: If west wanted to drag Russia in Ukraine for years, then why they made Ukraine counter attack and lose a lot of army and assets?

Point 3: Since even just before the war, I said Longer this war go on, it will harm more and more on EU and later US too than to Russia.

Point 4: It seems like, both sides have swapped strategy. West wants quick end of the war but dont want to compromise while Russia want to stretch it that is why they are just standing ground and blowing things up since after few weeks after war broke.

I think, now, real war is economic while ukraine is just playing in the background.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
Questions are:
- who is desperate enough?
- who is evil enough?
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2331
Gain in function research work can be done in many HIFI lab round the globe. Particular mutation is just a product of such research. No need to blame a single country. Everyone is trying to have edge over there competitors.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
University in US created a mice covid whose lethal rate is 80%.

So this means, human can genetically modify virus.

Which means, as per circumstantial evidences, CIA is behind Covid-19 (90%) sure.

- Timing and location of virus- in china after they tried everything to destroy china- trade war, hongkong, huawei etc etc.

- CIA knew about this virus before before china.

- This virus was identified in other place before in china- CIA must have modified its genetics.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2331
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622

Replace British with China, and MF media in Nepal will be all over it.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
The American government goes by that old timeless motto that it is better to be feared than respected.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
It is said, 'Recently, US/west has bought 1/3 arable land in Ukraine.

Some zoos were saying, there is no long term future in Isreal and they need to find new land for zoos.

Could that land be in Ukraine?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
Taking about '9/11, twin tower' my last theory is:

- Since, by now, we all know, alciada, isis and may other terrorists are CIA.

Which mean- 9/11 was an inside job.

Last theory that came in my mind was (I have never heard about this theory anywhere, till now)- CIA ordered alciadia to hijack those planes. Those hijackers only knew that they were suppose to hijack the planes. Then auto pilot did the rest.

It become pilot of a big passenger jet, it takes years. But those terrorist were trained for a few months, hijacked the plane and made a quick, small U turn and hit the building accurately. :lol: :lol: :lol: Let's say- we dont think so!
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
Control media, control 99%.

If russea had been bombing nuclear site, each and every media been condemning it 24/7 and people all over the world including in nepal would have raised their voice.

no news, no voice of people.

"If you control media, you could sell 'chinese debt trap(10%)story' too by those whose debt trap is 80%.

Nepal is a hopeless country. So is world, only pain will bring revolution. And revolution does not always mean for better.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2331
Alex Jones may change his way of thinking once get an oppportunity to read such stories :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
5 mils protection pills donation to ukraine is now explained. :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
This is the RUMOR of what happened at Energodar. But it seems to fit the details.

Boris Johnson himself was pushing for this insanity: A group of British-trained Ukraine commandos would stage an amphibious raid on Energodar, as a beachhead for a larger attack group.

Their plan was to take the International Atomic Energy agency Inspectors as hostages and mine the Zaporozhya nuclear power plant .

Get this - they would PRETEND to be Russian commandos, so they could blame it on the Russians.

They intended to use these hostages and the fear of a nuclear disaster to force Russia to evacuate from all of Ukraine.

This plan would imply, of course, that they intended to kill the IAEA inspectors, so as to prevent them from later telling people that it had been a ruse.

The Russians appear to have foiled this whole operation, destroying 47 commandos - but capturing at least two, and an additional two who are in critical condition.

If they survive, the Russians will have four witnesses who can testify to this insanity.

Whoever thought that this was a rational, reasonable plan is beyond desperate. This is insanity on a major scale. It's global nuclear blackmail. And the current information points to MI6 and Boris Johnson.

According to the current RUMOR, it was the British MI6 that planned this insane operation from their suburban offices in Kiev, at the behest and encouragement of Boris.

Boris wanted one final victory in Ukraine before he departs 10 Downing.

IF this is more or less the story, then the Brits have lost their minds.

Already Ukrainian propaganda is denying that this attack on the Zaporozhya NPP even happened, and that it's all a Russian fake.

BTW, the Kherson Offensive is a complete disaster - thousands of troops will have lost their lives. For NOTHING!!

We are coming to the end of this nightmare. But I believe it will get much worse - with more insane schemes - before it's all truly and finally over.

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