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Conspiracy Theory

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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
What happens when Zoo enters into your country???

Stage 1: Anglozoo entered into Ukraine while WWII was ongoing. They used their position to socially engineer Ukrainian society into hating Russia and they turned/or maintained NAZI (clown nazi) in Ukraine.

Using those socially engineered society, they broke Ukraine from Russia even when both are mostly similar society.

Stage 2: The beginning of Ukraine war 2022. The war started in 2014. Anglozoo told Ukrainian public- if they dont bring down Russina puppet president, they wont get to become part of EU so they wont have better life.

They also used, terrorist in the revolution who killed many from both side.

Stage 3: The war. Pre war- The zoo told Ukraine, if they dont fight Russia- they wont join EU and NATO. If there is no EU membership, public would go against the govt.

(Before this stage, Zoo have already captured US. In the past, Zoo used to control US using Zoo puppet Christian president. But this time, US have a dead Christian president and in his name, Zoo been running US. So it's all zoo today)

Middle of the war- Zoo told Ukraine, if they dont keep on fighting, west wont help Ukraine, there wont be EU membership and No NATO membership. Which would weaken Ukraine's hand during negotiation with Russia.

Last stage of the war- If Ukraine does not follow order of Zoo, west wont help rebuilding of Ukraine.

This is what happens if you invite zoo inside your country. Your country/society will be destroyed like Ukraine.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2392
Another melodrama

The military's second in command kept his president in the dark when he was initially diagnosed (of some male organ cancer) in December and during subsequent hospitalizations. Now offered a full apology for failing to disclose his battle with the disease.
Heard he was treated early and effectively, and his prognosis is excellent.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
This is just a drama. If had wanted, US could easily crush Israel.

Israel have killed many Americans and american soldiers in cold blood like USS Liberty. Guess who hid USS Liberty case- John McCain's father. And his daughter is running their family business of serving the zoo. It's like in Nepal- 'tin puste' (three generations) ..... you remember tin puste in Nepal- Golden boy 'wagle' .... his two puste served Indians masters, and he is serving indian and anglozoo.

It does not matter cause, all money in US is controlled by Zoo and with bribe, they fill every powerful position with another zoo or Christians in zoo's payroll.

Like current biden regime is ran by Zoo and zoo's doggo. Biden is a dead man walking- he is walking in coma. The main man running Biden govt is Antony Blinken ... whose father and father in law were Israeli lobbyists. And their son is running the govt. From Lobbyist to controlling govt.

And second is, John J. Sullivan... his father was also Israeli Lobbyist.

I heard, most of the top positions of US govt is filled with Zoo. And most of others are also in pay roll of zoo.

After Kissinger took over, he filled all position with zoo. I even heard, 40% of top and mid position in CIA are zoo.

It's over for US.

Remember I have been saying- Americans are one of the three dumb race on the earth.

Since 98% of politicians are in payroll of zoo and is anyone protest, he will be punished or even kill. So no politician dares to raise the issue.

So history will repeat- either no on will go after zoo or the whole society will go after zoo just like in the past- what happened in europe, the famous one in Germany.

My guess, after US economy collapses, those christians whom were brain washed into animals by zoo to make them as zoo's ruthless mercenery ..... those christians will go after zoo after US economy go belly up. You know- those christians love to blame others- that is what zoo been teaching them.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2392
Israel's Netanyahu rejects Biden's sanction against 4 settlers in West Bank.

Is this a rift between Netanyahu & Biden ? If not, who is directing this drama ?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
Zoo been creating problem in Europe and the middle east for at least last 2000 year. Even Roman complained about them.

Zoos were involved with all the colonist of Europe- Netherland, Spain, France, Italy, ....

I believe, Zoo's first become really powerful was cause of British royal. In the beginning, Zoos were servants of British royal, then slowly, they became partners .......

later Zoo and British ruled US/took over US... then slowly, from under the rug, Zoo took over US govt and society and became absolute power. Today, British royals are just a slave of zoo.

I had been saying- Anglozoo are the real power, globalist who control west. After Gaza Genocide, I realized, it's Zoo who have full control. They have betrayed British Monarch.

Why are 80/90% zoo so eveil ... cause their religion is pure evil. I heard, their religion orders their zoo to commit genocide of others.

1 hour long. Watch when you have time and care for humanity.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
Texas drama is to divert/censure ICJ ruling.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
कार्यसमिति चयन भएको साता नबित्दै नाडामा लफडा, आकाशसहित ८ जनाले सामूहिक राजीनामा दिने

- Could it be cause NETA bribed Finance ministry to raise tax on some EV???? :lol:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
Two huge anti current conspiracy theories:

* I believe Elon Musk imposed 'restriction on viewing tweets' to 'slow down rate of truth circulation'. As per policy of anglozoo in cracking down on free information, control on information.

Months back, Musk made people to log in to view tweets and made those, who have not subscribed, could only view few dozen tweets.

** Remember the propagandas about Israel- that IDF is best of the best, Mossad is the best- which were exposed on oct7. There is another propaganda about Israel- which is- Israel has some of the leading technology in the world.

We all know, anglozoo - Israel, controls US and they spy on every American and their company and technology too. Most of the top high tech corporation in US is controlled by zoo.

I believe, those leading technology Israel has/had were American technology (and western and stolen from other countries too) which were still in testing phase. I believe Israel introduce American technology which are in the middle of testing phase ... which make Israel- top high tech country.

Remember, after China began to lead in most of the major technology, not just America, Israel's edge has gone too.

I think, after China found out about back door in US software and hardware, US (Israel) could no longer steal Chinese technology and began to fall back far behind China.
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2148
IBM, Disney, Lionsgate & Apple pulled out Advertisements from X (Twitter) following Elon Musk apparent Endorsement.

Many Experts says more companies to join the League.

Has Elon Musk signed the X's Death Warrant ??
« Last edit by deepak_mm on Mon Nov 27, 2023 4:27 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
About 5-8 back, some conspiracy theorist in Nepal said- "There are about 500000 in Nepal, who are in pay roll of foreigners through I/NGO. And Nepal will be finished soon".

That time, I used to think, 5 lakh is not that many. If they raise their head, we will crush it.

Today, a lot of those 500k in foreign payroll are- Ministers, MPs, Politicians, Bureaucracy, Police, Judges, Media persons etc and their family members.

Nepal is 4ked.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
October 7 analysis:

What was the game? (After analyzing information from all side)

- Hamas formed two groups: One was kidnapping group consisted of around 500 mercenary. And another group with 1500 mercenary, which was a suicide group whose task was fight IDF- which was a suicide mission.


Kidnapping went perfectly, I guess they were planning to kidnap 100, but were able to kidnap more than 250.

But, suicide mission went too easy. It was too easy that they could not think of what to do after they hardly lost any mercenary. (They should have returned their base after successful mission- Gaza)

I think their plan was, get killed ,all of 1500, while fighting in IDF military base while killing few dozen IDF soldiers.

But the problem was, they ran over the military base too easily and able to kidnap many soldiers and generals.

Israel said- in Hamas operation book they found, was written, in few minute, hamas would face security and they have to fight them. But those suicide mission did not meet any resistance.

Cause most of the suicide mission mercenary were alive, they were able to take many hostages inside many private homes where they waited for IDF to fight.

Scott Ritter and Max Blumenthal said- IDF ignored Jewish hostages and fired at private houses with missile and tank cells.

May be that was how, many Israeli were burnt, some lost arms and head. 40 children without head must have caused by IDF missile and tank cells.

Hamas goal: I think, their goal was to release prisoners and humiliate/take revenge for what Israelis been doing to Palestinians for last few years- attacking and looting Palestinians' homes and lands, destroying mosque (the mission was named after that particular mosque), for opening foriegn mission in disputed city- Jerusalem, officially recognizing land belonging to Palestine, Lebanon, Syria. Etc.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
Hitler:'.... International people ...........'.

Napoleon :'Zoos are a nation within a nation'.

Humanity have been facing same problem from same cult for 100s of years, could even be for few 1000 years.

Today, Some American publics are facing sanction, secondary sanction from foreigner, dual citizen, american (for criticizing a foreign country. Is not this suppose to be national security threat for USA??

So, International people; a nation within a nation????? Remember, Nepal too have international people like Golden boy and many others- who been trying to impose foreign agendas in Nepal like MCC. Also a nation within a nation- organized setting involving politicians from all parties, bureaucracy, security, media, goons, Judiciary, business etc.

Today, Zoo (also anglozoo) totally controls west using corruption by buying those in power and position- politicians, politicians in govt, bureaucracy, corporation, media, entertainment media, security, corporation, ngo, ingo etc etc.

Looks like history is repeating. There was a time, in Europe, Zoo got themselves right to do trading between Christian and Muslim. How could they have done that??? Buying people in power and position. Slowly, hate in public grew and which lead to Purge.

In Poland (when Poland was a power), same happened. People there blamed zoo to be organized criminals.

In last few 1000 years, this kind of story may have repeated dozens of times.

Seems like History could repeat. Remember, in west (US/UK) so called conservative politicians are supporting those who been bombing churches. How is that possible???? Corruption.

Govt in the west are going against their country's own interest? How? Corruption.

Who behind??? Mainly, organized zoo. International people. The nation within a nation.

And when their economy tanks, those people will blame some one (since, zoo turned them into animal so that they could control and use them. And just a matter of time, animal will act animal.) since, zoo been teaching them to blame others- russian, chinese, muslim, brown etc ........ and just a matter of time, they realize, it's the zoo. And history will repeat.

If we study history, we can find .... zoo been controlling or had influence in super power of that time. Like- It's amazing to think of today, one time then Iran saved zoo from europeans.

Today, Zoo controls west and the world using US. Before US, they used to do same by controlling British. Wonder where they were before British.

It could be possible, In WWI and WWII- most of the countries that got involved in europe and west were dragged in by Zoo. It is said, USSR used to be Ukraine of WWII. Meaning, USSR used to be proxies just like Ukraine today. And is said, zoos were the commies.

Zoos were commeis, zoos controlled dictators, zoos controlled corporations .....

I happen to be SECOND TO GOD. And I have never felt zoo to be intelligent. I only see zoo as evil.

Then someone could ask, then how are/were zoo able to control west, muslim world??? It's simple, just like in Nepal; those involved in setting in Nepal are not intelligent and still they control. It's corruption and control over justice and everyone in Nepal knows.

Just like in Nepal- everyone in the west knows about corruption and control over judiciary in the west. That is how they control the west and through west, they control the world (almost the whole world).

Just like in Nepal, there is one big problem. If you put corrupt in power- that society will collapse from inside. Same way Nepal has collapsed economically, corrupt politicians have destroyed their party and they been losing votes in every election, Nepal was never able to progress in the past too.

Same way, west is collapsing in front of out eyes from inside.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
Like I have been saying: Israel's policy is to kill as many Palestinians as possible, kill as many women and children as possible.

They are saying, Israel used air burst with metal fragment bomb in "al-Ahli hospital" Gaza. Which is used in killing as many as possible and they know in advance, there were 100s sheltering in that parking lot.

How evil are zoos?
- Through US foreign secretary, Israel told Al Jazeera to tone down Gaza war coverage. After Al Jazeera declined, Israel killed their Gaza bureau's whole family- wife, children.

Zoos evilness is well know for few thousand years.

(But Nepalese dont need to feel sad: Remember, During the Blockade, Al Jazeera supported the inhumane blockade of India. Dont forget, Al Jazeera is Qatari funded but has close relation with CIA, Mossad but when it's about sunny Muslim, they are pro Sunny muslim. In Kashmir, they are pro Kashmiri. In other- they are pro CIA, Mossad, MI6.)
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
WOW: more than 100K clicks/views in 17day, 6-22 oct.
Must be a huge number for less known blog or forum. Views- 3616000+ to 3718804

Ukraine war bot Vs Gaza battle bot:

In Ukraine war, deep state used 10s of thousands of bots. In Gaza battle too- deep state and Israel are using even more bots in social medias.

The difference is Ukraine war bot used Ukraine flag and Gaza battle bot is not using flag.

Main strategy/goal: In Ukraine war bots, their use was to make Ukrainians, Zelenskey, and supporters believe that the world was with them. And motivate Ukrainians to die for deep state. Make them believe, Ukraine is winning.

While Gaza bots' job is to spread propaganda of Israel. Gaza bots are promoting genocide, telling people that Israel have every right to kill all Palestinians, spread Lie/propaganda etc.

Control Media control 99%. Control money buy every one in power, position.

It's amazing, how fake hardcore Christian leaders dont have a problem supporting blindly those who bomb Churches discriminately. Dont forget, those Christians blood line lived with Christ.

If Christ is really a GOD, they may face the fate of Birendra or Indains PMs' who blockaded Pashupatinath.

Every politicians, generals, top bureaucrats, fake media, propaganda industries, even fake alternative media people etc etc get a lot of money from zoos who support zoo and Israel. All of them are rich. And that money were/are stolen from Americans.

America is the only country in the world where their enemy steal money from them; and which is used in buying some of Americans in power and position; and people all over the world and used American blood/sweat against rebels. Remember, I have been calling, white Americans- one of the three dumb race.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
Putin: Wagner dead boss' plain crashed due to Grenade explosion.

(Scott Ritter's guess is almost correct)
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
Luongo: Ukraine Was Always The UK's War First

"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."

- Verbal Kent, the Usual Suspects

-------------- What I have been saying for years. what I have been trying to tell the world, warn the world for years-- now more and more people are beginning to say.


Dont forget, I created this thread for this purpose.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2392
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
How will WWIII play out???

- Soon after official/clear wwiii begins, Russia will NUKE Poland then west and global south will negotiate. This is how wwiii will be played and settled.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
'Highly Credible' Whistleblower: CIA Offered Six Analysts Hush Money To Shut Them Up About Covid Lab Leak

------------------ Tue Oct 18, 2022 12:23 pm
University in US created a mice covid whose lethal rate is 80%.

So this means, human can genetically modify virus.

Which means, as per circumstantial evidences, CIA is behind Covid-19 (90%) sure.

- Timing and location of virus- in china after they tried everything to destroy china- trade war, hongkong, huawei etc etc.

- CIA knew about this virus before before china.

- This virus was identified in other place before in china- CIA must have modified its genetics.


---------------- Mon Jul 31, 2023 1:20 pm

Covid 19:

There is no proof it came from wuhan lab.

But math says: It was a bio attack on china by cia and there is another proof of it.

Like I have said- if it came from wuhan lab, whole china would have a lot of case in the early days and first neighbor suffering suppose to be asia pacific.

Wuhan had many 1000s cases, while rest of china had very few and asia pacific was not the first outsider to suffer, it was iran then italy.

Before chine knew, US knew about the corona, as per some media and they talked about it with isreal too. I think Isreal then ask for the virus which they used to attack iran. And UK and US must have used that virus to attack Italy cause Italy was getting close to china and to destroy economy of EU. Ukraine war was to destroy EU economy too.

This is why, the corona virus did not show virus characters if it came from nature or it was a lab leak like china suffering first, then its neighbors. But what happened was only one city of china suffered then iran and italy which were away from wuhan.

Only certain area, in patches, suffered a lot and surrounding did not and those patches were far away from each other and people travelling between those patches were very few.

Meaning, bio attack.

Now another proof has appeared: We know how US and 5eye trying to convince the world that the virus came from Wuhan lab. If that is the case, then why they, us govt/cia, paid virologist to silence them.

Those virologist who earlier said, the virus looked like lab made then later said it was from nature after getting paid.

If the virus came from wuhan lab, why then needed to be silenced?

They needed to be silenced cause, if it were lab made and maths says, it did not start from wuhan lab or natural, then it must be from bio attack by cia. And those scientists earlier claim would help to prove, US created the virus and CIA used it to bio attack on China, Iran and Italy.

watch: 0-10 min

Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
If I were Putin and have a meeting with Israeli PM, I would ask him- 'Why all your dogs (war criminals and war hawks- in your payroll) from the west have been trying to destroy Russia????? (In front of media)
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
SCOTT RITTER: On of theory from Scott Ritter is 'Wagner Chief's plane explosion was an accident'. They had weapons and grenades in the plane and grenades exploded.

Quiet possible!
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
Many said anti aircraft.

There is no smoke trail of the missile and if it had been anti aircraft- it would have blown up the plane. Looks like some small explosive.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2392
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2392
Every layman can point a finger to MACHO man considering recent events.
But remember this is not a simple MATH.

"I dont know for a fact what happened, but i am not surprised"
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2148
I guess it's Putin.

Warner became the Rebellion for Russia.

Thus his Chapter need to be closed and is Closed Now.

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