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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7572
"If you dont punish criminals, they will eventually take over the society/country/world"- SECOND TO GOD

Till around a century ago, Zionists were designated terrorists by US/UK/UN.

Cause they did not punish Zionists, later, Zionists went on to take over US, UK - and through them they have totally controlled the west and have a huge impact in the world.

A (those who run govt) are called deep state by B.

B (fake conservatives) are called Nazi by C.

C (fake liberal, woke) are called communist by B.

And there are others- like War hawks, NGOs, INGOs and many.

And all of them are controlled, influenced by Zionists and still they keep on fighting each other, almost all politicians are bought and blackmailed.

Like- Divide and rule.

And Zionists were able to control all of them using- bribe, blackmail, threat, prostitution, pedophilia etc.

Meaning, If you dont punish Criminals in early stage, they will eventually take over the govt, society.

'AIPAC babysitter'
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7572
They say, Iran was in talk with US to bring permanent peace in the middle east. And then, Chopper crashes.

Iranian general who was in Iraq to make a peace deal with Saudi was killed by Israel, and US.

Slovak PM who wants peace was shot 5 time few days ago.

It's like, those supporting peace need to triple their security and stop flying like Kim from free Korea.

Who wants to kill Iranian President and Foreign minister- Some elements in Iran who dont want peace with US, chicken hawks in US/Israel/UK.

Like in Malaysian flight blown up in the Ukraine- guide the flying object towards danger and boom.

Iranian foreign minister was one of recent top foreign ministers in the world. Along with from- Russia, China, South africa.

Iranian President and foreign ministers were tough enough to impose red line and no psychopath who wanted war. Iranian President was more focused on economy.

Free world is going to miss third important power's leaders.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7572

Zionists appeared around 150 year ago.

I believe, Zionists created Evangelical bible, around 100 year back, inside which they told "Christians to serve Zionists".

And Zionists were able to promote Evangelical bible in those society which did not have long history. Like new colonies- North America, South America.

Cause those society did not have long enough history and were not shared history by their grand parents so Zionists were able put into their brain- fake history.

Middle east, Europe dont have big presence of fake new religion cause they have a very long history.

How were Zionists able to promote Evangelical bible into those society??? By bribing priests.

Remember: Zionists were tagged terrorist by US/UK/UN until about a century ago.

Those who control religion, control the society!
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7572
Aaron Mate : Ten Years of US in Ukraine

---- Good conspiracy theories are truth. Some background about 'How Ukraine manifested?'

How US is ran? Who runs US? US president being the most powerful person in the world is just a propaganda, intimidation.

Max Blumenthal : Palestinian Hostages in Israel

--- I have a dream ... 'the whole world going after Zionists for their crime against humanity for last ... or should I say- from the beginning of the humanity'. Just like Zionists went after NAZIs after wwii.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7572
Fun fact: Christian Zionists are easily replaceable.

Zoos can easily replace Christian Zionists (zoo's expendable mercenaries) with Muslim Zionists, Black Zionists and Hindu Zionists.

Experiment in UK has been a grand success. :mrgreen: :lol:

Sunak: UK 'stands with Israel'

NSA Ajit Doval's critical national security lesson to Israeli Counterpart: 'You should be prepared...'

Home Secretary Suella Braverman: I am proud of the British Empire

Mossad Agent REVEALS How Israel Controls U.S. Politicians & Journalists!

Microsoft, Mossad, and Misinformation: Whitney Webb Exposes Zionist Cyber Ops

Alan Dershowitz Throws Fit After Being Asked Questions About Epstein

Dave Smith SHUTS DOWN Laura Loomer's Pro-Israel Talking Points

George Carlin nailed the US/Israel propaganda long time ago:

"Israeli murderers are called commandos;

Arab commandos are called terrorists."

More details, including recorded conversations between Israeli pilot & IDF war room.

* Pilot: "This is an American ship. Do you still want us to attack?"

* War room: "Yes, follow orders"

* Pilot (still couldn't believe it): "But sir, it's an American ship - I can see the flag!"

* War room: "Never mind; hit it"

** Worse, Israel was really trying to sink the entire ship and kill all 290+ Americans!

Leave no evidence.

Israeli boats launched 5 torpedoes, but the Americans skillfully managed to avoid 4 of them.

And the CIA still wouldn't release all the documents!

US and Israel fund, arm and control ISIS.

That vicious mercenary group carries out terrorist killings in Syria and Iran, but never attacks Israel.

Once, ISIS accidentally fired at Israeli troops, but quickly apologized afterwards!

You can't be shooting at your sponsor!

Kissinger Warns Trump: : "ISIS Is Keeping Iran in Check"

Epstein saga is just the tip. Watch this video on the Rothschild family - founders of Israel.

Shocking themes of satanism, human sacrifice, cannibalism, child abuse, torture, rape, slavery, murdr...

"Spirit Cooking" in this video was discussed in Wikileaks emails of 2016.

Jews expelled 1030 times


Bombshell filing: 9/11 hijackers were CIA recruits

At least two 9/11 hijackers had been recruited into a joint CIA-Saudi intelligence operation that was covered up at the highest level, according to an explosive new court filing

"I want to shatter the CIA into a thousand pieces" - President JFK after the failed Bay of Pigs invasion.

Then he fired Allen Dulles, the head of the CIA.

And when JFK was assassinated, guess who was in the Warren Commission that "investigated" the matter?

JohnFKennedy was against Zionist Israelis acquiring Nuclear capability.
He wanted Israeli Nuclear Plant INSPECTED & demanded American Zionist Council (AIPAC) be registered as a FOREIGN AGENT. This was NEVER done!
After JFK died he was replaced by Zio PUPPET LyndonJohnson.

Zelenskiy's Oligarch Connection

Pandora Papers: leaked documents reveal secret wealth of world leaders, Zelensky involved
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7572
There are three globalist masters- US globalist, UK globalist and Israel globalist.

US globalist/UK globalist seem to have developed visible differences with Israel globalist since 7 CIA/MI6 cooks were killed by IDF. It was clearly seen in some western media. Some western media openly went against Israeli 'Genocide of Gaza'.

That clear division also seen after Apr14 attack by Iran. In case of Israel Response, Christian Zionist seemed more hawkish (AIPEC may have ordered to act hawkish) than Israel themselves.

After Apr14, all of them toned down against starting war with Iran. Before 14, only some in power in Israel and Ukraine wanted world war. After 14, only those in Ukraine wants world war.

After 14, most of the left globalist fake news went against escalation but Fox news was hawkish (but had toned down after 14, they too no longer want war with Iran, after 14).

After 14, Christian zionist acted more hawkish than zoo zionist.

After 14, regular more powerful Christian zionist toned down, while, new wanna be Christiona zionist became more hawkish.

Fox news used to be MI6, now they are totally controlled by Israel globalist. The owner of Fox news is opportunist. He went to UK from Australia and joined MI6. After Israel globalist took over UK, he became Israel globalist.

'US House of Representatives, Senators fear intelligence agents. They themselves told me.'--- Tucker Carlson
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7572
News of death is incoming from now to 2 week. The person could be national or international person or distant relative of mine.

- Yesterday, I was told my distant uncle died around 7 month back. Wonder if this counts. Let me see.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7572
News of death is incoming from now to 2 week. The person could be national or international person or distant relative of mine.

(100000 hits in 9 day- wow)
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7572
Sounds like- there is a civil war (small or big- time will tell) inside deep state/globalist.

Three are three master of deep state: One group from Israel, one from UK and another one from US. (Israel is the most powerful until they are not. Until US, UK go after Israel- Israel is the most powerful, and when US/UK goes after they will be the weakest... more like helpless just like during good old days)

Who controls where: UK is controlled by UK globalist and Israel globalist, Israel is controlled by Israel globalist, and US is controlled by Israel globalist and US globalist... I think during last few decades- UK globalist in US became insignificant.

Zoo killed 30k women and children, it did not affect mind of other two globalist. Then zoo kills 7 CIA/MI6 guys (cooks) then civil war starts.

After killing of 7cooks, deliberately, like a hunting game .... US and UK globalists are saying- it has gone too far.

Biden administration is Israel Globalist, CIA is controlled by Israel Globalist but there are US globalist too.

After 7 cooks were killed, Biden administration says- this changes nothing, while US/UK globalist are exposing/going against Israel in fake news. Some fake news are openly exposing Israeli killing of 7 cia/mi6 guys.

(PS- this thread got more than 40k hit in less than a week. This must be the world record for non mass social media post, the world record for forum, blog type social media).
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7572
Sun Dec 31, 2023 11:30 pm

""I"" here present you '2024 prediction' (

10: India's relation with US will change in 2024. Question is, will India become bigger vassal or freer. Assassination accusation is the catalyst.

--- We are seeing little changes on the surface but big changed must be under.

- Dumb people like Modi, they wont correct the mistake cause they have big ego. Dumb people have ego, they dont have brain to glorify themselves with their brain power driven 'result oriented action' like SECOND TO GOD does.

Cause of big ego of Modi, India wont unblock tiktok. Remember, India also blocked BYD from investing in India year or two back.

But now, India has let MG invest in India in joint venture.

That's proof, of the change in Relation between India and US.

Even bigger proof- Until many months back- Indian govt as well as fake news, as well as so called alternative channels neve got tired, kept on saying '24/7' how India and Whites (US) are BFFs.

But it's been months, they stopped doing so. Wonder what happened between their relation.

This is called total failure of Indian foriegn policy. But idiots wont know this is failure of Indian foriegn policy. Idiots in Nepal and India think- Indian Foreign minister is smart. But rather, he destroyed Indian Foreign Policy. He destroyed Indian relation with all countries and totally made India rely on the west.

That foreign minister was seen as smart in India- cause he managed 'India Blockades Nepal'. Which helped him in becoming Indian Foreign minister.

Like we know, those who blockade Pashupatinat gets destroyed. That foreign minister was behind the blockade, and he became Foreign minister of India, under whose leadership, Indian's foreign policy is destroyed.

He destroyed Indian relation with everyone, Nepal, south asia, China, Russia, Middle east, ASIAN, every one and made India dependent on the west. Now, India's relation with west got sour.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2310
"We know that the crime was committed by the hands of radical Islamists, whose ideology the Islamic world itself has been fighting for centuries" - Putin
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7572
Since Moscow Massacre happened, many new proof came out which help to prove- CIA, MI6, Mossad, NATO, 5Eye, Ukraine are behind Moscow Massacre:

1: Before we knew who were the terrorist (that they are muslim), western fake news called them ISIS.

2: While ongoing shooting, fake news and Zionist ho in US govt said, Ukraine is not behind the shooting. How did they know ... later found out, those shooters were scaping to Ukraine and Ukraine authority had built window to scape in war zone here even dogs cant enter.

3: If it was ISIS, they dont need to hide their involvement and they dont hire mercenary.

4: All the captured terrorist said, they were approached through Telegram. Who approach using social media. So someone did approach and immediately found the willing candidate???? That's clumsy of CIA, MI6.

5: Then ISIS took the claim and posted a photo. Since it is not ISIS so framing using social media means CIA cause social media is not safe for others.

6: My suspect, CIA/MI6 handling Ukraine troops on the ground behind the planning- which was ordered by state department- former cookie witch, zoo blinken etc. And like always US (UK always gets involved) does not commit crime alone, they make others involved just like in Hollywood crime movie even when others are useless, it's like making them partner in crime. In this case, Ukraine was necessary.

7: Experts are saying- those terrorist does not behaved like professional soldier/someone with professional skill ... meaning, they were foreign mercenary fighting in Ukraine who were not properly trained. ... aka meat for meat grinder.

8: ...
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7572
'Cookie Witch' said- Big surprises are waiting for Russia.

Shooting, explosion at Moscow concert hall is 'terrorist attack,' Russian Foreign

Seems like 'Ukraine is getting too close to being completely destroyed'.

When 3 American were killed who were invaders in Iraq, US killed dozens of Muslims.

And when US/NATO are killing 10s of thousands of Russians, Putin does nothing in Response.

If I were Putin, I would have nuked Poland immediately within a few weeks after start of Ukraine war.

The biggest weakness of Putin is- he is not tough enough.

Make Ukraine GAZA!
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7572
TikToc ban:

They are saying, Zionist are behind banning of TikTok in US.

It's like, Zionist are sending their western white Christian dogs after China.

Just like in europe during last 500 year, it was/is said, zoos were making Europeans fight each other. It is/was said, if one country go against zoo, those zoo send another country, they control, to destroy that country.

If I were Chinese top bosses, I would start narrative that 'US/5ey/anglo/west' destroying themselves to serve zoo's interest.

Then as soon as TikTok banning law is passed, I would destroy Apple.

US case study teaches humanity- why Hitler had to send zoo into concentration camp?

Cause zoo in power act like a nation inside a nation, they work for their own benefit harming the host country/society.

This makes easy to eradicate problem of the country cause it's easy to identify people behind the problem.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7572
Mongols: Genghis Khan, when a child, his whole family (I think male) were killed while he was speared cause his height had not reach the certain level (age).

Meaning, at that time, every one were brutal. But it is said, he made deals with others instead of wiping out enemies, which was the reason, he was able to concur big part of the world.

Loser whites say, Khan was one of the most brutal but forgot, all were at that time.

NAZI: They say, NAZI were evil cause they kept zoo in concentration camp. But the truth is, others too had concentration camps- US, west, USSR etc. And NAZI kept all enemy in the camp not just the zoo but today's propaganda was only zoo were targeted.

What happening in GAZA 'genocide', Israeli are doing even what people during the time of Genghis Khan's did not do, NAZI did not do. Both Khan and NAZI did what others too did. While Israeli and anglo been doing 'evil' which only they have been doing at this time. Which makes Anglozoo the most evil ever.

Phil Giraldi: How Dangerous Is Israel to the US?

All those tough gay politicians, CIA people, generals, media clowns who threaten superpower- china, russia .... say nothing when Israelis disrespect America, US president, people of US--- which shows the control of Israeli over US. How scared they are of Israel!

But, Israeli control over US, what Israeli been doing to US is happening cause US is letting them. Once US responds, Israeli, zoo will look like a rat in the mouth of a cat.

Just like in NAZI Germany where zoo did similar to Germany people/germany till germany let them, and when Germany fought back, zoo began to call themselves victim.

It will be worse this time. Cause, Germany and also Europe chased zoo more than 1000 times calling them criminals and thieves. Today, the world have found out, they are not just criminals and thieves, they are pedos and genocidal maniac. After more than 2000 year, zoo got their own country and how they exposes themselves- by being genocidal maniac and pedo/rapist 'Epstein island'.

Creation of Israel is the worst thing ever happened to zoo, cause Israel exposed zoo in the eye of everyone even dumbs.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7572
Tiktok ban in US:

I am convinced by US fakenews and chicken hawks' concerns.

I am already felt like Google is following me. So, I have decided to buy Huawei phone as soon as available- probably 'Mate 70 or 80 pro' to protect my data from friends of Epstein/Epstein's btches.

They say tiktok data is stored by CCP.

Guess what- google, fb, x data is stored in Epstein Island (friends aka btches of epstein).

Epstein Island collects data from girls and use those information to lure them into Epstein Island. Why do you think all those girls working for 'women's right for CIA' are so dumb???? Cause they were selected and brainwashed by using data collected by CIA social media.

My niece, when 14, used to think she belonged to one of those letter from LGBTQ+ , now after getting older, not much. This is how collected data from Girls are used to brain wash girls by evil CIA.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7572
There is a rumor- Victoria 'cookie witch' Nuland resigned cause 'there is going to be FBI investigation regarding 'Ukraine related' expenses conducted since 2014 coup, or that lead to coup.

Hitler said- 'they started the war, they sent us to die while they made money'.

History repeating again in Ukraine. They sent around half a million to die while few thousands made a lot of money. Here again 'they' got involved. From both side. In all side.

Then 'Gaza Genocide' started- which exposed- how evil 'they' are.

I am going to boycott 'what is possible' ,'for life', everything/service offered by supporters of 'Gaza Genocide' for life. Those include not just Israeli products but also products by NATO, G7, EU and India.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7572
I think 'Maoist/NC' government collapsed cause of at least half a dozen reasons. On of those is following:

लुम्बिनीमा हुन लागेको शिखर सम्मेलन यसकाण भयो स्थगित

NC trying to bring in Dalai Lama or his agent in formal event to humiliate China.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7572

Whatever they do to Israel, whatever happens to Israel in future- I just dont care.

The painter did not do to zoo what he did to zoo cause zoo were weak. It is said, Germany was the best place for zoo at that time. (It means- the painter took on zoo while zoo were very powerful. Then table was turned)

When they say, 'best place for zoo', it means 'zoo acting like what zoo are acting like in US'.

How is 'zoo acting like in US at this time'-- 'There are gay tough guys in US who are not scared to threaten supper powers like 'China and Russia'. Those same gay tough guys dont even have guts to say a negative about Israel. That is how zoo run US. That is what it means 'best place for zoo'.

I just dont care, whatever they do to Israel now or in future. I have zero humanity for Israel now.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7572
The famous saying of Jude Anthony Blinken: "If you don't sit at the table, you are in the menu".

Another famous quote from another zoo or Anti Christ in zoo's payroll who was in high US govt post: "We prefer fear over respect".

-- Some weak zoo acting tough cause they control "expendable Unsullied Christian army of USofA and some Muslim terrorist organization".

If you know some true history, some important quotes from powerful people from US govt and have some idea of what US been doing in the world since WWII or even how US was born--- you could easily tell 'US is the most evil empire in the history of man kind'.

Remember what I have been sayin- 'US is the most evil empire ever and China is the least evil empire ever'.

But, you could change the narrative if you control 99.99% propaganda machine.

Phil Giraldi: How US Protects Israel

Ryan Dawson: Israeli Slaughter and Ukraine Defeat

Norm Finkelstein Calmly SHREDS Rabbi's Psychotic Israeli Propaganda

Some call US politicians weak while dealing with Israel. Why are they so scared of Israel?

- Cause zoo controls 98% politicians, generals, cia ..... If President go after Israel or zoo criminal- rest will come together and jail the president or even kill him and his family.

Only way to free US from zoo is- 'either all politicians and generals come together and make the decision (you cant include cia cause most of cia bosses are zoo) Or mass revolt'.

Europeans, Hitler went after zoo. They said, everything Hitler said about zoo are false. What zoo been doing using US and what Israel been doing especially since oct7 ..... I have to say- Hitler never told a lie.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Sat Feb 24, 2024 4:36 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7572
They had begun to ignore clown Zelenskey for around 6 month until recently. Now they are back to giving standing ovation to the clown.

I believe this is due to upcoming election in Russia. You know, many politicians in the west are going to lose their reelection bid- many of whom will face this year.

I believe Alexey Navalny was killed by MI6 to influence in Russian election. Most of the intel job in Russia/EU are done by MI6. Of course, there are other partners in crime get involved too.

Expect more 4eye activities in Russia before election. Soon, we may hear about bigger terror act by Ukraine (involving CIA and MI6) in Russia. Georgia recently caught big shipment of explosive from Ukraine to Russia.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2310
Russia announces death of opposition leader Alexey Navalny in prison.
Biden says he holds Putin responsible as Russians attend vigils for Alexey Navalny.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7572
Some Mossad controlled fake news in US are beginning to go after Genocide Biden.

I heard from unconfirmed source- "Gendercide Biden called Pure evil Netanyahu 'a*hold' three times during private meeting."

Looks like, Mossad wants to get rid of Biden and wants to install 'orange buffoons' Trump. Those fake news have begun to support Trump too. May be, Mossad and Trump made a secret deal.

I am sure, after Trump gets elected- he will undo all Biden's fake sanction against Israel and recognize Gaza as Israel's territory.

Always remember, I told during Trump's last time in White House- Trump was/is Israeli patsy.

98% US politicians are but Trump is dumber and deeper.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7572
Milei 'president of Argentina' barked a lot- talked about freedom, dictators, commies ... . Disrespected many powerful countries. But in front of his owner- Bibi Netanyahu, his body language is completely like a weak dog in front of master.

One more proof that Milei is selected not elected. After successfully selecting Zelenskey in Ukraine, they were able to repeat the success in Argentina.

Just like Miley many executive heads like- Sunak of UK, many politicians of US and west behave like a dog in front of Netanyahu.

Deep secret- Netanyahu told Egyptian president- 'if he takes Gaza refugee, he will forgive loan of Egypt. Remember, those loans were provided by western countries and organizations controlled by west to Egypt, not loan from Israel to Egypt. Those amount to 10s of billions of dollars.

This is another proof, west is totally controlled by zoo.

'Dogs are louder than their owner'- SECOND TO GOD
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2310
The Az military's second in command hospitalised again , last time he underwent treatment for prostate cancer.
TOP Euro leader also had similar issues last week.

Why golden ager having more n more prostate cancer ?
SATI KO SARAP, why we are not hearing similar news of corrupts from our country ?

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