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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Yesterday, ""I"" said, In Chobhar Gorge water was falling from 1-2 meter high. Turned out, it was falling from 8-12meter high. No wonder many river side was under water yesterday.

Those in govt did not learn from last year. ""I"" advised same during last years drowning.

We need to expand exit at Chobhar Gorge. Cause simple solution was negated, billions worth of wealth has been destroyed.

Will expanding have any negative effect in the down stream? NO.

- Whatever maximum water down stream faced yesterday, after expanding the outlet, down steam would receive same quantity of water.

Whether in dam or narrow exit - after it overflows, water that exits from it would be in same amount as water is fallen in that area.

Outlet should be expanded in the other side of the temple.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
"""I""" would like to make a Zelensky Prediction:

If Zelensky stays in Ukraine, after he is out of the power, he will be killed.

If he escapes to Florida or Italy or ... 'it will completely destroy western narrative'.

Remember, You serve Zionists, Zionists dont serve you.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Ukraine/west is shifting gear upward in war and at the same time, Zelenskey is talking about peace negotiation.

Either 'peace negotiation' talk is just a distraction or they are changing gear to get an upper hand in the negotiation.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Europe's economy has collapsed.

US about to collapse.

Russia's is booming.

(Exactly as ""I"" predicted. US economy took longer than I imagined)

Cause of Ukraine war, Europe's economy would collapse that is why, I thought Europe wont let that war start. I was wrong.

Since, European in power are dumb and their action affects all. I am going to make another warning- so that they would prevent the action.

""If Ukraine war expands and Russia hit Poland, EU's financial market will collapse over night"".

End the war now, dont let US or Ukraine expand the war.

There will be total collapse in EU if war reach Poland.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
In some events, US runners defeated the higher ranking opponents with late sprint like drag race use Nitrogen, Fighter jets use after burner.

US athletes should be tested for unknow doping substances.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
""I"" would like to predict:

Olympic Gold:

China- 30

France/USA- 20

Japan/Australia/UK- 17
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Trump can be stopped by connecting Trump with- Peter Thiel, JD Vance, Palantir, Jamie Dimon, Erik Prince, many other Zionists etc.

Trump is getting really dangerous than other deep state puppets like Biden.

Peter Thiel working on total surveillance, censorship for mossad.

Erik Prince wants to create Private CIA.

All of them are connected.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
'I Don't Like China': What JD Vance Has Said About Beijing

Time will tell, how much China will pay for- Covid lockdown, attack on housing, attack on tech industry, attack on business, for being too slow economically, for delaying in opening foreign bases, for keeping economic size down artificially ...
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
The Economist: "China has become a scientific superpower"


""I"" here present you '2024 prediction'

8: China's rise as technological power. Almost out of High end Chip problem. Chinese EV going global commercially but sanction by west especially by US- or higher tax.

Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691


Sun Dec 31, 2023 11:30 pm

8: China's rise as technological power. Almost out of High end Chip problem. Chinese EV going global commercially but sanction by west especially by US- or higher tax.


I did say- Western company talk about 'they are working on some technology'... and in a few day later Chinese company announces commercial of such technology.

US talked about creating 'sodium rechargeable battery' ... after some weeks 'China announced commercial sodium Rechargeable battery EV'.

US talked about using AI to make whole movie. Few days later, China announced a series produced fully by using AI.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Trump is coming. ((Biden too is continuing economic war))

Trade war is coming.

Financial war is coming.

Russia, China better start doubling their domestic consumer market from today, within 5 year.

Russia, China should help ASIAN, European Economic Union, Iran, gulf, Africa, latin America etc to increase their domestic consumer market by 50% with in next 5 year.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Barsa Man Pun and Prachanda (maoist) are presenting 'Up coming Budget 2081' in such a way that after it is passed, all the problems Nepal has been facing- mainly Economy and share market, poverty etc ... will all go away.

Same way '100Rs Corona insurance' was promoted by maoist. Remember, it was maoist who created 100Rs Corona insurance. And still today, Nepal is facing it's consequence.

""I"" would predict, 'magical budget of Maoist 2081' will meet the similar faith. It will hit many sector and even more, people will laugh at them.

We need few changes in budget making practice, but, it wont cure nothing, it would just help implement right idea/approach.

""I"" believe, under Pun, max 25% of collapse of economy may recover and 75% to 125% share market collapse may recover.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
There is a chance, China could pay for their mistake of not letting China become no1 economy (Much much bigger economy) sooner.

""I"" believe, China's real economy is already at least double that of US economy.

Bigger economy is stronger soft power.

Smaller economy of China could lead to US and vassals attacking China militarily.

If China has a bigger economy, chances of that war would have been low. At least, less no of Vassals would have joined the war.

Also, with much bigger economy of China, only few vassals would join in sanction against China.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
NIP got 5050 votes.


If NIP gets around 5000 vote .... we have to assume, they today would get around 18L votes.


If NIP gets more than 5000 vote ... NC, UML, Maoist need to replace all the top politicians.


Sat Apr 27, 2024 5:38 pm

""I"" Predict, NIP (swatantra party) to receive 5000 to 15000 votes in Ilam-2. Total vote around 70000. Prediction based on few online videos, no idea about ground reality.


If NIP gets around 5000 vote .... we have to assume, they today would get around 18L votes.

If NIP gets around 1000vote ... we have to assume around 20L votes.

If NIP gets around 15000 vote ... around 25L votes.

What if they win????

If NIP gets more than 5000 vote ... NC, UML, Maoist need to replace all the top politicians.

If NIP gets more than 10000 vote .... NC, UML, Maoist need to replace all their politicians- from top to bottom.

If NIP gets more than 15000 vote ... NC, UML, Maoist party members need to form new party.

And dont forget to thank Finance minister from today to yesterday. And UML for supporting those FMs or not opposing FMs like Pun, Sharma, Mahat etc.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
""I"" Predict, NIP (swatantra party) to receive 5000 to 15000 votes in Ilam-2. Total vote around 70000. Prediction based on few online videos, no idea about ground reality.


If NIP gets around 5000 vote .... we have to assume, they today would get around 18L votes.

If NIP gets around 1000vote ... we have to assume around 20L votes.

If NIP gets around 15000 vote ... around 25L votes.

What if they win????

If NIP gets more than 5000 vote ... NC, UML, Maoist need to replace all the top politicians.

If NIP gets more than 10000 vote .... NC, UML, Maoist need to replace all their politicians- from top to bottom.

If NIP gets more than 15000 vote ... NC, UML, Maoist party members need to form new party.

And dont forget to thank Finance minister from today to yesterday. And UML for supporting those FMs or not opposing FMs like Pun, Sharma, Mahat etc.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
People are waiting for a hero in a society which already has SECOND TO GOD. Fools dont know, SECOND TO GOD is the highest title/rank for any human. They cant even recognize SECOND TO GOD, and still they are sarbagyani (know all) in social media.

सोह्रौं योजनाले उत्पादन र रोजगार वृद्धिमा जोड दिएको छ : प्रधानमन्त्री

It used to be infrastructure, now it is production and employment.....

Now remember, """I""" could be the one who change the trend but they did not listened to me.

""I"" kept on pushing on: 'first priority should be export' .... then social media/fake news experts- pushed for production.

Cause, ""I"" said one (who floated the idea for change) then other dozens talked about production ... since dumb in power follow crowd not great mind .... now they are going for production.

Who is going to consume that new production capacity? Dont they know, people are throwing milk.

Nepalese are lookin for hero- they wished many would turned out to be hero but they did not- baburam, yurak k, now marshi chamal (durga prashad), golden boy (who is proven failure) rabi, balen ... all failed and will be failure.

But what Nepalese dont see or are not told that, there is one guy in Nepal who is SECOND TO GOD. If Nepalese had accepted me as SECOND TO GOD ... politician would have listened to me. I would have pressured them in doing right thing.

Now they are changing priority of Nepal, but they have chosen wrong priority which will not just wast a lot of money, create economic damage, bankruptcies, and also waste time. This may waste another 10 year. We have already wasted 30 year.

Sati ko sarap.

Do you know, production came from commie/socialist mind. Until commie/socialist mind is not defeated, Nepal has no future. There are many other /drag downs/ too.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
US, Japan and Philippines have signed military agreement. If China does nothing- Australia, UK, France, Canada, Newzealand will join.

What could China, Russia, Iran, N Korea do????

Do a lot with a little pain???

1st: Military base- China should build navy base in north of N Korea and a couple of navy base in far east of Russia. China should also build air defense base in Russia and N korea. And Missile base in N korea.

Russia and N korea could build Navy base and air defense base and air base in south China.

2nd: Start 'Arms' race- II'- China should immediately increase their defense budget to 1trillion$, Russia- 150billion$ and Iran-75billion$. That would be- 5% of China's GDP, 7.5% of Russian GDP and 5% of Iran's GDP. They can easily do it with just a little pain.

And to counter the arm's race started by free world- NATO would have to increase their offence budget to 5/6trillion$ (Or even 10 trillion. Remember- It cost US around 15 trillion to build an aircraft carrier while China/Russia would build it in 2/3 billion.. US-3trillion$ and EU- 2/3tillion$.

For US current 900billion$ offence budget is already too much ... and US debt is about to explode. If they try to even increase to 1.2Trillion, US economy would collapse. And EU economy is already collapsing.

Before Ukraine war, Germany used to be the most healthy and strong economy in NATO and still they could not spend 100billion for offence. There is no way, they could spend 500billion$ for army today. UK's army already collapsing. They will explode if they try to spend 250billion$.

So to break NATO like USSR and to scare their vassals like India/Philippines/Japan/S Korea .... Free world should start 'Arm's race-II'.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
"""I"""s prediction about Maoist:

2081 is going to be the final year of PM, Finance Minister, probably Hydro Minister, Probably Home Minister from Maoist.

They should thank their failed/totally, miserably failed Finance ministers- Baburam, Janardan Sharma, Mahara, Barsa Man Pun and also Prachanda.

Maoist and all their ministers have been curse to Nepal, especially all- PMs, Finance Ministers (also huge curse but lesser than PM and FM are -Water resource Ministers and Information ministers, Home Ministers).
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
"""I"""" believe, west's last hope to stay as economic power is devaluation of their currency.

Their days of staying as only economic power is long gone.

West/US been sanctioning China to slowdown Chinese economic progress. Now, they are telling China to bring down the production capacity.

If they go for sanction, west will meet the fate of USSR.

Only hope is devalue currency, up to 50-75%. But their time is running out.

How long do they have the window of last hope???

- Until they have technological edge in some technology. Longer they take, erode will their technology and wont be able to revive.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
""""I"""" would like to change my past analysis about Ukraine war.

First, I thought, Ukraine war wont happen cause France, Germany wont let that happen, and Russia did not want war too. Cause, this war would destroy EU economy.

Now, I believe, Germany and France were involved in sucking Russia into Ukraine war. All those visit by Germany and France to Russia were "Germany/France and US/UK playing good cop/bad cop".

Cause, If they were really against war, even after war stated, after certain point, they would have stopped it. But they did not. And Germany would have left the war after Northern Stream bombing. But they did not.

I believe, Germany were involved/agreed in Northern Stream bombing. They could not do it themselves cause it would have huge political ramification for them.

During last 2 year of war, they tried to change narrative many times.

- First, US was the boss in the war.

- Then, it was EU's war and US is just supporting.

- Then, it was Ukraine's war and they are the final decision maker and others are just helping.

- Then, west was against war but Ukraine was not keen to stop it. Zelenskey making every country support him.

- Then, West dumping Clown Zelenskey.

- Then, again, West supporting Zelenskey.

- Now, France acting tough guy and US against it.

Everything narrative is false/fake, except for the first one: "US was the boss in the war" ,,,,,,,,,, ""I"'s final analysis.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
""I"" propose 'River to the sea 2032'.

Remember: When a pet dog kills a baby- 'The dog is killed and the owner is jailed'.

Moscow massacre. They are saying- the killers are from central asia, CIA fake news saying- they are ISIS. Now it is clear- CIA, MI6, Mossad, NATO, 5Eye, Ukraine are behind the massacre.

And remember, ISIS was created by CIA, Mossad, MI6, middle eastern dictators to overthrow Syrian government. Since then, they have used ISIS in many countries including Afghanistan. It's like, Every country zionist hate gets call from ISIS.

How to conduct investigation??? Follow the money, training, propaganda which go an for years. They say- around 20 are involved. So, this means, the gang have active member of few hundred members.

To recruit few hundred members, you have to lure 10s of thousands of potential candidate. You have to brain wash society. You have to create many NGOs. You need propaganda eco system. You have to take care of family members of those involved in suicide mission. Meaning- 100s are directly involved and billions of $ has to be invested.

And those money could come from fake individual investors to NGOs like NED, USaid, Soros, Amnesty International, British Red Cross, Equal Rights Trust, Oxfam, .....

It's not easy to hide the links.

How to respond????

When a pet dog kills a baby- 'The dog is killed and the owner is jailed'.

WWIII in Central africa to free Palestine 'from River to the sea'.

Russia, China, Iran and many other countries should build big army base, army, weapon manufacturing whose aim is to free Palestine in 2032. And drag NATO into WWIII.

Build army in Central Africa and through- Somalia and Sudan as access to the sea. Also in Yemen. Russia, China need to build in Africa and middle east.

'The dog is killed and the owner is jailed'. Any African countries who become proxy of NATO should be eradicated.

As soon as war starts- Russia should wipe out Baltic and Scandinavian.

And China should attack- Philippines and probably Japan. Remember, Japan most of the time in history been proxy of whites against China. It's time to silence the dog once and forever.

China should start training 250million population for war with proxies- Japan, Philippines and small army from NATO.

When a pet dog kills a baby- 'The dog is killed and the owner is jailed' ----- It's time to kill NATO's dogs like ISIS, Baltic, Ukraine, Philippines, Scandinavian etc.

The rest of the world should declare 'Zionist the biggest terrorist'.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
This week may be the week central banks stepped away from strict inflation targets: Mohamed El-Erian

""""I""" 'SECOND TO GOD' have been saying for last 2/3 year- "You dont use Monetary Policy to bring down inflation created by Supply side".

Now, after 2/3 year, some American expert is saying that.

Which means, ""I"" am not just 2/3 year early, in some case decade, than Nepal but the entire world.

SECOND TO GOD did not become SECOND TO GOD by comparing himself with buddies, SECOND TO GOD compared himself with the world's best and SECOND TO GOD found out, he has no competition.

Following SECOND TO GOD would save you not just 2/3/10 year, it saves humanity, life too.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Another great accidental prediction by """I""'.


Wed Mar 06, 2024 2:43 pm (

Finance minister Pun has 2 weeks to give big result in:

- Businesses and Investors' confidence should be back.
- Loan discernment growth should be at least 25%
- NEPSE bounce back should be 25% within


FM Pun wasted 2 week and confidence of investors have begun to fall down. Maoist have lost all political point they won during first week- which they won cause this govt and FM Pun and PM wanted to improve collapsed economy and share market.

While NIP (swatantra party) have scored missive political points after their minister made one after another good decisions within two week.

Soon, UML will start to lose political point IF FM Pun cant produce result in a few days. They better pressure Pun and Prachanda.

May be this is why: Maoist are dying party while NIP is rising party. There is no match between the ability of politicians from those two party.

Even though, NIP dont have any competent politicians, but they want to achieve something, while, Pun already wasted 2 week, Prachanda has wasted 1 year. Their former FM sharma destroyed economy and share market.

"""I"""s prediction related to above:

Now, Maoist minister will try to copy NIP and make one after another decision and those decision will turn out to be bad ones like starting 'corona insurance at 100Rs'. And people will laugh at them, get angry at them.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
They 'Gaza Genocide accomplices' talk about China invading Taiwan.

"""I""" see higher chance of China-Philippines war than Taiwan thingie.

Make Philippines Gaza!

Like India, Philippines have been slave of one or another power during almost entire history of human civilization. And they love it.

Like Prostitute dont free themselves, they only change master, I say, it's China's turn.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
""""I"""s prediction about FM Pun (50:50 chance):

My calculation/prediction about how Finance minister Pun could waste another 6-12 month without delivering anything (unless he change the tempo):

* He has already wasted 2 week. It has clearly demonstrated he has no idea, no vision, no solution .... and he is just asking others for solution and he is asking failed individuals. (remember- current crisis is created by NRB and NRB got green light from handful of share investors for the policy that destroyed share market).

* He is going to waste another 2 month. Current collapse of economy and share market is due to mainly monetary policy. To revive economy and share market, monetary policy should be changed asap but NRB will wait till monetary policy review period which will be in 2 month time. So FM Pun would waste another 2 month.

If somebody ask right question to NRB, why not change policy tomorrow. NRB will answer- cause we have to follow the system.
If you ask another right question, who wrote the system- answer would be- we did.
If you ask another right question, then why not change the system- they are too dumb to have any answer.

* He is going to waste another 6-12 month. To revive economy, base rate of Banks should fall by 2% and dev bank's base rate should be down by 3.5%.

It can be done tomorrow. But they wont do it cause they are too dumb to be creative and guts to make positive decision and they know nothing.

Naturally course, every month base rate will fall by .15% per month if they reduce interest. Then they will realize, it will take forever to reduce base rate by 2%, so they will hurry after 6 month then finally in 12 month base rate will fall to neutral zone.

This way, FM Pun is likely to waste 6-12 month. Which he does not have.

If he gets full term, he may have 12-15 month. Unless he is replaced soon.

He has already wasted 2 week by wasting time talking to incompetent bureaucrats.

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