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Registered: Dec 2016
Posts: 173

DOW/S&P/NASDAQ are down almost 3% today. FED is meeting next month. They may cut interest rate by 25 point basis. The problem with US market is 80% of the trading volume is done by the machines/algorithms. These algos are tuned to make money off any news, good or bad. Sometimes, the machines may interpret things differently than what we humans do. Many of these high frequency traders spends millions on buying powerful and faster machines, co-locating them nearest to the data centers of stock exchanges, many of which are in New Jersey, right across Manhattan. They pay hundreds of thousand of dollars to the programmers and quants who write trading algos. The amount of trading volume in mind blowing. For an example, AMD, which is a chip maker, its average trading volume is 52,765,001/day. As of now when I am writing it, its price after 2 days hair cut is $49. When bad news comes about, all machines want to sell at the same time, increasing volatility.

There were few things in US that led to meteoric rise in the stock market in the past few years.

1. Tax cuts, the nominal corporate tax cut went from 35% to 21%. I said nominal because, companies can make many deductions and there are loopholes that allows some companies to pay 0 in taxes. For example General Electric, Amazon, hardly pay any corporate taxes. However, many companies, airlines, retail, telecom, payments companies, were able to save billions of dollars due to tax cuts.

2. Stock buy backs: With these new money in hand, companies spend the money on stock buy backs. In 2018 alone, with corporate profits bolstered by the Tax Cuts, companies in the S&P 500 Index did a combined $806 billion in buybacks, about $200 billion more than the previous record set in 2007.

3. Forced buying: Many funds like ETFs/mutual funds/pension funds, no matter what happens in the market, have to buy stocks each and every day. This is because many of the workers who put their money on savings account like 401k, their options is to chose on of mutual funds. Hence, every paycheck they get, some of the money is invested in the mutual funds. These open ended mutual funds have no choice but to pick up stocks at any price.

4. Supply: Big IPOs have dried up in recent years. Due to private funding by venture capitalists, many companies are delaying the IPOs. The benchmark interest rate is cheap enough that money can be raised easily. Hence, there is not enough supplies of new stocks in the market. Also, the number of companies going private has gone up. In 1996 there were 7,322 domestic companies listed on U.S. stock exchanges. Today there are ~ 3,671.

5. Sentiment: The sentiment in the market is that Donald Trump would do anything to save the market. He correlates rise in the stock market with the improvement in the economy. Also, to win in 2020, he has to save the market.

6. Cheap money: The federal funds rate is 1.75%

7. Quantitative Easing: The Central Bank right now has almost $4 trillion on its balance sheet, spending ~50 billions a month buying bonds and financial assets from the market injecting direct liquidity.

8. Safe harbor: Where else to park the money? With many Euro nations effectively having negative interest rates, the US denominated bonds are still yielding positive interest rates, hence, the pension funds, surplus nations around the world have no other place to put their money. The US has never defaulted. It is a safe harbor relatively to put your savings to. Germany is in recession, France can't produce anything cheaply, Italy/Greece is corrupt, Japan is aging and in a deflationary cycle since 1990s (huge government debt/GDP ratio), China with its shadow banking and inflated property sector needs a safe landing. Hence, the US with all its problems are still a better place to put your money.

9. Dynamic companies/innovations: No other nation in the world produces as many dynamic/innovative companies as the USA. All the companies that came in existence in the last 20 or so years are making huge money due to the network effect and their domination in their respective fields. Google, Amazon, FB are the newest and the most profitable. Relatively old guys like MSFT, AAPL, VISA, MASTERCARD, Intel, AMD dominate their fields. The meteoric rise in the stock prices of these global companies have pushed stock indexes to the new heights. There are many companies in the market that never produces any profits but buyoed by cheap money. And, there are some old companies being disrupted out of their business by new more technically savvy startups. Companies like NETFLIX is disrupting traditional cable companies. There are many companies whose stock prices have stayed stagnant throughout these boom times. For example, ATT, which is a traditional media company, its stock price has gone nowhere in the last five years.

But, the modern capitalism is a cycle of boom and bust. Credit expands and it retracts. During the expansion phase, all goes well, but when its time to pay up the bill and sober up, investments and spending dries up. The US economy has expanded for the last 11 years. The stocks are overbought. The corporate debt is all time high. The student debt is all time high. Auto loan is all time high. The government debt is $23 trillion dollar. The budget deficit is ~$1 trillion a year. Inflation in the health care, education and housing has decimated American middle class. 40% of the population can't come up with $400 in case of emergency. Automation and outsourcing were/are evaporating good paying manufacturing jobs.
The US has also chosen to confront China on trade issues this late in the cycle, which it should have done a long time ago. China's 2025 plan forced the US to play power politics. Along with the increasing nationalism and isolationism in the US, there is a broad support to deal with China. Hence, we may see a protracted trade war with China, which is really bad for the rest of us as well. Whoever controls manufacturing of chips, has advanced robotics and rockets, excels in AI and machine learning, has advanced 5G, clean renewable, will likely emerge stronger. Expect these nations fight to control these sectors.

The next twenty years would be a very challenging time for us. These two powers will try to play proxy battles in many places. Nepal being one of them. There will be cyber warfare, psychological warfare, the nations trying to put a coalition against each other.

Economically, we should work furiously to complete our infrastructure projects, roads, airports and hydros. We should increase electric consumption and replace LNG. We should get serious about Agriculture. The thing we have in abundance is water. When you export fruits or vegetables or grains or dairy, you are essentially exporting water. It takes huge amount of water to grow food and raise cattle. We should at least try to be self sufficient in food production in the next ten years.
We should start bringing our people from Malaysia and other places where wages are low. Provide them vocational training(plumbing, electrician, mechanic, carpenters, masons, cooks). Provide them seed money to start their own businesses. Encourage cooperatives to involve in food farming similar to what they have done in the dairy industry.
Politically, we should resolve our border issue with India for once and all. Use satellite and geographical coordinates to determine the border instead of some stone pillars. If needed Nepal should bear all the cost. Increase number of armed police border posts with India. Make citizenship requirements same as India. Those mofos have one of the most restrictive requirements in the world. Just tell them we will follow your footsteps.
Institute mandatory military training for citizens over the age of 18. We need to be ready for coming times.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691

US economy was suppose to go into recession this year. But, deal with China postponed it for a year.

Now due to corona Virus, the recession is back on. By the end of 2020 or early 2021.

Corona Virus' hyper fear may go on for another 2-4 month. Report of New cases going down, no of discharged going up, but, things got drastic in Korea and Iran and somewhat in Italy.

China is saying, they will be clinical testing corona vaccine in April.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691

Another prediction about Yuraj k as spoke person of govt.

Will be total disastrous for yuraj k.

Till now, those associated with economy knew what Yuraj k is. Now whole Nepal will know. Condition, he may has to stay there for a few month or take a few dozen questions from Patrakar.

His arrogance, dumb brain, disrespectful, unfriendly nature, ghamanda, know them all, hangover of panchyat, dalali of powerful (KP Oli, CIA, RAW etc) etc will drown him.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Taxation and religion Sat Jun 09, 2018 9:27 pm

Wow, I said/warned/Predicted it two year and 22 day ago. (one of many major predictions I made correctly)

I am second to GOD!

If this society take me as "second to God", this society could save future losses. I am not kidding. 8) 8)

नेकपामा भैंसेपाटीको असर : अल्पमतमा पर्‍यो ओली समूह !

प्रचण्ड पहिलो, ओली दोस्रो, माधव तेस्रो

भैंसेपाटीको साँठगाँठपछि सचिवालयका ९ नेताहरुमध्ये केपी ओली पक्षमा तीनजना र प्रचण्ड-माधव पक्षमा ६ जना उभिएका छन्

प्रचण्डको पक्षमा १८, माधवसँग १२केपी ओलीसँग १४ सदस्य छन्

स्थायी कमिटीमा प्रचण्ड-माधवको मत जोड्दा ३० पुग्छ, जुन अत्यधीक बहुमत हो

प्रचण्ड समूह मानेर विश्लेषण गर्दा यस समूहमा १८३ जना छन्

केपी ओली समूहको संख्या केन्द्रीय समितिमा १४० देखिएको छ

केन्द्रीय कमिटीमा माधव नेपाल समूहको उपस्थित २६ प्रतिशत अर्थात ११४ जना रहेको छ

Every top politician in Nepal is in minority in their party. So was KP Oli.

But KP Oli became super leader cause of public support, so he did not just controlled his party, prachanda used to lick his boot till KP Oli had public support. (Remember, how KP Oli humuliated Prachanda till a few year ago, Its pay back time from prachanda)

pakhe gai charaune aukat ko KP Oli, can win election by lying, but you can not run a country by lying for long.

Remember, how much support you got from share market before the election and how you humiliated share market after you joined the govt. how yuraj k fooled you into destroying share market.

Today, KP Oli govt lost almost all support from at least neutral public cause of the problem in the economy and share market and tax and disrespect/bullying from yuraj k and other advisers. (you fired two ministers who were problem too).

KP Oli destroyed everything. Other than KP Oli, Yuraj k is the no 1 reason, KP Oli lost every thing. Second is your main adviser.

KP Oli had a few clues those were saying Public is dissatisfied/angry with KP Oli govt-

- Share market was asking/begging for your help for a year and later turned against KP Oli. Remember what you said then, I remember, you said, go start alu kheti.

- People kept on saying, economy is in trouble and people are suffering and asking for your help for last 18 months.

- People were saying, tax was too high. Yuraj k had added more tax. Fire yuraj k. Remember what Yuraj k told people. I remember, he said, kamya pachi tax tirnu pardaina. (kati tirne tax? teska bau ko raiti ho public).

- When you fired your ministers, people asked you to fire yuraj k and your main adviser, but you did not listen. You thought you are god and you do what you want. Now pay!

Even after receiving so many clues about people's perception, you never tried to change your altitude/approach. Now pay!

Do you know why you never saw those clews??????? Cause you are 8 classe and you are arrogant.

I dont know, how late, this govt is to make change!
Registered: Dec 2016
Posts: 173
neoclassical realism*
Registered: Dec 2016
Posts: 173
I don't believe China will make that mistake. China, obviously, is interested in what Iraq has to offer. However, it will not make a blunder of entering into that quagmire.

1. Chinese foreign policy is guided by neorealism. Its foreign policy is definitely guided by realist principles positing nations against each other in the international arena , however, China's internal conditions also guide its foreign policies in the international arena as much as the realism does.
2. China has to find a soft economic landing. Its economy based on exports and boosted by easy credit and government subsidies in the last two decades need adjustments.
3. Share of consumption in the economy needs to be increased, subsidies decreased, banking sector revamped, real estate inflation tamed.
4. Loss of manufacturing jobs due to migration of jobs to lower cost countries like Vietnam, Cambodia and Bangladesh will be a huge internal challenge for Chinese government to deal with.
5. China has its own internal strifes to deal with. Uighurs in the West and Hong kong in the East. It doesn't want any foreign countries to interfere in its internal politics.
6. In other words, China has too much on its own plate to deal with something that can't be easily handled in the Middle East.
7. No doubt, the increase cost of fuel will affect Chinese economy. Also affecting China's economy is the trade war with the US.
8. If America gets bogged down with Iran, its a great time for China to sort out its internal issues before the US can again focus on China.
9. In early 2000s, the US was ready to deal with China and its uneven trade practices. The September 11 attack led America to its involvement in Afghanistan and Iraq, which provided China valuable time to make gains on the US both economically and militarily. In a decade and half, China became economically stronger and laid claims on the South China Sea and built military bases in man made Islands and Reefs in the South China Sea and constructed strings of friendly harbors in Indian Ocean. This point is not lost to Chinese leadership. They will not directly get involved in the Middle East. They will let US and Russia play the power politics.
« Last edit by simrik on Mon Jan 06, 2020 11:02 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
China offers to enter Iraq with military advisers.

World says, china thinks/plans for 50/100 year. It means they are brilliant strategist. But I dont see chinese as great strategist, Russians are better than Chinese.

I see Chinese as more of great engineers. Some day in future (in a decade or two) world will be asking who are the greatest engineers- Germany? Japanese? Chinese?

China offers to enter Iraq with military advisers.

Is this some game Chinese are playing to push US out of Iraq and Syria????? Their way of saying, if you fight Iran, We/China will have upper hand, so leave Iraq, syria and prevent war Or motivating Iraq to kick our US ???? .............. Or, it is just intention of Chinese to have base in Iraq????
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Mon Jan 06, 2020 8:19 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Reality no body in Nepal knows but myself.

Iranian general went to Iraq as a messenger who was invited by Iraq which US asked Iraq to mediate with Iran to defuse tension.

And trump killed him just after he landed just like in some hollywood chicago mob.

And a lot of conservative christians think trump is their massia.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Iran backers have destroyed some choppers of US military.

Only way to avoid ww!!! is US getting out of Iraq, Syria and probably Afghanistan.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
some conditions in 2020 decade prediction

If there is war between Iran and US, US economy will go into depression due to;
1: Many things
2: High oil price
3: Iran bombing commercial ship of US, one in every month is enough.

Then China immediately becomes no.1 economy. World may go into recession, but economy of US will collapse far more than world average.

China has been saying "Century of humiliation". Those who attacked china during the decade should be worried when about to be no.1 super power use that term.

(Trump killed Iranian in the name of revenge for embassy burning.) US bombed Chinese embassy at belgrade when China was week.

By the end of this decade, China will be undisputed superpower and China's power will only grow while US' only declines and China may remain superpower for centuries even 1000 year. During that time, in revenge, China may bomb US embassy 100s of times. may start war small war in countries so just to bomb US embassy.

During the time, british ran civilization will end just like british ended natives of many countries.

When US falls in depression, civil war may star. what ever country white will rule will be seen as new americal and China will bomb that country's embassies for centuries.

War with Iran will be indirect end of evil empire.

World may see hyperinflation if there is war. Those who hold cash will suffer the most. Invest in shares now before your cash turns into paper.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Trump may be impeached now to prevent war with Iran. 50/50 chance

Iran may attack if Iraq does not kick out US army from Iraq. 40/60 chance.

Highly likely, Iran may kill some US top army men and supply anti tank to enemy of US like Taliban and other.

US army has begun to start arresting Iraqi politicians/member of parliament.

For last few years, I advised idiot Indians to bring Oil from outside middle east water through Pakistan or China/Nepal pipeline, but did not listened then, began to work last year, to little too late. Modi must be peeing his pants.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
2020 decade prediction

- Nepal's economic bull will start from 2020 after yuraj k is gone and if surendra panday (or someone positive) becomes finance minister who listens to me. Which will take per capita income to around 750000 NC. For above that, Nepalese are too savages. Only I can take Nepal above that.

- Nepal's share market will cross well above 10000 in 2020 and around 20000 at the end of the decade.

- Asian economy will be around half of Global economy by the end of this decade.

- Chinese economy will pass US economy in 2023-2025.

- Just like US lost their car industry to Japan, Germany.... In the early decade, US will loose communication industry to China (and a little to S korea).

- Russia will be the second largest economy of Europe by the end of this decade. If not first.

- US monopoly over passenger jet will face third competition from Russia/China.

- Iran will be the regional super power- militarily and economically by the end of this decade. Pakistan/Iran/Turkey/Iraq/Syria/Lebnon group will rise and end Saudi ran group in this decade.

- Clear NEW word order will rise in the early decade and take over by the end of the decade. Meaning, US controlled world will end by the end of this decade.

- End of dollar by the end of the decade.

- This decade will see the blame game between socialism and capitalism. Expose socialism even idiots will see. Which will help end socialism in next decade. (I want to write about his, but due to share market depression, I dont have mood.)

- From this decade, South asia will see low tax and low interest rate.

- World will see low tax rate in this decade.

- This decade will see socialist party in US, which will end US economy for good.

Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
I have been saying huge no of neutral people are angry of commie govt and commies.

Now, many are saying same in media and social media.

Looks like, I am the first one to see it. Just like many other cases.

"""""I""""" told you.

Am I really a son of GOD????? But, why God is not helping me.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
""""" I """"" predicted about over investment in Cement industry long time ago....... longer than the date of below post...

Sat Jan 05, 2019 3:19 pm

"""I""" am the first on in the world to warn about ongoing liquidity crisis, NEPSE crisis about 3 year back.

I am the first one in the world to blame
1: Unspent cash in Govt coffin
2: CCD ratio
for liquidity crisis and now others have began to talk.

Now I am giving third major reason for liquidity crisis,
3: Forced loan for so called productive sector.

The third one is also bringing in hydro crisis along with liquidity crisis. Probably other crisis like cement over production crisis. Since, cement in Nepal is too expensive than India and China, they wont be able to export excess production. Which I have explained in following link: Sat Jan 05, 2019 3:11 pm


उनका अनुसार अहिले वार्षिक १ करोड टन सिमेन्टको माग छ|तर अहिले भएका उद्योगको क्षमतानै १ करोड ५० लाख टन छ|

- I predicted this long time ago and finally investors, NRB, bureaucracy, yuraj k about to see it.

प्रतिस्पर्धाकै कारण नाफा खुम्चिन थालेपछि सिमेन्टको गुणस्तरमा समेत सम्झौंता हुन थालेको नेपाल गुणस्तर तथा नापतौल विभागले आशंका गरेको छ|

- I have talked about compromising in quality, mixing mud in the cement when their profit is hit ...... a long time ago. Now bureaucracy has seen it........ Why do I see many many things a long before it happens???????? Am I god???? I should ask my parents........ Budda walked 7 steps as soon as he was born. .... .I was told, I was the youngest infant who was able to ride tricycle, told by my elders.

And still, no body takes my warning seriously ............ sati ko sarap.

I have been warning, over investment in so called production sector is the biggest threat to banking sector and the economy. All sector is important to the economy, country. Only over investment and under investment are the threats.

Those who talked about, giving loan to productive sector only, and stopping margin loan......... would they take responsibility for current crisis in hydro and cement industry, loan and soon hotel industry too ..... and shut the f up from now on????

Mao's China and nehru's India was destroyed by so called over investment in so called productive sector. China is still suffering and India wasted a lot of time.

When I raise a threat, better, raise your ear.

Better fire, yuraj k, everyone in finance ministry, SEBON, NRB, NEPSE ...... they are incompetent, negative and evil individuals and sad little people.

And invest everything in Share market.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
""""""""I"""""""""""' would like to make another discloser about Trump:

Trump is the puppet candidate of rebel fraction of 'deep state'.

Bald Men Are More Intelligent, Successful, and Masculine, Says Science
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
This is what I said earlier:

"""I""" am the first on in the world to warn about ongoing liquidity crisis, NEPSE crisis about 3 year back.

I am the first one in the world to blame
1: Unspent cash in Govt coffin
2: CCD ratio
for liquidity crisis and now others have began to talk.

Now I am giving third major reason for liquidity crisis,
3: Forced loan for so called productive sector.

The third one is also bringing in hydro crisis along with liquidity crisis. Probably other crisis like cement over production crisis. Since, cement in Nepal is too expensive than India and China, they wont be able to export excess production. Which I have explained in following link: Sat Jan 05, 2019 3:11 pm


डोजर लगाउने किसानले किलोको ५ रुपैयाँमा बेचे बन्दा

This is the result of forced loan. When I approach bank for loan, first question they ask is whether I am there for agriculture loan. This proves, how much pressure they are in to lend agriculture loan.

Agriculture over production is more dangerous than over production in hydro.

So called diverting capital, human resource destroyed Moa's China and Nehru's India. Now, its Nepal's turn.

So called productive sector does need capital, but I think 10-20% is enough. More investment will lead to over production and market wont be able to consume it. That is basic economics.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
""""""""I""""""""" predict:

CIT current and past bosses will regret for not investing in share market early enough. For not investing heavily when NEPSE is way low.


सीआइटी दोश्रो बजारमा आक्रामक, एक महिनामा रु. ४ करोडको सेयर खरीद

Not even 1 crore per day. This is what happens when you let beggar run multi billion fund. Neither have idea about share or investment or fund.

Mark my word, Some day, within months, they will say, we regret we did not aggressively invested when NEPSE was all very very low.

Another prediction: Russia will become second largest economy of Europe within 5 year.

When China becomes largest, and India becomes second largest in the world. Russia my become 3rd largest in the world then.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Thu Jan 17, 2019 4:27 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
"""I""" am the first on in the world to warn about ongoing liquidity crisis, NEPSE crisis about 3 year back.

I am the first one in the world to blame
1: Unspent cash in Govt coffin
2: CCD ratio

for liquidity crisis and now others have began to talk.

Now I am giving third major reason for liquidity crisis,
3: Forced loan for so called productive sector.

The third one is also bringing in hydro crisis along with liquidity crisis. Probably other crisis like cement over production crisis. Since, cement in Nepal is too expensive than India and China, they wont be able to export excess production. Which I have explained in following link: Sat Jan 05, 2019 3:11 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
More than 6 months ago, I opposed these ministers and advisers and called them threat to Oli govt:
1: bishnu rimal
2: yiraj k
3: badal
4: matrika yadav
5: bista

That time, they were very popular among crowd and media.

Today, other than bista, all other has lost credibility.

Bista... wait for it....... when he was hydro minister, even after criticism, he passed hydro policy about granting license to developer without competition. Others warned him but did not listen. After he was gone, maoist took over and used that policy to sell hydro projects for bribe.

Bista is still popular among gullible. People think his deal with Malaysia is great and wants to do similar deal with other country.

Wait for the blow back from his popularity projects, he will destroy foreign employment which is the back bone of Nepal's economy.

If employer country promotes that policy for all employee, it may work but if that policy is just for Nepal, there will be blow back.No employer wants to take more risk. Paying for transportation increase risk. And they wont take Nepali worker.

Even if they take, bad for employee. Business is business, If company takes more risk means that company expect bigger return.

If employee had been paying 100 for transportation and other cost, if employer has to pay 100, he/she be taking extra risk of 100 so he/she will expect 300 return. So indirectly, employee be paying 300 due to stunt by bista. Its just business and its just normal. If you take risk, you demand reward too.

Better, govt lend initial cost to foreign bound employee than make employer pay for it.

Just wait for Bista to mesh up our economy back bone and watch his another down fall after long hibernation.

Second, economy.

I had zero faith in yuraj K. but till his budget I did gave him 1% benefit of doubt. After budget it was all over for me. I had been warning about economic disaster alone while majority called him biddwan.

I had been critic of Yuraj k for a long time. During early days, i was making noise as if I am some mental case.

Today, many are making noise about trouble in our economy.

Since my job is done, so I no longer need to make noise 24/7 about economy going down cause of yuraj k. Warning now and then would be enough now.

So now I can relax and enjoy the show, the show of end of commie from Nepal too just like in the rest of the world. And other making noise.

I predict future while crowd see it only after fire already catches the jungle.


Fire yuraj k and others, Oli.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Another prediction """I"""" am going to make.

Clear end of $ will begin from 2019.

$ will be replaced by yuan and euro.

Dump $, buy yuan and euro.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
तर अर्थमन्त्रीले उद्योगी/व्यवसायीप्रति राम्रो नजरले हेर्दैनन्| 'सबै उद्योगी व्यवसायीलार्इ दोस्रो दर्जाको रुपमा हेर्नुहुन्छ,'ती ब्यवसायीले भने|

what I predicted months back:

""""I"""" would like to make another prediction.

So called biddwan so called economist Dr.Yuraj K is or will run Finance minister like mandale era bureaucracy.


My predictions used to be very accurate. But after PHD governor started to attack Share market, My prediction about Share market has been awful. But prediction outside share market is still accurate.

Private sector had been waiting for stable govt for many many years. Finally, we got it and still private sector and foreign investor dont want to invest. And its cause biddwan and commie govt and bureaucrat.

Is biddwan yuraj k bigger than economy of Nepal? Why 8 class Oli does not fire him? I am sure biddwan has been lying to 8 class Oli.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Am I the only one who have not forgotten the earthquake???

८ अर्ब लगानीमा एसियाकै उत्कृष्ट अपार्टमेन्ट पोखरामा बन्दै, तीन वर्षमा सम्पन्न हुने

18 storey, 3 storey parking. What could go wrong in earthquake prone area? We are suppose to learn, hollow space in the lower floor is disaster magnet.

After the earthquake, govt talked about preventing building more than 3 storey in residency area. Where is the policy now??

Which banks are financing this project?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691

look how biddwan is sitting.

did not i call him mandala bureaucrat????

sati ko sarap

retire bhayara gadna parne lai, Finance minister banayo 8 class Oli le. Today, finance ministry is totally ran by bureaucrat. If bureaucrat can run a country, why do we need political party? Army should take over.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
""""I""""" could be the only one in the entire Universe, who made this prediction years back.

Other advice to buy gold.

If there is a threat of hyper inflation, invest in shares, especially in multinational or that companies which will survive in hyperinflation. Since, there are not enough gold. Especially for investor in US.

My theory has been proven by Venezuelan stock market. I just found out. Their share market increased by many many many many times with in a few year.

I also have been saying, never try to hold too much cash. Invest it in shares. And out biddwan has put in FD. Idiot.

Idiot fooling another Idiot. 8 class.

Take my latest prediction seriously- "Biddwan's fiscal and monitory policy will harm our economy".

If he is not fired and 8 class Oli dont reverse 90% of changes he made, we will loose a lot of GDP growth and waste 6/12 month. Biddwan may get fired "max" after we find out GDP growth.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Fri Jul 27, 2018 11:15 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
i told u all

""""I"""" would like to make another prediction.

So called biddwan so called economist Dr.Yuraj K is or will run Finance minister like mandale era bureaucracy.

इन्टरनेट सेवा शुल्क लगाउनु उचित हुदैन भन्न अर्थमन्त्रीलाई भेट्न गएका थियौं, उहाँले यस्तो सानो विषय लिएर अर्थमन्त्रीको समय बर्वाद गर्ने भन्दै हामीलाई उल्टै हपारेर पठाउनु भयो

People like me gave vote to Oli, but, biddwan Yuran K is the one running Nepal like a mandale bureaucrat.

There are lakhs of self employed are angry with this govt cause of biddwan, and still self proclaimed economic expert partrakar has no idea.

If 1 Nepali gives a damn about Dr.KC, 1000 Nepalese has issue with this govt's economic policy/biddwan's policy.

But Patrakar gives space to one and ignores another.

May be its time, patrakar and owner of patrika should go back to patrakar school.

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