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Registered: Oct 2013
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:) :)
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
You may like """""I""""" or not,

You may support """""I"""" 's views or not,

You may understand """""I"""" or not,

But never bet against """""I"""",

Never disrespect """"I"""",

Never go against """"I""""",

Never laugh at """""I""""",



2-3 year ago.... """"I""" told a friend of """"I""""", "in 5 year (I am not sure, 3 or 5 or 7 year) MNBBL will beat SCB". It happened today, 2021.6.7 Monday ("""I""" was born in Monday, FYI :mrgreen: )

SCB is the same sh!t hole, which rejected """"I""" 's loan about 7 year ago. Look, where SCB is now and Where """I""" is. :lol:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
"""""""I""""""" would like to predict ""how lab leak of Covid 19 propaganda against China"", evil empire is about to push, will backfire big on themselves.

As for part of the cold war, US is trying to create hate against China my claiming Corona could have come from Chinese Lab. As per available information, following is the possibility. (I am telling this, to protect friends from being fooled by fake propaganda)

2019 march- First known case of Corona through sewage sample in Spain..

2019 October- First known case of Corona in US.

2019 December- First known case in China, first identified case in the world.

(Till few months ago, so called virologist, were saying, covid 19 is impossible to be created by human, now, 5Eye and NATO and India trying to push, it came from chinese lab.)

- Above date and math proves, Covid 19 did not started from china, neither naturally or through lab leak. If it had (china went into partial lockdown and wuan went into full lock down from jan 2020), corona would have been all over china and asia pacific, southasia, far east of russia etc.

- Did corona released by chinese govt? would china have release corona inside their own country?

- One of the theories, during early corona pandemic, was, did first corona CIA released in China? Above data debunks this theory too.

- Now what theories available information does not debunk:

1: Could CIA or Mossad have introduced corona in China/Iran?

2: Did corona start from US- natural or lab?

Media, social media in the west had been censoring corona theories- especially lab leak, Now, they are pushing this propaganda.

Now """""""""""""""""I""""""""""""""""""""" am going to predict, this stunt will harm west rather than China, pretty soon and they are the ones who will be defensive very soon just like during wikileaks, panamaleaks, economic attack on russia, trade war with China etc. .... Just like when going gets tough, tough gets going. Nothing evil west do bring positive result to them, always been back firing.

My prediction from early this year:

Sat Jan 02, 2021 9:01 pm

""""I"""" would like to make another world share market prediction

Prediction of World Share market for 2021.

If Corona is controlled, most of the share market of the world my increase 25-50%. Reason, Inflation. Probably highest or one of the highest growth ever.

Inflation will increase price of share market, Gold and well as profit of business also wages.


We are into half year,

World market has increased +9.25%
India- +16.05%
S korea +6.18%
Canada +20.65%
Taiwan +11.42%
Australia +8.6%
France +12.13%
China +4.13
USA +11.38%

[Remember- share market of the world just finished correction, now rocket).
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
""""""I"""""" would like to make crazy deposit prediction.

Second monitory policy of chirinjivi nepal (then governor of NRB) turned me into economist. Turned out, only GOD knows more about economy than me.

Corona turned me into Virologist.

Now, cause of garbage negative propaganda about liquidity from fake news ran by pakhe tapare criminals, I am doing my PHD in liquidity.

My crazy prediction about deposit in BFIs- By 2079 ashad end, Deposit will grow by 1000-1500 billion. Current Deposit 4352 billion.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
"""""""I""""""" would like to make KP OLi prediction.

KP Oli turned Nepal into hell, especially to majority of self employed Nepalese through yuraj k. Which ultimately destroyed economy and communist in Nepal.

Cause of latest ruling by court and EC, it looks like KP Oli will remain unless that verdict is quashed.

To undo past mistake, KP oli is suppose to focus on economy and gain support, but I think, instead, latest event will make KP Oli more "Ahankair" and guarantee communist's destruction.

Another prediction about sher bahadur.

Sher bahadur missed grand opportunity and now NC is empty handed. I think, this will end Sher bahadur's politics in NC for ever. He is already on the way to die cause of his age.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
"""""""I""""""" would like to make NEPSE prediction for 2021.

NEPSE saw 2087 in 2020.

By the end of 2021 NEPSE will be between 3800 to 5000.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
I believe """I""" am the only one in the entire universe who predicted share market will boom while almost all said share market will crash/depression/bear market.


This is what """""I""""" said in Mon Apr 06, 2020 4:42 pm

I dont know about Nepal, but in the world, just wait and see, all those who who invested during corona crash will be buying yacht.

I have been asking, hope corona would being something good. In Nepal, corona has helped to bring down interest rate. Not enough but something is better than nothing. This would help economic to kick start as well as great for the share market.


How may times do """I""" have to make huge prediction/analysis correct before world calls me "SECOND TO GOD".

O I forgot, I am the only Second to God, so only I can understand and recognize """I""".

Sati ko sarap ........... I can predict, analyze a lot of huge important things but cant predict which company will boom in NEPSE.

When will arab pati budda- worthless brain less budda be replaced in NEPSE by professional investors, So that they I would be able to predict in NEPSE too and make a ton of MONEY.

Sati ko sarap

""""I"""" would like to make another world share market prediction

Prediction of World Share market for 2021.

If Corona is controlled, most of the share market of the world my increase 25-50%. Reason, Inflation. Probably highest or one of the highest growth ever.

Inflation will increase price of share market, Gold and well as profit of business also wages.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
""""I"""" predict following about the time Bishnu Paudel as FM.

During his time economy will boom, but he may have no hand in it. And share market will boom too. Liquidity will be plenty for coming 3-5 year.

We may see "NEPSE close to 7000" during his tenure of 2 plus year, if he is able to complete his remaining time.

Tragic history will follow, if history repeats if worthless criminal politicians demand to become finance minister and if they become finance minister again after Bishnu paudel is gone.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
14% of volunteers testing pioneering Russian Covid-19 vaccine 'Sputnik V' have experienced side effects, health ministry says
About one in seven volunteers who received a groundbreaking Russian coronavirus vaccine have complained of side effects such as muscle pain, weakness, and fever, according to the country's Minister for Health Mikhail Murashko.

------------- I believe those are good sign and normal. I believe, those sign means our body is reacting to the fake virus and fighting back. I think our body makes us weak to prevent us from wasting energy so that our body could divert energy, resource to produce antibody. If science have not proven it, then this is the theory first stated by """""I"""".

I came to the conclusion by studying living thing, reading articles about disease, national geography, own body/experience. Not a wild guess.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Fri Sep 18, 2020 6:43 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
"""""I""""" have been freely providing my analysis/prediction for almost 5 year now, not just in economics but also in other area and during last 6 months, I have been analyzing Covid 19.

I not just warn about threat, I also provide solution.

Till now, my analysis, prediction, warning have given others/govt/individual 6 month to 2 year of advance warning enough to react. I give my analysis and prediction and warning well before thing gets messy.

Due to sati ko sarap, no body has utilized my analysis and solution.

Since, my background is share market and management so economics is not stranger to me. But since last 6 months I have been analyzing, studying Covid 19 too. And no one in the world have given better advice in the world than me. I have no relation with medicine or covid 19 and still I turned out to be so good.

Could I be just a great natural analysis or just really SECOND TO GOD!!!!!!!!!! something to think about is not it????

I have been warning, solution going on in the world against covid 19 is many times lethal than covid 19 itself. I have been warning for many months now.

कोभिड महामारीमा वीरगंजमा संक्रमणबाट ४२ जना र आत्महत्याबाट ५८ जनाको मृत्यु

Its amazing, so called expert, politicians were suppose to be saying what I have been saying. But no, its not them who kept on barking. And after people started to suffer to death, finally crowd began to bark. And after crowd began to make noise, finally so called expert and politicians have started to raise the issue too.

And still, idiot crowd considers them to be expert, politician, media. Take a close look, those so called experts are mostly tapare pakeh, politicians are too tapare pakhe and media which promotes them are also tapare pakhe. What do you learn from this???????

Now, they implemented even odd for vehicles above 16 seat. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: should not it suppose to be for vehicles below 16 seat.

Never get advice from crowd. You listen the noise from the crowd if people's kitchen are lite or not. You listen to crowd if crowd is happy or now.

You dont take advice from crowd how to build economy, who to solve liquidity crisis, how to face covid 19.

They never listen to me and wasted time and life and money. They have already messed up with covid 19. Which are all over. Now there is another problem we will be facing - vaccine against covid 19. Neither crowd or so called expert has raised the issue yet. Only I have been talking about it. We need 10 lakh vaccine for emergency use. When crowd or so called expert raise the issue, we would already have lost months.

Just like, I warned about economy years before it went sour.

I have been saying, when crowd makes noise, it would already be too late, so better listen to """""'I"""""" which will give you lot of time in hand to prevent the crisis.

And then experts make the noise after crowd makes noise.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Some have no COVID symptoms:: Could the common cold be a reason?

(((((((((Always remember, ''''''I'''''' a nepali said it first in the entire universe))))))))))))

In foreign press, this has been published a few times and still media in Nepal has not seen it. Why? Looks like they only follow had full of fake news they know. Why? cough ..... cough.... pakhe

Soon, just a matter of time, Nepali media will publish it and after hearing from Nepali media (or foreign) so called expert will start to talk about it, will try to explain it as it their are the real expert. (Remember I am the first one in the world who been saying this and I faced abuse for it, I told it to about half a dozen and only one responded it properly and when so called expert will hear it, they will present themselves as expert).

Why? cough.... cough..... tapare

And then media keep on taking their interview, make jokes...
And why would media would go for them and public would listen to them, but not me.......
Why? sati ko sarap.

Sati ko sarap will not make you hit with lightening, sati ko sarap makes your brain dumb which makes you make stupid decision, makes you follow wrong person and disrespect right person, gives you bad attitude and you stay loser for life.

Sati ko sarap

If Nepalese had chosen me as a leader, I would have given heard immunity with common cold. But no, people get leader what they deserve.

PS- No media has published about common cold relation with covid 19 in Nepal, Sharesansar can become the first one. You wont get chance frequently to be the first one in the country.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Sun Aug 23, 2020 11:24 am. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
During early weeks of covid 19 finding, some talked about how Nepalese have good immune system due to the food we eat. I could be the first one to say, We may have better immune system cause of the pollution we face.

Then after a month or two, with more info, my analysis told me, common cold antibody could also fight with covid 19 virus. I said more, corona type virus antibody, flue antibody, common cold antibody, vaccines for them could fight with covid 19 virus.

Then just a couple of week ago, """""""""""" I """""""""" registered my claim: Fri Jul 31, 2020 7:46 pm


It's time to officially register my Covid 19 claim.

Remember, your fellow Nepali, """""" I """"""" said this first in the entire universe.

There is in Chinese news:

Study: you might have some immunity to #COVID19 even if you've never had it

I have been saying or asking, that Covid like virus, flue, common cold immunity could fight Covid 19 virus too.

In future, scientist will find it out too. But I suspected it first.

--------------- I also said few days ago,,,, 2 Sat Jul 25, 2020 10:55 pm-----------

कोभिड-१९ को लक्षण देखिएका सङ्क्रमित भेटिन थालेका छन् | पहिले ९८ प्रतिशत सङ्क्रमितमा लक्षण नभएका पाइएका थिए भने अहिले देखिने नयाँ सङ्क्रमितमा कोभिड-१९ का लक्षण देखिन थालेको हो |

- Remember, I said, few days ago about common cold immunity protecting from Corona. Its been around 6 month since common cold season ended, and I think, common cold immunity last around 6 month.

Any connection? Scientist should do some research.


Now my claim is almost about to be proven scientifically. About a couple of week back, Chinese said it, Now a few days ago, american was saying.

------------------------- The Coronavirus Is New, but Your Immune System Might Still Recognize It (Newyork times, you can google).

A flurry of recent studies has revealed that a large proportion of the population - 20% to 50% of people in some places - might harbor immunity assassins called T cells that recognize the new coronavirus despite having never encountered it before.

These T cell, which lurked in the bloodstreams of people long before the pandemic began, are most likely stragglers from past scuffles with other, related coronaviruses, including four that frequently cause common colds. It's a case of family resemblance: In the eyes of the immune system, germs with common roots can look alike, such that when a cousin comes to call, the body may already have an inkling of its intentions.

-------------------------- Why does COVID-19 strike some and not others? Fauci sees an answer in new study

The study found that the immune systems of roughly half of its subjects appeared to remember past exposure to other, prevalent coronaviruses, including variants of the common cold, equipping them to respond more quickly to a COVID-19 infection once it appeared.


I have been calling myself SECOND TO GOD, for months now. But, one else accepts it till day. Why, sati ko sarap.

No body has met yuraj k or baburam bhatterai, but many dont have problem calling them biddwan, calling them hope, believing in them that they would change Nepal............. but.......... what I see on them is they are the most destructive individuals in Nepal, Nepal wasted a decade or two in believing them. Politicians, society destroyed one or two decade relying on yuraj k for advice.

Nepalese dont have problem believing them, but I, who have proven myself many times to be the greatest mind in the life of the universe, and still hardly any one takes me seriously and other than myself, no body knows my exact power. Some believes my ability up to some limit my not in full. ................. Why? .......... sati ko sarp.

And still I keep on doing what I have been doing (analyzing for the betterment of humanity)..... why? ..... cause I grew up watching spiderman, who says- with power comes responsibility. ....... but really... I do it cause I like to say... I told you so and I like to keep in record online so that people would find out later ...... how they have not utilized my POWER. 8)


Now, I am going to give one huge covid 19 related advice good for the world and mostly for poor country like Nepal- It is very expensive to test swab for corona. To reduce time and money by a lot, they (especially business, organization and local) can collect swab of all/many and test as a one. If turned out negative, all going to be negative, if comes positive, then test individually or test by dividing into smaller group.

I know, they wont listen to me.

But, With power comes responsibility. Ha ha. :mrgreen: its just "I TOLD YOU SO" moment.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Without being shy, tell me one thing- how many of you laugh at me when I said "Covid like virus, flue, common cold immunity could fight Covid 19 virus too"""

First time I started talking about it since around second month since we found out about Covid 19.

And a few days ago, Fri Jul 31, 2020 7:46 pm

I said" It's time to officially register my Covid 19 claim.

Remember, your fellow Nepali, """""" I """"""" said this first in the entire universe.

There is in Chinese news:

Study: you might have some immunity to #COVID19 even if you've never had it

I have been saying or asking, that Covid like virus, flue, common cold immunity could fight Covid 19 virus too.

In future, scientist will find it out too. But I suspected it first.

--------------- I also said few days ago,,,, 2 Sat Jul 25, 2020 10:55 pm-----------

कोभिड-१९ को लक्षण देखिएका सङ्क्रमित भेटिन थालेका छन् | पहिले ९८ प्रतिशत सङ्क्रमितमा लक्षण नभएका पाइएका थिए भने अहिले देखिने नयाँ सङ्क्रमितमा कोभिड-१९ का लक्षण देखिन थालेको हो |

- Remember, I said, few days ago about common cold immunity protecting from Corona. Its been around 6 month since common cold season ended, and I think, common cold immunity last around 6 month.

Any connection? Scientist should do some research.

----------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++

Now they are saying this "Vietnam miracle escape from Covid may be down to 'natural immunity'

Scientists in Asia are investigating whether countries with a frequent circulation of Sars-like viruses may have higher levels of generalised immunity among the population - a theory that, if proven, could help health authorities to manage the current Covid-19 pandemic.

------- I believe it will be proven. Not just sars like, but common cold immunity would also help in my View. Sars like virus dont have heard immunity, common cold do. Sars like viurs immunity would be able to immune covid 19 cause sars like virus is not spreed enough for heard immunity. common cold immunity is. That is why in Nepal, I believe, very few showed symptoms.

But, lately, more are showing symptoms cause, we had common cold season more than 6 month ago, whose immunity must have evaporated. That is why, covid 19 symptoms are showing in more individuals.

If this turned out to be true. It will be one of the greatest claim every coming true which was claimed by serial claimer who has made many big claims turning true.

Pride of Nepal!
Pride of humanity!

And still, govt dont listen to me. :lol: Not my personal loss.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Sorry Yo Yo ji, I don have much idea about RBCL. I am only focused on bfis. May be soon, rbcl will give all the needed bonus shares together, it will sky rocket. Those insider would know about it as it is about to happen, outsider has to hold, wont know how long.
Registered: Sep 2013
Posts: 259
The Rising Sun जी, RBCL को बारेमा पनि केहि कुरा उठाईदिई यो कं को राम्रो नराम्रो र संचालक,कर्मचारी सक्षम,असक्षम अादि उठाईदिनु भए सरकारलाई केहि दवाव पुग्थ्यो कि ।
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
It's time to officially register my Covid 19 claim.

Remember, your fellow Nepali, """""" I """"""" said this first in the entire universe.

There is in Chinese news:

Study: you might have some immunity to #COVID19 even if you've never had it

I have been saying or asking, that Covid like virus, flue, common cold immunity could fight Covid 19 virus too.

In future, scientist will find it out too. But I suspected it first.

--------------- I also said few days ago,,,, 2 Sat Jul 25, 2020 10:55 pm-----------

कोभिड-१९ को लक्षण देखिएका सङ्क्रमित भेटिन थालेका छन् | पहिले ९८ प्रतिशत सङ्क्रमितमा लक्षण नभएका पाइएका थिए भने अहिले देखिने नयाँ सङ्क्रमितमा कोभिड-१९ का लक्षण देखिन थालेको हो |

- Remember, I said, few days ago about common cold immunity protecting from Corona. Its been around 6 month since common cold season ended, and I think, common cold immunity last around 6 month.

Any connection? Scientist should do some research.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Some more thing to be proud to be a Nepali.

You fellow Nepali, """ I """" , have started another international trend.

Remember, I have been saying, East India Company is alive and well. And it is the one who controls US and through US most of the world.

Now more people began to say, East India Company has re branded into American corporation.

I came to know about his, by how much US corporation controls US and what US has been doing since WWII is not in the interest of US but in the interest of Mostly UK and the nameless.

During lock down, I found out that, Harvard is also EAST India Company, financed by opium selling to China.

East India Company controls/owns- not just multinational company but also media, military industrial complex, education institutions, social media, NGO, Ingo and also hospitals and many unknown institutions.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
Mechanism of action of cocktail regime which are under trial in some of the countries seems convincing to me.
Though validation with large multicentric study is needed before rampant use, under expert guidance these drugs can be used when there is no other option in critical cases.
We have severe crisis of this COCK TAIL REGIME in our market. Government must act immediately to accumulate these drugs which may be needed by large number of patient in coming days. Otherwise we ve only option to curse oli government and his cabinet members handling the concerned department.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Huge prediction regarding post corona economic recovery in the world outside Nepal by """""""""" I """"""""""".

During corona- international media, economist kept on talking about crash of the economy due to lock down. Greatest crash after depression, some said worst than the greatest depression, some said worst after 2008 .........

Just wait till corona is almost controlled and economic activity resumes, same so called international media, economist will talk about out of the world recovery, greatest recovery human has every seen ......

Due to corona, economy has been hit, without govt support many business would go bankrupt, famine...... but almost all govt has announced economic package- from zero percent interest loan to free money to poor, tax reduction, interest rate reduction, pumping of money into the system......... meaning most of the business will kick start immediately after corona is almost controlled.

Some fools in Nepal has compared corona lock down with the earthquake, say corona is worst than the earthquake. What they dont see is, after the earthquake, business had to rebuild infrastructure, this time all is intact- infrastructure, labor, consumer... all we need is lock down over and machiary will start running.

In west, some fool compare current economic problem with previous economic crisis- great depression, 2008 crisis. Remember, the cause of those crisis were financial, economic so to recover from those they needed to solve the problem which lead to economic problem which would take a lot of time.

This time, its corona, and after 1/2 month, when they almost control corona, economy is ready to go. But due to stalled economy, business would be in problem, but govt in majority of countries have already announced relief. So we can compare corona economic crisis with previous financial driven crisis or the earthquake.

During earthquake and blockade, I talked about this- The earthquake and blockade would hit business with 20Rs loss for a year, After it is over, in no time, business/economy would recover immediately. Same is about to happen.

When business is hit by 20Rs for a year, price of share is suppose to fall by 20Rs, not 200Rs. When Shares crash 200Rs, means there is shares in sell. Great buying opportunity.

I dont know about Nepal, but in the world, just wait and see, all those who who invested during corona crash will be buying yacht.

I have been asking, hope corona would being something good. In Nepal, corona has helped to bring down interest rate. Not enough but something is better than nothing. This would help economic to kick start as well as great for the share market.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Another prediction by """""""""I"""""""""""""""

Before next election in 3 year, commie party will regret for not calling back las (kp oli) from govt even when his health condition is in dire state.

KP oli for not able to handle crisis. Creating economic crisis even before corona.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Biggest loss in due to corona:

1: Share market
2: Bond market
3: Treasury market
4: Oil market
5: Tourism
6: Airlines
7: Transportation

Which area will be hit the most:
US or Europe (Iran too, but its economy is too small, middle east could be in threat too, but soon it will be too hot over there).

The grave we thought wold be tourism or airlines. But turned out, it could be Oil market. US Oil producers.

US oli market and US oil market bond could be destroyed which could lead to another 2008 like crisis. There will be domino effect.

Few years back, US crashed Oil price to destroy Russia. Today, Russian economy is bullet proof and wants to pay back to US in kind. Now Russia has started Oil war with US, and Saudi may have joined (CIA attempted coup in saudi- go to conspiracy theory to detail) to respond to the attempted coup.

But, I think, US will recover during coming recession with money printing. Their govt debt which is currently is around 110%, will be around 135% by the end of the recession.

Then next recession will be the end of US economic hegemony. (meaning, US will be second economy before the second recession, but after 2nd recession, US economy may fall behind- China, Japan, Germany, probably Russia or be around other three if not behind)

2nd recession will be after 3-5 year after end of the coming recession.

I said, on the first day of 2020, China will be no 1 economy in around this mid decade. But, If corona extends for another 6 month and there is no cure, the date could be a lot sooner.

Strict quarantine may prevent big deaths, but it harms economy, especially advanced economy whose economy does not have much space to grow but have a lot of debt.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
What I said just a few days ago:



Another prediction about Yuraj k as spoke person of govt.

Will be total disastrous for yuraj k.

Till now, those associated with economy knew what Yuraj k is. Now whole Nepal will know. Condition, he may has to stay there for a few month or take a few dozen questions from Patrakar.

His arrogance, dumb brain, disrespectful, unfriendly nature, ghamanda, know them all, hangover of panchyat, dalali of powerful (KP Oli, CIA, RAW etc) etc will drown him.


Looks like I have underestimated this idiot again. Yuraj k has been exposed on his first press briefing. We, from share market, business, economic background knew him from very early, now, other has begun to know too. They are calling him liar, dumb........ soon they will know a lot more about him.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
I predicted bull which reached almost 1900.

I am the only one in the entire universe who predicted crash, liquidity crisis, interest rate crisis.

I also predicted lack of loan demand.

I predicted Yuraj k's actions, attitude, mentality.

I am the only one who predicted share market will rise like this when it really begin to rise. Not many will be able to invest at low.

And still world media focuses on Megan markel. Not me. Did she made any prediction? SAD. 8) VERY SAD. :lol:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
I have been saying, Yuraj k has always been in power not cause of his ability, cause he is a chattu bahun. I am correct again.

Most of us know, how yuraj k has been fooling KP Oli, now it has been proven, how deep his crooked fang is into idiot KP Oli.

Told you so.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691

I have a great plan, which I believe will work about increasing consumption. Which I have been talking for years. Which I would like to disclose after Surendra Panday becomes finance minister.

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