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Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
Getting agreements among the five BRICS nation has not been easy & expansion will make it even more complicated. A kingpin is required to lead the group, otherwise two FRENEMY in BRICS cant yield anything.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Breaking: Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi arab, UAE and Argentina included in BRICS+


Sat Dec 31, 2022 10:00 pm

2023 prediction:

1: Eurasia will get closer.
2: World economy will shift more towards eurasia.
3: If there is no peace in Ukraine, Russia will hit Ukraine harder and world may witness frozen conflict.
4: EV will see start of the commercialization.
5: EU, US, G7 economy will crash.
6: Eurasian financial block will begin.
7: China will over come chips difficulties.
8: 2023 may give us clear picture of what's coming up in 2024/25
9: Balance of power will shift towards eurasia- economic, military, political, technological etc.

Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
How to settle peace in Ukraine:

If Ukraine wants to join EU: Russia keeps land, North of Dnipro river independent state, Eastern reason (Odissa) independent state. No nato or foriegn troops in Ukraine, no foriegn navy base in Odissa.

If Ukraine wants to join NATO: Russia keeps land, North of Dnipro river independent country, Eastern reason (Odissa) independent country. No nato membership or foriegn troops for new east of Dnipro river country, no foriegn navy base or army base or NATO membership for Odissa country.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Small/weak countries like India needs international trading/reserve currency, not china. China has begun to do lots of business in Yuan.

Weaker country in BRICS need other members in BRICS, not China to bring down China's control.

Why is India opposing both? Their master AngloZoo ordered them to do so just like good old days. India has destroyed their foreign policy.

""I""s advice to China and Russia regarding Destroying India/or blocking India's progress:

AngloZoo want to use India as cannon folder against China without giving anything to India.

India is getting a little from AngloZoo cause of India's bargaining power that comes from relation with Russia and China.

If Russia and China kick out India from SCO and BRICS or made a different group without India and Insult India regularly in International forum, India will be Isolated officially (No body likes India anyway- unofficially).

Under this circumstance, India could no longer bargain with AngloZoo and thus, AngloZoo would tighten the screw of India. And India has to beg for relation with Russia and China to counter AngloZoo.

This way, Russia, China and AngloZoo could easily destroy India.

India needs Russia, China more than Russia, China need India. And as for AngloZoo, India is nothing more than Cannon folder just like Ukraine and AngloZoo hate India too.

Kick out India from Global south society, India will be powerless, wont be able to blackmail anyone.

Ukraine case has proved than Russia and China dont need to worry about India too. If AngloZoo can't finance Ukraine whose population is 25 million currently, there is no way, they can finance 1400million population of India. That day, India will explode from Inside. (Nepal needs to build solid fencing in the border to face that day)
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Malvika Subba

Years before her marriage, she said, "even after marriage, I wont be tied down, I will remain free".

I always thought, marriage/relation means sacrifice, bounder.

If you dont like boundary, dont marry. It's simple. Only pakhes who dont like boundary marry.

Her character always had question mark and her attitude was beyond tolerable.

I always wanted to tell teen ager girls who has attitude problem, and I tell that in my mind but really never have said before ...... 'dont express too much attitude, when your life starts you will know your level'. (gindagi suru bhaya pachi afno aukat taha paune chau).

Most of the female fall into same pit. Amazing, the girl like Malvika Subba who had over the head attitude, hifi said- life gave her two options- suicide or divorce.

Always treat man who respects you, cares for you. (Before, learn the meaning of respect and care. Hardly any body knows.)

Malvika Subba is going to be another great example of girls with attitude when they were in prime.

Women's hate for women is extradentary. Malvika victimized that raped girl, and Malvika was victimized by other women.

In media/social media, Malvika became from evil to victim in the matter of a few year.

In my book, Neither Malvika is a good person, nor that raped girl. Karma is a bitch.

Malvika neither had a character, nor her ex husband had. Match made in hell. Why blame each other.

'Girls- dont express too much attitude, when your life start you will know your level'. (gindagi suru bhaya pachi afno aukat taha paune chau).

In some year- we shall get to see another great example- from another popular celebrate- Sobita from NIP/swatantra party.

This is prediction from """I""".

(BTW, I hardly know about life of Sobita :lol: )
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
हालसम्मकै उच्च ४ हजार बढी विद्युतीय सवारी साधन नेपाल भित्रिए, आयातमा ११ अर्ब बढी बाहिरियो

I thought electric Bike/scooter will do better, but electric car is the one doing better.


Sat Dec 25, 2021 12:09 am

""""I""""s prediction about bikes.

From before the end of 2025, more than half of new bikes sold in Nepal will be electric.


I think, all scooter sold should be electric but it is not like that. There are good option from electric scooter.

With in a year, good choice will start to arrive from electric bike segment too.

EV battery progress:

By the end of this year or early next year, chinese company will roll out 360 kwh/kg. Current capacity is around 300 kwh/kg. Hope price wont increase more than 5%.

I have been saying, ev will compete with ICE when battery capacity reaches 450 kwh/kg (but price should not increase in proportion). Good news- we will see that battery within 2 year.

Chinese company has clamed to have 500 kwh/kg battery and will be commercially available within 2 year. They must be doing on the road testing.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
"""I""" would like to predict end of 'X' aka twitter's twit business.

- X first restricted accounts from reading unlimited twitts.

- X restricted people from visiting site without logging in.

Soon, X will be over if they dont change their policy.

Engineers should not be running business.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Govt has begun to install fixed speed gun in ring road. Great.

Now, govt needs to increase top speed in the ring road to 80km/hr. 50km/hr is too slow. And top speed of 30km/hr in zebra crossing.

And make top speed 40km/hr in side/maintenance road. Some vehicles are over speeding in this side road.

BYD's atto's price 56-86lakh. This will destroy other brands' cars which are in the price range of 40lakh-1crore.
If byd introduces another 3-5 model under this price range, destruction of other brand will be sealed.

Looks like, my under prediction will be easily achieved.

(For me personally, I hope BYD or NEO would introduce electric bikes asap. I think, all scooter sold in Nepal should be electric but it is not. Nepalese are not that bright and brave and good judge BUT still they are 'know all' in media and social media :lol: )


Sun Apr 17, 2022 7:45 pm (or even before)

""""I"""""" would like to predict?

China is going to be one of the players. China may control 15-25% of electric car market of the world by 2025.

Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
We have completed half year. What is the progress of """'I""""s 2023 prediction?

Sat Dec 31, 2022 10:00 pm

2023 prediction:

1: Eurasia will get closer.
2: World economy will shift more towards eurasia.
3: If there is no peace in Ukraine, Russia will hit Ukraine harder and world may witness frozen conflict.
4: EV will see start of the commercialization.
5: EU, US, G7 economy will crash.
6: Eurasian financial block will begin.
7: China will over come chips difficulties.
8: 2023 may give us clear picture of what's coming up in 2024/25
9: Balance of power will shift towards eurasia- economic, military, political, technological etc.


There is BRICS meeting in August where they may include more countries- Saudi arabia, UAI, Iran, Indonesia, Algeria and Egypt will be very important new additions. And other can join in later year.

And BRICS may introduce new international trading and reserve currency. Which will change the financial world.

To prevent progress- US will be sending agents before the meeting. We can expect very busy Americans before the meeting.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
""I"""s prediction from: Thu Mar 09, 2023 6:48 pm


""""I"""" would like to predict:

Now, looks like, Russia and China are planning to build a group to secure sea trade line which consists of - middle eastern countries, Iran, Pakistan, some African, Russia, China, Thailand, Burma, Indonesia, Malaysia, Srilanka etc. And they will be securing water south of India. India may join later.


Now, Iran, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Oman form a joint navy

Al-Jadid Qatar news website wrote: The consultations of these countries have started with the coordination of China and with the aim of ensuring the safety of navigation in the Persian Gulf

We are getting there. :lol:

Now question is: Do China, Russia ready my posts/suggestion or just two strong mind are thinking the best possible scenario???
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Let """""I"""" make a couple of predictions:

1: China just sanctioned 'Micron' which could mean, China is close to making high end chips.

2: I have been saying- no surface ship can float on the middle of the pacific without permission from US and China. Looking at the weapons US and China now have- even under water vessels wont last long in the middle of the pacific for long without the wish of US and China.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
In my house, we watch the Television news not to learn the truth but to understand the official narrative- Robert F. Kennedy Jr

Years ago, I started/spread above like narrative 'I watch cnn not for news but to know the agenda of the evil empire. Lately, many are doing and saying similar.

Hope, I am the one who began this trend. Hope SECOND TO GOD was able to help the humanity.

In this 1980s interview, journalist Louis Wolf and ex-CIA agent John Stockwell expose CIA media operations with an unforgettable phrase:

"It goes beyond your wildest imagination the extent to which the CIA has gone to manipulate public opinion"
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Looks like, from now on, money/economic power CLEARLY shifting towards asia.

BYE, evil anglozoo! and Euro trash, Revenge be sweet.

To reduce demand: West increase rate,

When demand falls: Russia/OPEC then reduce supply

Then price back to where it is.

Russia/OPEC want oil at 70/80. West should accept it and let inflation rise instead of raising rates.

Their rate is already too high, economy has already collapsed and inflation is still high.

Only option for west is end the war, accept higher inflation for a year or two and end sanction.

Or already collapsed economy will turn into ashes like in Nepal.

When war ends- Russia will accept oil at 50-60.

No one can fight, supply side problem with high rate.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
(Re post from Fri Mar 31, 2023 6:22 pm ........... older one was very very long, this one is also long---- even after including only important lines)

How accurate """I""" was regarding current economic and share market crisis?

What """"I"""" analyzed and predicted regarding economic and share market crisis, which was started by 2078 Monetary policy.

- Sun Aug 15, 2021 11:35 am ( (Three day after monetary policy- my anger began)

monitory policy was alchina.

- Sun Aug 29, 2021 3:26 pm (

There is a think called PYRAMID. With out big investor, Share market wont survive. Little investors in share market are like cockroaches. Without elephant, they wont survive.

- Sun Sep 12, 2021 7:43 pm (

In Nepal, there were people who laughed, were happy when share market crashed to 1100. They cheered when many lost a lot of money.

Then two year later, those people had to sell their chicken below vegetable price.

- Thu Sep 16, 2021 12:40 pm (

One drop of ink of NRB caused all these problems.

- Mon Oct 18, 2021 2:21 pm (

Crisis began- or should I say, action.

- dependra bahadur chettry said NEPSE should be 700.
- NRB anti share market, anti economy/liquidity monitory policy of 2078.


1: First was share market collapse.
2: Liquidity crisis.
3: Interest rate crisis.

- Tue Oct 19, 2021 12:45 pm (

In other word, economic crash. Business will feel it pretty soon, and public- in 6-12 month..

- Fri Dec 03, 2021 10:01 pm (

New prediction;

1: Share market will burn.

2: Economy will burn.

3: More micro management will start.

4: More blame game will start.

5: Things will get worse, before it gets better.

6: My prediction about those who bought and cornered garbage shares are on. Good shares could crash by 50% and garbage shares- 80-95%.

- Fri Dec 03, 2021 9:38 pm (

Economic analysis and prediction:
1: ..... Now wait for the ocean to burn if they dont reverse their decision.

2: ..... will lead to huge NPL and NPL will create even worst liquidity crisis than current one. I REPEAT, NRB POLICY WILL LEAD TO HUGE NPL.

To solve the problem, govt will have to inject 100s of billions into the system, which wont happen under pakhe rule.

3: Things will only get worse.


- Fri Dec 10, 2021 11:47 am (

5: Share market crash will lead to chicken farmers' suicide.

- Wed Apr 06, 2022 8:41 pm (

Banning import would only help in balance of payment which is one of the most important parts in an economy which has many many important parts.

- Sun Apr 10, 2022 7:02 pm (

Economy is vast.

I had been saying 6/9 month ago, We only had dollar reserve problem, then NRB monitory policy destroyed the whole economy.

- Mon Sep 19, 2022 5:23 pm (

In the past, let's say, govt used to spend 100 for 100 things. Like- 50 for operation, 10 for loan settlement, 40 for development.

Now cause of high interest rate and monitory tightening and lower revenue, govt will be spending 50 on operation, 20 for loan and 25 for development (total=95 things and spent 95money) (today we have stagflation)

** And when there is hyper inflation - govt will be spending 150 on operation (since salary and all expenditure will increase by a lot) and has to borrow 50 to settle loan and no development fund.

- Wed Nov 16, 2022 6:09 pm (

I kept on saying, if you dont fire incompetent, the person/s behind the problem- instead of fixing the problem/fixing the mistake- they will focus on trying to prove themselves right.

And this governor and d governors and NRB did not just cut hand, they kill the person.

- Thu Dec 01, 2022 2:08 pm (

गभर्नरलाई संकेत गर्दै अर्थमन्त्री शर्माको प्रश्न: अर्थतन्त्रमा कहाँ संकट छ ? समस्या कहाँ छ ?

- Liquidity crisis
- Interest rate is 18%
- Factories running at less than 50% capacity
- Share market has crashed
- Consumption has crashed
- Govt revenue is down by a lot
- Balance of payment is suffering

Where is media's golden boy wagle?

- Wed Jul 13, 2022 9:15 pm (

How to solve problem?

First thing first. To solved problem, first of all, you need to find/see the problem.
Then find the reason behind the problem.
Then comes right solution.

- Sun Jul 31, 2022 1:00 pm (

But NRB is forcing expensive loan to all. End game- all will go bankrupt cause of NRB.

Morons, I hear in media, social media to increase interest on deposit and attract deposit? Brain dead piece of Sh!t.

- Mon Jan 02, 2023 1:00 pm (

Cooperative crisis:

........ cooperative was- instead of telling govt that if interest rate goes up by a lot, economy will collapse, cooperative will collapse, there will be huge NPL in BFIs- what cooperative demanded/talked about? they were demanding NRB to let them increase interest rate too. ........

I been warning depositors that, if you demand high interest on deposit, you will lose your principle too.

With this crisis teach them- management in bfis, promoters, nrb bureaucrats, govt bureaucrats, politicians, so called civil society, media etc the lesson? I doubt.


- Wed Feb 22, 2023 6:41 pm (

All crisis is crated by one institution- NRB. NRB's monetary policy created all those crisis. Loose monetary policy, fix liquidity crisis, fix interest rate crisis, fix export crisis. All crisis will be fixed.

What economic crisis- liquidity crisis and high interest rate crisis (these two crisis are/were forcefully pushed by NRB and their advisers)- have created?

1: Collapse of Cooperative:

2: Crisis in Micro finance:

3: Collapse of economy/business:

4: Destruction of borrowers/customer of banks and also banks themselves:

5: Collapse of govt revenue:

Hang NRB officials!

- Sat Dec 17, 2022 3:52 pm (

soon people will start to commit suicide if economy not saved.

- Wed Feb 08, 2023 7:54 pm (

High NPL is due to slow economic activity and high interest rate. (Added) (And I did warn about high NPL when NRB tightened monetary policy that lead to this crisis around 1.5 year back)

Current economic crisis is due to lack of economic activity, high interest rate, lack of loan (liquidity crisis).

Lack of economic activity is due to lack of loan, high interest rate.

And dumbs in NRB blaming what is needed to be done. NRB again trying to promote/preserve the reason what caused the current crisis.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Gravitational waves- I went to find about it in youtube. Tell me something, if heavenly bodies bent the web then how come they pull in each other- gravitation? And then there is ray theory about gravitation waves- for another day.

If I am not wrong, gravitation and gravity are kind of a similar. If wave is true, are not we suppose to fall in curve?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691

How accurate """I""" was regarding current economic and share market crisis?

What """"I"""" analyzed and predicted regarding economic and share market crisis, which was started by 2078 Monetary policy.

- Wed Feb 08, 2023 7:54 pm (

High NPL is due to slow economic activity and high interest rate. (Added) (And I did warn about high NPL when NRB tightened monetary policy that lead to this crisis around 1.5 year back)

Current economic crisis is due to lack of economic activity, high interest rate, lack of loan (liquidity crisis).

Lack of economic activity is due to lack of loan, high interest rate.

And dumbs in NRB blaming what is needed to be done. NRB again trying to promote/preserve the reason what caused the current crisis.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Part- (Suicide)

How accurate """I""" was regarding current economic and share market crisis?

What """"I"""" analyzed and predicted regarding economic and share market crisis, which was started by 2078 Monetary policy.

- Sat Dec 17, 2022 3:52 pm (

I did warn about collapse of Nepal's economy due to NRB's monitory policy (also finance ministry and govt).

1st:I am the first one to warn.

2nd: Other investors followed.

3rd: Business clubs joined.

4th: Finally khate barga began to feel the heat, soon people will start to commit suicide if economy not saved.
(They should have thought about his before the election, only around 15 lakh felt it).

In west, some are talking, FED is destroying the economy, soon they will print 5/10 trillion in a matter of few years to save the economy they tanked.

Just like this (in us), Now govt/NRB needs to pump in kharabs to save the economy. Hang Governor, d governors and other top officials in NRB. Hang top officials and finance minister in finance ministry. Hang all those who advised them.

Hang MF Dipendra Bahadur Chettery.

And dont forget to hang media and Patrakars.

Also include those who said "IamwithNRB". (RC)
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
How alchina RC talk in Nepal:

- If the situation is, interest would increase if left free, then they say 'let free market do its job'.
- Same above MF, If the situation is, interest would decrease if left free, they would say 'what is nrb/govt doing'.

- If share market is increasing if left free, 'what is govt doing, stop manipulation'.
- Same above MF, If share market is crashing and investor demanding govt help, 'govt should let market play on its own'.

In short, alchina RC wants to destroy everything- most of the time, they are interventionist, and sometime they support free market. (Hope they die with their entire family. I am a born mind reader- trust me, you alchian's wife is looking for a secrets man).
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691

How accurate """I""" was regarding current economic and share market crisis?

What """"I"""" analyzed and predicted regarding economic and share market crisis, which was started by 2078 Monetary policy.

- Wed Feb 22, 2023 6:41 pm (

लघुवित्त वित्तीय संस्थाहरुको समस्या समाधान गर्न गम्भिर छौं: अर्थमन्त्री पौडेल

Your tenth grade is reflecting on you decision.

You are saying, you are going to solve micro finance crisis.

And what about- cooperative crisis.

What about- credit crisis.

What about- banking crisis.

What about- share market crisis.

What about- export crisis.

What about- economic crisis.

What about- govt revenue crisis.

What about- retail business crisis.

What about- industries' selling crisis.

What about- wholesale crisis.

What about- salary crisis.

What about- liquidity crisis.

What about- interest rate crisis.

What about- many unseen crisis.

Are you going to talk about one by one? Your tenth grade has been exposed.

All crisis is crated by one institution- NRB. NRB's monetary policy created all those crisis. Loose monetary policy, fix liquidity crisis, fix interest rate crisis, fix export crisis. All crisis will be fixed.

To fix all those- fix NRB- we need 'monetary policy guidance', governor, d governors should be made from outside with banking experience. There should be systematic change in NRB- Promotion in NRB (and other bureaucrats) should be scientific, competent should be promoted from the beginning. All top 5 should be fired. Only those with work experience- who has worked real work- should get to reach top 5 positions.


What economic crisis- liquidity crisis and high interest rate crisis (these two crisis are/were forcefully pushed by NRB and their advisers)- have created?

1: Collapse of Cooperative: But victims dont blame NRB, or liquidity crisis or high interest crisis. They go after cooperative. And those running cooperative neither blame NRB nor they advised NRB not to create liquidity crisis/high interest rate crisis.

2: Crisis in Micro finance: But victims dont blame NRB, or liquidity crisis or high interest crisis. They go after micro finance. Media been going after micro finance. And those running micro finance neither blame NRB nor they advised NRB not to create liquidity crisis/high interest rate crisis. And worst- even NRB is going after micro finance.

3: Collapse of economy/business: But victims dont blame NRB, or liquidity crisis or high interest crisis. They Commit suicide, they blame creditor. And those running business neither blame NRB nor they advised NRB not to create liquidity crisis/high interest rate crisis. Even creditors dont blame NRB.

4: Destruction of borrowers/customer of banks and also banks themselves: But victims dont blame NRB, or liquidity crisis or high interest crisis. Borrower blame banks, banks blame borrowers. And those running banks or borrowers neither blame NRB nor they advised NRB not to create liquidity crisis/high interest rate crisis. And worse, idiot running media also blame Banks instead of NRB who forcefully created this problem.

5: Collapse of govt revenue: But govt dont blame NRB, or liquidity crisis or high interest crisis. They go after govt staff working in custom department. And those bureaucrats neither blame NRB nor they advised NRB not to create liquidity crisis/high interest rate crisis.

Everyone is suffering due NRB's tightening of liquidity and forcing interest rate to 18%. Instead of fixing problem, they have come out barking again- spokes person of NRB.

I advised many time, what is the problem and how to fix it. Now they are on the way to create another problem- which we faced around 4 year back. Pumping more capital into so called productive sector. This wont fix problem but rather will reduce productivity of capital and increase inflation and create liquidity problem and again increase interest rate.

Hang NRB officials!
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Part-8 (Collapse of cooperative)

How accurate """I""" was regarding current economic and share market crisis?

What """"I"""" analyzed and predicted regarding economic and share market crisis, which was started by 2078 Monetary policy.

- Sun Jul 31, 2022 1:00 pm (

गाैतमश्री सहकारीका संचालक फरार, स‌याैंकाे संख्यामा वचतकर्ता रकम फिर्ताकाे माग गर्दै विभागमा उजुरी दिँदै

करिब ५ अर्ब रुपैयाँकाे माग दाबी पर्ने अनुमान गरिएकाे छ

सहकारीमा जेष्ठ नागरिक र असक्तहरुकाे पनि ठूलाे लगानी छ

- Remember I warned about this.

- BTW, I dont think, they scape with money. They may have engulfed commission from projects like housing, but I did not think they ran away with money, they may have ran away with some money that was left but not all money. They had to un away cause that company bankrupted. In Nepal, bankrupted means promoter stealing all money, which means, promotes have to run away or people will burn them alive.

- Remember, I had been saying this will happen, cause all the investment they make are bad ones and ultimately it will crash. Their interest is too high (today, banks' interest rate is similar. blame NRB if bank meets cooperative fate. NRB is forcing banks to become like cooperative).

- Cooperative is like this cause of politician, political party. Mainly UML. Others too. Dont forget Yuraj k. UML's politicians, cadres used to be in payroll of ngo/ingo. Since it is gone, they today rely for their living on loot from cooperative.

Remember, Yuraj k increased tax on almost everyone but reduced tax on cooperative. Cause cooperative belongs to politician. Cooperative is suppose to be non profit but he reduced tax for non profit. He is suppose to decrease tax on profit oriented organization to lure investment but he did opposite. Cause he is criminal working for politician.

- Cooperative take deposit wit high interest rate and invest in housing, hospitals, schools, shopping center and many which all will go bankrupt. None of those business can be successful with expensive capital. No business could be run wit expensive capital. No body can afford expensive loan. But NRB is forcing expensive loan to all. End game- all will go bankrupt cause of NRB.

But those business wont look like bankrupt cause of account book, they will officially go bankrupt when money runs out. Its like Ponzi scheme.

- They, including NRB are forcing bfis to become like cooperative. They are forcing NRB to give high interest on deposit. It will ultimately lead to collapse of every thing and prevent people from investing in business (we went through this process last time too, again this time. Both time, NRB forced them).

Morons, I hear in media, social media to increase interest on deposit and attract deposit? Brain dead piece of Sh!t.

- When bfis go bankrupt, dont forget to burn governors, d governors and advisers (from past and present).

- You want your deposit to be safe or you want high interest. High interest always means you will loose, for guarantee.

- Instead of investing, people are money are putting money in FD due to high interest rate. Nepal is hopeless all cause of NRB and their advisers.

VOTE RIGHT to bring in intelligent people, not like yuraj k who comes in power to serve politicians and criminals and CIA.

- Mon Jan 02, 2023 1:00 pm (

Cooperative crisis:

When interest rate was going up by a lot, when NRB was forcing BFIs to increase interest by a lot, when govt wanted to increase interest .......... cooperative was- instead of telling govt that if interest rate goes up by a lot, economy will collapse, cooperative will collapse, there will be huge NPL in BFIs- what cooperative demanded/talked about? they were demanding NRB to let them increase interest rate too.

I had warned about this. I have been raising voice regarding this. Very few had similar view like mine. Many were supporting NRB.

People running cooperative should be qualified- who understands economy, banking, finance, money, business .....

Just like those in NRB, banks, so called economic experts, cooperative running individuals are not qualified too.

For years, I been warning depositors that, if you demand high interest on deposit, you will lose your principle too. Depositors in cooperative are learning it the hard way.

With this crisis teach them- management in bfis, promoters, nrb bureaucrats, govt bureaucrats, politicians, so called civil society, media etc the lesson? I doubt.

« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Fri Mar 31, 2023 6:08 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Part-7 (solution)

How accurate """I""" was regarding current economic and share market crisis?

What """"I"""" analyzed and predicted regarding economic and share market crisis, which was started by 2078 Monetary policy.

-Wed Jul 13, 2022 9:15 pm (

How to solve problem?

First thing first. To solved problem, first of all, you need to find/see the problem.
Then find the reason behind the problem.
Then comes right solution.

(In my case, I dont only see/find problem, I predict it. As for solution, not a big challenge for me.)

Current problem is liquidity crisis. Foreign currency crisis.

Reasons behind the crisis:
This liquidity crisis is also created by foreign currency crisis. Which is foreign currency left Nepal more than entered Nepal, which is balance of payment crisis. Also by monitory policy when changed from ccd ratio to cd ratio.

(Other reason liquidity crisis is created with monitory policy, fiscal policy, rise in non performing loan.)

Crowd is saying, liquidity crisis/dollar crisis is created by import crisis. Not really, it is created by export crisis.

CD ratio: Remember, before NRB changed CCD ratio to CD ratio, some banks CD ratio was close to 86% which was under control as per NRB's policy.
As soon as NRB changed CD ratio into CCD ratio of 90%, then the very next day, such banks CD ratio was well over 90%. So this liquidity crisis was created by NRB. And soon NRB blamed them on Banks and threatened them.

How to solve liquidity crisis?
Increase export- only major short and long term solution.. Change to CCD ratio. Change monitory policy like undoing/making share investment as liquid assets.

I have already advised about how to increase export few weeks ago. Shor term- cement export, doubling what is being exported. To long term- finding new products, choosing those products that consume high electricity would be the best and others.

Media needs to stop making noise that current liquidity crisis is created by import crisis. It is not, it is created by export crisis.
If we focus on wrong reason and forget right solution, problem will not be solved.

And sudden increase in import is caused by higher price of fuel. And it is not in the hand of Nepal. And it also increased inflation, which is also not due to Nepal, so stop trying to fight inflation through monitory policy. By increasing interest.

If you want to decrease inflation, you have to decrease price of import and to do it, reduce tax.

High interest rate means more inflation.

High international inflation is due to US sanction and printing money. Supply side inflation can be dealt with by increasing supply not by increasing interest.

Countries are increasing their interest to prevent their currency from falling due to US increasing interest. Not to decrease demand.

End war. Solve inflation problem.

US could give Russia weapon coordinates of Ukraine, stop supplying more weapon. War will end and solved inflation and soon they will be out of recession within a year. If not, depression.

Nepal has nothing to do with inflation, and should not try to fix with high interest. One thing Nepal can do is go after source of black money and stop govt from taking loan to loot.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Fri Mar 31, 2023 6:04 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691

How accurate """I""" was regarding current economic and share market crisis?

What """"I"""" analyzed and predicted regarding economic and share market crisis, which was started by 2078 Monetary policy.

- Wed Nov 16, 2022 6:09 pm (

I kept on saying, if you dont fire incompetent, the person/s behind the problem- instead of fixing the problem/fixing the mistake- they will focus on trying to prove themselves right.

राष्ट्र बैंकको कठोर नीतिले अर्थतन्त्र सुधारोन्मुख: गभर्नर अधिकारी

Economy has collapsed, it has collapsed worst than during the blockade and still this ghug is saying, they saved the economy.

There is a saying, which is popular among pakehs, 'you don't cut hand just cause there is a pillow on your finger'.

And this governor and d governors and NRB did not just cut hand, they kill the person.

Nepal needs 'monetary policy guidance'.

Independent party should not forget to thank NRB for the popularity they received and also thank share investors. :mrgreen:

VOTE RIGHT! Almost all, who have been in power are total failure.

- Thu Dec 01, 2022 2:08 pm (

गभर्नरलाई संकेत गर्दै अर्थमन्त्री शर्माको प्रश्न: अर्थतन्त्रमा कहाँ संकट छ ? समस्या कहाँ छ ?

- Liquidity crisis
- Interest rate is 18%
- Factories running at less than 50% capacity
- Share market has crashed
- Consumption has crashed
- Govt revenue is down by a lot
- Balance of payment is suffering

And most of them are created by govt and nrb.

And where is media made experts? why are they not answering this question? Where is media's golden boy wagle- In last 6-7 year, he has hardly talked about economy of nepal, economic crisis and still media and social media presented him as expert and some idiots bought it. That's called sati ko sarap.

After successfully selling- prachanda, baburam, yuraj k, gagan thapa and many others in the past, now media is selling golden boy wagle as great.

Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
Fool me million times, I am a sarbagyani nepali trying for green card.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Part-5 (My real detail analysis)

How accurate """I""" was regarding current economic and share market crisis?

What """"I"""" analyzed and predicted regarding economic and share market crisis, which was started by 2078 Monetary policy.

- Mon Sep 19, 2022 5:23 pm (

In the past, let's say, govt used to spend 100 for 100 things. Like- 50 for operation, 10 for loan settlement, 40 for development.

Now cause of high interest rate and monitory tightening and lower revenue, govt will be spending 50 on operation, 20 for loan and 25 for development (total=95 things and spent 95money) (today we have stagflation)

** And when there is hyper inflation - govt will be spending 150 on operation (since salary and all expenditure will increase by a lot) and has to borrow 50 to settle loan and no development fund.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Part-4 (My real detail analysis)

How accurate """I""" was regarding current economic and share market crisis?

What """"I"""" analyzed and predicted regarding economic and share market crisis, which was started by 2078 Monetary policy.

- Sun Apr 10, 2022 7:02 pm (

Economy is vast.

Balance of payment, foreign currency reserve is one of the major elements of the economy, and there are many many more.

6-9 months back, I suggested to directly intervene import. NRB was trying to control it indirectly, which I opposed.

NRB tried to decrease import by destroying kitchen of public, by destroying income of public, by destroying business of public.

How do you feel, if your kitchen is closed just cause dollar reserve is dwindling? which was not needed???

Just to decrease import, NRB tried to destroy all elements of the economy and still it did not work and finally they have stopped import with directly intervention. During this time, Nepal may have lost many many kharabs, many family must have suffered.

(In Nepal, only I understand economics, and instead of listening to me, they listened to every dumb out there, worst, they took advice from those who destroyed the economy in the past)

In Nepal, main source of income are- remittance, smuggling/tax evasion/fraud/black money, looting of budget and non of them are affected by tax and interest rate and liquidity. NRB policy only destroyed official economy. Not criminal economy.

Now to reverse damaged economy caused by NRB policy ............ (And decrease tax, including import tax too)

Govt/NRB need to loosen monitory policy, reverse all the policy brought to tighten the economy, except for import. Undo share related monitory policy too, or you will pay in election and if you want to increase remittance and if you dont want people to suffer, if you dont want economy to suffer.

To fix reserve problem, control import in short term and for long term, increase export, production.

Ban import of private vehicles for 6 month. Undo ban on electric bike after 2 month, undo ban on electric car and bike in 4 month.
Unnecessary food/furniture/garment and many goods, should be import banned for 3/4 month.

I had been saying 6/9 month ago, We only had dollar reserve problem, then NRB monitory policy destroyed the whole economy.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Part-3 (My real detail analysis)

How accurate """I""" was regarding current economic and share market crisis?

What """"I"""" analyzed and predicted regarding economic and share market crisis, which was started by 2078 Monetary policy.

- Fri Dec 03, 2021 9:38 pm (

Economic analysis and prediction:
1: ..... Now wait for the ocean to burn if they dont reverse their decision.

2: ..... This time, this liquidity crisis wont lead to just lowering of investment, it will create huge economic disaster which will lead to huge NPL and NPL will create even worst liquidity crisis than current one. I REPEAT, NRB POLICY WILL LEAD TO HUGE NPL.

To solve the problem, govt will have to inject 100s of billions into the system, which wont happen under pakhe rule.

3: Instead of fixing the problem, by reversing policy- liquidity, 4/12...... NRB will go for blame game and micro management. Which will create even bigger problem.

There are already, losers, failures who destroyed Nepal (bureaucrats) supporting NRB policy in the media. So called dogo, ex bureaucrats, fake experts of dalal congress also support bad policy.

Things will only get worse.

Same faces who were behind previous liquidity crisis, economic crisis, who destroyed Nepal (civil servant) are supporting bad policy. Sati ko sarap.

4: Situation for share market is far far worse today than when NEPSE crashed to 1100 last time.

-Fri Dec 10, 2021 11:47 am (

5: Share market crash will lead to chicken farmers' suicide.

- Wed Apr 06, 2022 8:41 pm (

बिलासी वस्तुको आयात नियन्त्रणले सुधार होला अर्थतन्त्र ?

Economy has been destroyed by NRB, finance ministry, their advisers like the one who became indian ambassador, dari/jasta pata mantri/chettry governor and many more.

Banning import would only help in balance of payment which is one of the most important parts in an economy which has many many important parts.

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