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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
After grand success of '2023 prediction', ""I"" here present you '2024 prediction'

1: I think 2024 will decide between 'War or Peace' for at least a decade or two.

2: The world may see some peace for a few year (at least), no big wars like- Ukraine, Gaza.

3: I also think, 2024 will decide where the economic power center moving and will remain that way for many decades.

4: Western world will focus on Economy/economic recovery/economic relation with China/Russia/Others.

5: Gold UP, Dollar down.

6: GDP in dollar term of countries will face drastic change- most countries' will go up. My 2020s prediction was- 'China will become no1 economy in mid 2020s, and few years later, I gave the date-2024. So will it happen? It depends on- how much dollar will weaken and how big will be US recession?

7: Balance of power- economy, military-'s shift will accelerate toward rest (west vs rest), more than during 2023.

8: China's rise as technological power. Almost out of High end Chip problem. Chinese EV going global commercially but sanction by west especially by US- or higher tax.

9: Western Money will move to rest of the world.

10: India's relation with US will change in 2024. Question is, will India become bigger vassal or freer. Assassination accusation is the catalyst.

11: EV rule begin- In 2023 it's share is 16%, in 2024 it will get close to 22%. Sanction on Chinese EV has already begun.

12: One of my prediction of 2023 was, 2023 will show us what will happen in 2024/25 and future. Gaza war has a big effect. So is Houthis- cause of Red Sea.
US will think 100 times before starting war with Iran. And Cause of Houthis- 5eyes' plan to sea blockade of China (also Russia) will be complicated. It is looking like, in blockade war- 5eye is more venerable than China and Russia.

13: Most of those who supported Ukraine will lose election. I think there will be election in Argentina in 2024 or 25.

14: Recovery of Nepal's economy- if govt try little harder. Prachanda (and finance minister) will regret for delaying economic recovery plan since he only has one year left. But cooperative may not come out of crisis in 2024.

15: NEPSE will break record.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
2023 prediction analysis:

1: Eurasia will get closer. (Indeed, got closer. Gaza Genocide made them even more closer they have ever been. West, mostly US/UK are kind of isolated. Even India seems like got slightly away from US)

2: World economy will shift more towards eurasia. (You may not see in data cause of Money printing- west is devastated by Ukraine war. They say, Germany is destroyed, Japan/korea in big problem, US is in deep problem- only 10% money printing is making data look not too bad, EU is in problem too. Russia is doing great, China is doing fine had been better if their govt had done more)

3: If there is no peace in Ukraine, Russia will hit Ukraine harder and world may witness frozen conflict. (Russia is hitting Ukraine harder. Ukraine is close to collapse. US been proposing frozen conflict, but Russia still not ready. Now, US/west pushing for unofficial frozen conflict- i.e. going for defensive war after totally failed with huge loss counter offense)

4: EV will see start of the commercialization. (In 2023, EV share of total Car sold is around 17%.)

5: EU, US, G7 economy will crash. (Germany, Japan crashed, worst economic condition probably since wwii, but data dont reflect the truth. US has not crashed as per GDP data, but other data says- crash. Crisis in EU too)

6: Eurasian financial block will begin. (Minor block has been formed in BRICS+, Yuan use has increased, even in SWIFT data, US dollar as reserve has decreased a little to below 60%. Local currency use has increased between traders. Non SWIFT has increased by a lot)

7: China will over come chips difficulties. (Hawaii has introduced their own 5G phone. They are talking about 3nm chips but I cant understand, what technology/method they are talking about. They are introducing many high end chips)

8: 2023 may give us clear picture of what's coming up in 2024/25. (Gaza Genocide has become the catalyst- which has isolated west/mostly US and UK. US accusing India of attempted murder is another catalyst in US/West-India relation; which could lead to BRICS+ currency which India been stalling)

9: Balance of power will shift towards eurasia- economic, military, political, technological etc. (Huge shift, especially due to Gaza war, Ukraine close to collapse, Houthis, technological progress made by China)

10: NEPSE BOOM BOOM (In terms of number, BOOM BOOM has not begun but confidence of BOOM BOOM in investor is there, If PM's action happened 6 month earlier, we would have seen boom boom in numbers too)

""I"" would claim- prediction has been accurate by 85%.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
"""I""" would like to present my analysis and prediction about 'using US Dollar as domestic currency'.

Argentina's President Milei said, would use US$ for domestic use:

So what will be the economic impact? Someone will buy Argentina for 1$.

Let me be realistic. If $ is used in Argentina for domestic use, the price of whole Argentina will be 1trillion dollar. China will easily buy them. Other countries who could afford would be Japan and Germany.

Today, its value could be around 4trillion dollar. Their GDP is about 650billion$. After using $, their GDP may crash to 250billion$.

Assets value: Assets that can be traded in international market like fuel, metal, food etc wont impact much in value, will remain as per international rate. But assets like land and building, those assets that cant be sold in international market will fall sharply.

Rent, salary, cost of services will fall sharply. People/country will become poorer.

When US prints $, that dollar will circulate inside US first, US gets some benefit, but Argentina will lose every time US prints $.

If they use $$, US and west will be able to stop transaction of any individual as they like outside Argentina.

Since, they wont be able to print money, they will have to lend from other countries during fiscal crisis. And they will fall into bigger debt trap than today, more like Pakistan or far worse. The real debt trap. Even for little money, they will have to borrow from outside.

Private debt, public debt will be devastating and will fall into an un imaginable crisis even with slight problem.

Their economy will totally rely on export and their economy will stagnate.

If cash is damaged, they will be done.

They will have zero control over their Monetary policy.

Since using foreign currency will lead to depression, you wont be able to reduce interest or increase supply of money to get into good inflation. If interest is decreased, money will flow outside, and to increase money supply, you will have to borrow from others. And while paying interest, money will flow outside.

Even with minor crisis, their money will easily exit which will collapse the economy. Value of assets will fall to close to zero like War torn courtiers like Afghanistan.

Conclusion: No control over fiscal and monetary policy. Best case scenario for economy would be stagnation but most likely scenario would be deflation. Wealth value will collapse. Blackmail/Sanction threat from outside.

Pegging would be far better.

[Ps- I did all above analysis under 45monute.]
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Some wishful thinking in the west and India: Chinese economy crashing, Chinese economy falling into middle income trap, China becoming Japanification.

- Chinese economy is not crashing. Current some crisis is due to Chinese govt tightening, attacking on corporation few year ago. And it will easily be fixed.

- China wont fall into middle income trap. It means- China peaked mid tech economy and not competitive enough to enter high income country. Wont happen since- China is leader in most of the high tech. Only problem is semi conductor. But remember, China is the only country in the world who has domestic supply chain in semi conductor.

And also dont forget, western technology rely on Chinese- engineers and scientists.

- And China wont fall into Japanese like trap. Cause, Japan crisis happened when Japan was on top of the economy then US/West destroyed them. While China just entered high tech economy, China about to enter low lever of high income country. And China rules in most of the important technology. And China is not small like Japan or France. China is bigger than NATO, West. Meaning, China is about to begin from low.

In other news- Japan and France about to make 1nm chips. Remember, Japan and France were sanctioned by US, destroyed their economy by US for becoming better than US in technology, decades back.

Now, why are they about to become better than US in chips technology. Why disclose now, why entering into chips competition now??? Cause, China and Russia have created multi polar world. Now, Japan and France are confident enough to challenge US. Now, US wont dare to sanction Japan and France for this.

Milei from Argentina seems like Zelenski from Ukraine.

Milei worked as an economist for 13 years for an Argentinian oligarch, Eduardo Eurnekian.

The "Zelensky of Argentina" was promoted on the oligarch's TV channels.

And Milei's fascination - fake or not - with Judaism might be because the oligarch is Jewish.


Another question: Did US/UK used international people/nation inside a nation to destroy Argentina's economy, destroy Argentina's Currency?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
During Covid- People learnt more about virus.

During Ukraine war- People learnt more about european history.

Now, during Gaza war- People are learning more about middle east.

""I"" did my PHd in virus during Covid. People learned too.

"""I""" learnt the most during Ukraine war. Before Ukarine war, I thought Anglozoo been trying to start that war, cold war since 1990s. Months later I found out Soros entered Ukraine 40 year ago. And about 2 year later, I found out, Anglozoo been planning Ukraine war while WWII was on going.

I also found out, USSR was the Ukraine of WWII. They were the proxies. Zoos were the commie, and zoo controlled USSR from behind, who could had dragged USSR into the war, just like most of the unwilling countries.

Before the war, I thought, europeans wanted to free themselves from anglozoo, turned out, 90% of european politicians, bureaucracy, media, generals, intelligence are all in payroll of anglozoo and are being blackmailed.

I already knew about Ukraine war so much that I created the thread 'Conspiracy theory' to warn the world.

""I"" learned least during Gaza war. Only think, till now, only major thing I have learnt is- Hamas was created by Israel (CIA/Mossad/MI6/Qatar). Others are past atrocity of zoo on Palestine.

People are learning about Palestine, Israel, Middle east now cause of the war like- The Bin Laden's letter, how evil are zoo, who controls the west (G-Z thought they controlled west), etc.

May be, I should share with others regarding my knowledge about Zoo during this war.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Thanks to Gaza war: Transvestite found out that 'they have zero control over western- government, media, social media, corporation, bank, society, university, school ...'.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Face reading: Hitler Vs Netanyahu

Yesterday, I watched some videos and speeches of Hitler. He did not seem like genocidal. His face, body language said- he was defending his country, people.

(There were many other concentration camps during wwii- for Germany, for Japanese; controlled by west/US too. Where millions said to have died too. Meaning all were evil. The most evil from wwii could be Churchill.)

Last few weeks, I have been reading face and body language of Netanyahu. He is the one who looked like genocidal, narcissist, psychopathic, Sociopath (all in one).

When he is pushing (speech/talk) for genocide- he tends to tilt his head slightly down.

And when he is disrespecting person he is talking to- he tens to smirk a little.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Nepali economic noise society have two groups: 'Working class & Talking class'.

Working class- who has to work like economically independent people, self employed, even those with jobs (like managers) who's work out come depends upon govt policy- like CEOs, top management. Meaning- whose work is directly affected by govt policy.

Talking class- Unemployed. Who dont work for living but still make money which are not considered as socially acceptable- politicians, ngo/ingos workers etc. Others are bureaucrats, Journalists, media/social media people, fake experts- who make money but govt policy dont affect them directly. All their income are affected by govt policy but they are too dumb to see it.

Noise from talking class is the main reason our economy has collapsed while working class' people's noise is weaker and there are dumb in working class too.

Always remember, all those bad govt policies have been supported by mostly talking class and opposed by huge majority of working class.

Similarly, so called economic expert title is also given/promoted by talking class, while most of the working class hates those so called fake economic expert like Baburam, Yuraj k, Sornim wagle etc.

Meaning, Talking classed is the one who promoted the destruction of our economy. They are always loud in supporting bad policies driven by their jealousy.

It's amazing, in Nepal, dump in power listen to wrong people- talking class and ignores working class. That is why our economy keeps on crashing (when slight slowdown would have been enough), and the result keeps on destroying political parties in the election and those politicians are too dumb to see it.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
The hospital evil zoo bombed yesterday seems like 'a Christian hospital and had a church inside where people were sheltering'. A baptist hospital.

And still Christians support zoo.

This has nothing to do with religion. Those evil are just using religion for their greater crime. Since Religion is the biggest demographic grouping.

Also proves, control media control 99%. If had not been propaganda, Christian white would have have supported zoo killing arab Christians.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Evil anglozoo saying hospital explosion were miss fire from hamas missile; or fuel explosion or storage of weapon exploded after hit by hamas missile misfired.

Answer is no: Proof-

1: There is a video of it. If the video is not fake- it is clearly US glide bomb. And that sound of the bomb and explosion is too big for any hamas missile. 1000 times bigger explosion than hamas missile.

2: British news showed, the tragic site.
- Some cars were flattened and burned, damaged others and surrounding.
- Cause that bomb went off the car, so creator was smaller.
- Again, if it had been hamas missile, impact would have been tiny.
- Impact is clearly in the center and on the car, center of the car park. Meaning- there was no secondary fuel or rocket stock over there.

- So clearly no fuel or rocket stock was involved. If had been fuel- it would have burned for a long time and would have produced a lot of dark smoke.

- If had been rocket stock- there would have been multiple explosions. Since impact was in the middle of cars and car parks, so there was not a lot of fuel involved or there was no rocket stocks. Only fuel was there was inside cars. And not enough for that kind of explosion. And would have multiple explosions.

- And anglozoo propaganda also claimed oxygen tanks. Impact was in the middle of a car park so there was no oxygen tank there.

Anglozoo murdered 500+ who were sheltering them as a refugee and they were told by terrorist zoo to go to that side of Gaza. It's anglozoo's policy to kill as many as possible. As many women and children as possible.

Hope, Rest of the world, lead by China and Russia impose two state solution as agreed during 60s.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Many more detail prediction from """""I""""""

Gaza war is going to be one of the last few remaining gigantic mistakes America has given by GOD.

They have already used one of those mistakes in Ukraine and things they are doing associated with Ukraine war.

Another one is, their bullying, threat which they have increased significantly during Ukraine war.

Another one is, which they have been using, which is their economy. They are destroying their economy with high interest rate and on the other had printing money to save that economy. This year, US will be printing 10% to achieve 2% growth. They could have just kept interest low and reduced expenses and improve supply chain.

And Gaza war is a huge gift for Putin/Russia too.

Biggest winner will be Russia. Other winners- China, Middle east including Palestine, rest of the world (west vs rest). And biggest loser USA and Ukraine. Other losers- Israel, west, India (another huge blunder of Modi and company).

Some may ask- what about innocent people??

- History does not care about innocent people.

Ukraine war or Gaza battle:

Ukraine is a war for US while Gaza is a battle. Ukraine is for national security while Gaza is for money (almost all politicians and media personality make a ton of money by supporting zoo).

Looks like Money has won. Corruption destroying all countries- Ukraine, Nepal, US, EU etc.

I was thinking, whom would Americans choose when choice is between UK and Zreal????

Looks like they have supported Zreal. It's all about the money. Ukraine war is for UK and Gaza is for Zreal. And Zreal won.

Look at all those propaganda in media and social media and those who control money. Turned out zoo controls- money, media, education, Government etc. While English only control- English language and Fox news (fox news does not know how to serve their master).

America is finished. Their enemy- zoo and english (anglozoo) controls everything. If people dont do what they tell them to do- they will cancel them or even kill.

I read in some comment section: 40 or 60% middle and top management in CIA are zoo. If true, US is 4kd.

In a few days, we may see: Mossad media supporting Gaza war and MI6 media supporting Ukraine. MI6 media exposing Gaza lies, Presenting Palestine as victim and calling Putin evil. And vice versa.

West is in their final hours!

Huge development:

For the first time ever, a telephone call took place between Prince Muhammad bin Salman of Saudi Arabia, and President Ibrahim Raeesi of Iran.

The conversation was mostly about the ongoing war in Gaza, and the need to support the Palestinian cause. They also spoke about broadening ties between their two countries.

Iranian president of Iran and King of UAE also made a telephone call.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
"""I"""s prediction of Gaza war.

If burning of Gaza go on for few more days, The end of West may be very near.

The whole of Muslim world may go against west. Russia and China and many are already against the west.

End days of Anglozoo very near!
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
"""I"""" would like to make a Tesla prediction.

All current Tesla cars look a like. I think they are using same platform to build those cars.

If they introduce different models, their cost will sky rocket and they wont be able to compete.

So they are in between a rock and a hard place.

If they introduce more models, they wont be able to compete- price wise OR if if they dont introduce more models- people will get bored.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
EV battery:

They have lab tested Lithium-Sulfate solid state battery. It performed better than Lithium-Ion liquid battery. It lasts longer and after recharging 1400 times, it maintained more than 70% of it's initial capacity. It's cheaper too.

EV Car:

They are saying, Small and medium EV cars will reach price parity with ICE in around 2026.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
After meeting between Chinese and American high level officials and potential upcoming future meeting between two head of state regarding: crisis of relation between two countries, Ukraine, and others .....

Chinese top diplomat is in Russia. Probably to talk about Russian stand/demand regarding Ukraine issue.

My guess has been 'FROZEN CONFLICT'- after frozen conflict talk may go on for a long time to settle Ukraine matter.


Sat Dec 31, 2022 10:00 pm

2023 prediction:

1: Eurasia will get closer.
2: World economy will shift more towards eurasia.
3: If there is no peace in Ukraine, Russia will hit Ukraine harder and world may witness frozen conflict.
4: EV will see start of the commercialization.
5: EU, US, G7 economy will crash.
6: Eurasian financial block will begin.
7: China will over come chips difficulties.
8: 2023 may give us clear picture of what's coming up in 2024/25
9: Balance of power will shift towards eurasia- economic, military, political, technological etc.

Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Till years back, those companies which cant sell their product or service in US could not rule the world. Without US market they could not make enough money and so could not invest enough in R&D.

(And if you did too good, and CIA could not destroy you, US govt used to come after you openly)

Now, it's China's turn. If company cant sell their product or service in China, that company wont remain on top for longer.

Even more, without chinese cheap and quality parts, company cant compete in international market.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
I think, I read in Chinese media; They are saying, US asked China to 'slowdown on economic growth'.

I am not sure if they said it directly or that is what Chinese assumed.

""""I"""" suggest China to increase their domestic consumption by 50% with in 2 to 3 year.

Since, they are facing deflationary pressure, they can try to achieve such target. And to take on western economic attack and shield their economy from outside economic crisis- they should have such target.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Russian allies' wives went to Ukraine. And western propaganda saying- that's huge embarrassment for Putin.

Not really, that's blessing in disguise. Serbia and Armenia are liability for Russia.

Cause of geography Russia cant help Serbia and Cause of Turkey- Russia cant help Armenia. Azerbaijan been disrespecting Russia for a long time, and cause Russia cant humiliate Turkey by attacking Azerbaijan.

But this is loss of not Russia but of Serbia and Armenia.

Serbia will get gay parade and CIA will send terrorist.

And Armenia and Azerbaijan will learn a lessen in a worst way.

Russia did their best in keeping Peace in Armenia and Azerbaijan and Azerbaijan will pay big.

Now NATO may protect Armenia now.

What could possible go wrong?

1: Russia wanted peace while NATO wants violence. Now Azerbaijan is 4ked. One mistake and Azerbaijan will be attacked by all- Armenia, NATO, Russia, Iran.

2: If Armenia brings in small NATO troops without Russian approval, Russia can punish Armenia by supplying weapon to Azerbaijan and watch the war from distance. And watch both country get wrecked.

3: If Armenia bring in big NATO force, then they will be wrecked by Russia.

If there remain peace- Azerbaijan will be 4ked and they will miss Russia's presence. If there is no peace, both country will regret.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
So China will start mass production of 5-3nm chips from 2024-25.

In 2018, a "mysterious" fire in the Netherlands destroyed the EUV machine that was supposed to be shipped to China.

Since then, US sanctions have prevented its vassal from selling EUV to China.

Guess what?

China has started mass production of not only DUV lithography machines but also EUV.

Chinese EUV machines are expected to be delivered next year.

High-end DUV machines are already on their way. Chinese companies can meet most of their needs with these DUV.

(BTW, we all know who was behind the mysterious fire!)
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Those who talk behind other's back- destroy life of other people, especially women.

Those who talk behind are- alchina, ignorant, idiot, lacks experience, negative low lifes.

And today, those scums are in media and social media- and they have the loudest voice.

Even worse, they today give govt, politicians advice. And govt., politician listen to them. Like NRB governor chettery.

And the worst part is, they give advice regarding economy too. And cause their advice, economy and share market have tanked.

Today, economy and share market have crashed cause alchina have the loudest voice and business community/investors dont counter them. Very few try to counter them like """I"""". And by doing so """I""" have become a bad person in the eye of some. Sati ko sarap.

Today, Investors/business community want Bishnu paudel/Surendra Pande. Not Golden boy.

When Golden boy becomes Finance minister- alchina will support him. If investors, business community dont protest, they will pay big just like today, they should make their voice heard.

They should protest when Golden boy becomes Finance minister. And as soon as Golden boy's policy harms economy and share market- protest should bring him down.

Investors, Business community should silence alchina's voice in the media, social media. Society should spit on the face of alchian- to save economy, share market, country, society and womanhood.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
"""""I""""" would like to predict 6G will be Satellite based mass communication technology.

I wonder, If Huawei's phone with satellite communication option is a first stage of using 6G???? Year or two back, Huawei launched some satellites to test their 6G communication. It could be possible that 6G is space/satellite based technology.

Europe's biggest car show was long the stomping ground of German brands- but it's now 'become the China show'


Sun Apr 17, 2022 7:45 pm (or even before)

""""I"""""" would like to predict?

China is going to be one of the players. China may control 15-25% of electric car market of the world by 2025.

Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
"""I"""" would like to predict rapid crash (slow down) of new innovation in ICE vehicle 'excluding large transportation especially cargo'. (Rapid slow down of investment in R&D)

Chinese EV battery has begun offering 400km range charge in 10 minute.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
BRICS+ is on the way to bring in NWO in the matter of very few years and media in Nepal totally ignored it.

"""I""" think BRICS members made a deal with US that: BRICS+ wont introduce new currency in hurry and US is going to soften Dollar weaponization.

Why so many are lining up to join the BRICS? For protection from anglozoo.

BRICS+ is a lose organization related to economy, finance and technology.

BRICS+ is neither military alliance nor economic alliance. BRICS+ neither will attack you nor sanction you. And still why BRICS+ is so important???? Cause BRICS+ creates and offers all the countries (member or not) alternative system like new trading system and currency in future. And all countries are free to utilize it or ignore it or use it parallelly. Meaning, protection from unilateral sanction.

Now, thanks to BRICS+, countries have higher motivation(feel more secure) in making decisions in their own interest instead of making decisions influenced by threat from anglozoo.

BRICS+ is not an alliance and still it is more powerful than alliance. Like, in NATO- Hungary has a problem with NATO but it is scared so cant leave NATO. NATO will break into pieces when there is no fear left. But since BRICS+ is loose organization, no one should be afraid of it so no country needs to leave it. Argentina may leave if coke sniffer wins coming election. Success of BRICS+ depends upon its character of staying 'loose'.

And still, dalals running fake news in Nepal ignored BRICS+ meeting.

Media of Nepal is enemy of Nepal as well as enemy of BRICS+.

And BTW, this is the first time BRICS became serious. Till last year, it was just a club.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Dodge's CEO: Gas Muscle Cars will die & be replaced by 'just as fun' EVs
He predicts- Electric care will be much faster.

"""I""" Predicted this about 20 year back.

And I posted this on: 18 Mon Feb 17, 2020 5:35 pm


Thanks, you are the first one to appreciate (hope its not sarcasm). Even my father and brother used to say- timro kura testai ho.. but after NEPSE hit the record it stopped and after it crashed, there were some question marks...... hope my father remembers what I said about a decade ago like- some day electric car will be cheaper than petrol car cause it requires very less parts. I heard, my that prediction will become correct in 2/3 year.

I told my brother that electric toy cars/ RC and real are similar- only difference is quality of parts, size and few extra parts.

I also have said, some day, electric car will be much faster than petrol cause electricity travels faster than wind. Battery is the problem till now. And my cousin laughed. Hope he remembers.

I have made many such predictions.

Thanks to internet, now I can post and later claim, I told you so.

I am not that social so...

By the way, I am a great looking fellow.

Really, grammar??? I thought my problem in language is vocabulary and lazy to read before posting and spelling (thanks to auto correction and google, I am not exposed in this department :mrgreen: :mrgreen: ).

I never used to curse, It all started cause of the NEPSE crash, now I cant stop cursing in the road. Hope, it ends after NEPSE breaks the record. ;)

That is why, it is called conspiracy theory. :mrgreen:


I also said, Electric cars are just like Toy car.

In 2022/23- Musk said- he builds car like toys.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
This is not hard alliance, just soft alliance related to economy, finance, technology...

If they form trading system, all of them use it and offer to non members too. Same with currency. They offer each other technology. Nothing hard alliance.

So no need hard agreement or implementation. Being soft, it's less likely they will fight or at least no big fight.

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