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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
TikTok ban:

What China/Tiktok could do is sell- 'data, brand name, simple technology' to US.

Sites running in- US, EU, NATO, 5Eye, India, Israel could be sold to US.

Then, tell other chinese sites to sell their western business too.

Then go for the kill. ... Tell business like Apple to sell their company to China or close their business in China. Goal should be killing American business, not buying business.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
BYD to slash EV prices even more with new platform as it looks to crush ICE car sales

BYD says Tesla is not the competition. It's gas-powered cars.

--- Looks like 2026 is coming in 2024.

- -- Sun Dec 31, 2023 11:30 pm

""I"" here present you '2024 prediction'

3: I also think, 2024 will decide where the economic power center moving and will remain that way for many decades.

7: Balance of power- economy, military-'s shift will accelerate toward rest (west vs rest), more than during 2023.

8: China's rise as technological power. Almost out of High end Chip problem. Chinese EV going global commercially but sanction by west especially by US- or higher tax.

11: EV rule begin- In 2023 it's share is 16%, in 2024 it will get close to 22%. Sanction on Chinese EV has already begun.

8: China's rise as technological power. Almost out of High end Chip problem. Chinese EV going global commercially but sanction by west especially by US- or higher tax.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
They are saying- With getting rid of Cookie witch, they are replacing Russia Chickenhawk with China Chickenhawk.

Does China have a plan to counter?

Trump said in an interview- 'They have to finish the job'.

Meaning- He supports Genocide. This low life need to be stopped in election????

Remember, I said few years back, US likely collapse officially during next government and I want some Gay-tough guy like Trump to be the president while US officially collapses.

May be let Democrat win and postpone collapse of US for another 4 year!!! :roll: :roll: :roll:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
"""I"""" believe, US is about to give China huge opportunity to promote Chinese IT business as well as China's global influence.

"""I""" am talking about US about to ban TIKTOK or make bitedance divest TikTok.

If US does so, what could China do? ""I""s advice, this is a great opportunity, once in a life opportunity (just like Russia govt from NATO sanction after Ukraine war- where the sanction promoted Russian business/industry and now most of the Russian Oligarch are investing in Russia instead of in the west)

- Tell APPLE to close their business in China or relocate their head office to Hongkong or Asean and divest themselves from US's institutional investors.

- IF banned, TikTok will be banned from Google app and Apple app. So this give Chinese companies huge opportunity to promote their Mobile App eco system like Honor in the rest of the world.

- Use TikTok's algorithm to expose US. If there is total free speech related to US/Israel/5eye in tiktok, Tiktok wont just be popular in rest of the world, TikTok will become the main source of news in rest of the world.


(Looks like, maoist/NC govt banned tiktok in Nepal cause they were ordered by CIA as an experiment)
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
"""I"""s this prediction rate has been absolute.

SECOND TO GOD been saying for years- those finance minister 'who hate share market or ignore share market' go on to destroy not just share market but also economy.

सेयर बजारप्रति गभर्नर भन्दा निर्मम थिए अर्थमन्त्री महत, रिक्स वेटेज घट्न नदिनेमा समेत बनेका थिए बाधक

This prediction has come true for at least half a dozen time. I have been watchin Nepal's economy and share market for more than 19 year now. And I made this prediction around 5 year back.


"If person in power have following views, Economy/share market would crash under his leadership:
1: If ignores share market or is anti share market
2: Talks about productive sector and unproductive sector
3: If talks about economic independency of country or making self sufficient in manufacturing
4: If hates other's profit
5: If talks about socialism or communist economy
6: If talks about nationalizing
7: If gives important to distributing free stuffs
8: If talks about controlling
9: ............. "- SECOND TO GOD

Another predictions have come true too.

Another prediction also has come ture. """I""""s 2024 prediction.

""I"" here present you '2024 prediction'

14: Recovery of Nepal's economy- if govt try little harder. Prachanda (and finance minister) will regret for delaying economic recovery plan since he only has one year left. But cooperative may not come out of crisis in 2024.

This prediction has come true in the third month of the year.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Israel-Gaza war: More than 100 killed as crowd waits for aid

"""I""" could like to predict that "Israel wont exist in next century".
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
""""I"""" told you so:::

Years back I said- if People demand high interest on deposit, they may even lose their principle.

4-6 year back- I believe- I predicted, Cooperative will be the first one to go bankrupt.

It's amazing, even after cooperatives went bankrupt- Governor/NRB, Finance minister, PM did nothing to prevent economic collapse. It tells us- what kind of dumb are ruling this sh!thole country.

Cause they ignored cooperative collapse (caused by economic collapse forced by NRB) .... then came micro finance collapse. ..... what next ---- NRB, Government is still not doing anything significant to deal with economic collapse. I almost forgot about IMF. IMF also has hand in the collapse of Nepal's economy.

It's already too late, but still only SECOND TO GOD can fix this from total collapse. I can restrict collapse in BFIs under .25-.5% and collapse in Cooperative to 5-15%. (read again this paragraph)


Thu Dec 22, 2022 1:41 pm

* We had one crisis- Foreign currency crisis
(Which could have been easily dealt by banning import[short term] and increase export [long term])

* Then in the name of solving foriegn currency crisis- NRB destroyed share market (this could be motivated due to jealousy of bahunbad, due to bahunbad getting angry for not getting bribe from investors [its amazing, big investors who bribe bureaucrats and politician in other matter are also share investors but they won tell their doggo in bureaucracy to fix share market])

- NRB destroyed economy (Since you are dumb- destruction of economy includes- collapse of business, collapse of jobs, collapse of govt revenue, destruction of investment, etc etc, meaning of economy is huge)

- NRB tightened loan policies (Probably Nepal is the only country in the world where giving and taking loan is a crime, why- bahunbad)

- NRB forcefully created liquidity crisis instead of solving it (destroyed blood line of the economy. In US fed making sure, there wont be problem with liquidity)

- NRB forcefully increased interest rate to 18% (This destroyed existing economy. Dumb in Nepal may not know, Fed or other country increasing rate means increasing rate of money banks take from govt. and they increase to discourage banks from taking loan from govt, real rate is not that high. But in Nepal- real rate has reached 18% and first casualty is about to be cooperative- garbage created by socialist and communist politician to loot and feed their doggo)

{{{{{{{{{first casualty is about to be cooperative---------- Look, I did warn}}}}}}}}}}

And Except for me, No body ask or talk about- why NRB (and their supporter- bureaucracy, media, patrakar, fake expert, alchin commenting in media/social media who supported in NRB's destruction) destroyed everything in the economy just to fix foreign currency problem which could easily have been fixed without destroying the whole economy?????


Plz, somebody hang alchinas (most of them are bahuns btw. I know, do you know why its always bahun?) from talking in the media and social media.


Mon Jan 02, 2023 1:00 pm

Cooperative crisis:

When interest rate was going up by a lot, when NRB was forcing BFIs to increase interest by a lot, when govt wanted to increase interest .......... cooperative was- instead of telling govt that if interest rate goes up by a lot, economy will collapse, cooperative will collapse, there will be huge NPL in BFIs- what cooperative demanded/talked about? they were demanding NRB to let them increase interest rate too.

{{{{{Look I warned so many times-------- instead of telling govt that if interest rate goes up by a lot, economy will collapse, cooperative will collapse, there will be huge NPL in BFIs- what cooperative demanded/talked about? they were demanding NRB to let them increase interest rate too.}}}}}}

I had warned about this. I have been raising voice regarding this. Very few had similar view like mine. Many were supporting NRB.

People running cooperative should be qualified- who understands economy, banking, finance, money, business .....

Just like those in NRB, banks, so called economic experts, cooperative running individuals are not qualified too.

For years, I been warning depositors that, if you demand high interest on deposit, you will lose your principle too. Depositors in cooperative are learning it the hard way.

With this crisis teach them- management in bfis, promoters, nrb bureaucrats, govt bureaucrats, politicians, so called civil society, media etc the lesson? I doubt.

{{{{Nope, this crisis did not teach them anything- then microfinance collapsed and today, we are talking about banking crisis and still NRB/finance minister/prime minister/so called expert still have not woken up}}}}



And look at- all those study committee ....... instead of blaming the right reason they blame- cooperative collapsed cause they gave loan.

Lender giving loan caused default.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
After grand success of '2023 prediction', ""I"" here present you '2024 prediction'

8: China's rise as technological power. Almost out of High end Chip problem. Chinese EV going global commercially but sanction by west especially by US- or higher tax.

*** State TV airs China's first AI-developed cartoon series, as Sora sets off frenzy for text-to-video generation tech

Just a few weeks ago, some US company demonstrated their 'text to video generation tech' sample, and today, China has released 'text to video generation AI' based series.

Where did the China got the Chips from which US dont even have??? Is China already using photonic chips (I forgot what it is called) they been talking about for last few years.

US and Taiwan based Chips share price rocked due to the revelation of text to video generation tech. After Chinese discloser, they may fall again. China may control AI based chips soon.

"West talked about developing sodium based rechargeable batteries, then few weeks later, 'China introduces EV with sodium based rechargeable battery'."

"Lately, NVIDIA CEO talked about AI doing coding. A year or two ago- I heard, no one will be able to replicate TIKTOK cause it's algorithm was coded by AI. so it is too complex and time consuming".
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
""I""" believe- just like WATER CYCLE, there is 'CARBON CYCLE'.

But this cycle takes long long time and need intervention.

solid C (organism)- liquid C (oil) - CO2- organisms

When I was very young- some ingo/ngo used to promote 'save tree, use aluminum door/window'.

I was very young and still I was like- Tree grows but what happens if aluminum runs out?

Great minds are born, not made.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Sun Feb 18, 2024 7:08 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Only three power can stop Gaza genocide:

1: The world

2: US

3: Middle eastern dictators: They wont cause they only care for their own personal benefit. When they got close to Russia/China, I thought- they wanted to free themselves from west since balance of power is shifting which gave them the opportunity, turned out, they are just putting their legs in both boat- for their individual benefit.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
""""I""""s fact: 'I' ask Gods and Goddesses for things. But, 'I' thank Mata Saraswati for what She has given 'I'.

Happy Saraswati Puja!
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
How to solve China's housing crisis?

* Increase economic activity to increase purchasing power.

* To sell 35% unsold housing stocks- offer housing loan at 0% interest.

* After clearing 35% stocks, to sell another 35% stock- offer housing loan at 1.5/3% interest.

* Make sure, there wont be over supply in future.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Imran Khan may get 55-65% votes, but the question would be- who will be declared winner????
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691

SSE Composite Index +1.44%

Shenzhen Index +2.93%

Chinese Government should write down in their 'share market code of conduct'-

- When share market collapses- let's say 100 makes profit while 100 thousand go into huge loss. Which makes share market and economy weak.

So never let collapse of share market. If you let, cost for the government and society will be huge. Like, today, Chinese government may have to make 50trilliona yuan fund available to rescue the share market.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
To save China's economy, Chinese govt may have to pump 80 trillion yuan (or at least, make that kind of fund available. All fund may not be needed though). If there will be Trump's trade war, then, that fund could reach 120 trillion yuan.

- What lead to this economic threat?

I did warned at that time. I did say, Company like Alibaba built China, not CCP.

Chinese government attacked companies. Remember, how arrogant they were, just like in Nepal- NRB, finance minister Sharma and his team.

Then came attack on housing. When Chinese government stopped funding for even the projects which were already sold- I was like, what kind of dumb were running Chinese economy?

Then finally, Chinese government realized their mistake a year or two ago- but it was already too little too late. Now they need 80trillion yuan now and when Trump wins, they need to increase the fund to 120 trillion yuan.


SSE Composite Index +3.23%

Shenzhen Index +6.22%

Sati ko sarap- Government of Nepal still does not know that Nepal's economy has collapsed and is in coma.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Tue Feb 06, 2024 11:37 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Trump promised to raise import tax on Chinese goods more than 60%. (That's far less than Nepal's import tax)

Ever Communist economies have collapsed in the past, including USSR. China may have Capitalist economy, but it is ran by communist with commie mentality.

China needs to hire real good economists.

China's policy under these circumstance should be- achieving goals:

* Current goal- China needs to increase domestic consumption by 50% within 2/3 year. And increase share market to 150% of GDP.

* As soon as Trump start talking about raising import tax after he wins election- China's goal should be increasing domestic consumption by 100% within 3/4 year. And share market to 150% of GDP.

China not just focus in domestic consumption and GDP but also intervien to raise domestic consumption and GDP of friendly countries.

Today's economy is very complicated. If you don't take it seriously, it could collapse over night. And could fall into coma just like Nepal's economy.

Remember I have been saying- Pakeh le des chalauen haina. Bahun le des chalaune haina.

SECOND TO GOD- did warn everyone.

(BTW- SECOND TO GOD- can revive Nepal's most of the economy within 3month, can spread positive vibe in 24 hour)
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
China Academic Calls for $1.4 Trillion Stock Stabilization Fund

China should set up a stocks stabilization fund as soon as possible to boost market confidence, with an aim to get its size to 10 trillion yuan ($1.4 trillion) or more, according to an academic at a government think tank.

- Chinese government recently started fund of about 450billion$ to support their stock market.

- My advice was, China should make 50trillion yuan available for their stock market. China should divert about 50% saving of chinese people into Stock market. Total saving around 18Trillion$.

Chinese Market capitalization is round 9trillion$.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
China and US GDP growing while economy in crisis:

US: US economy is in huge crisis but their GDP grew cause govt printed around 2 trillion $.

China: China's economy- in sectors wise- in crisis but their GDP grew by 5.4%. I believe it could be cause China invested 1.7 trillion $ in renewable alone in 2023.

I have said this before: US has inflation problem, could be cause they are pulling out investment from China. Same reason could be the reason, there is some crisis in China's economy and deflation.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
If China dont handle 'Chinese economy and share market' soon, China will face deep crisis like in Nepal.

China needs to pump economy with 30trillion yuan. 10 inside China and 20 outside China.

And China should make 50trillion yuan available for share market.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Russia is having their election this year.

Anglozoo will increase activity in Ukraine war.

Even after 2000 year history with zoo, Ukraine still voted for a zoo and Ukrainians are paying with their blood.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
After grand success of '2023 prediction', ""I"" here present you '2024 prediction'

11: EV rule begin- In 2023 it's share is 16%, in 2024 it will get close to 22%. Sanction on Chinese EV has already begun.

---- By the end of 2024, EV battery price will fall by around 45%. CATL, BYD.

So price of Bigger car may fall by around 15%.

It's over for ICE. EV may control 80% of consumer market by 2030.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
The creation of Israel is the worst mistake Zoo committed.

Before the creation of Israel, Zoo been committing war crime, genocide, crime against humanity, loot, bribe, pedophilia etc etc using others.

After the creation of Israel, Zoo cant blame crime committed by Israel and Israel society on others.

Also, if Israel had not been created, Zoo could have said, not all zoo are evil, just a handful of zoos in power are evil.

After the creation of Israel, the world could see, openly/without confusion, more than 80/90% of zoos are evil.

Pure evil!

(((Be careful what you wish for)))
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
It is said- Chinese public have 18$trillion in saving.

That is what is keeping Chinese from becoming super rich.

Chinese govt should tell those savers to invest in stock- Below 50 yr can invest 50% in stock and above 50yr can invest 25% of their saving into stock market.

In short time, their wealth will double. And help the country as well in process and end the anglozoo's hegemony too.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Every government dreams of doubling their economy overnight.

No1 reason preventing it is hyper inflation.

But China has deflation. Which gives China huge opportunity to double their market size within 2/3 year.

""I"" suggest China to inject 10 trillion Yuan into Chinese market and 20 trillion into international market.

Rest of the world (west vs rest) needs China to double their domestic market/consumption asap.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
China is in a great position to increase their domestic consumption by 50% within 2/3 year due to deflation.

By doing so, China could make their economy more independent and increase influence.

""I"" suggest China to inject 10 trillion Yuan into Chinese market and 20 trillion into international market.

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