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Registered: Jul 2013
Posts: 75
anuman(prediction) galat huna sakchha
anubhav galat hudaina
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 48
Its only about the negative side of Nepse, so lets talk abt the positive side as well. When will the bull market begin??? what's your predication says ??? :D :D :D
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7579
I (my name) am the only one in the entire universe who predicted NEPSE will go out of our hand when NEPE was still relatively high close to 1900 and also gave its solution.

I am the only person in the entire universe who said NEPSE could crash to 1000. (One of our TA had been saying, NEPSE will crash to 1000 in 2 year, I said Nepse will crash to 1000 within 6 month or will never see 1000. Looks like I am about to be correct and he is totally wrong. I said, if sher bahadur remains for 6 more month and stay inaction, NEPSE will crash to 1000, but there is no sher bahadur but there is another bahadur who is also inactive, my main focus was on Inaction, so I should get credit for my prediction).

I am the only one in the entire universe who predicted banking crisis well before banking crisis began to show impact and also gave its solution.

I am the only one in the entire universe who predicted biddwan Dr.Yura K's attitude and wrong knowledge will harm economy. (Others said too but they did not say yuraj k's qualification has flaws).

Now I am going to predict or say one more thing- biddwan Dr.Yuraj K should resign. He is bad for Nepal's economy. I kept on warning, he should not be let make decision in matter he is not good at.

Yuraj K should die or resign.

(No person in the universe has made this many correct prediction)

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