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Dr.Yubaraj Khatiwada University Of Economics

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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7778
N Korea wants to build their economy.

I guess now, they will increase tax, tighten capital flow, tighten fiscal and monitory policy. :mrgreen:

kasta kasta pakhe haru des chalauna aucha and savage society gives them biddwan title.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7778
कानुन नबनाई कर असुली नगर्न अर्थमन्त्रीको निर्देशन, 'तिर्न नसक्नेलाई बोझ थपिदैन'

So this idiot is living in his own fantasy world.

Let me teach those who want to know a small portion of economics.

It does not matter whom you tax, ultimately consumers will pay and majority of consumers are poor. Look at so called socialist country in europe. Cost of living in those country is very very high. They think their education and health free but they are paying huge in other goods and services.

It does not matter, if one is cheap. something else will always be expensive.

Wait till $ collapses, and you will know, how those socialist European collapse.

Now the main point,
Where there is a country/society, people always demand. And in a country like Nepal, whose TAX is high, there wont be investor who will produce and to fulfill demand, business will import. And when tax is high on import, poor will pay high.

Cause of high TAX, there will never be production. That is why majority of youth are in Gulf.

Also, in a country, that tax high on import will not get market in exporting country. So, those countries which tax high on export usually wont prosper.

For idiots and commie (same thing),
You wont understand what I wanted to say. So just remember this simple advice- Fire biddwan yuraj K. He is curse. Till he is alive, there wont be significant investment from private sector. And economy suffers.

In almost all country, income tax is high than Corporate tax. Why? think just think. Tero bau ko ka jancha.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7778
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Thu May 31, 2018 12:11 am. »
Registered: Oct 2013
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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7778
[Yesterday I was listening to an american Karl Marx lover. He was saying, "Marx's economy philosophy was more of a criticism over capitalism rather than a new economic theory. (just like 99% who neither have patience nor take risk. all they do is criticize others). He talked about flaws of Capitalism so he expressed view about needing to replace capitalism.] {Following view is his or Marx's, I dont know, but I think Mark's mistress in Nepal as well as the world may have similar view}.

Dr.Yubaraj Khatiwada- Problem with Capitalism is there is no democracy. There are many share holders in a company, but there is no one man one vote principle in Capitalism. Its like a dictatorship. In capitalism, few individuals who controls majority of shares make decision and many many share holders who own few shares each have no saying.

Student- Wow, Karl Marx hates capitalism cause there is no democracy in free economy. I think, I did not die during earthquake or Indian blockade just to learn this. :roll:

Student- Tell me something sir, In finance ministry, who makes decision? A small group drafts policy/planning or there is one person one vote based decision making where even driver, peon and janitor?

Student- Tell me one thing sir, instead of letting a group of experts make decision- if we give power to each and every one, who has no expertise, to make decision, what would happen??? 100 idiots will float 100 different nonsense ideas.

Student- When too many cooks spoil the food. What would happen when too may individuals- who donot know cooking- would cook????

Student- Majority share holder dont become majority share holder of major successful company over night. It takes decades. Those who have ability succeed over time and others fail. And those who succeed should be considered as expert. And those experts get to make decisions and take company to new height.

Student- And if somebody become majority share holder cause of black money or daddy's money, they would loose company to someone else. I know some people who became majority shareholder of a bank- due to black money, which almost went bankrupt so they had to sell their stake. Today, that bank has become average performer.

Student- Capitalism, free economy always filter wrong from crowd over time. So relax.

Student- Cant believe, some lazy people think negative person like Karl Marx who floated no solution, but just criticized others- as their god.

Dr.Yubaraj Khatiwada- Insulting Karl Marx by anybody wont be tolerated, ja pani huna sakcha.

Student- :'(
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7778
Student- Says Putin: I expect our young people to come with new ideas & be pioneers.

Dr.Yubaraj Khatiwada- Young people should join potato farming.

Student- :shock:
Registered: Apr 2018
Posts: 28
I didn't think he meant that way, our understanding has to be that of economist to understand him.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7778
Student- Some views of Karl Marx-
१. बालबालिकालाई पढाउनुपर्छ
२. आफ्नो जिन्दगीको मालिक आफैँ हुनुपर्छ
३. रूचि अनुसारको काम गर्न पाउनुपर्छ
४. भेदभावको विरोध गर्नुपर्छ
५. सञ्चारमाध्यममाथि निगरानी राख्नुपर्छ

Student- २. आफ्नो जिन्दगीको मालिक आफैँ हुनुपर्छ
३. रूचि अनुसारको काम गर्न पाउनुपर्छ
How is this possible under communist or socialist rule?

Student- ४. भेदभावको विरोध गर्नुपर्छ
How is this possible under communist rule where One person becomes ruler for life and others his peasant for life and also gets killed.

Student- ५. सञ्चारमाध्यममाथि निगरानी राख्नुपर्छ
But instead, communist control media and make it propaganda tool.

Student- If above is true, does not Karl marx contradict himself. In the one hand, he talks about freedom in the other hand promotes socialism, which means full control.

Student- Why is his followers cherry picking his theories? Ignoring the good ones and following bad ones. Why follower of Karl Marx bombing others who wants to live freely, for not following their order? I think, all followers of Karl Marx are fake and bad con artist only able to fool idiots.

Dr.Yubaraj Khatiwada- Karl Marx is always right.

Student- :shock:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7778
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Sat Mar 31, 2018 7:51 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7778
Student- There was an analysis about "China US trade war" by no body.
He was saying
1st stage- "if there is full scale trade war- US would loose 150B market in China and China would loose 500B market in US".

2nd stage- "Product China used to export to US wont be produced by US, cause cost of production in US would still be high, so some other country would sell that product to US, since, that countries could not sell/compete earlier cause they could not compete with Chinese supplier in terms of price and/or quality"

3rd stage- "Buying from third country the products US used to buy from China means, there will be inflation, price of those goods will be higher which means more people will become poorer in US".

In the one hand, US lost 150B market in China and in the other hand, US consumer are paying higher price, which will increase cost of production in US which will further make US less competitive in the international market.

But In case of China, those who replace China in US will get richer, who will buy more from China. Let's say China lost 500B in US but China may sell 100B worth of extra product to new supplying countries of US.

So, in US/China trade war, China would loose 400B + some job loss + Positive trade balance will be less while US would loose 150B (bigger trade deficit)+ higher inflation (higher poverty) + less competitiveness (less employment).

Student- What do you think of the analysis, sir??

Dr.Yubaraj Khatiwada- Economy means "demand and supply".

Student- :shock:
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Thu Mar 29, 2018 5:11 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7778
Dr.Yubaraj Khatiwada- Sugar and Share are same, Both starts with "S".

Student- Brilliant.

(Oli has chosen a great economist, after yubaraj FMship is over, may be India, WB, Russia, China, US, Japan will be fighting with each other to hire him. Great job Oli, Now I want my vote back)
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7778
Student- Hong Kong govt wants to share its $18bn surplus with 2.8mn citizens

Dr.Yubaraj Khatiwada- So.

Student- They are saying, keeping Cash outside the system is bad, Cash not spending is bad. That is why they are distributing cash so that they would spend and run market economy smoothly.

Dr.Yubaraj Khatiwada- Zzzzzzzzz

Student- In Nepal, around 40% equivalent of GDP, Cash is outside the system in the govt vault collected in the name of tax, in the Name of CD ratio in the BFIs, In the name of capital and reserve in the Bfis.

Student- Would not keeping so much cash outside the system harm economy. Dont you think, even if we inject 3/4th of that cash into the system would increase our GDP growth by double digit for at least 10 year?

Dr.Yubaraj Khatiwada- Zzzzzzzzzzzz !!!!!!!!
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7778
Student- Sir, your sun bathing must be over, now you must be rain dancing. Banking, share market are doing fine, they are following natural course.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7778
I support half of what you say, deepak ji. Yuraj k should not make public comment, especially when Nepal or any country need a fixed rate, not high nor low.

But, idiots media, public wants more interest. They dont understand high interest will ultimately destroy them. They dont understand economy.

They have short memory- during housing crisis, there was liquidity problem, and those BFIs who used to give highest rates are the ones who could not return depositor's deposit. Idiots pubic would drown into a pan while trying to grab chicken drum.

In this case, one is the right thing, but media sentiment is another. So Fiance minister should solve this quietly and immediately.

Since deepak ji, you want NEPSE to crash, may be that is why, you dont want this problem to be solved. Leaving this issue to incompetent NRB, governor would be like magnifying the crisis.

NRB wont solve this problem, finance minister has to do it.

Nepal is far more important than some conflict with some governor. They have enough reason (incompetency) to sack governor. Solve this problem immediately or it will go our of our hand.
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2147
NIC ASIA is isolated like Qatar :-

There was GCC here in NBA.

I think FM should not inter fair better he should stay Away from this event if he makes any comment then again this could lead to Controversy just like Productive & Unproductive Sectors. Which could tarnish his image as a FM.

IF asked any question about it then he should say there is a concerned Department for the same to look into these kind of Issue.

He should throw the ball to Governor if he is smart Enough !!!

If Governor is unable to Manage this issue then this could trigger his EXIT as a Governor, If he manages then his Job is safe !! God know whether this is a planned modal of Sting Operation against current Governor.
or its just my Imagination !! I hope its a imagination Only..

:mrgreen: :lol: :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7778
Student- I met with the same woman yesterday, this time, she was sober.

Student- This time, I over heard her saying "wealth is like a tree and economy is like fruits it produces" and added "Just like without tree there wont be a fruit and without fruit, the value of the tree diminishes, same is with the wealth and economy"

Student- She again added "Wealth is not just important for investment but very important to consumption too. The person with little wealth is likely to spend less of his/her income than the person with bigger wealth". "Wealth is needed to drive market economy".

Dr.Yubaraj Khatiwada- Wealth=tree???? can we make furniture out of wealth. Mental!!

Student- NIC Asia Bank सँग कुनै पनि कारोबार नगर्न २७ बैंकबीच सहमति. Should Finance minister hold emergency meeting over this issue??? What is your view???

Dr.Yubaraj Khatiwada- I am busy right now, I am sun bathing.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Fri Mar 09, 2018 2:27 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7778
Dr.Yubaraj Khatiwada- Today we study about "correlation between wealth, capital gain, investment, economy and psychology"

Dr.Yubaraj Khatiwada- The answer is 'absolutely nothing', there no relation between wealth, capital gain, investment, economy and psychology.

Student- In the last weekend, I went to a bar with friends, there was one drunk woman who claimed herself to be an scholar of 'University of Economics of 21st century' I overheard her saying- Only those individuals who has wealth invest in business, if s/he makes capital gain, the person increases investment if opportunity is there to make profit.

Wealth, profit gain(increase in wealth) are the motivators behind investment or addition in investment.

Without investment there is no economy, there is no creation of jobs, no revenue for govt, so Nation should give importance to wealth and capital gain too.
She adds, 'but the valuation of wealth, capital gain should be determined by the possible return like rent, dividend and their reasonable gain'. In economics, there is not good or bad, there is no right or wrong. In economics there is only right amount, right number, over and under.

Dr.Yubaraj Khatiwada- That's just, alcohol in her talking.

Student- But sir, I heard, when person is drunk, they speak up their mind.

Dr.Yubaraj Khatiwada- She is delusional. That makes her believe, what she think is the truth.

Student- You are right sir, she must be a wacko. I made a move on her so many times, she never responded back.

Dr.Yubaraj Khatiwada- When I was in 'University of Swarg', Gandhi himself taught me economics. His philosophy was "if you want milk- raise a goat, if you need cloth- knit one".

Dr.Yubaraj Khatiwada- Cause of Gandhi's teaching, Economics today run in the vein of Indians, who learnt to utilize resource in the best possible way.

During the day, they use their beautiful road for travelling and at night, they turn them into lodging for 10s of millions.
Nepal should learn from them and stop running after wealth. You know what, govt should ban wealth.

Student- Gandhi is a genius, no wonder, world follows his teaching.
Registered: Sep 2013
Posts: 259
thank you The Rising Sun sir and bluechipsnepal .
Registered: Jun 2017
Posts: 844
Rising Sir, went through your 101 Economics, hilarious.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7778
bluechipsnepal- Professor Dr.Yubaraj Khatiwada will get back to your query in next chapter "correlation between wealth, capital gain, investment, economy and psychology" as soon as he is happy or really pissed.
Registered: Feb 2014
Posts: 34
Dr.Yubaraj Khatiwada- Cement factory is productive sector.

Student- Exactly sir, Invest in cement industry, produce cement, then public buys cement and builds house, and creates job, all good and nothing but good.

Dr.Yubaraj Khatiwada- Wait right there. I did not say, building house is good. Housing sector is unproductive.

Student- You mean producing cement is good but, buying cement to build house is bad.

Dr.Yubaraj Khatiwada- Exactly.

Student- Then, What to do with the cement.

Dr.Yubaraj Khatiwada- Build dam, and provide irrigation.


Dr.Yubaraj Khatiwada University Of Economics 101. :mrgreen:

The way how you interpreting the productive and unproductive is totally wrong Mr. The Rising Sun, you have to look after the value-addition behind or after the assets you purchase.

The example you have given housing is "Unproductive" is totally wrong but ofcourse "Real Estate" Which means here is only purchase a piece of land, break it into various part and sell it to the others is "Unproductive". Again the productive is "primary" or "supplementary" the same thing applies for "Unproductive" either it is necessary or luxury, again another terms comes up, either for "return on equity" or "speculation" for "capital gain"

The most debate here ongoing in the country is "our country" will be continuing the "Free Economy" or we are going to adopt "Controlled J.M. Keynes theory based Economy"?

"So best is - 'be into correct chapter!'"
Registered: Feb 2014
Posts: 34
Africa ma stock exchange ko status ekdamai poor chha.

Ethiopia ma Stock exchange chhaina, teha kewal Ethiopia Commodity Exchange (ECX) Chha, which is known for coffee trading globally.

Rwanda ma kewal name matrai ko stock exchange chha jaha ajhai pani trading pit ma whiteboard ma lekhera karobar huncha.

Stock exchange kei baliyo presence vaneko Southafrica, Kenya, Nigeria jasta british or other western countries ko rules vayeko african countries ma dekhna sakincha.

Guys you can check the exchanges list in Africa from this link:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7778
Abhi- I dont use facebook, you can do it.

Yo Yo- Ethopia has one of the highest GDP growth in the world, share market there must be doing good too. Don know about ruwanda.

Invest- media le suru gareo ko hawa le yuraj k lai pani udayo.

Ramesh N- Yes Share market not just create environment for investment, it also creates better transparency.

Deepak- Productive, unproductive are a big words, being used lightly like some fashion.
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2147
I guess today Dr. Mahat comment has created a Climate for Crash.

He should have understood the sensitiveness of the Market.

Today Crash Credit Goes to Dr. Mahat for sure !!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Feb 2014
Posts: 34
Guys, before commenting anything else, everyone should watch this series: 1-3: Commanding Heights
1) Commanding Heights Episode 1- Battle of Ideas :
2) Commanding Heights Episode 2- Agony of Reform :
3) Commanding Heights Episode 3- Rules of the Game :

You all will understand which theory he will be imposing in coming days.

Hope this will help our forum member here.

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