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101 Task Oli has to complete or start within 3 year

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Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
नेपालमा कोरोनको नया भेरियन्ट केपी.१ र केपी.२ पुष्टि

K.P O अघि देखि नै भएको मुलुकमा K.P 1 र K.P 2 भित्रिएपछि अब के के हुने होला ? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680

Charges for tourist visit- This Charges for tourist visit should be recategorized into 4 group.

1: SAARC + China
2: Citizen from Countries with less than 10000$ Per capita income
3: Citizen from countries with 10001 to 25000$ Per capita income
4: Citizen from countries with more than 25000$ income

Those charges seems tooooooooooo high.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Few weeks ago, I watch a video about 'foods those stay good for years'. One of the food is 'powder milk'.

Few days ago, we say videos about people throwing milk in the street, milk industrialist talking about problem being faced by milk (so called productive sector :lol: :mrgreen: )

My solution to the problem is: Farmers should give milk to powder milk producer to convert into milk. Since industry dont have money and farmers too dont have money, so cost to convert should be paid in the form of 'milk powder'.

Like- The Industry keeps 30% of the powder and give 70% to the farmer. The industry could keep the powder of the farmer for a year for safe keeping if both side agree.

This will give farmers, industry, government a few year to solve the problem.

I believe, if there is no new cow added in the system, annual production of milk could fall by around 5%. So by not adding capacity, production would fall and match with the demand. This way, govt and other concerned individuals could solve demand/supply problem by saving current production capacity.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Data centre rollout under fire due to growing pressure on electricity grids

Ireland, Germany, Singapore and China are imposing curbs on building new server farms over energy usage fears...

---- Nepal should invite them asap.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
चीनसँगको सम्झौताले नेपालको ऐतिहासिक व्यापारिक फड्को, चीन हुँदै जापान पुग्यो चाउचाउ ||

- Finally, after many years, my dream has come true.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
नेपालबाट निकासी बढ्न थालेपछि भारतलाई हुन्छ तनाब, प्लाइउड निकासी रोक्न नयाँ प्रावधान

- Those clowns, what do you say, who said- 'they are going to build economy of Nepal by improving relation with India'?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
उपत्यकामा मेट्रो रेल बनाइदिन रसियालाई मन्त्रीको प्रस्ताव, ठोस प्रस्ताव भए सहयोग गर्ने आश्वासन

- Ask Russia to build Railway connecting: Kavre- Kathmandu- Hetaunda

Kavre to Int airport (underground) to Swanbhu (underground) to Kalanki (under ground) to Hetaunda

(Int airport to Kalanki underground)

Settle few lakh Russian PR in Kavre who will be working in Research, university, package food industry, trourism etc.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
ललिता निवास प्रकरणलगायत भ्रष्टचारको काण्ड मैले राम्रोसँग बुझेको छैन । के गरिरहेको छ राम्ररी बुझेको छैन बुझ्न बाँकी छ
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
हिजो दुई घण्टा भाषण ठोकेपछि को सुनेर बस्ने , अन्त तिर त धेरै जसो कुर्सि खाली
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Government should announce ban ICE (excluding hydrogen) vehicles:

(Posted on Sun Oct 09, 2022 9:35 pm, slightly modified)

It's right time to ban following:

Scooter below 175cc and 4 wheelers below 1000cc
(petrol and diesel and LNG. But no ban on hydrogen) (Not a right time to ban bike cause no good options yet)

- Import ban after 2023 (2024 end- bikes below 175 cc)
- Assembly ban after 2027
- Manufacturing ban after 2030

* Current main technology, it is said, lithium ion battery's max known capacity is 700kwh/kg which may be achieved in around 2035. Current capacity has reached around 325kw/kg.

* And sodium ion battery capacity has reached about 250kw/kg, may reach 350kw/kg within two year and it has faster charging capacity than lithium battery.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
नक्कली भुटानी शरणार्थी प्रकरणबारे संसदबाट थप पोल खोल्ने बताउनुभएका नेकपा एमालेका अध्यक्ष केपी शर्मा ओली आजको प्रतिनिधिसभा बैठकमै जानुभएन । अध्यक्ष ओलीले आफू बिरामी परेका कारण संसद बैठकमा सहभागी हुन नसकेको बताउनुभएको छ ।
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
रुसले माग्यो १३ परियोजनाको प्रस्ताव, रेल वे, सडकदेखि अस्पतालसम्म

- Ask to build 6 industries with exporting capability, continuous technological transfer, 40% to public, 30% Russian company, 30% Nepali partner.

- Ask to build assembly based industry for army vehicles, armored vehicles, turning regular vehicle into armored.

- Agriculture university and commercial farming in few lakh hector in far east.

- Ask to build few thousand MW hydro in far east and tell them to talk to Bangladesh for export.

- Railway connecting between kathmandu and Dhulekhel and hetauda.

- Nepal, Russia air connectivity- tourism. Using Russian currency and payment system in Nepal.

- Let Russian Oligarch buy housing in some hilly area and can own the land for 50 year (renew).

- Free trade agreement
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Government's economic priority/budget should be:

1: Reducing cost of production, increasing productivity, reducing cost of living

2: Export (2 is the most important, but without achieving 1st, 2nd is not possible)

3: Infrastructure (this should be third priority which has been first since democracy came, 3 is slowly turning into a debt trap, so chose project wisely and project design)

4: Job creation (this looks like should be first priority but no, Cause without above 1, 2and 3, 4th is not possible)

5: Income increment (People wants this to be first, but not necessary cause when 1, 2, 3 and 4 are achieved, we get 5th automatically) (this is put in the priority to create vote bank otherwise this is not necessary to be included in the priority list)

Make amendment in job description of NRB:

1: GDP growth
2: Liquidity
3: Job creation
4: Share market preservation, promotion
5: Preserving of wealth
6: Foreign currency and gold reserve
7: Monetary policy should be stable. But change should be made immediately when there is emergency.

Punish NRB officials if they harm any of the above.

Government needs to create 'Treasury department'
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Grantha electric scooter accuses big players in EV market of harassing it: other e-scooter brands reportedly pushing Grantha to jack up its prices

Claiming that the BoDs of some BFIs who are also the distributors of e-scooters in Nepal are mostly exerting such pressure on Grantha's team

- Until, we the people dont drag these criminals into street and wack them, Nepal cant prosper, cant even survive.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
afno ta market bata niskena 'na bhagya ma cha na nature ma'.

- investor (long term) is curse in Nepal. And they talk about Buffet. Clowns. Sati ko sarap.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 1385
म चाही राष्ट्रपती चुनाबको तनाबबाट बजार त्यो अगावै मुक्त भएकोमा खुशी छु,

बजारका लागि अब राष्ट्रपती चुनाब सकिएर result पनि आई सक्यो l

:) :)
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
"yo sarkar siddhio bhanne ta 2/4 dia agadi nai taha thyo"

Tyeso bhaye, you must ve emptied D-account yesterday ?
Congratulation. Now you can buy at any level with handsome margin. :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
yo sarkar siddhio bhanne ta 2/4 dia agadi nai taha thyo.

like in every sector, tare are lots of harams in share market too.

hope god punish them for their sins.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 1385
एमालेको सरकार छाड्ने निर्णय संगै बजारका 'लाल बादशाह'हरु सक्रिय भए,

अब १-२ दिनलाई काम र निहु पुग्यो अब l

:) :)
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
This govt seems over.

Hope, UML and NC support each other for 1+1 year govt and early election- after president's election.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
नयाँ गठबन्धन बनेपछि एमालेबाट परराष्ट्रमन्त्री बनेकी पौडेलको जेनेभा भ्रमण रोकियो
जटिल बिषय अनि प्रतिक्रिया
येस्ले अहिलेको सरकारको निरन्तरतामा कस्तो प्रभाब पर्ला ?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Some of those who were/are behind the collapse of the economy that lead to death of some hardworking Nepalese and suffering of millions (millions is 10s of lakhs) were transferred and even fired. But NRB bureaucrats are the main behind the crisis, death and suffering and non of them is fired or transferred or hung.

Among those, who were behind economic crisis, death and suffering of millions- finance secretary and tax secretary and some of top bureaucrats at finance ministry were transferred- then finance minister was fired.

BUT, the main culprit behind the economic crisis, suicides and sufferings of millions was/is NRB and their top bureaucrats are still enjoying millions of rupees of salaries and benefits instead of getting fired or hung.

Instead, some have already begun to come forward with same threat in media/social media. How long this country, Nepal, going to tolerate incompetency which leads to economic collapse, suicide, suffering of millions.

Fire or hang all top 5 officials of NRB.

Nepal needs 'Monetary policy guidance', Governor and d governors should also be made from competent people from outside nrb, there should be different criteria/method used during promotion (also in other bureaucracy), salary and other benefits of officials in nrb should be similar to other bureaucrats- they have no special ability or has to perform special work compared to other bureaucrats and worst, they are more alchina and ghamandi and authoritarian (may be cause they are paid many times higher and are independent- which should be changed)

(NIP should form a branch in the party which follows economy of Nepal, so that, after early election, NIP may get finance ministry- make a list of bureaucrats related to economy who are competent and who are not. Fire or sideline incompetent ones, make a note what is needed to be done for economy etc)
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
एमालेका उपमहासचिव विष्णु रिमालले काँग्रेस प्रधानमन्त्रीलाई नैतिक संकटमा पारेर राष्ट्रपति लिने दाउमा रहेको आरोप लगाएका छन्।

If one can interpret this allegation, picture of probable candidate will be clear.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 1385

एमालेबाट राष्ट्रपाटीमा हल्ला चलाइएका नामहरु :

सुवास नेम्वांग, ईश्वर पोखरेल, अष्टलक्ष्मी शाक्य, युबराज ज्ञवाली,

सीता पौडेल, डोरमणि पौडेल,

यी नामहरुमा अहिलेको राष्ट्रपती जत्तिकै या अझ बढी ओलीजीप्रति इमान्दार, जे भन्यो ठ्याक्कै मानिदिने चाही अन्तिमका २ नाम,

त्यो माथिका ४ नामले ओलीजीले जे भन्यो त्यहि मनिदिदैनन,

कांग्रेसबाट : रामचन्द्र पौडेल, कृष्णप्रसाद सिटौला, गोपालमान श्रेष्ठ,

तर कांग्रेसले 'माधब नेपाल' यदि राष्ट्रपतिको उम्मेदवार बने भने,

उनलाई समर्थन गर्ने सम्भावाना पनि देखिन्छ,

जे भए पनि ओलीजीले भने जस्तै टक्रक्क उनको मान्छे राष्ट्रपती हुने सम्भावना अहिलेसम्म हेर्दा कम देखिन्छ र

राष्ट्रपती अरु कोहि भए पनि उसले सरकारबाट हात भने झिक्ने छैन,

उसलाई राम्रैसंग थाहा छ त्यसपछि प्रदेशमा पनि आफ्नो हात खाली हुन्छ भनेर,

म चाही बिष्णु रिमालको सम्भावना देख्दिन,

उहाँ ओलीजीको राजनैतिक सल्लाहकार हुनमै रमाई रहनु भएको छ जस्तो लाग्छ l
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
rimal, who??

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