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101 Task Oli has to complete or start within 3 year

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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
What is in the monitory policy? I get nervous while reading policy of govt that affects me directly.

Headline in the media looks great.

Is this the best monitory policy for all concerned?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
For competitive economy and Banking system and promote smart bankers.


Monitory policy should introduce-

1: Three types of income of BFis- main should be non banking (including from treasury bill), secondary from loan- spread rate, and third by saving from operating cost.

2: Banks should be motivated/opened to make money outside interest rate income including treasury bill.

3: Treasury bill- rate should be 2.5 percent. Rate of treasury bill and QE/govt deposit into bfis should be same. Income from non banking should not be tied with spread rate and should not be calculated while calculating spread rate. Income from treasury bill should be tax free. Treasury bill should be utilized maximum to build infrastructure of Nepal.

4: Spread rate- Current spread rate should be 4.5%. 50 year spread rate target should be 2.5%. In every 3 year, spread rate should be reduced by .1%.

5: I believe, current average operating cost is 2.5%. Just like spread rate, operating cost should be fixed. And It should be max 2.5%. 50 year target of operating cost should be 1.75%. I every 4 year, operating cost should be reduced by .05%. If Bfis can reduce operating cost, below 2.5%, they should be let to add it in their profit.

Non banking income and operating cost income would motivate BFIs to promote right management and competitiveness and merger.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
Better option is to put them in QUARENTINE near boarder like RASUGHADI for 2 wks.
If something mishap happen and spillover of virus in kathmanduities then you cant limit the spread.
thousands of death is inevitable. Who will be held responsible for such mishap ? DHAKAL ? OILY ?
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
Better option is to put them in QUARENTINE near boarder like RASUGHADI for 2 wks.
If something mishap happen and spillover of virus in kathmanduities then you cant limit the spread.
thousands of death is inevitable. Who will be held responsible for such mishap ? DHAKAL ? OILY ?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Parents protesting to bring their children back from China/Corona Virus.

There is danger of transmitting Corona Virus inside the Plane. So keep those willing to get back into Nepal in Quarantine in China for 14 day before letting them into the plane.

And another 14 day in quarantine in Nepal.
Registered: Dec 2016
Posts: 173
Hoina hoina, I don't live in Bhaktapur. Tinkuney ko traffic would kill my soul.
Looks like army doesn't want to do nothing with corono virus. Kata ko bidhyut pradhikaran ko taalim kendra ma rakhne bhandai chan.
Too much pussyfooting among govt circles. Either evacuate them or tell they are on their own.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
so you had been posting from 2 am to 4 am.

what? you could not sleep?

corona virus?

you dont live in bhaktapur where they are trying to build quarantine? :mrgreen:
Registered: Dec 2016
Posts: 173
I dont have anything to add. Just commenting on every thread in the homepage. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
फेरि अर्थमन्त्रालयमा राजश्व सचिव पद खारेज गर्न लबिङ

Tax secretary should be abolished and tax department should be led by under secretary working under finance secretary.

Tax is part of the finance ministry, should not be parallel to finance secretary.

Tax policy should help to promote economy. If economy is good tax collection will be good.

But if there is parallel tax secretary, he/she try to push to increase tax, make tax law tougher, he/she wont give a damn about economy just focuses on tax collection. Just like happening in Nepal. Here, Tax secretary behave like a malik. And ultimately the ruling party lose the election cause of tax secretary.

Bureaucrat supports cause of personal reason. One more secretary means, there is one more higher post which increases likely hood of getting promotion.

Abolish Tax secretary post.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
चीनमा कर कटौतीको निर्णय

Yuraj k talked about decreasing tax, corporate tax months ago. China already has reduced tax numerous time in last 18 month. And India once and about to decrease again very soon.

कर्पोरेट करमा पुनरावलोकन गर्न सरकार तयार, सबै किसिमका निर्यातयोग्य वस्तुमा नगद अनुदान

It will be too late for yuraj k and Nepali economy. India and china cut when their economy was above 6%.

गभर्नर हटाउन सहज हुने गरी ऐन संशोधनको तयारी ........... good

राष्ट्र बैंकका गभर्नरले काममा बिलम्ब गरे मन्त्रिपरिषदले हटाउन सक्ने प्रस्तावित विधेयकमा उल्लेख छ.......... what about firing for incompetency?

current govt has been the most unstable i have seen in my whole life. monitory policy is suppose to be the most stable ones, an in country like nepal, only change in monitory policy is suppose to be make it more and more liberal with time. but kept on tightening. this governor kept on making big changes in monitory policy.

and at the time of monitory policy, his visit to US was more important than monitory policy

and gold deposit rule is still pending for 6 months (i think when it comes, it will be a big failure).... share deposit will be better for nepal and less complected. it helps saving savings/investment and reduced import of all goods (especially gold).

We have been going through liquidity crisis, interest rate crisis and share market crisis and governor was not even ready to recognize them.


I have no doubt, the ones chosen by this govt or KP oli or yuraj k, all will be turned out to be a failure, but after a year, there will be bad out come so they will needed to be fired. Unlike current governor, who stayed in power even when he had been a failure for last 4 year. ....... wasting one year is better than wasting 4 year.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Thu Dec 26, 2019 7:35 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
भारतीय गृहमन्त्रीको दावी : नेपालबाट अशान्ति मच्चाउने तत्व छिर्‍यो

So true. Let's help our true, great friend in south by-

27: Build the wall in India border :D

28: Build 500-1000m breadth wetland and 1/2km thick jungle parallel to India border

Introducing visa system.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Why media is one of the major problem ran by incompetent?????

- Just yesterday, KP Oli warned about not able to spend budget, which national media has been talking about.

Meaning, KP Oli only sees what media talks about or why his advisers and minister or people surrounding tells him. Outside the circle, he has zero knowledge.

Here I want to talk about economy:
Nepal's real economy is in depression, and media, politicians have no idea. When media finds out about economic problem, it would already be too late.

Russia president invited to visit Nepal and agreed to visit in appropriate time:

What kind of deal, should we make with Russia??

7: Sign FTA with China, Bangladesh, Srilanka, Burma, Pakistan, Russia, Korea, Japan etc

21: Sign cooperation deal with Russia to turn Nepal into organic village withing 10 year

22: Ask help from Russia to modernize intelligence agency of Nepal

23: Get help from Russia or China in training army/apf to convert vehicles into armored vehicle

Ask Russia to deposit few 100 billions NC in nepal BFIs. Ask for soft loan.

Ask Russian business to invest and open R&D facility in Nepal.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
yeah, 36% tax payers can be counted and they are the one who really feel the pain of hard work.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Why people and main stream media keep there mouth shut even when they are looted by DACOITS ?

that is cause very few percentage pay good amount of tax, most dont pay, and others only pay 10%.

and those who pay 1% makes the biggest noise supporting increasing tax on others,
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
One of the task about to be completed by KAMAUNIST SARKAR -
सवारी साधनको नम्बर प्लेटमा ३ अर्ब रुपैयाँको व्यापारको खेल

Why people and main stream media keep there mouth shut even when they are looted by DACOITS ?
« Last edit by Dubosi7 on Mon Nov 25, 2019 2:23 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
सरकारलाई सांसदको सुझाव- सीमामा पर्खाल लगाऊ कि सेना राख

27: Build the wall in India border :D
28: Build 500-1000m breadth wetland and 1/2km thick jungle parallel to India border

I advised before first budget of yuraj k to decrease tax on Wine and Beer.

राजश्व घटेपछि वाइनमा बढाइएको अन्तशुल्क फिर्ता

चालू आर्थिक वर्षको सुरुदेखि नै मदिरा व्यवसाय खस्किएपछि राजश्वमा त्यसको प्रभाव देखिएको छ| खास गरी वाइन बजार खस्कँदा अन्तशुल्कमा प्रभाव परेको हो|

It is just a matter of time, they, govt, will have to do what I have been advising. Just a matter of time.

I am wrong, seldom only.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Mon Nov 11, 2019 7:45 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Dialysis in every two days, public vehicles meeting accident frequently.............. KP Oli's days could be numbered now.

I may have voted for him, I may have believed in him, his development agenda. But I never believed he had brain or people around him had brain so I started this thread to guide those animals.

( I may have voted for him, believed in him, but I may be the first one who lost belief on him among his voters. )

Then came along with him, the biggest negative person in Nepal, Yuraj K.

Commies have realized that people are angry with this govt. But they still have not realized what is the reason.

Its the economy, baby!

Maoist killed 18000, but still people voted for them. Do you think, majority give a damn about Nirmala. (I do, But not many do) .......... and still they think, people hate this govt due to other factors not economy.

Its always economy. Panchyat also gone due to economy.

Those commie think, this commie govt is doing bad in other area but doing fine in economy.


Yuraj k almost single handedly destroyed this govt and probably commie too.

Have you notices that yuraj k is flattered with improvement in doing business index, but why is not, he showing same level of flattering in the case of 7% gdp growth and reduction of trade deficit. May be he knows, they are fake.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
SEBON and NRB's big dog are needed to be selected.

Most important is, make sure, who ever is selected, make them sign- they can be fired when govt wants, or make them sign pre resignation letter.

In NRB, mahaprashad looks better candidate among three, since he been running investment board, which gives him idea about investors grievance. (i dont know)

In SEBON, I heard there is only one in top management inside SEBON who has some vision about share market. Hope KP Oli makes his new boss.

But what ever, makes sure they could be fired the very next day if needed. We cant let idiot waste 4 year of Nepal's time.

We have always had those who does not understand banking becoming governor, d governor. including yuraj k.

The person who has no idea what share is have been running SEBON.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Wed Oct 23, 2019 6:16 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Over hyped visit turned out to be nothing. All vague deal. Progress but until there is a concrete deal is signed in future, we cant tell current vague deal could gives us any result.

Big surprise, they were talking about, where is it? I saw non.

I think, tapares must have messed it up by demanding big dans/grant.

CIA/Raw agent,

CIA/Raw agents wont say, I am CIA/RAW agent, I wont let Nepal develop, I wont let Nepal be free.

They present bigger advocate for Nepal than any body else. They say, we cant do this, we cant do that, that will harm Nepal. We need big grant, not loan. Loan will lead to debt trap as if they really care.

Same as those in share market. Those who want to destroy share market talk about reasoning more than people like me.

How to make strategy while making debt deal?

Like with China, connectivity with china is economically more important to China than to Nepal, But Nepal needs it for national security. But money/debt matters.

So we take 5 billion dollar interest free loan or soft loan for connectivity- which is in Chinese interest and take another 10 billion interest free or soft loan for other projects that gives return in short term to Nepal like hydro.

While we use return from hydro to pay loan in short term and years later, connectivity will start paying dividend.

We have a finance minister, who advises others not to take loan, remember, the person who advise others not to take loan was also once governor of central bank.

What kind of progress can we expect from such bureaucrats.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Benefit for Nepal:

- short term: Strategic reason. Remember blockade and never ending bullying by our friend in South. We already got the benefit even before the project has been started. Indian behavior has already changed, and also behavior of the west.

- Long term: Half the world population will used this train in Nepal for goods transit. Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Srilanka, Maldives, China, Japan, Korea, russia, central asia, europe.... Within 25 year, goods worth more than 2 trillion dollar could travel through this. If we even make a profit of .25%, we will be making 5 billion in a year. Our investment will return in a year, that day.
And This project will consume a lot of electricity. 1000s of army, afp will come into use for security. 100s of engineers will get job in maintenance. And that day, not one, we may have to build 3 or more train tracks.

War between India and Pakistan will last decades. many many decades. So Pakistan wont be able to replace our strategic position or challenge us.

Benefit for China: China wants to build this project to do business with south asia. Economically they have far bigger interest than ours.

So why not we let china build it? If they build it, they want to own it. And we dont want that. It will bring in a lot of business and we want control. But I say we should sell 10% share each to India and China, 3% to Bangladesh and 1% to srilanka.

This will help us to become Singapore, if we play right. But we need a good professional economist, a lot of them to guide Nepal's economy. And we have none. At least, good professional economist has not shown themselves in media or social media yet.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
It absolutely BULLSHIT to expect major contribution from other countries in our development. Why should i bulid your house if i dont get any profit. We have adequate resource and youth working power. So lets negotiate with them for fair business plan and dont be a BEGGER.
Bring subtle changes in economic policies, prioritise the sectors beneficial for us, capital and development will definitely fly.
If GOBAR GANESH NETA ji wants some ideas, we have TONNEs of ideas.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Chinese Head of state is visiting Nepal. What kind of a reasonable/possible deal Nepal should go for:

1: Nepal China Train (they are already talking about)

2: At least two, 2.5 lane highway connecting with China (Also talking about)

3: Transmission line (also talking about)

4: 5000/10000 MW hydro.

5: Air connectivity with new regional international airport

6: Chinese banks (two), who should be able to bring in liquidity freely.

7: Nepali banks/brokers should have right to trade Yuan based chinese treasury. We should become base for South Asia. Just like Switzerland.

8: Nepal and Chinese should be able to invest in each other's share market freely from own country.

9: China is going for high tech China within 2025. They need to invest heavily in R&D. Nepal should tell them that we want to be part of Made in China 2025 by taking part in R&D and ask help from China in research institutes and university.

10: To promote R&D, we need IP protection act and human resource. Ask China to help in this matter too.

I believe, China may invest/lend 10-15 billion $. And may grant 50-100 billion NC. Which we have never seen before.

British ruled world for last 100s of years. They made sure, most of the countries like Nepal stay poor and unstable. Thank God, China is rising and may become largest economy in terms of nominal GDP by 2022-2024. Nepal and other poor countries should not miss this opportunity- who ever may be running the govt.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
कर्पोरेट करमा भारी कटौतीपछि भारतीय सेयर बजारमा उछाल, नेपालमा के होला ?

KP Oli should immediately send Yuraj k to delhi to stop anti economic decision of Indian govt :mrgreen: . Yuraj k advised world- while he was in Indonesia during his first few months of being finance minister, when there was economic crisis in the world----- that liberal policy wont help the economy.

Till that time, China, India, US almost all countries have opened and liberalized their policy further. Nepal had tighter policy than them. Instead of liberalizing it, Yuraj k tightened more and increased tax too.

भारतीय अर्थमन्त्री निर्मला सीतारमणले शुक्रबार बिहान कर्पोरेट कर घटाउने घोषणा गरेकी छिन् | यस निर्णयसँगै भारतीय सेयर बजारमा उछाल आएको छ | वित्त मन्त्री (अर्थमन्त्री) ले कर्पोरेट करका दरहरूमा भारी मात्रामा कटौती गरेकी छन् | कर्पोरेट क्षेत्रलाई राहत दिन तथा सम्भावित आर्थिक मन्दीबाट मुलुकलाई जोगाउन उनले रणनीतिक हिसाबले करका दरहरु घटाइएको अनुमान गरिएको छ |

करका दर घटेपछि निजी क्षेत्र उत्साहित हुने तथा पुँजी पलायन हुनबाट समेत जोगिने विश्लेषकहरुले प्रक्षेपण गरिरहेका छन्

कर्पोरेट कर घटाउने घोषणापछि भारतीय सेयर बजार चम्किन थालिसकेको छ

शुक्रबार बीएसई सेन्सेक्स १९११.५८ ले बढेर ३८ हजार ५०५ बिन्दुमा पुगिसकेको छ

कर्पोरेट करका दर ३०% बाट घटाएर २२% मा सीमित गरिएको छ

म्युचुअल फन्डमा लाग्ने पुँजीगत लाभकर पनि छुट दिइएको छ

अर्थमन्त्रीले पुँजी बजारमा लगानी बढाउन तथा आम लगानीकर्तालाई उत्साहित गर्न यस्तो निर्णय गरेकी हुन्
Attention KP Oli and commies.

कर्पोरेट कर घटाएपछि भारतीय सरकारको वार्षिक १.४५ लाख करोड रुपैयाँ राजस्व घट्ने छ

तर आयकरको सीमा घटाए पनि पुँजी बजारमा आम लगानीकर्तालाई उत्साहित गर्ने र त्यसबाट सरकारले पाउने लाभकर बढ्ने सरकारको अनुमान छ

पुँजी पलायन हुनबाट जोगाउन, आन्तरिक लगानीकर्ताको मनोबल बढाउन यस निर्णयले ठूलो सहयोग पुर्याउने भारतीय अर्थविद्हरुले उल्लेख गरेका छन्

छिमेकी भारतमा पुँजी बजारका लगानीकर्ताको आत्मबल बढाउन सरकारले यति गहकिलो निर्णय गर्दा नेपालमा पनि पुँजी बजारका लगानीकर्ताको मनोबल निकै खस्किएको छ

हाँका लगानीकर्ताले पनि सरकारबाट यस्तै आत्मबल बढाउने कार्यक्रमको अपेक्षा गरिरहेका छन्

तर अहिलेसम्म हाम्रो सरकारले सेयर लगानीकर्ताको आत्मबल उकास्ने कार्यक्रम ल्याउन सकेको छैन

Yuraj K grahan lagya cha. 5 more month remain.

भारतीय सरकारको निर्णयबाट प्रभावित भएर हाम्रा अर्थमन्त्री युवराज खतिवडाले पनि लगानीकर्ताको मनोबल उकास्ने यस्तै वा अन्य कुनै प्रकारका कार्यक्रम घोषणा गर्लान त?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
around 15 year ago I was asking myself, what kind if an idiot take contract of shopping mall like kathmandu mall. Today, they cant even rent it for a crore (probably for a year or just down payment, whose value could be in billions) (why govt controlled land has to be developed into some concrete ugly jungle, should be banned to turned into commercial and rather turned into park).

Sad think about economy, business is it takes years to see its result unlike football which takes 90 minute to find out the right prediction.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
रित्तै भयो ओली सरकारको 'थिंक ट्याङ्क'
चैतन्य मिश्रले किन छाडे नीति अनुसन्धान प्रतिष्ठान ?

- I believe I started this "think tank" nariwol, just like many important agendas.

And 8 classe too it cause too many began to talk about think tank. But 8 classe buddi never going to understand it nor yuraj k.

सानो भन्दा सानो कामका लागि पनि अर्थ मन्त्रालयका अधिकारीहरूलाई 'ज्यू-हजुरी' गर्नुपरेपछि मिश्रले पदबाट राजीनामा दिएको समितिका सदस्यहरू बताउँछन् |

Every thing ultimately hits yuraj k and gets destroyed. He is too ghamandi. After destroying economy, he still has not learned it.

"Think Tank" suppose to be independent organization/individuals. There can be many of them. They have no power. All they give is their view. Its up to govt to implement it or ignore it.

"Think Tank" is suppose to have direct link with elected govt and high ranking. What are they doing with low ranking.

8 classe/phd ko hat ma nariwal.

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