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#176 Sat Jan 21, 2023 2:34 am
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
UK PM sunak is fined by british police for not wearing belt while riding a car.
(PR stunt of western values which they dont have)
Now dalals and idiots in Nepal will be saying- no body is above the law in the west. Idiots- have you seen criminals in the west being punished for big crimes like war crime, corruption, rape/pedophilia(epstine's clients, british royal, pope and his people, bill gates, bush, biden etc etc), misusing of secret documents(currently biden is facing), offshore account, etc etc
Shut up! when you dont know a thing.
#177 Thu Jan 19, 2023 6:49 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
Poland offered to mobilize Ukrainian refugees who fled from Ukraine to Europe.
The proposal was made by the Polish General Skzhipchak. Russia's advantage is so great that, according to the military, this is the only way to "help" Kiev. Ukrainian friends are there to help
--- Like they been saying- To the last Ukrainian.
And they say it openly.
They used nazi in ukraine, who wanted to kill russians, to fight russians. After Russians eradicated them, they began to draft public who were banned from leaving Ukraine. Even they are eradicated in mass by Russia. Now EU wants to force those who flee to europe from the war to fight for anglozoo. How evil can they get. This is european values educated fools dont know about. There was a reason, wwi and ii happened in europe. And the reason was, eurpoeans were/are pure evil.
#178 Tue Jan 17, 2023 11:11 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
Saudi Arabia is open to discussions about trade in currencies other than the US dollar
#179 Fri Jan 13, 2023 5:51 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
अमेरिकी राजदूत डिन आर थम्प्सन भन्छन् : 'नेपालकै चाहनाअनुसार यहाँ एमसीसी परियोजना आएको हो, यसले नेपालको पूर्वाधार निर्माण गर्नुका साथै कम्तीमा १० हजार जनालाई रोजगारी दिन्छ |' - Ah! Just like in Ukraine. Its president of Ukraine who is asking help to fight Russian from west. It's a different story that he became president through western coup during 2014 (not whole of ukraine voted for him, CIA, MI6 promoted him through movies for years, he got voted in the name of peace and peace settlement with Russia- but later betrayed) Just before the war, Zelenskey wanted to negotiate with Russia but UK, US, NATO forced him not to. He wanted peaceful settlement during early months- many times, even UK PM went to Ukraine warning him not to make a deal with Russia. When this was exposed in front of the world- Lately, they are promoting fake reality through fake news where US is presented as a power who is pressuring Ukraine to make a peace deal while Zelenskey wants to fight Russia (Reality, background story, is same as before where US, UK, NATO are ordering Zelenskey not to stop war. They order Zelenskey to ban media, churches, opposition parties and forcing people of Ukraine to join the army and die from the hand of Russian MLRS etc) New news- Russia just captured most of the city where there is 300km long, 100m deep tunnel. This gives total control of some 500km radius of that area to Russia. Same in Nepal- US/India order their puppet in Nepal to ask with them what master(they) want and make it look like Nepal is begging for it. Like- Nepal gave some hydro to India, Not that India pressured Nepal.
#180 Thu Jan 12, 2023 1:56 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
As a computer programmer, Aaron Swartz changed the internet forever and fiercely fought against the privatization of knowledge. The federal government persecuted him for it until his death by suicide in 2013.
#181 Wed Jan 11, 2023 6:09 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
"Lloyd Austin visited Kiev then went to Warsaw & gave a speech where he said 'we're not asking for a Ukrainian victory, we're asking for Ukrainians to kill Russians to weaken Russia.' How many Ukrainians are you willing to sacrifice?" -RealScottRitter
#182 Tue Jan 10, 2023 9:47 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
Big Pharma has long known of potential Covid-19 vaccine side effects... They just didn't want to say so publicly.
In 2021 Pfizer scientist Chris Croce told our journalist that they were already testing for links between their vaccine and myocarditis...
------ Remember? I could be one of the first ones to warn about MRNA vaccine.
#183 Thu Jan 05, 2023 1:26 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
Probably not because it was classified for nearly 60 years.
In April 1945 Churchill decided -- BEFORE WWII was over -- that the Allies should team up with the Nazis invade the SovietUnion AGAIN and NUKE Russia!
- I believe this story, cause everything happening since proves it- from nazi settling in the west, nazi being made boss of nato, nasa, un etc- them using nazi to fight russia.
- During or before the war, zoo and british made a deal to use US.
#184 Tue Jan 03, 2023 11:29 am
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
US Virgin Islands governor ousts attorney general after she sued JPMorgan Chase and accused the bank of covering up Jeffrey Epstein's crimes
Remember, jpmorgan chase banned a black guy (kenya) for telling truth about zoooooooo.
Now will jpmorgan chase be canceled.
You dont cancel zoo, zoo cancels you.
Russia is fighting for our freedom. Remember.
#185 Sun Jan 01, 2023 10:27 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
Society with values! And our Media, bureaucracy, civil society etc are in their payroll.
#186 Sat Dec 31, 2022 1:22 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
"Merkel was right." Hollande spoke frankly about the Minsk agreements
Ex-French President Hollande: The Minsk agreements gave time to strengthen the AFU
It is the merit of the Minsk agreements to have given the Ukrainian Army this opportunity.
#187 Thu Dec 29, 2022 10:19 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
Corona: China needs to test elderly and vulnerable people, who had taken covid vaccine, if they have produced anti body or not, if they have produced enough or not. To find out if their body can fight back against covid or not.
Those who did not produce enough are in real threat of corona.
#188 Wed Dec 21, 2022 10:19 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
A new study found that exercise, in almost any amount, reduced people's risks of being hospitalized or dying of covid. -The Washington Post.
- I believe put forward this theory in early months of covid. I believe I said something like 'Active person less likely to suffer than inactive people"
That bahunbadi doctor who joined us for months should be jailed along with CDOs.
#189 Sun Dec 18, 2022 11:41 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
Whole life I waited for this in foot ball.
Like always, Argentina panics under pressure, seen today again. But at last...
Argentina's approach did change after I posted this #6 Sun Dec 11, 2022 9:32 pm
Hello Coach of Argentina,
- Biggest weakness of Argentina is- they can break away when they are encircled or crowd is formed when they have ball. If you play short pass and cant break the crowd, just a matter of time, opposition will steal the ball or you have to pass back.
- To break the encircling or stop opposition from gathering about the ball, you have to surprise attack 2/3 times and hit the target even if you cant score.
- Opposition gather around the ball means, they are confident and their mind is working well. You dont want confident opposition. You need surprise attack 2/3 times in early game.
I have been supporting Argentina since 90s, they always crumble under pressure and play like they played against holland during last few minutes of regular time.
To get out of pressure, you need to go for surprise attack 2/3 times. To break oppositions' tight defense, hit the post from outside the penalty box.
#190 Sun Dec 18, 2022 7:53 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
The FDA finally came out and said that Pfizer's covid shot cause blood clots.
Only 2 years late!
- Wonder how WHO authorized this vaccine? WHO still has not authorized Russian Vaccine. WHO controls WHO? Is there so called rule/process that run WHO?
If Russia lose the war, Humanity is doomed.
Seven Latin American Presidents Reject Coup government in Peru.
- Dalal fake media ran by bahun in Nepal wont cover this. Do you know why? I know.
#191 Wed Dec 14, 2022 9:28 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
The office of Macron's party in Paris was raided in connection with the case of financing the presidential campaign by the consulting firm McKinsey.- This is for saying (By Macron)- EU should consider Russian security concern. Most of the bureaucrats and politicians in EU are controlled by CIA and CIA is controlled by anglo zoo bosses. Do people in Nepal know- EU boss 'ursala' and ECB boss '*' have pending corruption case too. Depending how they serve anglo zoo will effect the outcome of the cases. I think, politicians have handed over the administration to bureaucracy- who deposit loot into politicians account directly. Only way for people of europe to free themselves from CIA control is violent revolution where they take care of bureaucrats and politicians. Election wont help
#192 Mon Dec 12, 2022 9:31 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
"between 2000 and 2020, China helped Africa build: - 13,000 km of railways - 100,000 km of highways - 1,000 bridges - 100 ports - 80 large-scale power facilities - 130 medical facilities - 45 sports venues - 170 schools"
Nepalese will pay for their sin- disrespecting China, humiliating china for few money and/or by being brainwashed by fake news controlled by cia/raw.
Nepalese are same race that sold Sikkim to their born enemy. Looks like they have ran out of that money and now working to sell Nepal to same s hole.
China providing grant and loan to Africa to build infrastructure. US and EU providing some grant and a lot of loan to Ukraine to fight Russia. And amazingly, the person receiving/asking loan to fight and forcing ukrainians to fight is a puppet implanted by CIA and all the fight going on is to maintain western master's hegemony.
sati ko sarap
#193 Mon Dec 12, 2022 8:46 am
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2392
This World Cup is becoming more & more controversial as we are close to climax. Skill & tactics of the game is dominated by some other power. To know in detail , read post match statement of Bruno & Pepe***-them-bruno-fernandes-and-pepe-launch-a-bizarre-verbal-attack-on-argentina-as-they-blame-referee-for-their-humiliating-defeat-to-morocco/Declaration : Im not a fan of Pgs
#194 Sun Dec 11, 2022 9:32 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
Hello Coach of Argentina,
- Biggest weakness of Argentina is- they can break away when they are encircled or crowd is formed when they have ball. If you play short pass and cant break the crowd, just a matter of time, opposition will steal the ball or you have to pass back.
- To break the encircling or stop opposition from gathering about the ball, you have to surprise attack 2/3 times and hit the target even if you cant score.
- Opposition gather around the ball means, they are confident and their mind is working well. You dont want confident opposition. You need surprise attack 2/3 times in early game.
I have been supporting Argentina since 90s, they always crumble under pressure and play like they played against holland during last few minutes of regular time.
To get out of pressure, you need to go for surprise attack 2/3 times. To break oppositions' tight defense, hit the post from outside the penalty box.
#195 Tue Dec 06, 2022 1:15 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
People call CIA controlled media fake news (almost 99.999% media in the world)
Those fake news media call media in Russia, China, Iran etc propaganda news (Ask yourself, why they dont call them fake news too).
Fake news is propaganda but propaganda does not have to be a fake.
Know the difference, it will make your life better.
#196 Mon Dec 05, 2022 12:52 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
"If I committed suicide, it's not real," Musk stated during a livestream
#TwitterFilesLive Coverage
(News you wont hear in Nepali fake news)
#197 Sun Dec 04, 2022 2:32 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
Fake news has socially engineered sheep into accepting 'committing genocide' as normal. They wont care about tiny things like #twitterfiles
Nepalese should ask why Media in Nepal not covering twitterfiles? If it were fake news spread about n korea or china or russia, they would have covered.
I believe, media in Nepal copy pasted north korean dear leader's death. How is he still alive?
Media in Nepal is no 1 threat to Nepal's national security. It is bahunbad.
#198 Wed Nov 30, 2022 7:22 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
Anglo zoo have taken over Ukraine using 5% of its population. Ukrainians are forced to fight Russia for Anglo Zoo dominance using zoo president who won by lying and preventing big population of ukrainians from voting. And through that zoo- anglo zoo have banned opposition parties, free media, forcing public to join the army and die in huge number.
Just like in Nepal, they passed MCC using handful of corrupts, criminals, dalals.
There are few/powerful examples in the world where powerful countries take over or control land of others:
1: Palestine- zoo controls it suing military, international organizations, super powers, money, threat, etc etc
2: Kasmir- india controls it through military (using largest military:civilian ratio)
3: Sikkin- india took over using fake referendum using dalal/ghusya/ho who sell themselves for money nepalese
4: fiji- using immigrants
5: ukraine- using 5% population, through coup, using ngos/ingos, corrupt/criminals, used corrupt/criminals to destroy the country etc
Nepal is on its way of becoming all the above in one. Nepalese could meet its karma.
#199 Tue Nov 29, 2022 1:15 am
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
Some western fake news are calling 'release of Assange'.
CIA/RAW fake news in Nepal is silent. Which means' fake news in Nepal dont just copy/paste fake news of the west, they are directly controlled/or let controlled by CIA.
#200 Sun Nov 27, 2022 6:45 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
EU Accuses Washington Of Making A Fortune From Ukraine War
Bleeding Europe. Collapsing empires bleed their vassals in desperate attempt to survive, hastening their demise
Bread and wood II incoming????
I gave control to $, II will make $ only currency in the west, nato, g7.