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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
Government and local body should start working on Dengue prevention.

They should work on preventing water pit and tell people to do same. And take care of mosquito.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
EU countries are discussing a ban on the transit of goods from the EU through Russia to third countries, the head of the European Commission, Uvrsula on der Leyen.

Remember, I said, one of the reasons anglozoo pushing ukraine war is to break relation between eu and china. And they use their agent inside the country/block against themselves.

Like, In Nepal, CIA agents inside Nepal begged for loan from CIA controlled IMF, World bank, ADB. Like MCC.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
U.S. military bases aren't just about guns.
It is also about the broken lives of girls living near the bases - now the New York Times has decided to tell us about it.

For more than 60 years, the United States and South Korea have forced tens of thousands of Korean women and girls into prostitution and sexual slavery in special "comfort camps" near U.S. military bases in South Korea. "Women for pleasure" were recruited by the Korean side in various ways: some were deceived by promising to buy real estate on seniority, others were simply stolen from their families and forced to become prostitutes. Understandably, the American soldiers had no sympathy for them, nor did many of the locals.
And the officials explained to the girls the importance of their "work" in keeping the American army on their island and earning money for the country's economy.

Some dared to demand compensation years later, but it was only $2270 to $5300 and was more like a waving-off.

Source: New York Times

"Prostitute makes more money than regular people"- SECOND TO GOD

You can do research about other countries too- Taiwan, Philippines, Singapore
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
I began to hate Turkey and Erdogan after Syria war.

But if he lose in the election- the threat of Nuclear war will increase. Cause new guy says- he will be pro west meaning he could sanction pipeline and air travel for Russia and worse- could let NATO navy bac into black sea during this war (this is why Russia took control of Crimea and east of Ukraine) and could also join the war.

And Putin and Iran and Armenia could attack Azerbaijan cause till now Putin and Iran have not attacked Azerbaijan cause they dont want to disrespect Erdogan. Azerbaijan been disrespecting them.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
To reduce demand: West increase rate,

When demand falls: Russia/OPEC then reduce supply

Then price back to where it is.

Russia/OPEC want oil at 70/80. West should accept it and let inflation rise instead of raising rates.

Their rate is already too high, economy has already collapsed and inflation is still high.

Only option for west is end the war, accept higher inflation for a year or two and end sanction.

Or already collapsed economy will turn into ashes like in Nepal.

When war ends- Russia will accept oil at 50-60.

No one can fight, supply side problem with high rate.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
I want to see: Trump Vs RFKj

RFK: Biden debate would gift the world a lot of MEMEs.

I think Biden announced re-election bid to protect his son (also his circle like current foreign minister) AND Trump running to protect himself.

But think, Biden will drop himself.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
South Africa's ruling African National Congress party has decided to withdraw the country from the International Criminal Court, said South African President Cyril Ramaposa.

This is the proof how important Russia is.

South Africa has hardly any interest with Russia compared to west and still they are withdrawing from ICC.

Why? Cause for the free world, Russia/China is their SAVIOUR, protector of their dignity- which they only have left a tiny bit, their prosperous future ....

People of Nepal do not understand it cause Nepalese dont have dignity. Bahunbad has destroyed Nepal.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
Charles Liu: "US is not going to fight over Taiwan ... they may try to get Japanese to do it"

12bros of Nepal/10000bros of anglozoo

Indians are respected only in Nepal and Nepal gets opposite response from India. ... sati ko sarap

Epstine did not kill himself (how many in Nepal (NGO) are proud of getting financed by Epstine (CIA/Mossad/MI6)

The US threatened to:

- Sanction the ICC
- Sanction countries that assist the ICC
- Arrest ICC judges and prosecutors!

How the US got the UN to say that Iraq had chemical weapons:

"You have 24 hours to leave the OPCW, and we have ways to retaliate against you.

We know where your kids live. You have two sons in New York."

Killary some list:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
The Dragon has lift off!

The German press notes that the President of the European Commission , Ursula von der Leyen, had to leave China through the airport through the normal corridors.

A real diplomatic humiliation.....
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622

Every chakka/rapist is a tough guy when s/he is in strong position, I have seen, and not much when s/he is on the chair (you know the famous chair).

Just like you, we will protect humanity in the same manner. You know what I mean.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
1960s - US: WAR WAR WAR
Peace movement: Make Love, not War

2023 - US: WAR WAR WAR
China: Make Money, not War

Fortunately, PMs of Singpore, Malaysia and Spain are to make money and not war.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622

- In the world, those working at uno, ingo are considered as ho, while in Nepal- they are prestigious job.

Most of Nepalese working at uno, ingos, ngos are anti nepal, anti china, anti russia, pro west.

Nuland explains how deep the US has penetrated the Ukrainian state institutions. (everything is open and still educated idiots cant see it)

Seymour Hersh claims that during Scholz's visit to the US, sabotage at Nord Stream was discussed.

The CIA and German intelligence were asked to prepare an alternative story about the Nord Stream explosions for the media - journalist Seymour Hersh
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
Religion in Nepal:

- Hindu; just above 60%
- Christian: just above 14%
- Buddhist; just above 6%

Just like in economy. In Nepal those running economy are enemy of economy; those in NRB trying to destroy economy/banking/share market, those in share market- trying to destroy share market, those running insurance body- trying to destroy insurance sector.

Same way- happening in religion. I have joked this before- those harams mostly jholes and doggos; they oppose religious conversion by force or money, but they support those who are converting Nepalese- cia, eu.

Buddhist lost almost half to christianity.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
It is said- China has started manufacturing '7nm chips'.

This is advanced level chips and now all they need is 4/5nm and they/world would be free.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
Indonesian President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo has urged regional administrations in the country to wean themselves off foreign payment networks like Mastercard and Visa and start using credit cards issued by domestic banks to shield any transactions from possible geopolitical fallout that could disrupt economic transactions.

Jokowi said that the war in Ukraine with the attendant economic sanctions imposed by the United States could create problems as economic tools, including payment systems, could be used against countries perceived to have any involvement in the conflict.

Michigan Governor Admits COVID-19 Lockdowns Went Too Far

"'Rigorous' Maidan massacre expose suppressed by top academic journal

@I_Katchanovski marshaled copious evidence to show that Maidan protesters were killed by pro-coup snipers. He suspects political pressure prevented publication.

Jeffrey Epstein said he stopped hanging out with Trump 'when he realized Trump was a crook,' according to his brother
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
शेयरमा थोरै लगानीले पनि धेरै आम्दानी गर्न सकिन्छ,१० कित्ता शेयरले अहिले लाखौं लाखको सम्पत्ति भएकाे छ: गभर्नर अधिकारी

Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
International Criminal Court issues arrest warrant against Putin over war crimes

Russia should take out ICC judges. Kill all the MFs.


Neither the US nor Russia nor China recognizes the geopoliticized International Kangaroo Court.
When it sought to charge the US for war crimes, the US sanctioned and threatened to arrest the Court, the Prosecutor, the judges...and their families too!


US is forcing Tik Tok to sell their US branch to US company.

China should make UN vote- If country forcing other country's company/branch to be sold to other company is OK or NOT.

And China should well document those countries who VOTE OK. And in future, can force that country's company to be sold to foreign country's company.

TikTok should use their algorithm to expose those countries/society which has banned them.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
Iran, Saudi Arabia agree to resume bilateral ties

Restoration of ties between Iran,, Saudi Arabia announced following intensive talks in Chinese capital

Secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, his Saudi counterpart led talks in Beijing to resume talks

- China/Russia motivating rival/enemy countries to make up, while anglo zoo forcing countries to start war. And still educated fools in the world/nepal cant see obvious.

(Soon Nepal dalal media may cover the resumption of bilateral ties- but they will not tell who made them talk.)

Leaked Hillary Clinton Emails Revealed NATO Killed Gaddafi to Stop the formation of a United States of Africa.

(Anglo zoo is threat to humanity)

One of these emails, dated April 2, 2011, read in part:

"Qaddafi's government holds more than 143 tons of gold and a similar amount in silver ... This gold was accumulated prior to the current rebellion and was intended to be used to establish a pan-African currency based on the Libyan golden Dinar.

... and this was one of the factors that influenced

President Nicolas Sarkozy's decision to commit France to the attack on Libya. According to these individuals Sarkozy's plans are driven by the following issues:

1. A desire to gain a greater share of Libya oil production,

2. Increase French influence in North Africa,

3. Improve his internal political situation in France,

4. Provide the French military with an opportunity to reassert its position in the world

5. Address the concern of his advisors over Qaddafi's long term plans to supplant France as the dominant power in Francophone Africa"

Conspicuously absent is any mention of humanitarian concerns. The objectives were to get rid of the unification of Africa, money, power and oil.

Power of fake mass media:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622

1. Dear Me. Sorry if I accuse Europeans of liking war.

2. I studied European history.

3. It is all about European wars.

4. You have the Seven Years War, the hundred years war, the War of the Roses etc. etc. etc.

5. The two World Wars started in Europe.

6. When the Chinese invented explosives they use it to frighten imaginary dragons.

7. When the Europeans got the technology, you use it to kill more distant people with cannon balls, bullets, shells, and rockets.

8. Yes. Europeans do not like wars.

9. But how did they conquer the world??

10. Who invented atom bombs, who dropped them and where did they drop the bombs?

11. I apologise for saying Europeans love wars.

12. I admit I am wrong. Silly.

6 March 2023
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
From: To the last Ukrainian

To: to the last Taiwanese

Like I have been saying: Anglo Zoo control countries by controlling corrupt/criminal rulers
(Their way of persuading politician is just like in Hollywood movie- the villian character does)

2014 Coup (Just like in Nepal- some are corrupt/criminal who are agents of RAW/CIA and big crowd are dumb)

("we're from America want some bread")
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622

Biden ordered the bombing.

Told Norway, Sweden, Denmark.

NOT Germany.

Planning leader: Sullivan.

Members from CIA, NSA, Joint Chiefs, Treasury, State.

Bombs detonated by Raytheon buoy.

2 out of 8 failed.

"Derision" among intel/military.

---- Where is UK????
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
Churchhill got it right about the Germans: "the Hun is always either at your throat or at your feet".

(Idiots dont know, you find more gold in comment section than from the main author. You know why Idiots dont know- cause idiots take those as great mind who are presented as great mind by propaganda machine. They are idiot so cant Identify Intelligent people. You have to be intelligent to see another intelligent. That is why, no body recognizes SECOND TO GOD)

Last time Hun was at your throat after they were humiliated. Meaning, rise of Hitler is due to humiliation of Germany.

History is repeating, Germany is openly humiliated by same- anglo zoo.

Not only in Nepal, even in eurpoe, CIA appoints leaders. Each and every criminal are either works for CIA or potential CIA agent. And Russia has been fighting to end it.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
The famous American journalist Seymour Hersh (winner of the 1970 Pulitzer Prize) claims that the explosives under the "Northern Streams" were laid by US divers in June 2022.

Norway assisted USA

"Last summer, Navy divers, acting under the cover of NATO exercises known as Baltops 22, laid remotely activated explosive devices, which three months later destroyed three of the four Nord Stream pipelines," Hersh writes, citing sources.

According to him, on September 26, a sonar buoy was dropped from a Norwegian Navy aircraft, which triggered the bombs.

According to Hirsch, Biden discussed the sabotage with his team for more than 9 months. The main question was how not to leave evidence.

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