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Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2389
PTI will probably secure around 118 seats. 51 more needed to form a government.
Status quo will continue.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7778
Imran Khan Vs International Zionist

Counting result announcement starts in few minutes.

After jailing Imran Khan, arm chair generals' last minute manipulation of election- Blocking internet and mobile phone, changing voting booth 12 hour before voting process.

Still, would Imran Khan get 55-65% vote?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7778
A mega restaurant chain is on a mission to get half of China to eat KFC and Pizza Hut by 2026

----- The People's Congress of China should subpoena CEOs of those companies and grill them 'if they support illegal wars, war crimes, genocide and if they have/do donate politicians/officials who are involved in those or support those'.

I have been asking for years- there are million things China could make US/west uncomfortable in propaganda/show- Chinese government bosses dont know those things OR they are not ready to utilize those positions???
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7778
It's now official government policy in UK that you CAN'T publish "misinformation", but The Guardian, the BBC, Disney and Netflix CAN

Funny, lying is suppose to be freedom of speech for individuals, but for media it should be illegal. But in UK it's opposite. Cause, they are dying evil empire. Desperate evil empire.

And idiots in Nepal believe in British media. British media been pushing hard anti Russia, anti China, anti Iran garbage for last 20 year. They are desperate and scared little sh!t.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7778
And they will curse Nepal for 'Nepali passport being weak'.

Funny news: India frees pigeon accused of spying for China after 8 months in police custody
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2389
८ सय नेपाली चिकित्सकको अमेरिकी लाइसेन्सको नतिजा रद्द
सबै परीक्षार्थीको उत्तरपत्रमा एउटै ढाँचा देखिनुले परीक्षा अगावै प्रश्नपत्रमाथि अनधिकृत पहुँच थियो भन्ने संकेत गर्छ : यूएसएमएलई

Where are we heading ?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7778
Texas drama is to divert/censure ICJ ruling.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7778
Will International Court of Justice (ICJ) ignore Obvious, in today's ruling??

- Remember, document those judges and their country who rule in support of Genocide.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2389
Cricketer and engineer Vikas Negi, 36, collapsed and succumbed to a heart attack while playing cricket in Noida.

Lot of young people in India are dying d/t heart attack. exact reason for increased heart attack rate is still unknown.
In Nepal dont have such data, may be we have similar incidence.

Youngster, be careful.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7778
70 minute long. Watch when you have time. Very important.

Whitney Webb| Foreign Intelligence Affiliated CTI League Poses Major National Security Risk To The Most Critical US Infrastructure
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7778
Federal prosecutors have quietly indicted a person in New York.

Target of the plot: Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, an American?Canadian citizen who is leader of "Sikhs for Justice," a US-based Khalistan group.

US thwarted plot to kill Sikh separatist on American soil.
Washington warned India over concerns of government involvement in assassination conspiracy.

---- I dont believe it is true. I dont think India has guts to do so in US. I believe- CIA created fake story/drama to tighten grip on India.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7778
Bin Laden Letter getting popular in US:

Regarding War; Do you (Americans and other young people and also older educated dumb misinformed people) know Bin Laden won the war on terror???

[But first conspiracy theory- "False flag"- there are many false flags- CIA did it, Alciada was created by CIA, US govt let it happen knowing it was happening, CIA/Saudi/Mossad joint project. Even if more parties are involved, different group can have their own agenda.

Personally, for me, It was CIA/Saudi/Mossad/MI6/Alciada operation. Those hijackers were suppose to hijack the plane not crash it. I believe, auto pilot did it. US govt has released that some Saudis were CIA operatives/informants.]

How Bin Laden won??

- Whites are so dumb, they did exactly what Bin Laden wanted.

Bin Laden's plan was not to defeat US/NATO in war, but destroyed it financially and in international politics and domestic.

Bin Laden wanted to drag US into his home turf i.e. middle east- where he succeeded and bog US into long war- where he succeeded too. And destroy US economically.

Second, Bin Laden wanted to change the policy of US that would destroy US internally and internationally. After 9/11 US changed a lot of policy- domestic and international which destroyed their image and country.

After 9/11, US changed their policy and became more authoritarian state inside US as well as Outside.

Because of Bin Laden succeeded, today, US debt is 34trillion (around 10 trillion is due to 9/11 wars), economy is in crisis and internationally isolating slowly.


Norman Finkelstein (Jewish American) explains some facts about Gaza:

- Israel had a "starvation plus" diet for people in Gaza. Israeli gov was literally controlling calories in food going into Gaza

- Israeli politicians openly talk about a policy of "periodically mowing Gaza"

- Israel doesn't even allow baby chickens to go into Gaza - to prevent self-sufficiency.

Once, Israel banned chocolate and potato chips. Just because they can.

- Top Israeli security chief described Gaza as a "huge concentration camp"

Two consequential organisations were created in 1913 in the US:

- Federal Reserve Bank (Fed)

The ADL's first task was to defend Leo Frank, a Jewish factory manager who was accused of raping and murdering a 13-year-old girl - Mary Phagan - who worked in the factory.

When Frank was convicted and sentenced to death, the ADL took the case all the way to US Supreme Court, but lost every step of the way.

Eventually, the ADL allegedly bribed Georgia's governor, who - just a few days before the end of his term - commuted the sentence to life imprisonment.

When people protested, the Governor declared martial law and called the National Guard.

But the public was so outraged that the governor ran out of the state and couldn't return for a decade!

Eventually, a mob burst into prison, kidnapped Frank, and hanged him.

The smoking gun of Pearl Harbor is the McCollum memo. One week after Japan joined the axis, an advisor told Roosevelt that this was the supreme chance to get into the desired war with Germany, via Japan:

In 1939, 90% of Americans were against joining WW2.

But globalist banksters really really wanted USA in.

So, Team USA imposed crushing sanctions on Japan and then let Pearl Harbor happen.

It's a conspiracy fact - at least, there are enough circumstantial evidences.

British Empire was smart in many ways but also extremely stupid.

Hitler made more than dozen peace offers, which were all rejected by arrogant UK.

For India and others, WW2 led to independence, so that's the bright side.

But Europe destroyed itself needlessly. That's the sad part.

US also rejected Hitler's peace offers, but that's because the U.S. saw WW2 as an opportunity to create an American Empire.

So to attempt to cover up the fact that demand for USTs is falling off a cliff edge, there are claims that a cyber attack on the Chinese ICBC bank prevented UST trades being settled on behalf of third parties and this may have impacted yesterday's 30 year auction.

There are clearly a number of moving parts to this story.

This 7-year-old girl, Shaam, was murdered by Israel specifically because her father Mohammad Al-Jaja was a journalist in Gaza.

The cruelty of Zionism and psychotic nature of its propaganda.

Shocking article in an Israeli newspaper:

"Greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th century"

"Genrikh Yagod... founder and commander of the NKVD... responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people... in Soviet gulags."

"Statin's Jews" on Ynet News
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7778
Till months back, I supported Trump Vs RFK

Now seems like both are far more controlled than other possible winners. All of the candidates from both side of the coin are totally controlled.

If Trump wins, there is more likely war with Iran than Biden. I think they could be going after Trump to prevent war with Iran, since, Trump was/is selected by Israel to start war with Iran and it almost started when Trump was president.

Guess what? RFK too has flew in Lolita express.

Looks like Epstein was too successful.

Those Hollywood who visited Epstein island were/are too hardcore/pro Ukraine. That included Sting.

Powerful in the west were arranged in Epstein island, Powerful in Nepal may be arranged in Bombay. Wonder how many Nepali generals were arranged by CIA?

Rich Jews should be made to pay REPARATION to:

1: Palestinians
2: Natives Americans
3: Blacks
4: Indians
5: Germany
6: Syrians
7: Europeans
8: Iranians
9: Every human

It's amazing, almost all war criminals and war hawks are either Jews or those in Jews' payroll.

Humanity have been facing same problem from same cult for 100s of years, could even be for few 1000 years.

Today, Some American publics are facing sanction, secondary sanction from foreigner, dual citizen, american (for criticizing a foreign country. Is not this suppose to be national security threat for USA??

International people; a nation within a nation.

Today, Zoo (also anglozoo) totally controls west using corruption by buying those in power and position- politicians, politicians in govt, bureaucracy, corporation, media, entertainment media, security, corporation, ngo, ingo etc etc.

Looks like history is repeating. There was a time, in Europe, Zoo got themselves right to do trading between Christian and Muslim. How could they have done that??? Buying people in power and position. Slowly, hate in public grew and which lead to Purge.

In Poland (when Poland was a power), same happened. People there blamed zoo to be organized criminals.

In last few 1000 years, this kind of story may have repeated dozens of times.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7778

This anti-semite sh!t is enforced by force and has no standing in society.

And that Sh!t is only used in protecting those in power and their doggo.

It is all possible due to deep corruption on top.

What could have happened in the past and how zoo could have rule the west in the past?

- Loot the white Europeans by bribing those in power and position (media, so called civil society or create fake civil society etc). Which might have created angry people.

In the beginning, those angry people no could be in minority and zoo could have used those corrupt in power to crush those minority. And as time pass by, those minority may have turned into big majority and those big majority might have taken matters in their own hand creating 'THE KNOWN HISTORY'.

Just like whatever is happening in the western world today. And they are in the middle of repeating the end of the history.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7778

He thinks if they dont stop, THEY ARE ALL GOING TO BE PALESTINIANS.

Who is gonna tell him. They have become far worse than Palestinians.

Today, their people are being sanctioned by foreigners and duel citizens (international people) for opposing some foreign country (israel) inside their own country. And all this is possible cause those international people have bribed almost all in power and position (media/propaganda machine like hollywood).

History is repeating: Like In superpower Poland from the past- people revolted against zoo cause they blamed zoo had too much control, preference right.

How does this work? At first small no of public go against evil. But they are suppressed using corrupt in power and position. Just a matter of time, small no become big majority then they take matter in their hand and Hitler is born.

Same is going on in the west. Today, minority hates zoo and they are being suppressed/sanctioned by international people, by a nation inside a nation. As time pass, those minority will turn into big majority and history will repeat.

Irony is, zoo turned rednecks into animals so that they could used those rednecks. In time, those same animals will turn on to zoo.

I think, zoo knows, that is why they been bringing in people from all over the world into western countries. Hoping to divide and rule. Support one over another and make them fight each other.

Remember, today zoo are using Christian against Muslim. More than 500 year back, they used Muslim against Christian.

Till less than a century back, zoo traded in african slave. There was a time, in the middle east- Muslims used to trade european slaves. I wonder, zoo was behind that europen slave trade too .....
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7778
American people have been facing sanction, secondary sanction by foreigners, dual citizen, American loyal to foreign country or paid by foreign country/agent- for criticizing a foreign country. Is not this suppose to be national security threat for USA??

And this sanction has increased by many folds during last few year.

Those American people face sanction from- media, social media, university, big corporations, banks etc.

US house just passed 14billion payment to Israel by cutting their own internal budget.

Remember, I have been saying- Red necks are one of the three most dumb race in the world. Red necks are the only one who are controlled by/used by those (zoo) who use Red necks money, sweat, blood against Red neck as well as against human all over the world. And amazingly, while doing so zoo- still program those red necks in thinking themselves as superior, with higher values, intelligent, their god loving, patriot and what not.

Zoos been using red necks like animals- dog, cow, pig, predeator. US been used as a pig farm since wwi or ii. I head English and Jews made a deal to use usa.

Just a matter of time, those animals will turn againt zoo just like in the past. History is bout to repeat. May be that is why, zoo been bringing in different community into western society. Divide and rule. Do you know, zoo also control immigration department of the west???

Zoo have controlled western society and probably middle east for regularly for few thousand years. And get persecuted again and again. Why? Cause they been controlling west and muslim world by buying those in power and position. People's anger keep on rising and when huge majority rise, they get persecuted. Zoos are international cult, they are nation inside a nation.

People are talking: Hasbulla's boss will give speech today. They are saying he may declare war against Israel.

I dont think so, he may declare to enter into NEXT PHASE!
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7778
Bella Hadid is a Palestine American model who supports Palestine. Propaganda account is spreading that Bella's family had to scape from Palestine cause of Muslim.

Fact is here:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7778
This is caused by Intercepted Hamas missile:

they are saying, they- Israel govt/intelligence, US govt/intelligence, now French intelligence. Where is British and Germany.

This is worst than WMD cause the whole world watch the video.

The latest cause Israeli are saying The hospital was blown up is: Intercepted Hamas missile falling on the hospital parking.
Before this, they have floated lies: First was- false flag by hamas. Then Hamas missile misfire. Then, Hamas misfired missile hit the hamas rocket stock. Then Hamas misfired missile hit fuel storage. Then Hamas misfired missile hit oxygen tank. They also said- third party sabotage.

One of the best information provider regarding Hamas, Israel, Palestine, Hazbulla, Iran, Russia, US battle is: Ray McGovern I think he is Irish, most of the Irish are pro Palestine cause of terror from British.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7778
Registered: Oct 2013
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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7778
Gaza crisis has been blessing in disguise for social media.

There were some, so called conspiracy theorist (social media personalities), who liked to talk about freedom: have been exposed.

And also, this crisis has put light on some people (social media personalities) who really turned out to be supporting freedom.

Ukraine war: It exposed intelligence level of people. That case is very complicated. After Gaza crisis, it has proven, a lot of those who supported Russia and Putin, supported cause Putin/Russia is white/Christian not cause they see the truth.

A lot of whited idiots are like: I hate deep state, but, I support deep state masters.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7778
Gaza crisis has been blessing in disguise for social media.

There were some, so called conspiracy theorist (social media personalities), who liked to talk about freedom: have been exposed.

And also, this crisis has put light on some people (social media personalities) who really turned out to be supporting freedom.
Registered: Jul 2017
Posts: 12
This is proof nepal is infested with useless leftist thugs
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2389
Bombing hospital is definitely a "terrorist act". Still PUPPET HUMAN RIGHT ORGANIZATION are in deep sleep
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7778
Evil zoos are deliberately targeting Hospitals. More than 500 killed in single massacre.

Years back- there was in an interview, Netanyahu talked about killing as many family members as possible of 'so called terrorist'.

Similar was said by americans and they been doing so in action.

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