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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7572
US economy was suppose to go into recession this year. But, deal with China postponed it for a year.

Now due to corona Virus, the recession is back on. By the end of 2020 or early 2021.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2310
Coronavirus: 'Narrowing window' to contain outbreak, WHO says
The window of opportunity to contain the virus is "narrowing"
Iran's health ministry has confirmed 18 cases of the virus, including four deaths, and said it has spread to several cities. Lebanon and Israel have reported their first cases.

If government and public dont take preventive steps, distaster is just at our door step.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7572
Let's hope 5star offers 2000/night to Nepalese.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2310
Prudent decision is required while selecting the companies
One of the important national and international epidemic affecting particular sector this year

कोरोना प्रभावले अधिकांश होटलका बुकिङ रद्द
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7572
hamra batis gun bhayaka mahara lai rapist bhanne mahara ko chori lia jal patha, kp oli :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

our judges are gutsy. they can do what even prachanda, sher bahadru cant dare.
Registered: Dec 2016
Posts: 173
Aba Baluwatar bata Widebody/Lauda/Dhamija/Sikta/Melamchi/Oil Corporation/Fake VAT bill sabai chanbin hunu paryo.

Yedi eso garda NEPSE takes a 20% cut, I would happily take it. I am in NEPSE for a 20 year run, when it shall reach 25000. If the government takes a few steps at fighting corruption at the top level, NEPSE will eventually benefit. I think the government can take a step by step process to examine each and every government employees of certain departments in the last 30 years. I would say start in this order.

1. Thulo Kaar Data Karyalaye
2. Bhansar
3. Malpot
4. Krishi Anudhan Karyalaya
5. Bidhut Pradhikaran
6. Sadak Bhibhag
7. Yatayat Karyala

Maybe, I am missing some.

In private sector, go for these people.

1. manpower
2. crusher udyog
3. hydro promoter
4. medical colleges

Every Nepalese should be able to freely exercise his/her rights to earn prosperity for themselves, however, they have to follow the rules of law and not benefit from cronyism.


One more thing, they should give telecom license to CG, if they float 50% in NEPSE. That way, Nepal will have another challenger in telecom sector, leading to price cuts and innovation for customers. Also, Nepal gets to keep more foreign currency that NCell is taking to their dutch masters.


I guess the communist government wants to build Nijgad no matter what. It has become a prestige issue for them. I hope they conduct a good economic study before committing to it. The project has to be sustainable. They should probably build the project in stages. Start with one runway and a smaller terminal that can be expanded like Qatar did. It would be a huge economic blow to Nepal and cause a significant rise in national debt if the project fails. Our children will be paying for it in the future.

I do like the fact they are planning on upgrading major airports in Terai. We need huge infrastructure investments to increase our GDP. Housing loans should be made more liberal. Kitta Kaat garna dinu paryo though with some controls.

Economic challenges for this year:
1. India slowing
2. Remittance growth rate fading
3. Development budget barely spent
4. Fauji Kira/Garima Dhan
5. Investment slowing
6. Corona Virus
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7572
A lot of People who died of Corona Virus were suffering from other illness previously.

Opening quarantine or treatment center in hospital will be a gamble.

I dont know it its a fake news or real- there was in social media that corona virus floats in air, may be that is why Chinese cities are deserted.

Quarantine in Nepal should be opened outside city at least least 25 km away from city where there not density of people.
Registered: Jun 2017
Posts: 844
read news somewhere about prepartion of major govn hospital reagarding corono virus treatments. Bir,patan & teaching hospital have established isolation wards ( single digit beds, 2-4 beds) and that all re.

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7572
चीनले कोरानो प्रभावित वुहानमा रहेका नेपाली विद्यार्थीहरु सुरक्षित रहेको बताएको छ | यदि उनीहरुलाई उद्दार गर्ने हो भने विमानस्थाल क्वारेन्टाइन, महामारी रोकथामको तयारी पूरा गर्नविश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन (डब्यूएचओ)का नेपाल प्रतिनिधिसँग परामर्श सुझाएको छ

Even, China has no confidence in Nepal/Nepal govt about handling crisis.

China has asked Nepal govt to consult WHO. I believe, China cant tell Nepal, you are incompetent, so want WHO to tell Nepal govt that you are incompetent.

For god sake, Nepal is ran by 8 classe and 10 classe. In Nepal, when a pakhe becomes PM, whole village join the govt, all the segments of the system are lead by the village people- business, construction, NRB, every political appointee, education, healthcare, bureaucracy, police etc etc almost all even banking . What can we expect?

For fk sake, all those who are pretending regarding pressuring govt to bring Nepalese back from China, shut the f up, before there starts plague like.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7572
14 day from the quarantined day of the epicenter, corona virus' spread may start to fall slowly.
Registered: Jun 2017
Posts: 844
Governments wants to evacuate Nepalese from Wuhan? What they are thinking of? Bringing them here and letting them roam around in KTM without quarentine and treatment? Dont bring them if Government has no plan of how they going to handle the situation.

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7572
Nepali nationals to be evacuated from coronavirus-hit China's Hubei province, embassy issues travel notice

To those Nepalese who are inflected by the virus, you have 10 times better chance of getting successful treatment in China than in Nepal.

Incubation period is 14 days.


In between the rock and the hard place.

Congratulations- Germany, Spain, Argentina, India, Africa and many more ....... English are no longer under EU protection.

Propaganda is a double edge sword.

If BBC had been honest and UK had real democracy, they would have told english- instead of being the greatest country in the world- we are the lowest of the low country in the world, we committed many crimes over few centuries, if we leave EU our victims, who are many times larger than us will come for revenge so we need to remain in EU and keep controlling US.

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7572
Drugs typically used to treat hepatitis C, HIV and multiple sclerosis can treat new Chinese coronavirus - Russia's Ministry of Health
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7572
सरकारी कम्पनीले बजार मूल्य भन्दा ९ हजार कममा इन्डक्सन चुल्हो बिक्री, किन्ने उपभोक्ता बढे

कम्पनीले बिक्री गरेको इन्डक्सन चीन सरकारले भूकम्पका बेलामा अनुदानमा दिएको हो

FYI it was during the blockade.

If this psychological engineering- intentional or trying to please the master or working for the master??????

I dont know the quality of the induction. The first one we got got broken within a few days, second one's button broke very early but still workable. Just a few weeks back, we got the induction. Works perfectly, but since price of all three are around 4000 so we have to wait for years to find out if (market price 12000) discounted priced 4000 is worth or not.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2310
Somebody ji
Not actually MBBS level class - this is POST DOCTORAL level research.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7572
More like Genetic Engineering.
Registered: Jun 2017
Posts: 844
Are you guys running a MBBS class here in Share Forum for free ? :shock: :shock:
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2310
Gene therapy till date is possible only for certain cancers.
Targeted chemotherapy is another option.
Both of these treatments are still in trial phase and not approved by FDA for clinical use.
So its individual choice to go for the trial.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7572
If you have your loved ones who has cancer, tell their family to make an inquiry in Chinese cancer hospital.

There is new treatment for cancer (all or some, not sure). It is through gene therapy.

In west, it costs about 4/5 crore while in china I heard it costs 80 lakh.

US president Jimmy Carter has been suffering from Brain Cancer for a long time, I think he is above 90, He got the treatment while the cure was still in trial period. He still gets involved in volunteer work.

Hope big hospital in Nepal links up with chinese cancer hospital. May be it can help our economy too if we can out source treatment process in Nepal from west.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7572
नयाँ ट्याक्सीको दर्ता खुल्दै

sati ko sarap...... why dont you sell your m instead if you need money.

What the valley needs is reducing the no of taxi into half not increase the no.?

Instead, why dont they let taxi exchange their petrol taxi into electric taxi.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7572
Is not CIT and sanchya kos different????

Sanchya kos will regret for not investing in secondary market if CIT starts investing?

and that MF saying, fundamentals dont work in share market of Nepal?

Actually its does, I just realized a few weeks ago. Big players wanting to destroy share market, yuraj k wanting to destroy share market, KO Oli in coma all are fundamentals.

In the world too, when wrong individuals, parties win election, their market crash too.

In Nepal, all powerful trying to destroy share market, that is why it crashed too much for too long. This is part of fundamentals.

In the world too, pension fund collect a lot of money, and if they they invest heavily in share market. In Nepal, they are working as bank and wants to start land dalal (what could go wrong, wait and see)???

Pension fund not investing heavily in share market is one of the reason, share market has crashed for so long and hand full of big manipulator are able to manipulate. This is also fundamental.

But that MF is blaming others. Says, fundamentals dont work in Nepal's share market. M0ron like him, who wont get even job of a driver is running one of the biggest fund of Nepal. Sati ko sarp.

Fundamentals does work in Nepal. I just realized, some more parts of fundamentals just a few week ago.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Thu Sep 26, 2019 5:18 pm. »
Registered: Jun 2017
Posts: 844
संस्थापक शेयर खरिद गरेर हिस्सा बढाउने

कोषलाई अर्थमन्त्री डा. युवराज खतिवडाले शेयर बजारमा आफ्नो लगानी बढाउन निर्देशन दिएका थिए। खतिवडाले निर्देशन दिएपनि कोषले सर्वसाधारण शेयर खरिद गर्ने योजना भने बनाएको छैन।

दोस्रो बजारबाट महँगोमा शेयर खरिद गर्नु भन्दा सस्तोमा संस्थापक शेयर खरिद गर्ने योजना बनाएको कोषका प्रशासक गौतमले जानकारी दिए।

KSK MF's are brain dead.

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7572
जब डेरिभेटिभ सम्मेलनमा भाग लिन सेबोन अध्यक्ष रेवतबहादुरका ड्राइभर बेलायत पुगे

aukat autai ho, bhagya le auta driver arko malik :mrgreen: arko finance minister arko governor.

I guarantee, if that driver had been finance minister, economy of Nepal would have been vibrant at this time.

Sati ko sarap, this dashain is going to be the worst dashai excluding blockade dashain. and last years would be second worst.

लक्ष्यकेन्द्रित काम गर्न मन्त्री र सचिवहरुलाई प्रधानमन्त्रीको निर्देशन

this baula had been barking for almost 2 year now. totally wasted. mainly cause of yuraj k.

tiny elections showed end of commie. soon magh election will show worst. all cause of yuraj k.

Prachanda saying people not happy but does not know its all cause of the economy ran totally by yuraj k's sanak. but says economy is doing fine, its growing at 7%. then why is people unhappy???/?/

prachanda finally heard people are not happy, but KP Oli still has not idea that people are pissed off.

think prachanda, tero bau ko ke jancha.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Thu Sep 26, 2019 4:22 pm. »
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2310
Thomas Cook with 178 yrs history has collapsed after failure to pump fresh capital/loan.
If BREXIT confusion persists/delayed then many other companies may follow Thomas Cook down the list.

Nirmala mams decision to bail out the worst hit indian economy can also have repercussion effect in nepals economy if appropriate measures are not taken immediately. Many nepalese industry can ve Thomas Cook fate.
Registered: Jun 2017
Posts: 844
OM bhasmeshwor Nama.Tihar samma welcome to good night.

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