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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Why Nepal would be far less affected than Germany?

- We dont have public toilet
- We dont go to restaurant, cinema,
- We are poor so we travel less
- we have lesser human to human contact

- We are shit hole so, our immune has got to be superior.

Our dirty cities have a lot of bacteria which would eat tine tiny virus for a breakfast 8)
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
Merkel believes 60-70% of Germany's population will be infected
Pakistan's cases double in a day
Iran reports biggest daily death toll yet
UK health minister Nadine Dorries has been diagnosed with coronavirus,

Worlds situation is gloomy.
If developed country like Germany with best health care system in world believe almost 2/3 rd of there population will get infection, how country like Nepal with poor health care facility fight this highly contagious disease ?
If 70 % of Kathmandu population get this infection i,e almost 28 lakh (considering total kathmandu population 40 Lakh) around 1.4 lakhs will ve serious illness who may need ICU care. I dont think total ICU bed in Nepal is more than couple of thousand. Are we prepared for the worst case scenario. Forget CAPITAL MARKET. Life is more precious.
« Last edit by Dubosi7 on Wed Mar 11, 2020 6:59 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
अब सेल्फ क्वारेनटाइनमा बस्नुपर्छ: स्वास्थ्यमन्त्री ढकाल


The followings:
1: those who are from abroad.
2: those close to who are from abroad.
3: those close to who knows who are from abroad.
4: those close to who knows who knows those who are from abroad.
5: business employees who has to meet public like retail, whole sale, restaurant etc. should wear mast, gloves, wash hands regularly.

(if they dont, they should be jailed). When china was arresting people in line, who were not wearing mask, western fake news were hitting China, now soon west will do the same.

If you dont touch your face, mouth, nose, eyes before washing your hand with soap, There is very less change of getting corona.

Then there are another threat like through by exchanging goods like money, packages. This is harder part, but solution is same, after you receive goods, keep them away, and after touching them, dont touch your face, mouth, nose, eye until you wash your hand with soap.

Then there remains, open food like in restaurant. Only order hot food.
Registered: Dec 2016
Posts: 173
Wash your hands repeatedly. Don't touch your mouth and eyes and nose. If you are sick, isolate yourself. Don't use same utensils, don't sleep together, eat heavy meal. If you are over 50, please don't go out, stay home for the next month.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
communist or congress party is organizing door to door program to raise awareness about corona and distribute pamphlets.

Immediately stop the plan. it could spread corona.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
Re-insurer companies formally notify nepalese insurance companies that they are not going to pay the insurance claim for corona virus morbidity and mortality.
Can our local companies pay the cost created by this outbreak ? If they ve to pay, what will be there condition after the outbreak is over ?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
China's PLA saying, they have produced corona vaccine.

There are total of 20 corona vaccine in trial.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Its time for self quarantine for 24 days. wear mask, wash hands frequently, no shaking or hugging or kissing or sex, take vitamin-c packed food, soup, hot drinks etc.

1: those who are from abroad.
2: those close to who are from abroad.
3: those close to who knows who are from abroad.
4: those close to who knows who knows those who are from abroad.
5: business employees who has to meet public like retail, whole sale, restaurant etc. should wear mast, gloves, wash hands regularly.

Those from abroad, if have any one of the symptoms, dont approach authority, should be jailed under attempted murder.


UN said, 20 coroan vaccines have been gone into trial or about to go into trial.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Wed Mar 04, 2020 4:50 pm. »
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
भ्रमण वर्षको सुरुवातमै कोरोनाको धक्का, होटेलका ८५ प्रतिशत कोठा खाली
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
अभिकर्तालाई जीवन बीमामा पहिलो वर्ष प्रिमियमको २५ प्रतिशत, दोस्रो वर्ष १५ प्रतिशत, त्यसपछि ८ वर्षसम्म प्रिमियमको ५ प्रतिशतका दरले कमिसन प्रदान गरिन्छ | निर्जीवन बीमामा पनि अग्नी बीमा अन्र्तगत १२ प्रतिशत र अन्य बीमामा १५ प्रतिशत कमिशन प्राप्त हुन्छ | अभिकर्ताले पाउने कमिसन उसले बिक्री गरेको पोलिसीको प्रकार र त्यसको संख्याको आधारमा निर्धारण हुन्छ

This is total loot. I was expecting 1% or less in the first year. Its like providing 25% commission for FD.

Is this trend all over the world or just in Nepal.

Insurance is fraud in Nepal. Stop buying insurance, and govt should end compulsory insurance.

FD is better than insurance.


Investment in shares is far far better than insurance and FD.

Insurance is nothing but con. More like pyramid scheme.

And still haram CEO from insurance call Nepalese fool for not buying insurance.

#!#$!#$ haram.

I wanted full insurance for my bike but turned out I have to pay around 5% annually. And I did not.

!#$#$ haram. Open Nepali insurance market to international players.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
कारोना भाइरसका कारण फेब्रुअरीमा नेपाल आउने पर्यटक घटेका छन् ।
जनवरीमा चीनबाट चीनबाट १३ हजार ३ सय १ पर्यटक नेपाल आएका थिए। गत महिना फेब्रुअरीमा ३२ सय ८५ जनामात्रै चीनियाँ पर्यटक नेपाल भित्रिएका छन् Effect on HOTEL OCCUPANCY ?
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
कोरोना भाइरसका कारण इरानमा एक सांसदको मृत्यु भएको छ
इरानमा उपराष्ट्रपतिसहित आठ भिआईपी व्यक्तित्वमा कोरोना संक्रमण सरिसकेको छ । जसमध्ये पाँच जना सांसद छन्
Its highly contagious.
सतर्कता अपनाउन दोहास्थित नेपाली दूतावासको अपिल
But our government is using VERBAL TREATMENT

Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2145
INGO marfat yesko Trial Nepal ma xai na Hos !!

Garib ko xora xori samanya birami bhayeko bela birami ko lagi injection vande trial na garus.

Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
BIG NO, china is ahead in the race of CORONA -vaccine than USA.
Both have just started animal trial now. Its long way to go.
It is difficult for US to make clinically successful vaccine. There are lots of steps to bring any vaccine in the world market. The most difficult one is Phase IV trial which are performed in large number of human populations after the licensure and introduction of pharmaceutical products. To conduct phase IV trial is much more easier in china than more democratic country like USA
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
US has just began clinical trial of Corona virus medicine. We may get the result in two or three week.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
US economy was suppose to go into recession this year. But, deal with China postponed it for a year.

Now due to corona Virus, the recession is back on. By the end of 2020 or early 2021.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
Coronavirus: 'Narrowing window' to contain outbreak, WHO says
The window of opportunity to contain the virus is "narrowing"
Iran's health ministry has confirmed 18 cases of the virus, including four deaths, and said it has spread to several cities. Lebanon and Israel have reported their first cases.

If government and public dont take preventive steps, distaster is just at our door step.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Let's hope 5star offers 2000/night to Nepalese.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
Prudent decision is required while selecting the companies
One of the important national and international epidemic affecting particular sector this year

कोरोना प्रभावले अधिकांश होटलका बुकिङ रद्द
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
hamra batis gun bhayaka mahara lai rapist bhanne mahara ko chori lia jal patha, kp oli :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

our judges are gutsy. they can do what even prachanda, sher bahadru cant dare.
Registered: Dec 2016
Posts: 173
Aba Baluwatar bata Widebody/Lauda/Dhamija/Sikta/Melamchi/Oil Corporation/Fake VAT bill sabai chanbin hunu paryo.

Yedi eso garda NEPSE takes a 20% cut, I would happily take it. I am in NEPSE for a 20 year run, when it shall reach 25000. If the government takes a few steps at fighting corruption at the top level, NEPSE will eventually benefit. I think the government can take a step by step process to examine each and every government employees of certain departments in the last 30 years. I would say start in this order.

1. Thulo Kaar Data Karyalaye
2. Bhansar
3. Malpot
4. Krishi Anudhan Karyalaya
5. Bidhut Pradhikaran
6. Sadak Bhibhag
7. Yatayat Karyala

Maybe, I am missing some.

In private sector, go for these people.

1. manpower
2. crusher udyog
3. hydro promoter
4. medical colleges

Every Nepalese should be able to freely exercise his/her rights to earn prosperity for themselves, however, they have to follow the rules of law and not benefit from cronyism.


One more thing, they should give telecom license to CG, if they float 50% in NEPSE. That way, Nepal will have another challenger in telecom sector, leading to price cuts and innovation for customers. Also, Nepal gets to keep more foreign currency that NCell is taking to their dutch masters.


I guess the communist government wants to build Nijgad no matter what. It has become a prestige issue for them. I hope they conduct a good economic study before committing to it. The project has to be sustainable. They should probably build the project in stages. Start with one runway and a smaller terminal that can be expanded like Qatar did. It would be a huge economic blow to Nepal and cause a significant rise in national debt if the project fails. Our children will be paying for it in the future.

I do like the fact they are planning on upgrading major airports in Terai. We need huge infrastructure investments to increase our GDP. Housing loans should be made more liberal. Kitta Kaat garna dinu paryo though with some controls.

Economic challenges for this year:
1. India slowing
2. Remittance growth rate fading
3. Development budget barely spent
4. Fauji Kira/Garima Dhan
5. Investment slowing
6. Corona Virus
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
A lot of People who died of Corona Virus were suffering from other illness previously.

Opening quarantine or treatment center in hospital will be a gamble.

I dont know it its a fake news or real- there was in social media that corona virus floats in air, may be that is why Chinese cities are deserted.

Quarantine in Nepal should be opened outside city at least least 25 km away from city where there not density of people.
Registered: Jun 2017
Posts: 844
read news somewhere about prepartion of major govn hospital reagarding corono virus treatments. Bir,patan & teaching hospital have established isolation wards ( single digit beds, 2-4 beds) and that all re.

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
चीनले कोरानो प्रभावित वुहानमा रहेका नेपाली विद्यार्थीहरु सुरक्षित रहेको बताएको छ | यदि उनीहरुलाई उद्दार गर्ने हो भने विमानस्थाल क्वारेन्टाइन, महामारी रोकथामको तयारी पूरा गर्नविश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन (डब्यूएचओ)का नेपाल प्रतिनिधिसँग परामर्श सुझाएको छ

Even, China has no confidence in Nepal/Nepal govt about handling crisis.

China has asked Nepal govt to consult WHO. I believe, China cant tell Nepal, you are incompetent, so want WHO to tell Nepal govt that you are incompetent.

For god sake, Nepal is ran by 8 classe and 10 classe. In Nepal, when a pakhe becomes PM, whole village join the govt, all the segments of the system are lead by the village people- business, construction, NRB, every political appointee, education, healthcare, bureaucracy, police etc etc almost all even banking . What can we expect?

For fk sake, all those who are pretending regarding pressuring govt to bring Nepalese back from China, shut the f up, before there starts plague like.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
14 day from the quarantined day of the epicenter, corona virus' spread may start to fall slowly.

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