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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Most UK coronavirus transmissions happen in homes, health secretary says

-This is what I have been saying, IndianVirus does not transmit easily. But it is hard to avoid if some one in your house has it or at office.

At office, NRB was telling staff not to go out for lunch, eat inside- reality is in office highly likely- IndianVirus spread in the kitchen, while sharing water/drink etc. So get your own food and water. If there are some a$$ hole in your office, avoid that person cause there is chance he could have the IndianVirus. Avoid friends or colleague who like to visit bhatti.

this is why, it should be totally banned travel between districts. New district means, new house and house member will take IndinVirus to their office. And multiply.

Corrupt hilliybilly Tapare made many many mistakes including handling IndianVirus, Now kahmandu is suffering, luckdown was never necessary. Now, hillybilly tapare is making another huge mistake by not ordering 10 lakh IndianVirus shots for emergency use.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
There are many vaccines with different principle are being tested.

Virus are very simple cells/protein, so I dont think different strains of covid 19 will be that different in structure or character. And Vaccines help to build immunity, so I have confidence in our immunity.

One of the type of vaccine being developed in China is deactivating Vaccine, which blocks sting which is inserted into our cell to reproduce or multiply or mutate. When reproduction system is blocked, no new virus is produced by whatever strains the covid 19 may be of.

Russia is offering to deliver their vaccine very soon if Nepal asks. Nepal should order 3-5 lakh vaccine doses as soon as possible for emergency use and another 10-15 lakh for later after the vaccine is approved.

From China too, Nepal should immediately order 5-7 lakh shots for emergency use and another around 25 lakh after approval.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
From tomorrow mid night - "CURFEW in KTM
Those having FAR SIGHTEDNESS did there job correctly in capital market and wont regret in coming days.
There are 73 strains of corona virus isolated form different parts of India.
A Chinese virologist said that a novel coronavirus mutation with a variation level exceeding 20 percent may lead to vaccines, current treatments and viral-testing measures becoming ineffective after a recent study in Japan indicated that the virus in the country has mutated into a form with a new genome sequence, which has been spreading in a second COVID-19 spike since mid-June.
Considering the recent know-hows about CORONA VIRUS, we cant be optimistic about effective vaccine at least in near future.

Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Hillybilli corrupt tapare let in dogs from all over the world into Kathmandu during pandemic and lock down and today we have IndianVirus.

How hillybilli corrupt tapare handles crisis- earthquake, blockade, IndianVirus- by doing nothing. Blockade was just a lockdown, now IndianVirus is handled by lockdown.

I had been giving advice regarding handling Lock down knowing they won be listening. But at least they wont he able to tell, if there is way to handle IndianVirus, there is no proper way to handle the IndianVirus.

As per latest study in US and Germany, death rate from IndianVirus is about .2%, 2 in every thousand who gets it. Lock down would lead to 25% to 50% death, directly and Indirectly. And I believe, during last 3 month lock down, many died cause of the lack of exercise.

To handle IndianVirus, govt need to implement what they started to do just a few days ago and wait for the vaccine and medicine. There are some who are still not wearing mast and some are not wearing mask properly. Only way to handle them is break their back and put it in the news.

Lock down kills many many due to economic ......... and lack of exercise/depression lead due to lock down kills far more than .2%.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
I am going to give one huge covid 19 related advice good for the world and mostly for poor country like Nepal-

It is very expensive to test swab for corona.

To reduce time and money by a lot, they (especially business, organization and local) can collect swab of all/many and test as a one.

If turned out negative, all going to be negative, if comes positive, then test individually or test by dividing into smaller group.

If turned positive, separate individuals into individual-

one individual (test individually)- those who came from outside city of village, whose who have relative working at hospital etc. Then form a group

Second group- Test in group, in this group put those individuals who are close to above individual. different group for close friends of above single individual.

Third group- rest of the individuals.

Nepal test about 10000 individual daily. With above strategy, they can test 25000 to 50000 per day and a lot of time and money could be saved.

To test, it cost organization, business 6000 per individual, with above strategy it would cost them total of 10000, if test come negative. And they can easily test all employee in every two week with very less investment.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
Some pessimistic aspect of COVID 19
- The research article published in LANCET (most prestigious MEDICAL JOURNAL) has demonstrated that significant LUNG abnormalities still existed in a high proportion of COVID-19 patients 3 months after discharge.
-As I have already stated, Lot of research/refinement/safety assurace is required before launching the vaccine in community because of the bad experince faced during SARS vaccine development phase in 2002.
- If we overjoy the free preliminary trial vaccine,possibility of becoming GUINEA PIG for developed nation is there.
- The most dangerous situation we want to avoid is SECOND WAVE during FALL SEASON which in combination with other communicable disease can bring devastation.
-World, especially underdeveloped country cant bear the ECONOMIC SHOCK created by repeated LOCK-DOWN.
Perosnally I am not optimistic with SHORT and MID TERM prospective of COVID.
We can expect some good thing in the long term.
जय होस्
« Last edit by Dubosi7 on Sat Aug 08, 2020 9:46 am. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
World is about to announce vaccine and cure for Covid 19.

China govt has given green light to factory producing Covid neutralizing shot which acts as cure as well as vaccine. For those with Covid 19, this act as cure, their virus will be neutralized, the virus spikes is shut down by this shot and for others it will act act as a vaccine but it will give short time protection probably a month or two which will be good enough.

I talked about this shot a few month ago. They must have already started production, and govt may approve the shot in a month or two. Their production capacity is 20 crore per year.

Daily, Covid 19 positive number is about 3 lakh and yearly 10 crore.

If China out source the shot, production capacity may reach 50 crore to arab per year. But will the ego of US and India prevent them from accepting this shot??????

And China may give Nepal at a very low price or even for free.

Russa will approve the first vaccine next week.

NEPSE going boom very soon.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
How does corona transmit????

It transmit through sh!t coming out of nose, mouth, behind, blood and probably eyes (rare if touched).

Through behind and blood and eye are very rare so we have to focus on sh!t coming out of nose and mouth.

If we close nose and mouth with mast, the chance of transmitting would be very very low and lower if we constantly wash hand and not touch face, nose, mouth, eye.

That is the secret to control Covid 19. And its socking world went to lock down.

There are hope less individual who wont follow basic and simple. Punishing is needed.

Why govt unable to force banning of transportation between district. Worst, how come Indian is entering into Nepal. Who are they able to reach Kathmandu?

Commie did not just destroy economy, share market, they did nothing during blockade or earthquake and now corona. Politics is the reason we have high no of corona. Free travel. Politician and police are behind it.

No air travel, no long distance travelling in public vehicle, no school, no sit in restaurant, no cinema, no barber, no gym ........ no hugging, no kissing, no sex, no hand shake, no public toilet .........
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
China, after vaccinating army, now they are about to start mass vaccination on first priority individuals- medical personnel.

Russia, after completion of final phase of clinical trial, their govt and WHO are about to approve the vaccine within 2 week.

Cost of vaccine from Germany would cost about 4000 Rs for developed country and for developing country, it may cost 2000Rs and Russian and Chinese may cost 1000-2000Rs.

Meaning, NEPSE about to go to shoot stars.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Wed Jul 29, 2020 4:33 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
कोभिड-१९ को लक्षण देखिएका सङ्क्रमित भेटिन थालेका छन् | पहिले ९८ प्रतिशत सङ्क्रमितमा लक्षण नभएका पाइएका थिए भने अहिले देखिने नयाँ सङ्क्रमितमा कोभिड-१९ का लक्षण देखिन थालेको हो |

- Remember, I said, few days ago about common cold immunity protecting from Corona. Its been around 6 month since common cold season ended, and I think, common cold immunity last around 6 month.

Any connection? Scientist should do some research.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
I dont think they would give vaccine which would lead bigger crisis than the one meant to end.

All those vaccines, which are into third phase or ended their phase said they are safe.

As per WHO, death rate is around 4% of corona and as per research in US and Germany, death rate is around .2%.

Just yesterday, in India, they said 23% of people in delhi had corona. Death from Corona is very low.

And even in china and world, in early months they only tested those who had symptoms. And they said more than 80% dont show symptoms so they were not tested means those with corona is many times higher.

During lock down, I saw this news: SARS neutralizing antibody suggests COVID-19 therapy.

Then it was hardly circulated in the media. Could it be possible, western govt started to store SARS vaccine and black out the new finding????

Hope, NEPSE stays around 1800 before WHO announce vaccine or medicine than after 3000 within 6 to 12 month. All over the world, after lockdown has been lifted, market sky rockets but in Nepal................. sati ko sarap.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
After covid medicine/vaccine has been announced, NEPSE should be lunched from 1800 to 3000.
@The Rising Sun.

This was the initial conclusion of vaccine trial for Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in China 2002
SARS-CoV vaccines induced antibody and protection against infection with SARS-CoV. However, challenge of mice given any of the vaccines led to occurrence of Th2-type immunopathology suggesting hypersensitivity to SARS-CoV components was induced. Caution in proceeding to application of a SARS-CoV vaccine in humans is indicated.

In the long term if vaccine is going to cause end stage lung disease, acceptance by mass is doubtful.
Lot of research/refinement/safety assurace is required before launching the vaccine in community. Otherwise it will invite another disaster which is difficult to handle. Poor countrys people like us can become GUINEA PIG. So we have to be careful.

NEPSE could reach 1800 or 3000 even without vaccine if we can contain the COVID-19 in our country and accelerate economy.

जय होस्
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
८.७५ प्रतिशत व्याजमा ग्लोबल आइएमईको घर कर्जा, एक वर्ष व्याज नबढ्ने, सेयर कर्जा ९.४९ प्रतिशतमा

What happened to the NRB, govt policy that prevents bfis from increasing interest on loan?

Like, I said before, auta pakhe lai PM banaunu parcha, whole gau come into power.

PM is pakhe

Mantir is pakhe

Bureaucrat is pakhe

Judge is pakhe

Business community is pakhe

Banker is palkeh

And you get Nepal, a sh!thole. People may not like this truth (and all other truth) but this is the fact. No country in the world which are advanced, are neither ran by pakhe nor they were ever ran by pakhe. Even US 300 year back was ran by highly educated, rich individuals. And in Nepal, in 21st century, we are being ran by pakhes........... and look how they handled corona.

NICA is the worst bank or business group in Nepal. I dont know which is the second worst, but in My book, Global is second. I think they press CEO to do illegal work like forcing to hide black money, convert black money into dollar, misuse public deposit that is why top management at Global and NICA have high turnover.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Wed Jul 22, 2020 6:20 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Your past seasonal colds could actually SAVE you from Covid-19, Oxford study suggests

---- Remember, I, a NEPALI, suspected this first in the entire world.[/b] If govt of Nepal, or even media (foreign agent, agent of criminals) had been promoting my views, it would have helped Nepal as well as humanity.

I have been assuming for months now that the death rate in Nepal from corona is low cause of frequent common cold Nepalese get. Due to this they are saying far more than 95% corona affected dont have symptoms. And death rate is .2%.

Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
All human participants in a phase 1 clinical trial for a China-produced monoclonal antibody treatment targeting COVID19 have received the treatment. Experts believe mass production can be achieved in the second half of the year

The COVID19 monoclonal antibody injection (JS016) that restructures anthropogenic resistance completed phase I clinical trial in Shanghai with high safety & tolerability. Developed by Junshi Biosciences and Institute of Microbiology of CAS, its US clinical trials started in Q2.

Along with corona, NEPSE should be in between 1600-1800. After covid medicine/vaccine has been announced, NEPSE should be lunched from 1800 to 3000.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Mon Jul 13, 2020 8:20 pm. »
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
PM BORIS JOHNSON is transferred to ST. THOMAS Hospital ICU after his conditioned worsened and will be kept in ventilator if further deterioration of his respiratory condition.
How virulent is this organism and its effect , one can easily estimate.
NY governor (MT.CUOMO) brother is also infected with COVID.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
At first they were laughing at China for the virus.

Then they criticized China for their approach of curving the virus.

And then they blamed China when virus spread to US, India, Australia.

Now they are saying, China's numbers are fake after their no came out.

One greatest thing about corona (hope there are many) corona does not care about your propaganda. Unlike international politics, crime/mistake (which takes decades) to see result, corona took only a couple of month. And exposed every dumb politicians. It exposed communist's control over information and arrogance of dumb politicians who reached into power with lies, propaganda (fake leaders) including in Nepal (also media). (all in the matter of few months). It has also exposed how evil people of the world are, especially in the west who dont care about sanction from their govt on countries suffering from corona. Looks like God did send Trump just like Trump supporters have been saying, but to destroy evil empire unknowingly.

But, does not look like people have learned anything. They are still not against war. They are not demanding govt to divert some budget into healthcare.

Great news, they are saying, some hot places have passed the worst.

अमेरिकाले विदेशमा रहेका आफ्ना नागरिकलाई स्वदेश फर्काइरहेको छ | नेपालमा रहेका अमेरिकी नागरिकलाई पनि अमेरिकाले स्वदेश फर्काएको छ | त्यहीँ समुहमा अभिनेता सरोज खनाल पनि अमेरिका उडेका छन्

Did not this lowlife about to join nayasakti of baburam. We need death penalty. There are too many who think Nepal is a ho. We need gas chamber for all of them.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
I am more and more grateful to China.

China told Nepal, no need to rescue Nepalese in China, China would take care of them.

Even India, told Nepal, India would look after Nepalese in India and Nepal should do the same to Indian in Nepal.

But no.... Its always same face or should I say faeces, who always have the loud voice and impact decision process of the govt. Media working for raw, cia and sarbagyani in social media.

Rajya na bhayako nagarik, let us die in own country........ sounds great, is not it? Corona loves such emotions too. Is it really emotion or just trying to create problem for the govt.

Lock down means lock down, no in- no out. It does not mean walk in or out in mass or secretly. Lock down does not even mean, maoist's Nepal banda where you can do your work. If no body gets in or gets out and work inside, its fine.

sati ko sarp. media has been one of the major sarap in Nepal.

the most corrupt institutions where more than 90% are corrupt in Nepal are- Judiciary, Police, politics, media (may be 99% in Nepal, the percentage could be less cause new one still have not got chance).

Good news is, those who dont have to go to hospital, till now since its has already been 14 days since lock down, will get cured on their own, and they may not transmit to outsides due to lock down.

Bad news is, those who just came from India ...... they need 21 day lock down, they are going to kill their fell village people some of whom must have protested to bring them home. And their family. Hope no body dies, and this corona ends every soon.

I think, those whose dont need to go to hospital gets cured in 14 days (max 21 days).
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
According to Dr.M Fauci, if mitigation measures are not applied strictly, 15 to 22 Lakhs people can die in USA.
People who knows progress of large scale pandemics can easily estimate the approximate number of infected population and mortality. In nepal and kathmandu city, we can calculate approximate figure with the same knowledge.

Doctors in France sue their prime minister for 'government lie'
What about nepal government gross negligence which has pushed thousands life at risk ?
चिकित्सा सामग्री खरिद अनियमिततामा प्रचण्डको गम्भीर चासो, प्रधानमन्त्रीसँग पौनेघण्टा छलफल
« Last edit by Dubosi7 on Thu Apr 02, 2020 6:29 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Daily recovery has reached 15k

Total corona inflected likely cross 2 million


total active case may not cross 1.5 million.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
First group of Wuhan volunteers for Phase I clinical trials for CoronavirusVaccine show no obvious adverse reactions after their 14-day quarantine on Tues.

Animal trials for COVID19 vaccine and antibody drugs are expected to be done by the end of May, said a Chinese researcher, noting that a research team has successfully isolated more than 200 strains of COVID-19 antibodies with high neutralization ability and their coding genes.

Why world's fight against corona is as much important as ours?
- Cause, if there is problem in Nepal, I am sure non of us expect 8 classe, 10 classe and the bureaucrats who lick 8/10 classes' boot to save us. We need world's help. If the world itself is in fire, we can't expect help from the world. So world's cases needs to be flattened for Nepal's shake.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
Look what is happening in our country ?
You can easily anticipate the result of COVID-19 in our country after sometime.
स्वास्थ्य मन्त्रालयले ७ करोडमा खरिद गर्यो कोरोना परीक्षणमा कामै नलाग्ने र्‍यापिड टेस्ट किट
आफैले किट आपूर्ति गर्न हस्ताक्षर गरेका डा कार्कीले भने- किट गुणस्तरीय छैन
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Posted on- Thu Mar 26, 2020 12:42 pm

One good news,

One research institution saying, they may be able to start producing anti body injection within a month. If they are successful, they may be produce enough antibody for a million if many pharma join hands.


This guy says, his team has identified 5 antibodies and all of those works on the corona and other virus too. Will be testing on human in September.

Previous interview, he said in a month. Now its September.

I asked this question on- Sun Mar 22, 2020 8:55 pm

Some question, those who have taken flue vaccine, corona type anti viral vaccine...... have any of then contracted the corona virus?????????????


Which is about anti body, now I know after watching corona videos. Vaccine help to produce natural antibody for intended germ/illness. :mrgreen:

Gene therapy I once talked about Cancer also associated with antibody. Our body's natural way of fighting disease.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Top Chinese health official warns not wearing a mask is a 'big mistake'

I had been saying to make mask compulsory. If everybody wears it, the chance of transmission would be very low.

Some doctors in Nepal been saying, mask wont protect you. Its not for protecting self, its protecting others. If govt make it compulsory, others' mask would protect me and my mask would protect others.

Remember, doctors get knowledge from education or reading medical journal. If no journal, no new knowledge. And western education is also controlled by east india company, if there is no money to make, they wont tell you the cure or precaution. they would tell you to take vitamin C tablet, but wont tell you to eat citrus fruit.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Chinese scientists have developed a new weapon to combat the coronavirus. They say they have found a nanomaterial that can absorb and deactivate the virus with 96.5-99.9% efficiency.

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