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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Masks better than vaccines? CDC director baffles with suggestion face coverings are 'more guaranteed' to protect against Covid-19

"Globally, around 14 percent of Covid-19 cases reported to the WHO are among health workers, and in some countries it's as much as 35 percent, although data is limited and it's hard to know whether health workers are infected in their workplaces or communities," the WHO chief told reporters on World Patient Safety Day.

Adverse reaction to Oxford vaccine 'may not have been caused by jab'

Rich nations bought up half of Covid vaccine future supply, Oxfam says as Russia offers affordable options to developing countries
--------- tapre pakhe le nepal dubaune bhayo. Remember, I told you so, will be saying in few weeks.

Moderna to seek limited emergency use of COVID-19 vaccine if data shows high efficacy

कोरोनाविरुद्धको खोप केही साताभित्र वितरण गर्न सकिने ट्रम्पको दाबी
but in Nepal, tapare pakhe le siddhune bho

रुसले भारतलाई १० करोड डोज कोभिड-१९ को खोप दिने घोषणा
where is 10 lakh vaccine for emergency use in Nepal

14% of volunteers testing pioneering Russian Covid-19 vaccine 'Sputnik V' have experienced side effects, health ministry says
About one in seven volunteers who received a groundbreaking Russian coronavirus vaccine have complained of side effects such as muscle pain, weakness, and fever, according to the country's Minister for Health Mikhail Murashko.
------------- I believe those are good sign and normal. I believe, those sign means our body is reacting to the fake virus and fighting back. I think our body makes us weak to prevent us from wasting energy so that our body could divert energy, resource to produce antibody. If science have not proven it, then this is the theory first stated by """""I"""".
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Central China's Hubei posts better-than-expected growth in post - COVID19 era and continues to be a key location in the country's national strategies such as the Belt and Road Initiative.

स्वास्थ्यकर्मीलाई कोरोनाविरुद्धको खोप लगाउन यूएईको अनुमति

China continued its economic rebound in August, as above-scale industrial output grew 5.6%, signaling positive signs for the country's rebound post - COVID19.

कोभिडविरुद्ध चीनले बनाएको खोप नोभेम्बरमा उपलब्ध हुन सक्ने

When is Nepal going to purchase 10 lakh vaccine for emergency use. Nepal has already wasted weeks.

Rebound for Chinese retail sales helps stocks higher

Army COVID-19 vaccine may produce a side benefit: Cure for the common cold
Not good, we need to get common cold regularly.
Common cold is very common for me. On year, I worked hard to prevent getting common cold and I succeed, but next year the cold I got was the worst of my life. Since then, I dont prevent myself from getting cold but I focus on to prevent common cold from getting worse.

India considers emergency authorisation of vaccine as COVID-19 cases surge
Frog in a pond- politician and so called expert should read this.

दशैँअघिसम्म स्कुल, सिनेमा हलबाहेक सबै क्षेत्र खुला गर्ने सरकारको तयारी

The Other Way Covid Will Kill: Hunger- nytimes
Dont say I never warned.

ऋणको बोझ : जसकारण सुदीपले आफूसहित पूरै परिवारलाई एकै चिहान बनाए
श्रीमती र छोराको हत्यापछि विष खाएर आत्महत्या
I warned about this, months ago.

कोरोना भ्याक्सिनमा प्रगति: अक्सफोर्डले पुन: सुरु गर्‍यो स्थगित गरिएको परीक्षण

European economy is recovering better than we had feared: Scholz

CDC finds link between COVID-19 cases and eating at restaurants, but experts say indoor dining can be done safely
I happen to be the first to warn about this.

चीनको यो भ्याक्सिनले काम गरेको दाबी, १ लाख जनालाई भ्याक्सिन लगाइयो, साइड इफेक्ट देखिएन

कोरोना कहर : मजदुरी गुमेपछि अशोक दर्जीले आत्महत्या गरे
I have been warning about this since early weeks.
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2145
Definitely a Step close to WW3 !!
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
"I have built a nuclear weapons system that nobody's ever had heard in this country before," Trump said
"We have stuff that Putin and Xi have never heard about before. There's nobody. What we have is incredible."

Putin and Xi must be doing the same
Wahooo.... great undercurrent politics.
If this is truth, then where are we heading ?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
On Person said to have a severe side effect and we dont know if it is due to the vaccine or something else.

Russia and China developing vaccine using some old method which are used to produce vaccine for other anti corona virus which belong to same corona family. Which means, effectiveness and side effect wont be much different.

West are using new technology or method.

Another breakthrough? New Russian drug means fewer Covid-19 patients need ventilators, has significantly reduced mortality
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
VACCINE POLITICS could be dangerous
CAUTION : Follow the standard procedures in the development of vaccine. Too much short cuts may bring disastrous outcome.

AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine (the most promising one) study put on hold due to suspected adverse reaction in participant in the U.K.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
प्रधानमन्त्रीको संकेत: भदौ २४ पछि निशेधाज्ञा हुँदैन

Do what you began to do just before lock down. Mask, teaching people not to touch face, just home delivery for restaurant, all shop started to restrict customer with rope, no travel between district except between green zones and emergency ......................... And find vaccine, get 10 lakh vaccine for emergency use.

Investing 10 arab in fighting IndianVirus and Vaccine will save 100 arab and time.

You cant fight Indianvirus, we have to manage it till there is vaccine and or cure.

I have been saying this for many months now. Finally, many are making noise. This is why I been saying follow the right brain.

Mask is the no one weapon to fight IndianVirus, not touching face is second, third is washing hand, protecting people with underling disease is the forth

If doctor who does not know what physical and psychological effect lockdown would make in an individual, he is not an expert. no need to get confused.

I know, IndianVirus could kill, it is dangerous, but solution going on against Indianvirus would till many many many times more.

Exclusive: 90% of China's Sinovac employees, families took coronavirus vaccine, CEO says

The 1% blunder: How a simple but fatal math mistake by US Covid-19 experts caused the world to panic and order lockdowns

कोरोनाको भ्याक्सिन : विश्वमा के हुँदैछ, नेपालले के गर्नुपर्छ ?

सामान्यतया पहिले-पहिले भ्याक्सिन बनाउन १५-२० वर्षसम्म लाग्ने गर्थ्यो

आजसम्म सबैभन्दा छिटो बनाइएको भ्याक्सिनलाई पनि ४ वर्ष लागेको थियो

अहिले भने एक वर्षभन्दा कम समयमा धेरै भ्याक्सिन परीक्षणको अन्तिम चरणमा पुगेका छन्

यसपटक एउटा महत्वपूर्ण फाइदा के भइदियो भने सन् २००२\०३ मा सार्स कोरोना भाइरस आएको बेला त्यसविरुद्ध भ्याक्सिन बनाउनका लागि अध्ययन भएको थियो

त्यसबेला नै सार्स कोरोना भाइरसको कुन प्रोटिन वा एन्टिजिन प्रयोग गरेर भ्याक्सिन बनाउँदा उपयुक्त हुन्छ होला भनेर प्रारम्भिक ज्ञान हामीलाई थाहा भइसकेको थियो

त्यही ज्ञान यसपटक काम लाग्यो र अध्ययनको लामो समय बच्यो

अहिले हामीलाई सार्स कोरोना २ भाइरसको कुन प्रोटिन प्रयोग गरेर भ्याक्सिन बनाउदा ठीक होला भनेर लामो अध्ययन गर्नुपर्ने भएको भए भ्याक्सिन बनाउन यति छिटो काम हुने थिएन

यी नयाँ प्रविधिको प्रयोगले निकै छिटो भ्याक्सिन डिजाइन गर्न सम्भव भएको छ
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Russia's Covid-19 vaccine effective against any dose of virus, says developer

Covid-19 tests may be detecting traces of DEAD virus, giving 'false positives' and EXAGGERATING pandemic - research

Johnson & Johnson Says Vaccine Prevented Severe COVID-19 Symptoms In Hamsters

Extensive Russian research project suggests you CANNOT get Covid-19 twice unless you have a serious underlying medical condition
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
The Lancet medical journal (british) says early results from trials of Russia's coronavirus vaccine have not shown any major side effects.

Respected British medical journal The Lancet publishes study showing Russia's 'Sputnik V' Covid-19 vaccine to be 100% effective

Just wait, how pakhe tapre will drown Nepali in this vaccine saga too, just like everything else since they came to power or been behind power as chamcha of rana shah.

I have been telling them to start procurement of 10 lakhe vaccines for emergency use. They have already wasted few weeks now.

Even crime committed by non tapare, there is always going to be some tapare somewhere. sati ko sarap. I am 100% sure, tapare started sati pratha.

Mask is the no one weapon to fight IndianVirus, not touching face is second, third is washing hand, protecting people with underling disease is the forth
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
कोभिड-१९ विरुद्धको खोप पत्ता लागेपछि आपूर्ति तथा खरिदको नेतृत्व गर्दै युनिसेफ

Now, we are so dead. Cause of this, tapare wont be getting 10 lakh emergency vaccine, they will wait for free ones which would take 9-12 month.

Sati ko sarap.

रुसले बनाएको कोरोनाविरुद्धको खोपको दोस्रो चरणको परीक्षण सफल
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
I believe Flue anti body also fights with IndianVirus, I was told, it cost just above 1000. If I were running this country, I would have given all those working in emergency sector Flue vaccine months ago.

Pakistan's stock market has become one of world's best performers
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
Flu season is right around the corner. Severe flu can result in a "TWINDEMIC"
So vaccinate FLU first and wait for COVI-VACC.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
भीड हटाउन पानीको फोहोरा, पुल्चोकमा ढुंगा हानाहान

I demand election.

Crowd should take care of those indianvirus who entered into kathmandu illegally (bribing/hiding/connection......) and those human trafficker.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
The US government's CDC has told the states to prepare to distribute a coronavirus vaccine as soon as late October

I have been saying to get 10 lakh vaccine for emergency use. But pakhe tapare does not understand. No country in the world is ran by pakhe or tapare.

The vaccines are about to be trialed in Nepal, and politician or bureaucrats did not approach for it, companies or their govt approached Nepal govt.

Pakhe le des chalaune haina, neither politics nor bureaucracy or business or expertise.....

I demand election.

They have failed in economy (not just today, but during preIndianVirus too), earthquake, blockade and now during IndianVirus.

Now they are letting in Indianvirus into kathmandu again in the name of urgency. Now again, I am 100% sure, they will let indianvirus by taking bribe and IndianVirus connected with them.

Mask is the no one weapon to fight IndianVirus, not touching face is second, third is washing hand, protecting people with underling disease is the forth
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
As world's first Covid-19 vaccine Sputnik V, enters third phase trial, elderly scientists successfully test it on themselves

With volunteers for Russia's Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine showing no major side effects, testing has begun on the elderly. Older workers from the institute which created the formula have successfully trialed it on themselves.

And in Nepal, pakhe tapare are not even trying to secure vaccine. I have been telling them to immediately get 10 lakh for emergency use which they can easily get from China who have already vaccinated many.

I read, vaccines' success rate of 50% is considered as very successful vaccine, while chinese vaccine's success rate is more than 90% other vaccine's rate could be high too. And since its been months since first human trial began, so there must be no significant side effect.

Mask is the no one weapon to fight IndianVirus, not touching face is second, third is washing hand, protecting people with underling disease is the forth

Nepal needs election. Even to fight IndianVirus, we need election. Both local and central elections.

we need to get read of varia type politician to save nepal from all- IndianVirus, India, economy, corruption, crime ...
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Overwhelmingly strong results could end COVID-19 vaccine trials early, Fauci says

And in Nepal, pakhe tapare are not even trying to secure vaccine. I have been telling them to immediately get 10 lakh for emergency use which they can easily get from China who have already vaccinated many.

I read, vaccines' success rate of 50% is considered as very successful vaccine, while chinese vaccine's success rate is more than 90% other vaccine's rate could be high too. And since its been months since first human trial began, so there must be no significant side effect.

Mask is the no one weapon to fight IndianVirus, not touching face is second, third is washing hand, protecting people with underling disease is the forth

Nepal needs election. Even to fight IndianVirus, we need election. Both local and central elections.

we need to get read of varia type politician to save nepal from all- IndianVirus, India, economy, corruption, crime ...
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
First confirmed case of COVID-19 reinfection is 'not surprising,' doctors say

Researchers at the University of Hong Kong have confirmed the first instance of a patient being reinfected with coronavirus a second time, suggesting that immunity to the virus may be short-lived. The patient, a 33-year-old man, tested positive for the virus in March and then again in August after returning to Hong Kong from a trip to Spain. But it's not all bad news; this man's case demonstrates that the immune response, while not able to completely ward off a second infection, may be robust enough to prevent less serious illness the second time around.

These accounts were anecdotal and the cases never confirmed as two separate infections; they could have resulted from a resurgence of the original infection, or the result of a faulty test result.

But this case out of Hong Kong is different. It is the first proven case of reinfection because genetic sequencing showed that the patient had contracted two separate strains of the virus, in March and in August

"I want to reiterate. This is one example out of 23.5 million cases so far."

And a Chinese study published in June found that antibody levels in patients who had recovered from COVID-19 fell sharply within two to three months after infection.

(There is a second level of immunity defense, in the form of white blood cells, which may persist longer. Research is ongoing on this.)

Kass notes that in the family of coronaviruses, immunity is generally temporary and lifelong immunity was unlikely to be acquired through one infection alone.

"Think about a common cold," she says. "We know people have recovered from viruses and get them again - usually not as severe, maybe they have some protection from the previous exposure."

This was true of the patient observed in the Hong Kong study. The 33-year-old had mild symptoms including a cough, fever and sore throat for several days during his first infection, but was asymptomatic the second time he contracted the virus.

"His immune response prevented the disease from getting worse," Akiko Iwasaki, an immunologist at Yale University who was not involved in the study told the New York Times. "It's kind of a textbook example of how immunity should work."

"That's important," Kass added of the fact that the patient in Hong Kong had no symptoms the second time he was infected by the virus. "We need to remember that it may mean that immunity is incomplete, but still better than having never been infected in the first place."

But this scenario may not be the case with all reinfections.
which has not yet been peer-reviewed, identified the first case of reinfection in the U.S. And in this instance, the patient's symptoms from the second infection were more severe than the first.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
दीपेन्द्र अग्रवाल hate mask
dont be like दीपेन्द्र अग्रवाल

I am 99% sure you did not get it from prime bank. Banks have strict rule about mask, sanitizer and distance keeping.

Its amazing, IndianVirus been killing so many Indians and still our friends from south think they are munna bhai (who got cancer himself) and dont wear mask. sh!t from sh!t hole.

मेयर शाक्यलाई कोरोना संक्रमण

Lock down did not work????

Or there was no lock down for you??????

Pakhe tapre ko talua chatne,
shakya ko nam ma kalanka

Mask is the no one weapon to fight IndianVirus, not touching face is second, third is washing hand, protecting people with underling disease is the forth

We cant fight IndianVirus, we can only manage IndianVirus to give us time for the vaccine and the cure. Immediately get 10 lakh vaccine for emergency us and another around 50 lakh for herd immunity. If we try to fight IndianVirus, something else would kill 100-200 times more people.

Any one could get IndianVirus, but getting by behaving like scumbag, it would be on you, and if you transmit to your family, society should call you murderer.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
The Futurist ji, I have been watching videos and reading article about Covid 19 and little about viruses for almost 9 month now. (3 more year and I shall get MBBS certificate :mrgreen: )

Corona became pandemic cause its death rate is very very low and they say 80% asymmetric, reality could be many times more, that is why it spread a lot. If there is vaccine, the death rate would be even very very low, Which is what humanity needs.

About re inflection and vaccine- Media, experts have been saying, vaccine means protection, But I had been believing that vaccination means, you would get the disease but you will be cured very soon and disease wont be able to harm you.

Especially in the case of Covid-19, virus that enters into our body stays outside our cell, So unless virus is in contact with our blood vessel anti body wont be able to kill covid 19 virus which person gets from others.

Due to anti body, new virus which is suppose to be created by outside virus, are killed by anti body and the virus that came from outside- suppose to die on their own in 2/3 week. So while testing swap, the vaccinated person likely to show covid 19 presence even after being vaccinated.

But, experts are talking as if vaccinated person wont re get it.

But since, new virus wont be made inside the vaccinated person, that person may not transmit to other person. In my view.

The person who was cured of Covid 19 earlier getting another severely mutated covid 19 is worrisome but I believe those case would be very rare. Only pashupatinath would save us here. But if we change our life or economy due to these rare case, something else would destroy our life, not the covid 19.

infectivity 10 folds- I think highly infectious one is less deadly.

Safety of the virus- the death rate of Covid 19 is so low, they may warn us, vaccine risk is higher than Covid 19. .2% vs 1% risk.
Registered: Jan 2018
Posts: 131
Rising Jee, I'm very glad to see your optimism, including the vaccine. But we need to think from different versions many many times until we get the better picture. That's what learning is about (At least, that's what I think).

Vaccination simply means exposing a "healthy" individual to the disease causing organism or its products in such a way that the exposed individual is not infected, but the body is able to develop immune response and combat effectively. Please note here that the vaccine is given to healthy individual, not the diseased person.

However, when cases of "Re-infection" arise, what is the role of vaccine? We have had immunizations against certain illnesses such as Measles (Dadura). This means that even if we stay around children infected with Measles, we won't get affected. But reports of "Re-infection" has put doubts on every health workers. There are also cases of mutation of the virus reported in Malaysia and in India which make their infectivity 10 folds. That's raising concern. I also hope that there be cure ASAP, but until it's clinically proven, exposing oneself to a vaccine (whose efficacy and safety is not yet proven) is exposing oneself to the disease..
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Most people don't understand how their car works, either. Who cares, so long as it does work?

Russia's Sputnik V Covid-19 vaccine gives good immune response, critics don't understand how it works - Health Ministry expert

--- Relax comred, dont waste responding to CIA media. I remember, when month or two ago, when they said, Russina billionaires were getting their hand on the Vaccine, fake news called it abuse of power and now they are saying it, Russian IndianVirus Vaccine does not work and dangerous.

Mask is the no one weapon to fight IndianVirus, not touching face is second, third is washing hand, protecting people with underling disease is the forth

What is pakhe tapare doing in Nepal? Why they are still not approaching Vaccine companies for 10 lakh emergency vaccine.

Why is pakhe tapare every where? I still have not seen a single intelligent pakhe tapare and still they are in almost every decision making post only cares for bribe.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Looks like they have increased testing in KTM valley by a lot. Were saying, they be saying they would be testing 25k. 5/6k testing per day????

All the work will be waste if they let dogs enter into KTM after or during lock down from all over Nepal and India. District to district travel should be prevented at all cost except for travel between green zone. Except for ill or someone in the family is ill or deceased. This should be followed till, India controls theirs and more than 30% are vaccinated.

It time to let private vehicles run in KTM. And no more lock down after the date ends.

Mask is the no one weapon to fight IndianVirus, not touching face is second, third is washing hand, protecting people with underling disease is the forth
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
कोरोना भाइरस (कोभिड-१९) को रोकथाम तथा नियन्त्रणका लागि जारी निषेधाज्ञा थप नगर्न पोखरा चेम्बर अफ कमर्सले ध्यानाकर्षण गराएको छ|

- One lakh each in every city come out with khukuri, all will be well. I am ready to lead the country and set the right track.

Mask is the no one weapon to fight IndianVirus, not touching face is second, third is washing hand, protecting people with underling disease is the forth

corrupt pakhe tapare destroyed Nepal by letting in Indian during pandamic, they destroyed country by letting free travel between district especially those with hard hit. all pass were given by corrupt pakhe tapare.

I am 100% sure, tapare were behind sati culture and I am sure papare did their best to stop its abolition. Non tapare ended it. Non tapare needed to save country again. Ban tapare from all higher post.

Cases in India, US, Brazil decreasing.

Most countries had lock down, less sever than Nepal, it did not reduce the case buy harmed health and economy so they opened most of the economy. Best case looks to be Pakistan, hero of all Sweden.

Japan never had any restriction, all mask.

NEPSE doing well, soon vaccine trial will start and bigger increase every day till 1800 passes, hope.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
UK Government Scientist Admits Lockdown Was a "Monumental Mistake on a Global Scale"
"The cure was worse than the disease."

------ I realized this few months after IndianVirus was first came to known.

Then I tried to communicate to every body. Mask is the no one weapon to fight IndianVirus, not touching face is second, third is washing hand, protecting people with underling disease is the forth.........

Today, I believe Nepal is the only country in total lock down.

What is happening is, pakhe tapare in power in media read how develop countries have started restriction like latest in like, New Zealand, they thought that white god country has gone into lock down so lets copy them, but reality is not like that I believe, they just went for some restriction not lock down.

I demand election. No country in the world is ran by 8 classe, or pakhe. We need election. Dumb pakhe commie le ati garyo, they destroyed economy now they are killing Nepalese in the Name of IndianVirus.

Commie may have lost a lot of vote in kathmandu due to economy now they are going to lose more cause they spread IndianVirus by letting in dogs from all around the country into kathmandu, and worst, dog from India.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Tue Aug 25, 2020 12:21 am. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
On top of the long-term damage wreaked by the coronavirus, a global famine's on the way, says the head of the UN's hunger-fighting body

Dont tell me I did not warn. And Blame lass-kp oli. I have been saying, Death from Covid 19 is .2% while death from lock down could become 25-50%.. There is way to manage, limit harm from Covid until vaccine or medicine is arrived which I have been telling for months now.

Dont choose the leader like you, choose the leader you could get.

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