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Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2145
In 1 Week 28 Peoples has been reported +VE for Corona.

Is this Start of New Bull Cycle ??
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Syria says an Israeli air strike has destroyed Iran's consulate building in Damascus

- Dont be surprised if Iran respond with hypersonic mission on Israel.

I would have.

George Carlin nailed the US/Israel propaganda long time ago:

"Israeli murderers are called commandos;

Arab commandos are called terrorists."

More details, including recorded conversations between Israeli pilot & IDF war room.

* Pilot: "This is an American ship. Do you still want us to attack?"

* War room: "Yes, follow orders"

* Pilot (still couldn't believe it): "But sir, it's an American ship - I can see the flag!"

* War room: "Never mind; hit it"

** Worse, Israel was really trying to sink the entire ship and kill all 290+ Americans!

Leave no evidence.

Israeli boats launched 5 torpedoes, but the Americans skillfully managed to avoid 4 of them.

And the CIA still wouldn't release all the documents!

At a 1979 conference, Israel and US promoted a new doctrine:

"Fighting Islamic Terrorism."

And the same year, the US created the Mujahideen - the world's first global jihadist group, which later morphed into Al Qaeda, ETIM, ISIS etc. etc.

Deception is the way.

US and Israel fund, arm and control ISIS.

That vicious mercenary group carries out terrorist killings in Syria and Iran, but never attacks Israel.

"Accepting Al Qaeda" - an actual article on Foreign Affairs, the magazine of Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

CFR is the most powerful think tank in the US. It literally dictates US foreign policy.

Once, ISIS accidentally fired at Israeli troops, but quickly apologized afterwards!

You can't be shooting at your sponsor!

Remember this?

Kissinger Warns Trump: : "ISIS Is Keeping Iran in Check"

North Korea did NOT start the Korean War. You've been lied to about that, too.

I am making and releasing a video by mid January showing crystal clear the US started the Korean War hand in hand together with murderous South Korean dictator Synhman Rhee.

It's not a maybe. It's not speculation.

You will see for yourself without my leaving out any part of the story, beyond dispute, the United States did it. They did it intentionally and they did it exactly the same as they intentionally provoked & encouraged the Ukraine War and are now allowing and funding the Zionist Israel intentional slaughter and ethnic cleansing of of Gaza.

No friends, sad to say, they're not the good guys and it all began, this murderous imperialist US rampage of bloodshed & death upon humanity...

70 years ago in Korea

Hey, but we're supposed to be grateful because they give us the free speech to say so, to talk about it...while they ignore you completely and brazenly do what they want...kill for power & control...that's the brand of democracy they try to sell you. Don't buy it. Don't be fooled.

Epstein saga is just the tip. Watch this video on the Rothschild family - founders of Israel.

Shocking themes of satanism, human sacrifice, cannibalism, child abuse, torture, rape, slavery, murdr...

"Spirit Cooking" in this video was discussed in Wikileaks emails of 2016.

Jews expelled 1030 times

Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
From insider informant- NRB finally reversing all anti share market, anti economy Monetary policy by Friday.

And Pun making a bold decision to revive collapsed economy and collapsed share market in a few day.

Not really! Nepalese get to heard these only during Arpil1st.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
... after the US bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki there were elements in the US who unbelievably wanted to bomb a third city. Truman ensured that wasn't possible.

- US/West supporters in the rest should face same treatment as NAZI after wwii, who were not useful.

And remember, US almost used Nukes in Korea and Vietnam wars.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
ZIONIST should be declared TERRORIST!

No1 enemy of humanity. And 'Rest' should begin hunting them.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Too late for Gaza Genocide.

Only thing left for Gaza Genocide is revenge.

Now, Palestinians/Muslims have ever right to do whatever they want to Israelis.

Whatever means Whatever!

If Hitler had known, zoos are genocidal maniac, may be, he would have finished the job.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
The Reality of China's Economy with Wang Dan, Chief Economist at Hang Seng Bank China

(In 30 minute, you could imagine the clear picture of Chines economy and economic environment)

The greatest leader post WWII, Vladimir Putin Won with the biggest margin in record. Must have sent shock wave inside the majority of western puppet top managements and their shadow bosses.

For 25 year, Putin have built the alliance and power and in next few years, he will be seeing the rise of 'the rest' by himself.

In west, they are calling it sham election. Many in west suffering from this disease 'if they keep on lying for many times, in the end, they themselves go on to believe in their own lies'.

And there are handful of idiots in Nepal, who believe in their third grade propaganda.

They are calling Putin dictator cause he won 88% vote. They are calling the election, just a show, cause Putin won and there is no competition.

So, what they want to say is- 'if very popular politician win election, that makes him dictator- Putin has over 70% approval rating, rated by western organization'.

While if unpopular politician win election, it makes the system democracy. Like unpopular politician in the west wining the election like- Marcon, Biden etc whose approval rating is around 35%.

So they are saying- if people elect a politician, like Putin, who saved Russia which was close to being destroyed by NATO in 90s, that election is a sham. People liking such statesman is all fake.

And if people election a dead body like Biden, it makes the election legitimate. Mr.Know all in the world- never care to ask- what kind of a society elect a dead guy in election???

Remember all those jokes where- people electing dog, vegetable over politicians
. .... in real life, people of US elected a dead body in 2020. In 2024, a lot of those people again elected same dead body for a presidential candidate with around 85% votes.

Remember, some well informed people calls 'US, accidental super power'.

Remember, SECOND TO GOD calls US race, one of the three dumbest race on earth.

In conclusion- the most popular politician, Putin, winning election is a sham election. while, unpopular politicians in the west winning election is democratic process. Tell this to idiot Nepalese, who call Putin dictator.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
भारतले हटायो नेपाली प्लाईमाथिको अवरोध, एक वर्षका लागि निर्यातमा सहजीकरण

India removes barriers on Nepalese ply, facilitates exports for one year

--- Those in Nepal, who say, Nepal should work closely with India to make Nepal rich, should be thrashed.

नेपाललाई धनी बनाउन नेपालले भारतसँग मिलेर काम गर्नुपर्छ भन्‍ने नेपालीलाई पाटाकशनु पर्छ|
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Report claims Yemen's Houthis have a hypersonic missile, possibly raising stakes in Red Sea crisis

- If I were Putin, they would definitely have few- hypersonic glide bombs. Someone has got to pay for sinking Russian Ships.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
Disease outbreak -
Increase psittacosis cases in Austria, Denmark, Germany, Sweden and Netherlands in recent months.
Normal phenomenon or something else ?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
'The witch of the west' is dead.

Victoria 'cookie witch' Nuland announces retirement!!
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
George Galloway MP should ask PM Rishi Sunak in the house- "Why you, PM of Britain's body language in front of PM of Israel Netanyahu is like 'slave in front of his master' during recent visit to Israel"?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Red necks in the west say- 'they should not bring people like radical islam into their country who dont support their values'.

I would like to respond- "Mate, Red necks and radical Islam do have similar values. You two been working together for many many decades in spreading terror from Yugoslavia to Syria to Libya to Chechenia to Xinjiang". Radical Islam's value only matches with Red Necks and Zoo.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680

I cant believe, in December a woman burn herself in protest of Gaga Genocide- and hardly anybody knew.

Americans kills themselves and US based zoo controlled media ignores. Americans kill themselves and zoo in Israel make fun of them.

This is another proof how evil zoos are, how deep zoo control US and west.

Zoo turned Christians into animals. Remember animals- animals are animals, today they blindly support zoo tomorrow they will go after zoo- blindly.

Germany history- Before the thing, Germany used to be the best place for zoo. Then the thing happened. I am sure, from present experience, "best place for zoo must meant- zoo were 4king Germany like they are now 4king US".

No wonder Europeans hated zoo so much- they chased them away more than 1000 times then 1940s happened.

Nepalese are also low lives- cockroaches and Indians- I heard, Indians are sending weapons to Israel to commit Genocide.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
*** State TV airs China's first AI-developed cartoon series, as Sora sets off frenzy for text-to-video generation tech

Just a few weeks ago, some US company demonstrated their 'text to video generation tech' sample, and today, China has released 'text to video generation AI' based series.

Where did the China got the Chips from which US dont even have??? Is China already using photonic chips (I forgot what it is called) they been talking about for last few years.

US and Taiwan based Chips share price rocked due to the revelation of text to video generation tech. After Chinese discloser, they may fall again. China may control AI based chips soon.

"West talked about developing sodium based rechargeable batteries, then few weeks later, 'China introduces EV with sodium based rechargeable battery'."

"Lately, NVIDIA CEO talked about AI doing coding. A year or two ago- I heard, no one will be able to replicate TIKTOK cause it's algorithm was coded by AI. so it is too complex and time consuming".
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Did I miss this news or this is fake news or the devil censored this news?????

""""US Air force member who set himself on fire at Israeli Embassy in shocking scene while yelling 'Free Palestine' identified.

I will no longer be complicit in genocide in Gaza.

A member of the US Air Force is in critical condition after setting himself on fire outside the Israeli Embassy in Washington, DC on Sunday afternoon- NY post

Before setting himself on fire, the man reportedly said, 'I will no longer be complicit in genocide in Gaza. I am about to engage in an extreme act of protest' and then continued to shout "Free Palestine!"".

Nathan Rothschild famously said in 1815;

"I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the empire.

The man who controls the British money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply."

---- Zoo approached British royal as a peasant, then very slowly they became partners and now, 'with the help of US/US backing' the zoo have turned British royals into their doggo.

Right after WW2, the CIA took control of all foreign policy narratives in US mainstream media.

It was labeled "Operation Mockingbird."

Now, the influence has extended to all American social media as well.

What is it called now? "Operation Velociraptor"?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Arab League designates 60 Israeli organizations as terror entities

(Have you seen any fake news covering this news??? ;) )

Ray McGovern: Was Navalny an MI6 Agent?

Prof. Jeffrey Sachs: US Thinks Russia is Still USSR


Dumb 4k zoo tried to generate support for Navalny just like there is support for Julian Assange.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680

Watch from 2:23 to 2:44

Russian Pilot who defected to Ukraine with chopper after killing fellow soldiers killed in EU (I think Italy).

- Who did?

Putin or MI6
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
A car of Palestinian was hit by satanic Zoos killing all but one 4 year old girl. Then the girl call for help to gaza hospital. Then an ambulance goes there after taking permission from satanic zoo.

When the ambulance reach the site, satanic zoo bombs the ambulance too.

Then satanic's tank run over the car with the girl killings her.

Holocaust must be hoax or exaggeration by a many time just like every other zoo story.

Hope everyone in the world who support Israel dies.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680

30 Minute long, very important .... Remember, I have been talking about Trump and Israel connection. This video provides some evidence.

This shows why- Trump hired Israel 1st in his cabinet- almost every one. Trump is a ho of Israel and his wife was arranged by Epstein Island.

Just like in Nepal where India (and west) promotes their doggo in powerful posts, same happens in US and west too. Which made Nepal sh!thole while US (and west) becoming sh!thole too.

Will US (west) become superior if there is revolution? No, they did not just destroyed mind of western people they destroyed their gene too- with bad food, chemicals. Remember, US has the most no of trans. Just imagine, what those food, chemicals could do to their gene, brain...

Remember to thank 'Israel for destroying evil empire from inside'.

Another 30 min, very important. US has been the biggest terrorist organization in the world but dumb educated fools think they are civilized.

Than GOD, they are being destroyed from inside and go into civil war.

Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Years ago we hired an scorpion (indian garbage) for long distance travel. The driver was speeding and slightly rough driving. That time, most of those vehicles were new.

I was amazed, during those days, I hardly read, in fake news, about small four wheeler public transport meeting an accident.

Lately, we regularly hear those scorpion type meeting accident. Probably, they have become older.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
"We have come close to developing so-called 'oncovaccines' or vaccines against cancer and a new generation of immunomodulatory drugs. I expect that they will soon be used effectively as individualized therapies"- Putin

-- If this works, this will be a huge contribution to humanity. Remember, diarrhea used to kill people ... today, it's minor disease. After finding cure for more and more diseases, human today live 80 year. After curing Cancer, three will be new disease but human would live longer.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Israeli spies threatening my family - South African FM

US congressmen propose Bill to review relations with South Africa in wake of ICJ case

Every agent of Zionist in Nepal (and every country) should be hung before Nepal becomes another Ukraine.

Fun fact: Anglozoo ruled Indian for 300 year using Indians. Zoo ruling US using Proud Christians.

(After NWO US will meet the fate of India, you know why, both are two of the three most dumbest races)
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
We may see another election soon considering the results in PAK
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Would election fraud in Pakistan lead to revolution????

If you let- anglozoo inside your country- you will find chaos like in Pakistan, Ukraine, Nepal.

If you let anglozoo in, they will turn army generals into their doggo, politicians into their btch, bureaucracy/media/civilsociety into their pros...tude.

Hijada generals (after taking order from US) couped against Imran Khan.

Then they almost killed him.

Then they jailed him.

Then they banned his party.

Then they rigged election.

Then they rigged vote count. (and still Imran khan is leading but dont have majority, officially, but unofficially he has 2/3rd majority)

Now, there seem like, there is early sign of revolution in Pakistan. (social medias are blocked, internet is out in places)

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