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Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
Really sad news ,
Capitol breached by pro-Trump mob, woman shot inside dies.

Lots of chaos going on in one of the largest democracy of world.
How will this impact international capital market in coming days ?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
बाबुराम भन्छन्- बैशाखमा चुनाव हुनेवाला छैन, राजनीतिक उपाय खोजौं

Voice came out of speaker from India. Just like last time, through indian dalal bhatterai, Indian implanted indian dogg chief justice as Interim PM to hold election, they have similar weak plan this time too.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Italian boy found with coronavirus more than a year ago could be Europe's first case

Economists say China's GDP growth to exceed 8% in 2021, but external challenges such as US' continuous crackdown and negative effects of monetary easing in some emerging countries can't be overlooked.

New study suggests COVID-19 arrived in the U.S. last December without anyone knowing

Covid-19 was present in America BEFORE being officially confirmed in China, study by US health protection agency says

'Collective traumatic experience': People report more anger and sadness in their dreams during pandemic

New research yields additional insights into the impact of social distancing and more rigid hand-washing practices on our subconscious

Vladimir Putin orders mass vaccination to begin in Russia NEXT WEEK

Switzerland halves new infections without national lockdown as pubs and restaurants stay open

Chinese researchers claim the pandemic originated in India through 'zoonotic transmission' of the SARS-CoV-2 virus from monkeys to humans as they shared water resources

The US dollar has lost to the euro as the number one currency for global transactions for the first time in nearly eight years

Researchers find coronavirus was circulating in Italy earlier than thought
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
US sanctions NATO ally Turkey over Russian S-400 defence missiles

Difficult to predict internaltional power politics in coming days after this possible GAME CHANGING steps by SUPREME POWER
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Some Idiots keep on asking what have govt done that we believe IndianVirus inflection is going down slowly?

- You dont have to believe, just watch PCR tested number Vs new inflection. Is that good? Yes. Should we be confident? No. Should we be hopeful? Yes. But need caution. Only Vaccine and Medicine can end it or control it.

So why the ratio is going down? Good question, smart question.

Now here is the answer....... Remember I keep on using the term "Harami". Yes, the alchina, liability, harami group.

Govt. jailed us(healthy ones) for 3 month then again 3 week. But there were few 10s thousands who were above the law and they were roaming freely, the are the ones who kept IndianVirus alive and circulated while we were in lock down. If we check media and social media, most of those 10s of thousands are politicians, bureaucrats, police, media close to govt party, so called powerful business leader/media personality ...... most of them (probably more than 50%) got the IndianVirus which created "HERD IMMUNIG IN HARAMI COMMUNITY", that lead to slowdown in new cases.

Remember, few months after first CoronaVirus was known, I said, If Nepalese accepted me as their DEAR LEADER, I would have ordered CIA like to organize CORONA PARTY and give as many haramis INDIANVIRUS as possible in very short time and create herd immunity in their community. Same happened but took many many more months cause we are ran by Pakhes.

That is the answer for you, why new IndianVirus rate is declining.

Wine & chocolate stop Covid? Study finds certain foods can kill the coronavirus

Dark chocolate, green tea, and muscadine grapes could be a secret weapon in the fight against COVID19

Don't be fooled by all the scaremongering around a third wave of Covid-19 - these are just the ripples of a fading virus

Each wave will get smaller, and smaller, until it is gone - doctor Malcolm Kendrick

Lockdowns certainly aren't good for people's health! Being isolated harms your physiological status and that might make you more vulnerable to COVID19! Medical microbiology prof

- I am no microbiology prof, and still I told you that months back.

Chinese researchers claim the pandemic originated in India through 'zoonotic transmission' of the SARS-CoV-2 virus from monkeys to humans as they shared water resources

- You can go to conspiracy theory topic, I said, IndianVirus did not started in China, but said probably in US or some small country. At least I could be Half right.... zzzzzzzzzzzeeeeeeeeeee Am I the only one who been calling it IndianVirus,,,,, if it is proven it is indeed IndiaVirus........ just imagine.....

It's pandemic, does not matter where it began, in normal circumstance, but Its is a big deal for 5 country- China (who was blamed) and four- India, US, UK and Australia (who crossed the limit blaming China)..... If its one of them then ............

Bill Gates Says AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Novavax COVID-19 Vaccines All Likely To Prove 'Very Efficacious And Safe' By February

I'm an Infectious Disease Doctor and Beg You Not Go Here

Cruise Ships
Large Indoor Gatherings
Dinner at a Friend's House-or With Anyone You're Not Sheltering With, Including Family
Public Transportation
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Study Says COVID-19 Can be Killed by Mouthwash Within 30 Seconds

FDA grants emergency use authorization for experimental Regeneron Covid-19 cocktail given to Trump

As per media in Nepal, two media persons are almost dead by IndianVirus but got discharged in next 2/3 days. Is media haram or they govt anti body treatment just like Trump, the above medicine or the one from China. Nepal should get anti body treatment asap.

'No evidence' that asymptomatic Covid-19 cases were infectious- analysis of post-lockdown Wuhan concludes

India's economy to return to normal faster than expected - Barclays

Scientists hail 'amazing result' as study shows Roche arthritis drug Actemra helps sickest Covid-19 patients improve

Immunity for YEARS or DECADES: Covid resistance may last much longer than previously thought, says new research
- hurray

Australian kids baffle doctors after developing Covid-19 antibodies without ever testing positive

I'm a Doctor and Here's How to Avoid Catching COVID-19

---- But Yo''re Safer Outdoors Than in an Enclosed Space That's Not Your Home
-------Wear a Mask
-----Keep Moving
----Plan Ahead
-------Be Assertive
---- Keep a Safe Distance Behind the Person in Front of You When Walking
--------Don't Greet Other People With a Hug or a Kiss
--Try to Avoid Using a Public Toilet
-----Going Swimming
----- What About Take Out Food------------Make it a contactless purchase.

The vendor should put the food down on the counter and step back before you step forward to pick it up.

Wash your hands before eating

Japan's PM urges the public to take basic anti-infection precautions & wear masks

Russian economy shows strong signs of recovery from coronavirus plunge

Russia and Seoul-based pharmaceutical company sign a deal to produce over 150mn doses of SputnikV vaccine in South Korea annually

Masks are more effective than previously though, so it doesn't look like they're going away any time soon

- dont say, i did not tell from the beginning.

Brazil allows resumption of Chinese vaccine trial after brief suspension over study subject's suicide

Moderna says it has completed its Phase 3 trial for COVID-19 vaccine

Fauci: High-Priority Coronavirus Vaccine Doses May Be Available By December

'Help is coming - and it's coming soon': Dr. Fauci outlines when COVID-19 vaccine will be available to all Americans

China's economy 'has bounced back to pre-pandemic levels' - Alibaba's founder

China's Sinopharm reports 'better than expected' results from COVID19 vaccine phase 3 trials

Japan's suicides rose in October to their highest level in more than five years, preliminary police data revealed on Tuesday, and the current trend is being blamed on the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic.

--- I have been warning about this "corona prevention is many many times worst than the virus itself" since after few months after first covid is discovered.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Normally most of Covid patient are cured within 14 days. Which could mean inside human body, corona virus dont survive more than 7/10 days, then how come they survive longer outside?????? I think, pcr test tests chemical composition of the virus, which wont be able to tell if the virus is active or not....

Brazil suspends Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine trial due to severe adverse event

Beijing says serious adverse effect not related to Chinese Covid-19 vaccine after major incident halts Brazil trial

'जी टु जी'मार्फत् कोरोनाविरुद्धको भ्याक्सिन किन्ने सरकारको निर्णय

--- Finally. Get cure asap, antibody treatment which is in final stage clinical trial available in China and US.

'Great day for science and humanity': #Pfizer says Covid-19 vaccine more than 90% effective in final trials

Bloomberg Opinion-
Until a vaccine arrives, the world has to find a way to live with Covid-19 and without lockdowns.

- After destroying humanity for almost a year, now they are saying "without lockdowns".

Australia begins production of Oxford-developed

Biden's pandemic plan: Restore Obamacare, mandatory masks, paid sick leave and free COVID-19 tests

- no lockdown, it happens in sh!t hole like nepal only, by trying to copy white god and new yellow god.

All ambitious plans may start from requiring every American to wear masks, which could reduce new US cases by 80 percent, Chinese researcher claimed, after Biden vowed to heal a divided US and make epidemic a top priority.

None of the 56,000 people who were inoculated with Sinopharm's COVID19 vaccine and travelled abroad have been infected with coronavirus, developer said, adding no adverse effects have occurred among some 100,000 people who have received the vaccine.

The data signals Sinopharm vaccine maybe close to being released on the market, vaccine expert predicted
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Death among healthcare workers from Indianvirus is very high. I used to think, may be cause their work place is clean and may take a lot of medicine for minor issue, had weakened their immune system.

Now I have a new theory, those in healthcare business, they are exposed to corona patients a lot and for a long time, so possible they are bombarded by a lot more of IndianVirus than others in short time so their body is unable to cope, like their immune deteriorates very quickly from the beginning, immune unable to handle the threat so death among healthcare professionals is higher.

Israeli hospital chief rejects Western concerns over Russia's Sputnik-V Covid-19 vaccine as 'political', orders 1.5 million doses

English health service preparing for pre-Christmas COVID vaccine roll-out

Britain prepares for COVID-19 vaccine as Oxford forecasts result this year

China's service sector growth shows strong recovery in consumer demand

Pioneering Russian COVID vaccine en route to Argentina! Some 10 million doses due to be shipped in December.

Nearly half of Covid patients in some hospitals likely to have caught virus after admission
- From the beginning, I was advocating for protection of hospitals from IndianVirus

COVID-19 death rates have drastically fallen among all age groups - even as cases spike
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
कांग्रेस नेता विश्वकर्माको कोरोना रिपोर्ट नेगेटिभ, स्वास्थ्यमा सुधार हुँदै
- check his blood or sh!t, swab test wont give true result in these/serious case.

India's manufacturing PMI for October comes in at 58.9, the strongest in over a decade

China's factory activity at near-decade high as pandemic fallout fades

- I predicted all these during early IndianVirus pandemic.

मास्क लगाउन अनिवार्य गरेको स्थानमा संक्रमणका कारण अस्पताल भर्ना हुनेको संख्या कम
- One of the three uncompromising action to fight IndianVirus I been floating from the very beginning. Others are no travel between districts and protecting hospitals.

20 Places You Shouldn't Visit Even If They're Open
-Family Events or Gatherings
-Religious Services
-Hair and Nail Salons
-Cruise Ships
-The Doctor's Office\Hospital
-Restaurants and Bars
-Theaters, Sporting Events, Concert Venues
-Public Transportation
-Your Office
-Schools and Camps and Daycare Centers
-Your Gym
-Your Grocery Store
-Hotels or Rental Properties
-Public Swimming Pools
-The Beach
-Outdoor Exercise Spots

There's One Main Way to Contract COVID-19 When Grocery Shopping, CDC Says

the risk of COVID-19 infection from food products, food packaging, or bags is thought to be low

it's more important to focus on avoiding high-touch surfaces like door handles and credit card machines as compared to a tomato in the produce section.

Dr. Fauci Says Where You're Most Likely to Catch COVID

Transmissions are seen in household contacts, in congregate, or even in healthcare settings where there is not available PPE or the PPE is not properly used

The Shift Indoors This Winter Will Mean More Spread

The Virus Can Spread When You Open Your Mouth and Expel Droplets

Death Rates Have Dropped for Seriously Ill COVID Patients

Euro zone economy surges in third quarter before expected blow from new lockdowns

US economic growth by quarter.

4th quarter 2019: 2.4%

1st quarter 2020: -5%

2nd quarter 2020: -31.4%

3rd quarter 2020: 33.1% (largest ever)

Q3 GDP: US economic activity rose at a record 33.1% annualized pace after pandemic-induced slump

India's consumer demand & activity in the manufacturing sector return to pre-crisis levels

Dr. Fauci Says You Don't Have to Do This Anymore to Avoid COVID

I think we should spend less time worrying about wiping down a grocery bag than we should about just washing our hands frequently

Economic data continues to beat expectations: Morning Brief

इटालीका खेलकुदमन्त्रीले भने: अहंकारी रोनाल्डोले कोरोनाविरुद्धको नियम पालना गरेनन्

- I have been using the term 'harami'.

Bolivia is interested in buying Russia's 'Sputnik-V' coronavirus vaccine once it's mass-produced and available for export

-Every country is trying to buy indianvirus vaccine, but in Nepal...........

Packed bars and mask-less catwalks: With Covid curbs fading, China set for consumption rebound

Citi CEO Corbat: US economy 'performed better' than expected amid COVID

Scientists discover 'grappling hook' which makes coronavirus so much more infectious than its SARS predecessor

As Covid-19 crisis deepens, Russian Health Minister reveals Sputnik V vaccine is performing well in large scale final trial

COVID-19 death rates have drastically fallen among all age groups - even as cases spike

Health secretary promises coronavirus vaccine before 2021

"If you're wearing a face covering, that's not really considered a significant exposure," Adalja said. In other words, if you're around someone who is sick and you're both wearing masks, it's less of a risk - the 15-minute mark aside.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
The person who deceased was in a group that received fake vaccine, probably glucose. Somewhere I read.

Exclusive: U.S. trial of AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine may resume this week - sources

Mouthwash could 'inactivate' human coronaviruses that cause infections like the common cold

Pfizer: The Pace of COVID-19 Vaccine Development Is Remarkable, Says Analyst

First results of Russian coronavirus vaccine trial may include data from 5,000-10,000 people
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
Cant be too optimisitic regarding safe and effective CORONA vaccine soon,

A volunteer (the volunteer was a 28-year-old man who lived in Rio de Janeiro) in a clinical trial of the COVID-19 vaccine developed by AstraZeneca and Oxford University had died
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
This is the #1 Way You'll Get COVID, According to Doctors

As your city reopens, you're washing your hands frequently and using hand sanitizer after touching every ATM button-but you may be making one major mistake.

"It's not common to contract COVID-19 from a contaminated surface, scientists say. And fleeting encounters with people outdoors are unlikely to spread the coronavirus. Instead, the major culprit is close-up, person-to-person interactions for extended periods."

Making things worse: "Crowded events, poorly ventilated areas and places where people are talking loudly-or singing, in one famous case-maximize the risk."

It Enters Through Your Face, Doctor Confirms

"Here's the problem: COVID-19 is spread by close physical contact," says Dr. Deborah Lee

"This includes holding hands, hugging and kissing, but also standing close to one another. The virus is transmitted in exhaled respiratory droplets and is also present in nasopharyngeal secretions. It also lives in the skin-for example on fingertips and under fingernails. It can enter the body through the eyes, nose or mouth."

These large fluid droplets can transfer virus from one person to another if they land on the eyes, nose or mouth. But they tend to fall to the ground or on other surfaces pretty quickly," and continue: "One important factor in transmission is that seemingly benign activities like speaking and breathing produce respiratory bits of varying sizes that can disperse along air currents and potentially infect people nearby. Some researchers say the new coronavirus can also be transmitted through aerosols, or minuscule droplets that float in the air longer than large droplets. These aerosols can be directly inhaled."

So: stay more than six feet away from others, wear a face mask and follow the CDC guidelines for staying safe.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Will virus mutation impact a vaccine's effectiveness? An analysis of 80,000 virus samples from 113 countries showed the virus had mutated but it was not enough to affect vaccines' effectiveness. The S protein of the virus - which vaccines target - had not changed: official

UK could get 40m Covid vaccine jabs by New Year as Pfizer begins roll-out

- what can I say, In Nepal, pakhe tapare in politics, bureaucracy, media, so called expert le marne bho.

China's Sinovac vaccine is safe, Brazil institute says

Sputnik V close to public launch: Moscow will begin mass vaccination against Covid-19 at end of December, says Mayor Sobyanin

- Lucky ba$tards, they are not cursed by sati using tapare pakhe.

China's economic rebound strengthens amid global struggle with Covid-19 crisis

Lockdowns should be LAST RESORT, but masks & social distancing could save 300K lives across continent, WHO European director says

Coronavirus vaccine candidate from China's CNBG shows promise in human test, study shows

The TB vaccine may provide some protection against Covid and could even be the silver bullet we need to end restrictions

Head of Russia's national health watchdog says shutting down economy to prevent spread of Covid-19 is pointless & makes no sense

- I found it out with in 1 month into lockdown, you are 9 months too late.

WHO Flip Flops On Lockdowns After Damage To World Economy Revealed | Too Late?

- Yes, too late. Should have followed me. would have saved months.

IMF projects less severe global recession in 2020, but 'uneven' recovery

Russian 'Sputnik V' COVID vaccine poised to complete final trials

WHO discourages lockdowns as U.S. hospitalizations continue climb; 11 states set records for new COVID-19 cases

- Now you are talking.

I'm an Infectious Disease Doctor and Here's the Worst Thing You Can Do
The least safe thing to be doing right now is to abandon your mask in that indoor crowded space

- and there are 1 in 15 mor0n who would take off their mask indoor. And govt, office management does nothing. break their bone.

'Worst is behind' for India with economy returning to growth, says veteran banker

Indian businesses are full of hope and optimism for the future

China in talks with WHO over assessing its COVID-19 vaccines for global use

लकडाउनमा आर्थिक समस्याका कारण पोखराका तीन जना दोहोरी कलाकारद्वारा आत्महत्या

- I warned about that months back.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
संघियेता येसैको लागि होइन त ? - कर्णाली प्रदेशसभा सचिवालयले सभामुखलाई ५३ हजार, उपसभामुख र विपक्षी दलका नेतालाई ५०/५० हजार, सत्तापक्षका प्रमुख सचेतक, सचेतक, प्रतिपक्ष दलका सचेतक र संसदीय समितिका सभापतिलाई ४८/४८ हजारका दरले चाडपर्व खर्च भन्दै रकम वितरण

सबै काले मिलेर खाऊ जनताभाले
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
WHO discourages lockdowns as U.S. hospitalizations continue climb
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
महामारीविरुद्धको लडाईंमा काठमाडौं पछि पर्‍यो : मन्त्री ज्ञवाली

- gunda tourist mantri bhatterai, is he duke of kathmandu? who goes around without mast, makes unimportant visits, takes indianvirus from kathmandu to all corners of Nepal.

- Who locked down for three months and curfewed 3 more weeks and then opened district to district travel immediately? kathmandu did not.

- Who locked down for three months and curfewed to healthy people and let indianvirus move freely, travel district to district, let in indianvirus into not just Nepal but to 100s of kms into kathmandu during lock down? kathmandu did not.

- who is not imposing mask strictly? kathmandu did not.

- I see, one in every 15-25 people in kathmandu dont wear mask and more than 75% of those are not from kathmandu.

- Who is running govt, police, CDO, media??? Not kathmandu.

- Who told govt to let indianvirus into all hospitals? not kathmandu, mostly tapare pakhe.

- Who is not trying to get vaccine? not kathmandu.

What's the solution?

- strict mask policy, who dont wear, should their bones be broken.

- stop district level travel.

- increase beds and ventilators.

- try to slow down indianvirus, dont try to fight it and bring vaccine immediately.

- get antibody treatment from china which is into final phase clinical trial for emergency use. Trump also took mixture of chinese and western antibody treatment.

- Never lock down. dont expect indinvirus cases to go down over night.

- Its time to stop voting for 8 classe and 10 class fail, pakhe tapare like मन्त्री ज्ञवाली and gunda like yogesh bhatterai and gagan thapa

- reeducated mor0ns and mor0n ceos. I see some employees at office dont wear mask, dont wash their hand after toilet...... (I am not surprised, office has become dangerous place cause of those low lives, fire those ceos)

Great thing about indianvirus is I dont have to shake hand with those mor0ns and almost all of them are pakhe.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
IndianVirus peak may reach in 2/4 week.

Let's use dashian to make indianvirus free in asymmetric cases.

- Govt should extend dashain vaccine to 8 days.

- Next week let's give indianvirus to as many harams as possible so they they would be cured in dashain and create heard immunity in haram community.

- During dashain vacation, every nepalese should pretend we all have indianvirus and work on not to transmit to any one else so wear mask, dont meet any body, while going shopping wear mask, meet as few people as possible.

Let's peak IndianVirus few days before dashain and get cured during dashin celebration.

Drink hot water, eat warm food with liquid, Vitamin C and D, dont drink cold- during dashain and become corona free.

Mask is the no one weapon to fight IndianVirus, not touching face is second, third is washing hand, protecting people with underling disease is the forth

Where is my fking vaccine?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
२ अमेरिकी डलरमा चीनले ब्राजिललाई बेच्ने भयो साढे ४ करोड डोज कोरोना भाइरसविरुद्धको खोप
- and pakhe tapare in Nepal are asleep. leaders who cares Vs mfs

A Coronavirus Vaccine Is Coming, So Who Gets It First?
- Not in Nepal cause Nepal is ran by pakhe tapare. No country in the world is ran by pakhe. Unless, who/un/wb/adb bribes tapare to get the vaccine for Nepalese, we may not see the vaccine any time soon, may be 6 month after world gets it.

COVID-19 vaccine may be ready by year-end, says WHO's Tedros
- good for outside world.

Billionaire Bill Gates has urged the US to prepare for a Covid-19 vaccine rollout by asking trusted community leaders to help 'reduce vaccine hesitancy.'
- And we dont have any one from business community like him.

Roughly 1 in 10 people worldwide may have been infected by the coronavirus - more than 20 times the number of confirmed cases, a WHO's official said and warned a difficult period ahead.
- So it means death rate is .25%.

'Coronavirus is a serious infection for the elderly and vulnerable. But, for just about everyone else, it's a relatively mild condition with a very low fatality rate. The only thing to fear is our overreaction to it' - Dr. Malcolm Kendrick
- If Nepalese had chosen ""I"" as their 'dear leader', I would have got Indianvirus neutralization drug/vaccine from China which is in final stage of clinical trial and save half of those who are dead or dying.

But since pakhe tapre runs Nepal, instead of approaching investors of vaccine, they tell those vaccine inventors if they want to trial in Nepal, they have to take full responsibility.

Those pakhe tapre are the same who took bribe on medical supply meant to fight IndianVirus. No corrupt country in the world took bribe for Indianvirus medical supply, cause no country have tapare.

Sati ko sarap.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Trump is germophobic which is he follows clean routine which makes Corona very dangerous for him plus he has too much soft fat and old.

From I know about Iran, there is 50% chance, Iran would take care of trump for killing their general after he leaves the office.
If Corona takes care of him, it would prevent possible war.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Now covid is in a position to reduce sati ko sarap by 1%
- Take out dalal rimal or rijal corona! and prove that GOD exists.

Prolonged lockdowns influence the human mental state and therefore should be avoided at all costs - WHO representative
----- Now you see it. Incompetent! no competent works for non profit organization and govt.

'Sputnik V arrived!' Maduro thanks Russia as Venezuela receives first batch of Russian Covid-19 vaccine
----- when Nepal getting the vaccine. Emergency 1000000 doses.

Dr. Fauci Names the One Place He'd Never Go
Why Visit at a Bar Could Be Fatal
----- Remember, I have been regularly spelling 'bhatti'.
To be a specialist doctor, all you have to remember is a few dozen clues and terms.
To be a great analyst you need to know, no body knows, how vast your knowledge needs to be.

Learn to respect the greatest analyst every walked on the earth before its too late.

Japanese researchers say "no reason" to keep doing painful COVID tests
Tokyo - Researchers in Japan announced "game changing" research this week that found simple saliva tests for COVID-19 are just as reliable as the widely used, but more complicated and uncomfortable, swab tests.
-------------- I advised that weeks ago. You are welcome, humanity!

Moderna COVID-19 vaccine appears safe, shows signs of working in older adults - study

Small study finds Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine may work equally well in older people as it does in younger adults

Chinese manufacturing activity continues to expand, recovering from Covid crisis
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Trump hate mask
Dont be like trump.

Media people I know who have/had Indianvirus

Trump- hate mask, love mass gathering without mask
Boris- hate mask, love mass gathering without mask
Bolsonaro- hate mask, love mass gathering without mask
One share investor from south- hated mask
Captain lama- like to pick his nose

If I were in power, I would have investigated, who gets Indian virus, how safe you would be if you follow all known practical advice to avoid indianvirus.

Mask is the no one weapon to fight IndianVirus, not touching face is second, third is washing hand, protecting people with underling disease is the forth

US stock futures fall sharply after President Trump tests positive for coronavirus
Stock-markets in Japan and Australia fall as President Trump tests positive for coronavirus

And yuraj k wanted to crash the share market of Nepal and still he is biddwan. Sati ko sarap
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Fri Oct 02, 2020 11:20 am. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
नेपाललाई २ करोड ५० लाख कोरोनाविरुद्ध खोप (स्पुत्निक भी)को डोज दिन रुसको स्वतन्त्र सम्पत्ति कोषल तयार भएको छ

Coronavirus vaccine: Johnson & Johnson jab shows response in 98% of test participants

रुसले बाँड्न थाल्यो विश्वकै पहिलो कोरोनाविरुद्धको भ्याक्सीन !

Covid models predicted devastation in Africa - but 'the reality is starkly different'

China says WHO gave blessing for coronavirus vaccine emergency use programme

Despite a shift to work from home, the office market will recover
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Covid models predicted devastation in Africa - but 'the reality is starkly different'

- Covid like pandemic comes once in 50-100 year. And there wont be second covid it will be something else, so this
experience wont be helpful next time, if it had been, it would not be pandemic.

So to face pandemic, world need people like me on top of the decision making.

Those currently in power have made many mistakes, from taking decision to fight corona, which is far far worse than corona itself like lock down which would kill many many more than corona and devastate almost all.

If I were in top of the decision making, I would have very quickly identify ideas which are already proven to be not harmful like giving herd immunity in common cold, using flue vaccine

and the most radical would be ....................

During last month or two, I realized one thing. US has almost tested 30 percentage of their population and still their cases is not close to zero and european almost controlled it and still unable to control it. Why?

I have found that, there is always going to be harami in society, when you lock down those harami are lock downed too, but just a matter of time, lock down has to be ended, same with testing, you test them but it does not mean after testing negative they wont get it. Just a matter of time, those haramis will get corona from bhatti or red light or something like those places and transmit to others.

If I were in power, I would have given those haramis corona as soon as possible so that there would be herd immunity among haramis and after 3 weeks they will be immune.

How, legally and socially you cant give haramis corona, so you have to give them covertly. Here is where CIA like terrorist organization would he helpful. Let them organize as many corona party as possible where haramis would join. And never admit it, govt was behind the party. Sooner the better.

Pandemic with no cure cant not be handled legally or with socially acceptable way.

And those haramis wont even wear a mask. f them.

Any one could get corona. either you are harami or unlucky. Sorry for the second one.

Mask is the no one weapon to fight IndianVirus, not touching face is second, third is washing hand, protecting people with underling disease is the forth
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Dr. Fauci Says These Are 3 of the Riskiest Places to Go During COVID
gyms, bars, and restaurants
- Said those from the very beginning and others are barber, plane, school .....

U.S. health agency sets October 16 deadline for states to submit vaccine plans
------------- no plan in Nepal... thank you laas and tapare pakhes.

अध्ययनले भन्छ-मास्कले भ्याक्सिनकै काम गर्न सक्छ, मास्ककाे भरमा काराेना जित्ने देशहरूकाे लामै लिस्ट
------ cause nepal's media is controlled by tapare pakhe criminals... these information is not spread 24/7. Its amazing, I am the first one to relay it days ago. .... ungrateful! sati ko sarap! not my loss!

Chinese economy makes relatively swift recovery: ECB article

Exclusive: Study suggests dengue may provide some immunity against COVID-19
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
More than 60,000 volunteer for final trial of pioneering 'Sputnik V' Covid-19 vaccine, 100s get jab and 'feel well' - Moscow mayor
- nepal when?

Moderna sees 20 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine candidate by year end
-- when in Nepal????

कोरोनाविरुद्धको खोप लिने पहिलो भाग्यमानी नेपाली
-- when inside nepal

Cure worse than the disease? 30 MILLION face starvation as Covid-19 economic shutdown hurts most vulnerable, UN food chief warns
-- told you months ago. u r welcome.

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