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Registered: Jul 2017
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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7579
Looks like, shooting in NY is at asians.

To become super power US has- size(population, country) and resources. But lacks brain.

US been stealing technology since ever.

After second ww, they stole not just technology, but also human resource and idea from Germany. And those technologies have been upgraded by asians. (Its amazing, I had been hearing govt policy in US- car for all, which helped their economy, turned out it was Hitler's idea).

Since, those asians who used to go to US, their own country has become rich, that is one of the main reason US is crashing fast.

And after covid, trump ...... less asian are likely to go to US, unless they are worth less doggo like from Nepal. who are liability.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7579
About those politician who are said to have good relation with India (or west) (in reality, just doggo), after this attack, if those politicians and bureaucracy stay quiet, they will get personal benefit from India.

Election coming.

Talking about election, wonder this attack is election related. India blockaded Bhutan during their election, it was like a blackmail to vote against the ones India did not like.

If I were the dictator of Nepal, Since we cant fight India, I would have hung, all indian doggo in the street, on the crane, just like in muslim world.


French journalist goes to Ukraine with 3 volunteers, who answered Zelensky's call for help, only to find out that Americans are in charge of Ukrainian army
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2311
विष्फोटक पदार्थ हुनसक्ने भन्दै भारतले रोकिदियो नेपाल छिर्ने मालबस्तु, भन्सारमा लाग्यो लाइन

Are we going to face trade embargo again ?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7579
U.S. monitoring rise in rights abuses in India, Blinken says reutrs

India fkd. Modi destroyed indian foreign policy. India needed US to fight China and needed Russia to fight US.

What next, US be saying India blockaded Nepal and Bhutan during 2010s, they even blockaded medicine. Even US did not blockade medicine to Iraq.

To destroy China and Russia, US/west been using lies, exaggeration. To destroy India, all West/US has to do is tell the truth.

Double agents in Nepal, dead too. Just a matter of time.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7579
The Russian current account, the broadest measure of trade in goods and services, reached a surplus of $58.2bn in Q1, more than 2.5 times the $22.5bn reported a year earlier.

Russian official economy may not be in top 10 but their trade surplus is in top 5 (i think, 3rd may be)

Russia could have utilized that position, Nepal could use that. But ......... I dont make policy in Nepal.

Looks like Le Pen can win only if commies in French dont vote in the second round and help from Putin arrives.

I am the only one in Nepal, who regularly analyze Nepal's economy, analyze important economic event.... but now, every one in Nepal has become fking economic expert. What they know about- economy, what NRB been doing for last 1.5 year- that they are here to support ex governor.

Some idiot say, govt should not have kicked out governor when economy is in sh!t. M00rons, this is when you fire the person in power, this is when person in power gets fired all over the world, this is when revolution happens all over the world.

When you are born in a human body, you should have a bigger brain than that of a doggo.

Finance minister, when resign, after getting humiliated in the election????

Pakistan had the biggest rally, probably the biggest in the world, unless there was one in India ......... and Media in Nepal did not cover it.

Its amazing,
Press freedom means- press under control of CIA, RAW- not under the control of the govt of the country.
Democracy means- politicians under the control of CIA, RAW- not the one loyal to the country.
International rule of law means- follow order of CIA.
International anti money laundering act means- hide all black money only in 5eye and also india for south asia.

Wealth of owners/promoters of BFIs, insurance, media should be investigated, its source, where investment came from, their expenses, their domestic and international link, their activities- to protect national security as well as economy.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7579
French election first round projections, released by Belgian and Swiss media

Emmanuel Macron: 24%
Marine Le Pen: 24%
Jean-Luc Melenchon: 19%

Till yesterday, french president was 26% (lead by 2%)

Now neck to neck.

There will be 2nd round in two week.

Le Pen's agendas are leaving NATO, and reform EU- make countries more independent from Brussels' bureaucrats (in the past leaving EU).

Russian has already captured 95% of Mariupol days back, why are they taking so long? Is Putin trying to capture french and americans alive to swing French election?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7579
यी ५ कारणले इमरान खानबाट सत्ता खोसियो
(दैनिक भाष्करबाट अनुवादित) is not this indian fake news.

From what I read, Imran khan is popular and will win next election. Just like in Nepal, those politicians, generals, judges who stole from Pakistani people and hid that money in UK are the ones behind the coup.

Like I have been saying, owner/promoters of BFIs, Insurance and media should be investigated- their wealth, source of their wealth, their domestic and foreign connections, their activates should be investigated and their wealth should be nationalized and should be jailed if we are to save Nepal.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7579
US Warns India Faces 'Significant Long-Term Costs' If It Aligns With Russia

double agents in nepal are so dead. dogs always get killed first in the war.


- worried about debt trap or they are worried so created the narrative 'debt trap'.

I would take all the money they are willing to give at 2%.


Yes, rigged but just the opposite way. If people in the world could buy ruble freely, it would go rocket.
Before the war, Ruble was weak, cause of the MFs aka oligarchs, who were looting Russian people and buying assets in the west. Since, the war, sanction, it must have stopped by a huge percentage.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2311
VO will be the third longest serving current leader in europe after Lukashenko & VP.
More than 2/3rd parliamentary seats mean constitution amendment is possible (dont know whats going on in his mind)- This has huge implication to its Euro-Atlantic partners. This could be the reason European Commission notified Hungary that it is triggering the conditionality mechanism over rule of law breaches, opening the door to financial sanctions.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7579
Two european countries had election this week.

In both country, the ruling govt (pro Russia) not just won, but did better despite covid and war led economic crisis.

Is change coming to EU. Are EU people pro peace despite total blackout of Russian media and social media?

Election coming in France too, in 5 day. Does Putin has a rabbit inside a hat? Who knows, may be Putin will leak picture of dead French army and intelligence in Mariupol just before the election.


And EU wants to punish people of Hungary for their vote.

Western Values! as believed by many idiots in Nepal.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7579
One of the problem Srilanka facing due to freestuffs.

Just like in Nepal. Freestuff. Kp Oli, maoist, communist style. One candidate from prokhara was saying 'he will distribute free apartment'.

Any highest bidder. May be crore to all.

Remember, first thing current Finance minister, village idiot, talked about as soon as be became FM was free stuff.

Then there is corruption. Most of the budget of Nepal is wasted on cadres. Then there is corruption, loot from business community.

You cant solved problem if you dont investigate wealth, source of wealth, connection of owner/promoter of bfis, insurance and media. Almost all of them are criminal. Would mandale investigate them if they win the election?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7579
The American official who threatened Pakistan is the same Asian ho who threatened Nepal during MCC.

Produces of ho house built by European during their colony are very loyal to their white master!
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7579
With the success in media society, from now on, US will distribute $$ to all Nepalese.

April fool
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7579
Russia Signals Intent To Cut Military Operations Around Kiev & Chernihiv After Positive Ceasefire Talks
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7579
"We received a written threat from a foreign government that if no confidence motion against PM Imran Khan doesn't succeed & he is not removed, Pakistan will have to face serious consequences." - senior Minister Asad Umar.

Now Pakistan should go for defense alliance with Russia and send troops to Ukraine.

World needs NWO. Nepal needs to take care of 10000 foreign agents.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7579
"A meeting between Putin and Zelensky is needed as soon as there is clarity in resolving key issues in the Donbass, the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine," Lavrov said

Hope to see peace, soon.

But, also hope, sanction would go on till there is clear blue print for NWO appears. Dont let the sacrifice of thousands go to waste.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7579
Hunter Biden's investment fund, Rosemont Seneca Partners, and George Soros' Open Society Foundations were directly involved in the financing of Ukrainian biolabs, the Russian Ministry of Defense has claimed.

Now wonder, they had to ban Russian media all over the world.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7579
I kept on reading on comment section- "west sanctioning on others will someday be like sanctioning themselves".

Today, they have sanctioned 3 out of 5 big oil producers. And ever one is feeling it.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7579
Annual producer inflation in Germany reached 25.9% in February, a new record high.

Probably 75% in march.

I keep on hearing from Red Necks in social media, 'weak leader eventually leads society to misery'. It is true, but they meant 'leaders need to attack other countries' ...... brain dead right????

This is all happening cause of weak leaders in EU. IF EU had stood for peace in Europe, this would not have happened. Cause they let likes of cookie zoo Nuland play her game in Europe or the world, there is war in Ukraine.

I am strong supporter for democracy, freedom, rule of law, peace, prosperity ......... and still Why I support Russia, China ....... Cause, my brain says- Had not been Russia/USSR- British, American, Zoo would have used nukes 100s of times by now and the world would have become their slave (till now, the world is semi vassal, a lot are vassals), and we all know, what they do to their slaves.

Thanks to Russia- in my view- the world is kind a free. And after the entry of China, we are about to enter into NWO.

Hope there is sun shine behind NWO.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7579
Tell Arnold to watch these videos from BBC, before BBC or google deletes it.

May be we shall realize, his father was a Nazi and he himself is a nazi supporter.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7579
Yuri Gagarin's name censored from Space Symposium conference
Gagarin was the Soviet cosmonaut who became the first human to travel to outer space.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7579
In 1955 the CIA had intel that Zhou would take an Air India flight to Bandung, Indonesia. They made the plane explode in midair, killing 16 passengers but Zhou wasn't there.

- So in 1955, CIA blew up Indian plane. Noice, and still Indian begging to be ho of US.

I know Indian very well, some day, they be begging to be vassal of China.

No wonder, GOD is punishing Americans slowly.

- around 10% population of US are gay.
- they are fed with poison which cause cancer, heart disease etc, and they are given the most expensive medicine which they could not afford and worst part is, those medicine does not work.
- etc

I am waiting for Civil war in US, the ultimate punishment.

All those supporting west can go to hell with them.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7579

also drug addict

to become an actor, you should not have 'laj', so you need drugs ...... may be that is why most of them are into substances.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2311
Mr Zelensky said Ukrainians now understood they could not join Nato. "We have heard for years that the doors were open, but we also heard that we could not join. It's a truth and it must be recognised "

He is known for comedy, but this proves he is also sarcastic.

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