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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
I used to read low grade, irritating comments like below:

- balanced media,
- free media
- praising anchor
- best news media

etc etc

in comment section of indian fake news.

Lately, I have begun to read such many comments in cia fake news too.

Looks like, CIA hiring professional fake commenters from Calcutta too.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
At the beginning of the war, When Russians gathered 100k+ soldiers, CIA media were saying Russia is about to attack with those forces ........

But I thought if Russia would attack, it will be missiles, drones and later airforce, I thought those forces were for distraction if there is war and for a bluff if there is no war..... later Russia did use those force and paid big...... finally Russia has begun using heavy missiles and drones attack.

Before war I thought all sides were bluffing and they will negotiate on the table. But west rejected demand totally.

I think, even today, after war already started and many died, they are still using bluff tactics. It is scare, one of those bluffs could lead to something big.

Ever time, the clown faces pressure, he agrees agreement then CIA offers him something big and he back tracks. The next day after Russia announced intervention, the clown agreed Russian main demand and was read to talk and when Russia said let's talk, the clown disappeared. After the clown accepted the negotiation, the first time, I think, US promised him weapon, mercenary and sanctions.

That clown must be telling himself, he should have accepted the offer the first time.

I think, now, Russia would offer peace talk only after taking over all black sea coast. then in Peace talk, new offer would include- 'all land russia occupying would be a powerful state or if there is no conclusion in peace talk then those area will be a new country" then russia will offer 'permanent cease fire' .... if the clown dont accept, then the third phase would be halfing Ukraine. First phase was cremia.

When I said clown, its CIA who is pulling the string of the clown.

There are propaganda developing-
1: Poland entering Ukraine to take part of Poland which was historically poland's
2: Romania entering moldova to merge back moldova which was part of Romania.

3: Those counties agreed to pay in Rubel are astrohungary empire and germany.

Is history repeating in Europe???

Europe committed the worst sin on humanity of the world. And to punish them, The GOD gave them WW1, they did not learn, The GOD gave them WW2 and they did not learn for WW2 so now The GOD is threatening with WW3 and Nuclear.

As for me, Its pleasure to see evil being punished as well as sad to see human suffering. Those 4king european are really evil and dumb ....... cause of their economy and technology- educated fools think they have values. I dont.

Those evil tried to start WW3 in Asia- middle east or asia pacific. Funny, they are the one on the verge of WW3 cause of corrupt politician and dumb young politicians who grew up under CIA propaganda.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
US GDP 1Q -1.4

Western money from those who stole russian wealth suppose to go to US


World's money from those who stole russian wealth suppose to go to shanghai and hongkong.

And still US GDP went belly up. Wonder what would be the GDP of EU and Japan?

China's was 4.8 or something

Yen and euro being raped.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680

What was your reaction???
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
ह्यारीले मेगनको पछाडि लागेर बेलायतको अपमान गरे: ट्रम्प (harry humiliated UK by going after megan :trump)

(thanks to trump's IC sanction, many countries are investing in semiconductor) (trump- trade war is easy to win. By next time trump gets into the office, china's foreign trade may double)

These red necks are do dumb (one of the three dumbest races in my book) and racist that they would rather support UK than their half black citizen.

Population of English is not even 3rd highest in US, they are tiny minority.
More than English- Irish, Italian, probably germany's population are bigger than english in US and all of them are suppose to hate english and still majority of whites in US supports UK, why?

Its easy, control media, control 99%. English and zoo control media, money, education, hollywood in US, who taught US to support UK. Cause US is controlled by english and zoo (who are enemies of US), american are expendable mercenary.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
Results confirm that protection wanes with time and suggest a third (booster) dose might be warranted.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Covid Vaccines Increase Risk of Severe Heart Inflammation Up to 120-Fold, Major Study Finds

The study looked at over 23 million patient records covering the over-12s populations of Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden

For young males aged 16-24 years within 28 days of a second dose the study found severe myocarditis around five times more common after Pfizer and 14 times more common after Moderna

The Moderna vaccine has three times the dose of mRNA of the Pfizer vaccine, which the authors suggest lies behind the increased risk
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Solomon Islands, a sovereign nation with largely democratic governance, voluntarily entered into a security agreement with China to help preserve civil order. The US, Australia threatened it with punishment if it leads to a Chinese military base in the Pacific.

- If I were China, Russia- I would have told all the countries around, including Australia who has US/NATO bases- to keep close eye on what US or Australia would do to Solomon Islands. ..... and tell them, we would do the same in the same day to those countries. ..... China is too weak that is why China does not have hard alliance with anyone.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
US warns Solomon Islands of action over pact with China

World should end anglozoo to save humanity

China and the Solomon Islands enter controversial security agreement

if you say so, anglozoo

U.S. warns of response to any move toward permanent China presence in Solomons

Nepal should take care of all cia assets in Nepal, since we cant touch anglozoo

Japanese news anchor breaks down on air while reporting on Putin's hailing of Bucha massacre soldiers

ooooo I bet she did not cry for victims of nukes, twice. No wonder, female product spend many times for on ad than male product.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
सिक्किम विलय भएपछि अमेरिकाले चीनलाई सोधेको थियो: के नेपाललाई पनि भारतबाट खतरा छ?

anglozoo media has began to publish anti india, anti saudi etc articles.

Tell anglo, India been occupying 1/3rd of Nepal's land and stolen Nepal's water and forced Nepal to give citizenship to Indians, whose original population is around 5%.

India finished one way or another. Russia, China have friends, India's friend is their enemy who will eventually wants to break them into pieces.

Double agents in Nepal are so dead. :D
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Why do they call:

North korea and south korea, when its west korea and east korea?

East germany and west germany, when they were north germany and south germany????
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
France: EU fraud agency investigating candidate Le Pen

And still educated dumbs think, there is democracy in the west.

When clinton was investigated during the election, she went after fbi, and fbi boss was the one who was scared. and btw they was guilty of destroying evidence for which she did not pay the price.

I found out there is no democracy in the west during 'barak hussens's second term.

Learn to learn from master. just cause you are not worse than your friends do not mean you are intelligent, it means, your whole gang is gang of dumb.

instead of making friends with intelligent individual, their jealousy destroy the relation.

Now wonder, loser always die loser.

Wonder, how many AZOV militia will appear in the west since AZOV is cool now in the west? Till recently, there were band in some western countries.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Mon Apr 18, 2022 6:49 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Little knowledge is dangerous.

No knowledge- Decades back, when I was very young, there were no western/CIA media .... those days, Nepali society used to think western white were pedos.

Little knowledge- After the entry of western/CIA propaganda, Nepalese/even I used to think, west is superior human/society. Today, every narrative, especially in the mind of younger ones- is totally controlled by CIA.

Enlightened- Around 15 year back, I was enlightened. Since then, my view about west is back to where it started. Now, I see westerners as pedo.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Breaking News: US authorities say hackers linked to North Korea were responsible for $620 million theft of cryptocurrency assets

Correction: US authorities say hackers linked to North Korea were responsible for $620 million seizure of cryptocurrency assets from oligarchs.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
everyone visited the embassy, problem in trade, international political/military changing.

Something big happening????

Govt have not handed over Nepal to India, have they???

Nepal needs to sign defense pack with China.
Registered: Jul 2017
Posts: 12
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Looks like, shooting in NY is at asians.

To become super power US has- size(population, country) and resources. But lacks brain.

US been stealing technology since ever.

After second ww, they stole not just technology, but also human resource and idea from Germany. And those technologies have been upgraded by asians. (Its amazing, I had been hearing govt policy in US- car for all, which helped their economy, turned out it was Hitler's idea).

Since, those asians who used to go to US, their own country has become rich, that is one of the main reason US is crashing fast.

And after covid, trump ...... less asian are likely to go to US, unless they are worth less doggo like from Nepal. who are liability.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
About those politician who are said to have good relation with India (or west) (in reality, just doggo), after this attack, if those politicians and bureaucracy stay quiet, they will get personal benefit from India.

Election coming.

Talking about election, wonder this attack is election related. India blockaded Bhutan during their election, it was like a blackmail to vote against the ones India did not like.

If I were the dictator of Nepal, Since we cant fight India, I would have hung, all indian doggo in the street, on the crane, just like in muslim world.


French journalist goes to Ukraine with 3 volunteers, who answered Zelensky's call for help, only to find out that Americans are in charge of Ukrainian army
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
विष्फोटक पदार्थ हुनसक्ने भन्दै भारतले रोकिदियो नेपाल छिर्ने मालबस्तु, भन्सारमा लाग्यो लाइन

Are we going to face trade embargo again ?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
U.S. monitoring rise in rights abuses in India, Blinken says reutrs

India fkd. Modi destroyed indian foreign policy. India needed US to fight China and needed Russia to fight US.

What next, US be saying India blockaded Nepal and Bhutan during 2010s, they even blockaded medicine. Even US did not blockade medicine to Iraq.

To destroy China and Russia, US/west been using lies, exaggeration. To destroy India, all West/US has to do is tell the truth.

Double agents in Nepal, dead too. Just a matter of time.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
The Russian current account, the broadest measure of trade in goods and services, reached a surplus of $58.2bn in Q1, more than 2.5 times the $22.5bn reported a year earlier.

Russian official economy may not be in top 10 but their trade surplus is in top 5 (i think, 3rd may be)

Russia could have utilized that position, Nepal could use that. But ......... I dont make policy in Nepal.

Looks like Le Pen can win only if commies in French dont vote in the second round and help from Putin arrives.

I am the only one in Nepal, who regularly analyze Nepal's economy, analyze important economic event.... but now, every one in Nepal has become fking economic expert. What they know about- economy, what NRB been doing for last 1.5 year- that they are here to support ex governor.

Some idiot say, govt should not have kicked out governor when economy is in sh!t. M00rons, this is when you fire the person in power, this is when person in power gets fired all over the world, this is when revolution happens all over the world.

When you are born in a human body, you should have a bigger brain than that of a doggo.

Finance minister, when resign, after getting humiliated in the election????

Pakistan had the biggest rally, probably the biggest in the world, unless there was one in India ......... and Media in Nepal did not cover it.

Its amazing,
Press freedom means- press under control of CIA, RAW- not under the control of the govt of the country.
Democracy means- politicians under the control of CIA, RAW- not the one loyal to the country.
International rule of law means- follow order of CIA.
International anti money laundering act means- hide all black money only in 5eye and also india for south asia.

Wealth of owners/promoters of BFIs, insurance, media should be investigated, its source, where investment came from, their expenses, their domestic and international link, their activities- to protect national security as well as economy.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
French election first round projections, released by Belgian and Swiss media

Emmanuel Macron: 24%
Marine Le Pen: 24%
Jean-Luc Melenchon: 19%

Till yesterday, french president was 26% (lead by 2%)

Now neck to neck.

There will be 2nd round in two week.

Le Pen's agendas are leaving NATO, and reform EU- make countries more independent from Brussels' bureaucrats (in the past leaving EU).

Russian has already captured 95% of Mariupol days back, why are they taking so long? Is Putin trying to capture french and americans alive to swing French election?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
यी ५ कारणले इमरान खानबाट सत्ता खोसियो
(दैनिक भाष्करबाट अनुवादित) is not this indian fake news.

From what I read, Imran khan is popular and will win next election. Just like in Nepal, those politicians, generals, judges who stole from Pakistani people and hid that money in UK are the ones behind the coup.

Like I have been saying, owner/promoters of BFIs, Insurance and media should be investigated- their wealth, source of their wealth, their domestic and foreign connections, their activates should be investigated and their wealth should be nationalized and should be jailed if we are to save Nepal.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
US Warns India Faces 'Significant Long-Term Costs' If It Aligns With Russia

double agents in nepal are so dead. dogs always get killed first in the war.


- worried about debt trap or they are worried so created the narrative 'debt trap'.

I would take all the money they are willing to give at 2%.


Yes, rigged but just the opposite way. If people in the world could buy ruble freely, it would go rocket.
Before the war, Ruble was weak, cause of the MFs aka oligarchs, who were looting Russian people and buying assets in the west. Since, the war, sanction, it must have stopped by a huge percentage.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
VO will be the third longest serving current leader in europe after Lukashenko & VP.
More than 2/3rd parliamentary seats mean constitution amendment is possible (dont know whats going on in his mind)- This has huge implication to its Euro-Atlantic partners. This could be the reason European Commission notified Hungary that it is triggering the conditionality mechanism over rule of law breaches, opening the door to financial sanctions.

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