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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7579
Sri Lanka's acting president has decided to seek the assistance of UK intelligence services to investigate the 2019 Easter Attacks.

So MI6 investigating CIA.
Who will they blame?
MI6 working with Srilankan intelligence means, MI6 will be turning srilankan intelligence into double agent.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7579
Its like, protest in Europe is not happening just like IndianBlockade did not happen.

There is so much protest going on in Eurpoe, with millions of people on the street and no fake news is covering it.

No fake news ran by criminals in Nepal is covering it neither.

If there is 500 protesting in Russia it become news in the west as well as in Nepal (who controls media in Nepal? we know)

Two PMs of Europe have already resigned. Many will follow soon.

In Srilanka, crowd went after politicians and bureaucracy.... In Nepal we are going after politicians, bureaucracy, crook business houses, media, each and every dalal and criminals.

Remember, during protest against Gynandra, hardly 5000 were present. Today they say, they have 10 lakh members. When sh!t hits the fan, most of them will dump those dalal party.

Nepal needs to hang 10000 to save Nepal.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7579
Srilanka is an economic hit:

(Everything known about economic hit on srilanka till now- could be facts or conspiracy)

- Bombing on tourism industry: It could be by CIA. Srilanka depends on tourism for foreign currency. Srilanka is close to China. China and srilank attacked (increased attack) around 2019 at the same time. Today's crisis is foreign currency driven.

- Debt trap: More than 80% of debt of srilanka is controlled by CIA using western banks, world bank, adb, imf, japan etc. Only 10% comes from China.

In the social media, they are saying, IMF bailed out Srilanka 16 times. Could be lies? or true. Or just IMF gave srilanka loan 16 times.

CIA made yuraj k finance minister in Nepal. During his 2.5 years all he did was trying to push MCC and borrow money from CIA. DEBT trap- CIA way of hitting country economically. CIA guy pushing for CIA loan.

Same could have happened in srilanka.

(Just few days ago, former exe. head of Malaysia, Mahathir, who built richer Malaysia, said, many countries could face problem Srilanka is facing, but those countries should not approach IMF. He and many knows, IMF is economic hitman of CIA).

- Organic farming: We been hearing about one of the problem srilanka facing is food crisis driven by organic farming. Turned out It was pushed by CIA.

(I support Organic farming, but I would study for 10 year till it is fully implemented, unlike srilanka which pushed in a year cause CIA told them)

Remember, All over the world, CIA push GMO, chemical fertilizers while they pushed Organic farming in Srilanka.

This is one of the clear proof that Srilanka is an economic hit of CIA going on for decades.

- Black money in the west: I thought current srilankan politicians are pro China. Turned out they are working with everybody. And their Children are in West.

Just like in the world, CIA helps criminals, corrupt to loot the country and hide money in the west... so that they could destroy that country economically and control politicians and bureaucracy and business communisty.

Same happened in Srilanka too.

(These are the only four information I got about srilankan, economic hit by CIA, till now. I will add when I find more.)
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7579

This totally looks like CIA funded. CIA involved in this coup.

Remember in Nepal: ta purus hos, ta balitkari hos.

Protest going on for months in Srilanka and all of a sudden coup, but just before srilanka could be making a deal with Russia.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7579
Color revolution in Sri Lanka:

Facts about the protests taking place in Sri Lanka today-

1. Western diplomats endorsed them and encouraged the government to not intervene
2. The protests were organized by USAID funded local NGOs and promoted by NGO and think tank employees, and liberal influencers
3. The most prominent voices have been urban upper class Liberals
4. The protests are not anti-IMF, they are blaming the government for not choosing the IMF over China when they had the chance
5. The protestors demand that we further liberalize our economy.
6. The most prominent ones have been invited to meet western diplomats and they have
7. Some of them in western countries and used social media to organize the protests
8. Some protestors ended up receiving "journalistic training" in other countries by unknown organizations
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7579
US State Department Offers $10 Million Reward for Info On Foreign Election Interference

- Israel elected Donald Trump
- Some govt, especially in europe, recommended Hillary Clinton to voters in Europe.

Wonder if, after sending these info, they would send me $10million or send assassin?

Or are they asking, about foreign election interference in election all over the world by CIA?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7579
Japanese ex pm, Abe, is killed. He is the person who introduced QUAD, is it his vision or Anglo zoo ordered him to purpose the idea??? Which could kill 10s of millions in Asia.

The person who shut Abe, is ex army and said, he shot Abe cause 'he changed Japanese defense policy from defensive into offensive'.

So would this act of heroism save 10s of millions of lives in asia?
Registered: Dec 2016
Posts: 173
There were miscalculation from the both sides.
West didn't believe Putin would try to make his way all the way to Kiev. Putin didn't think the West would put staunch sanctions and provide arms to Ukraine so rapidly.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7579
Ukraine war:

- First, I thought there wont be war but if west ignores demand or attacks russian interest, then there will be war.
West ignored russia as well as about to attack separatist areas- 10s of thousands of ukrainin army as well as cia/mi6 mercenary were about to attack them.

- Then may times, they were looking like they were about to make a peace deal, but US/UK thought they could create problem for russia and russia will back down, so they prevented peace talk. the comedian many times accepted peace offer but backed down all the time.- First time the comedian was offered to sanction russia. second time send lots of cia,mi6 mercenary. third time 40 billion $ ...

- those who are supporting ukraine, dont really cared about ukraine. so crisis on ukrainian wont deter them. then what will end this war?
Like I have been saying, economic crisis will end the war. there will be revolution in the west. and war will end.

If nothing else ends the war, economic crisis in the west will end it.

German Chancellor Scholz: Vladimir Putin has been preparing for war for a long time, so he will be able to successfully conduct a "prolonged full-scale offensive" for a long time to come - CBS interview

Scholz : "He is the leader of a great country, with large population, with great means ... And he was preparing for war for a very long time. I think the decision to start a war was made a year ago or perhaps even earlier." - CBS interview.

And economic crisis in the west is what world needs, to bring down the price of commodity, food, energy...

(I wanted to write about how putin been preparing for war, when he decided to go for final showdown. My be I will soon.)
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Sat Jul 02, 2022 10:07 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7579
The Indian government is making Twitter silence Pakistani voices

(Its amazing, western media is giving india what they want, cause they have their bigger agenda. Remember, during blockade, how western media cooperated with India.
Dumb Nepalese dont have memory as well as dont learn from experience.
Do you know why there is war in Ukraine?
Cause people of europe want it.
People of europe want it cause they hate russia.
They hate russia cause they are told to hate russia by cia, mi6 media.
Same way, western media, social media is giving what India ask and in doing the propaganda, brain washing in india that would lead to war in future like- hate for china, china/pakistan bashing, negativity about russia etc, and telling indian what indian want to hear like india is the largest democracy in the world. funny right.
But that's how you control the mass, you prepare them for war.)

Educated dumb in Nepal (as well as in the world) think those countries who block western social media, media are dictatorship.

In reality, all free countries should block those western social media and media. They are enemy of humanity and criminals.

Russia blocked western media after western media blocked russian media, china blocked western media after western media promoted terrorist in china.
Social media of west stole account belonging to many govt and gave it to other.

(free country should manage western social media)

Then there is another group of dumb educated who say 'fake news should be censored'. Who are you to determine which is fake and which is not.

In the name of censorship (which is anti humanity, freedom) focus on censoring to protect their people like- powerful puppet who is a pedo than something else.

If you post or comment that Clintons, bush, biden, gates etc are pedo- you are done.

West is coming to and end. Tighten your seat belt.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7579
My prediction coming true, but time wise, a lot sooner than I expected.

Europe have begun economic protest.

Economic crisis in the west will end this war.

Crisis in Ukraine wont end this war cause those backing Ukraine, they dont give a f about life of Ukrainian. Slav killing slave, best reality show for anglo.


Fri Mar 04, 2022 9:11 pm

Looks like Russia has begun Economic war. Commodity and fuel price have already increased a lot and still increasing.

Wester market also crashing. Russian market crash fast while western is going to crash slowly.

Russian will recover and become greater, while, western's all over for them. China will over take. West enjoyed their no 1 position. If China becomes np1, they wont enjoy no1 benefit which they been enjoying for centuries.

From Oil alone, Russia is making more than 500million$ per day extra. And from other commodity and grains, they may be making 2 billion extra per day, which is more than 700billion$ per year. But they are providing extra discount so, they are making more than 600 billion per year.

And after expenses of war Russia could still make extra 500 billion per year.

West has confiscated 100s of billions of dollars of Russia. Russia too had confiscated 100s of billions of western wealth too. Because of this western share companies, banks will loose a lot and share holders will loose in multiple times.

Thu Mar 03, 2022 1:49 pm

I had to search 'Gerasimov Doctrine' .. permanent war.

It is perfect for Russia. Permanent war means, investment in EU will suffer, high inflation, economy will suffer while Russia will keep selling their commodity to asian clients.

EU sufferings economically means revolution.

Being a big gas station, helps Russia.

« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Tue Jun 21, 2022 10:06 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7579
Bilderberg meeting's one of the agenda seems to be introducing "minister of truth" or you can also call "minister of propaganda".

Lately, hankman of deep state been humiliated in social media. The one they are about to make minister of truth, was humiliated and had to leave.

While leaving she said "she 'minister of disinformation' has become victim of disinformation" :mrgreen:

CIA, MI6, mossad are being targeted in social media. They need to stop that too.

Few months ago, they were complaining, fake news operatives 'media people' have been targeted, so they need to stop it too.

During Ukraine war (early one and a half month, they had total control of narratives, no body dared to disagree) but lately it has become fashion or fun to oppose west and support Russia, putin by the opponent of deep state and democrats and liberals or west.

I think, they will try to censor media even harder.

Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7579
So it means, NRB needs to bring down interest from 7 to 2%.
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2137
Federal Reserve hiked the Intrest Rate from 1% to 1.75% a hike of 0.75% the highest rate Hike since 1994.

Learning from the American Central Bank what action will NRB take ??
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7579
I am the greatest analyst ever, and would like to disclose a deep secret to all the village idiots out there.


As per dictionary,
Speculation- the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence.

Tell me something, if there is firm evidence, would not it be called FACT.
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2137
UAE, Ukraine, Scotland out of the Qatar 2022 World Cup Race,

Wales being the 30th Country to enter the World Cup in Group B,

Australia Vs Peru to play tomorrow for 31st team to Qualify for Group D followed by the next day match between for last team for the World Cup Group E match between Costrica Vs New Zealand.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7579
Tiananmen Square Truth
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7579
The world has been facing high inflation cause of supply constraint created by sanction and war.

The world should pressure US to lift sanction and help to end the war.

West is about to go into deeper recession which would help to bring down the inflation. But Putin may not agree until the war and sanction are over.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7579
William J. Casey Director of Central Intelligence (1981-1987)

CIA's Operation Mockingbird: We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7579
News- Zelensky Vows "Full De-Occupation Of Entire Territory" After Macron's 'Don't Humiliate Russia' Remarks

Comment- Guy still thinks he's on TV acting

Comment response- He is still on TV acting. Research the TV show he was on right bf launching his bid for president. Same party name, same role he is playing now, his production team was literally his current cabinet, and his campaign was funded by the same corrupt guy as his party now.
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2137
The South African Business Tycoon Gupta Brothers i.e Atul Gupta & Rajesh Gupta are arrested in UAE as per South African Media.

Gupta Brothers were close associate of Fromer South African President Jacob Zuma, they are alleged with Charges of Major Corruption in 2018.

Let's see what is Next.....
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7579
Srilankan court seized Russian plane few days back (they released it today, probably higher court)

Do Srilankan judges too take order from CIA just like the judges in Nepal, Pakistan, Brazil ... ?

Do judges of all countries under full control of CIA, those countries which has CIA funded NGOs and INGOs?
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 815
1. Bad Year For Crypto
2. Bad Year For NEPSE

The most painful thing is that yet there are people seeking loans from cooperatives to release their collaterals and sell the shares and resettle the loan of cooerative.

Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2137
The Current Topic for Discussion as per Portal :-

Geopolitical Realignments
NATO Challenges
Indo-Pacific Realignment
Sino-US Tech Competition
Continuity of Government and the Economy
Disruption of the Global Financial System
Energy Security and Sustainability
Post Pandemic Health
Fragmentation of Democratic Societies
Trade and Deglobalisation
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7579
The CEO of Pfizer, the head of the CIA, the Director of the NSC, the VP of Facebook, the King of Holland and the Secretary General of NATO are all secretly meeting right now behind closed doors in DC.

It's called Bilderberg & not a single major media outlet has reported on it.

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