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'Dont Listen to the "LittleMan"- Elon Musk

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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7682
EBL, NLICL ko insider trader lai kasko bou le investigate, karbai garne ho.

mero bou le ta haina hai.

If this were happening in US, they would have lost everything and go to jail for 10/20 year.

In nepal, all the decision makers are criminals- NRB, Sebon, NEPSE, finance minister, etc.

Hope CBI takes a look into insider trading.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7682
dont make things complicated.

उत्तानो प्रसाद र हरियाली माईलाहरुले हल्ला बन्द गरी मनन् गर्नुपर्ने १० सुत्र

the simple reason market should steadily increase for years to come is cause of increase in business and profit.

dont make thinks complicated by stating long, unnecessary, sub reasons, no reason.

Buy for long term before Big NRN enters.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7682
Why dont little people in NRB pass following share loan rule:

- Share loan amount based on PE ratio (which solve tension of governor about not increasing price of 8billion banks)

- PE ratio: Up to 25= 80% loan.
26-40PE ratio= 70% loan
41-65PE ratio= 50% loan
66-100PE ratio= 40% loan
and 101 above PE ratio= 30%
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7682
NEPSE is crashing when Balance sheet is hitting huge,
whose job is it to protect NEPSE, my father's or father of NRB, Sebon, NEPSE?????? i am confused, should i talk to my father????
Registered: Oct 2013
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Registered: Oct 2013
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Registered: Oct 2013
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there is this joke going on in most of the media "increase in interest is affecting NEPSE",

as if we nepali invest to make 1/2% return from NEPSE.

No silly, we want at least 10% in 3 month. 1 or 2% increase in interest is not our subject of attention.

This is not US, where big player get loan at 0% then invest for 1/2% return.

In Nepal interest were too low, suppose to be 7.5-10%, i am happy interest is increasing,

increasing interest means, business of BFIs are growing which means bigger profit which further means huge profit.


I believe market has not begun BULL cause big player could be feeling the market, looking at today's turnover, selling pressure is finally over.

At least, hope so.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7682
Like I said before, Economy has direct relation with present and past and just a little of future, where as Share market is reflection of present, future and very little of the past.

And more info:
- Share market cares more about listed companies performance than nation's economy. Economy does effect, but usually future economy, in the case of present, it takes reference from present listed companies' performance rather than present economy.

- One of the main reason, nepse grew a lot cause, in the past it was war under value, even today, i believe, majority of companies are still undervalued.
Nepse increase caused a lot cause of being undervalued in the past+future expectation+growth of listed company.

- Economy and performance of listed company like bfis and insurance are more or less different in countries like ours. For eg- in the past most of the migrant used to use hundi for fund transfer, but lately more and more use bfis and others.
So even, if economy grows 1%, bfis business far more cause they steal business of hundis etc. Same with insurance, since, huge majority dont buy insurance, so, when those who should be buying begins to buy, growth of insurance grow far more than GDP growth. Similarly, more and more people take service from bfis.

- When economy grows certain percentage does not mean all industry or all business grow at the same pace, some may grow a lot and some may decline. Thank god for US investors, listed companies business growing far more than our economy.

- Just cause economy grows 10% every year does not mean we eat extra 10% food every year. It means we start to consume other product and services. So growth in that sector is high. And if those industry or company are listed price grows a lot.


IN SHORT, WE CARE MORE ABOUT LISTED COMPANIES' PERFORMANCE THAN GDP GROWTH. You can check listed companies growth year by year and future expectation.
AND IN CASE OF OUR ECONOMY, OUR ECONOMY SUFFERED CAUSE OF NON BUSINESS RELATED THREAT- earthquake, india blockades. And that suffering was for one year, not every year.
If there is better political environment, I believe, our economy would grow a lot than present forecast and listed companies business would grow even higher.

If we dont invest now, for long term, then when are we going to invest, when NEPSE reach 100000.

When NEPSE reach 100000 mark, I believe, that day, average PE ratio of listed company will be around 30 and that day, bank interest will be around 0%.

That day, price of companies will grow only for securing dividend, while today, NEPSE grows for securing growth of income of listed company.
Registered: Jun 2013
Posts: 17
I just read his short article. Sure, he could have gone in-depth to make his position clear, but I don't see anything that would provide some validity to your erratic rant. It is a well known fact that Nepal's GDP/economy and share market are not highly correlated. How else would you explain Nepal's GDP in 2015/16 of 0.77% (est.) compared to Nepse's return of 78.74%? Sure, if we were to go by your argument that stock market is ONLY a reflection of the Present and the Future (leaving behind other variables), you would be suggesting, perhaps, that Nepal's GDP would grow by 8% next year or equivalent since Nepse returned more that 75%? Hope you see the flaw in your argument. You Sharesansar people need to learn a few basics and not be too biased.

In reference to:

Here comes another "LittleMan" or should I say 'LittleBoy'.

-Next time, before you open your mouth, learn basics "Economy is guided by Past and Present WHILE Stock Market is influenced by Present and Future".
« Last edit by crayt23 on Sun Oct 02, 2016 12:07 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7682
Governor should stop barking and study this:

सेयर भाउ बबल भएकै हो त ? एक्सक्लुसिभ रिपोर्ट

He is not doing his job in controlling inflation but focused on price of shares.
Read above and he will realize, price of majority of shares are undervalued, not over valued.

In US, if their company had continuous growth like in nepal, their PE ratio would have been 200.

Governor's, SEBON, Nepse's job is suppose to prevent volatility in share price, but instead they focus on price.

Today, price fluctuation of shares have gone back to big player, price is down when they want, and up when they want.

Where is market maker, where is enough liquidity for NEPSE (200 billion share loan).

Make share market less volatile and do your job, Governor, sebon, nepse.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7682
Here comes another "LittleMan" or should I say 'LittleBoy'.

पुँजी बजार र अर्थतन्त्रबीच नमिलेको सम्बन्ध

-Next time, before you open your mouth, learn basics "Economy is guided by Past and Present WHILE Stock Market is influenced by Present and Future".
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7682
Until ignorant wanna be investors realize- real money is in good development banks and holding them for long term, they keep on losing in NEPSE.

They should take Shares as investment not trading.

Share is not some shoes you buy, Share is where you invest.

Invest and let you money compound every year.
1st yr- 500000
2nd yr- 700000
3rd yr- 980000
4th yr- 1372000
5th yr- 1920800
6th yr- 2689120
7th yr- 3764768
8th yr- 5270675
9th yr- 7378945
10th yr- 10330523

So it takes 10 yr for your 5lakh to become 1 crore.
If you are 25 yr and invest 5lakh, in ten yr it become 1 crore then at 35 you can buy house costing crore in finance just by paying 25lakh per year for 15yr with income you make from your investment you made 10 yr back and your investment is still there and still giving you 15 lakh extra return even after paying downpayment for your crore worth of house.

This is how you make money from investment.

But those traders, they invest 10 lakh, make few lakh profit and spend that profit. and again spend 10 lakh.
Even after 10 yr, they still playing with little above 10 lakh while investors have become crore pati.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7682
Registered: Oct 2013
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Registered: Oct 2013
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लघुवित्तको सेयर मूल्य अस्वभाविक रुपमा बढाईएकोमा राष्ट्र बैंक चिन्तित,गभर्नर भन्नुहुन्छ-चाँडै नियन्त्रण हुन्छ

-Tell your father not to buy micro.

लघुवित्तको ब्याज दर अन्तरलाई ७ प्रतिशतमा कायम राख्नुपर्ने भन्दै बैंक तथा बित्तीय संस्थाहरुको स्प्रेड दर पनि पाँच प्रतिशतबाट अझै खुम्च्याउनुपर्ने बेला आएको तर्क गर्नुभयो ।
- I hope he dies tonight.

I think his gang has already sold all their shares, so now trying to bring down the price.
Hope he dies.
He became Governor by @$@$% @$%@v of Sujata Koirala.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7682
ब्यापार घाटा बढ्यो'

- encourage vehicle loan, discourage margin lending.
- give car loan @ 5 and increase share loan interest

then balance of int trading will be positive says "littleman".
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7682
What the hell is this- Car loan: 30 billion, Share loan- 37 billion (only)?

-Why is car loan so high and cheaper?
and Share loan so less and expensive?

-With Car loan, only India will get benefit while with share loan- Wealth is created.

-With Car loan, money will move to india while with share loan- money move around in Nepal creating jobs, multiple revenue- A take share loan, B eX-owner of share gets money and go the money back to the bank, with same X amount of money bank gets interest, job is created, govt gets revenue etc.

-With car loan, only tiny job is create, while with share loan, we can invest in business, build house, pay for education (my father paid for my brother's education with share loan), marry children, etc etc.

Dont listen to "LittleMan", increase share loan, slow down car loan.

Keep low interest in share loan, and increase interest on car loan, heavily, and BUILD NEPAL.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7682
NRB should not listen to littleman like some media like mero lagani/himalkhabar and make decision.......
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7682

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