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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
यसकारण उचालिन्छ सेयर बजार, डा.प्रमोद केसीले देखेका १७ आधार
Registered: Oct 2016
Posts: 268
Nepal ko patrakar especially financial patrakar haru lai ta jutta le hannu parxa. Ek dum misguiding headlines and useless content.

They are in an internet war for views and tyesko lagi they will write just about anything. Sharesansar was so good before but right now ali quality khaskeko cha. Khoi exclusive like nirmal pradhan, jeewan basnet like before?? Need to improve. They are too focused in classes and online that they are forgetting their core business.

Merolagani ta hawa nei ho. Yo tilak koirala ramro kura lekhnei jandaina. Afno lagani cha bhane news chai ek dum ramro lekhcha navaye khalto khanna thali halxa. Bizmandu and bizpati ta hawa nei ho. Asti ko soaltee kanda le bizmandu ko niyat dekhi haliyo ni.

Don't fall over rumors. Bazar ghatxa and badxa and don't fall behind these useless rumors.

Happy Investment
Registered: Jun 2013
Posts: 574
Location: Kathmandu, Nepal
It's like a person who has never watched football doing football commentary.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
अनलाईन शेयर खरिद प्रणाली शुरु गर्ने धितोपत्र बोर्डको तयारी

I thought they are talking about online trading, incompetent media person stop talking about stock , economy.
Registered: May 2014
Posts: 217
The Rising Sun ji Namascar again
ma hajur ko sabai points ma sahamati chu.
thank you again
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
Sharesikaru Ji, Namaskar.

Chaitra, baisak ma aula ke.
Registered: Oct 2016
Posts: 268
mega ko rt aauna time chai lagxa. cause aalie almost all fund managers are managing previous right share allication and listing. dherai ko ajjai aauna baki cha. but still aauna ta obviously aaucha.

mega when it began anil shah was at the peak of the banking world in nepal. just left nabil. marketed himself that made nabil no 1. huna ta guff nei ho. but used this platform brilliantly. now the same anil shah is the cause of mega's downfall and cotroversies. aaile ravina deshraj ko naam bata bank marketing gardei chan. independent women and all that garera.

Silently banks like siddartha, prime, nic asia, nmb and even century bank have made better progress than mega in a shorter or same span of time.

had anil shah focused on core banking, customer growth, better services and expansion rather than bein in media and politics mega would have been a great institute.

i too hold mega shares but spending money on right shares is not in my best interest. So if mile sell garxu.

**this is my personal opinion***
feel free to point out any views if you disagree.
Registered: May 2014
Posts: 217
The Rising Sun ji Namascar
i am 100% agree with you for your prediction of NEPSE.
searching money is problem ha ha....
ani Mega ko 65% Rt. kahile bata dincha hola likely friend?
thulo amount search garna parne bhayo.

Thank you in advance
Happy investment
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
What am I doing in current situation?

Keep calm and collect good shares.

Search for money.

When NRN enters, collectors will win.

Chaitra: around 2000

after ashad: around 2500

After NRN (before another season/next year): around 3500

Just calculate share like citizen, sanima- after they reach 8billion, in current price their price will be around 400, unbelievably low. Even if their EPS is 10 (I think their EPS will be more than 20 after growth), there price should be far above 500 even after 8billion capital.


KEEP CALM & INVEST. :twisted:
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Mon Dec 05, 2016 10:56 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2016
Posts: 268
dilbert ji,
badxa dont worry. ali time lagxa. 800 bata 1880 pugeko market ho. aaile ali negative sentiment xa bazar. tara buyers haru uttikai xan. sasto ma share bechne galti nagarnu hola. i did it once when the earthquake panic happened. never again.

ek choti price ali stabilize huna thale paxi feri ek jhamat badcha. hamro index badna banking mei bull aaunu parxa.
hydro, insurance and mutual funds pani aafai slowly badcha.

ghatos na dilbert ji. paisa cha bhane add garnus. every fall is oppurtunity along with rise. so enjoy the flow of the market. after all 8 arab puge paxi jhan ramailo hunxa. cause share bazar ma pani dherai mafia haru xan who desire huge profits so relax.

happy investment.
Registered: Jun 2013
Posts: 574
Location: Kathmandu, Nepal
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
किन हुँदैछ सेयर बजारको घाँटी निमोठ्ने हर्कत ? मुलुक बनाउने हो भने बजार जोगाउनैपर्छ - See more at:

यतिबेला हाम्रो सेयर बजार निकै अस्थिर देखिएको छ । शिशु अवस्थामा रहेको बजारको घाँटी निमोठियो भने यो फेरि माथि उठ्न सक्दैन । पछिल्लो मोटामोटी अध्ययनलाई आधार मान्ने हो भने सहरी क्षेत्रका महिलाको ४० प्रतिशत बचत यतिबेला सेयर बजारमा लगानी भएको छ ।

पुँजी बजार पुँजी संकलन गर्ने सबैभन्दा भरपर्दो आधार हो । यदि, हामी पुँजी संकलनको गतिलो आधार तय गर्न महिला सहभागिता बढाउन चाहन्छौं भने उनीरूले सेयर किन्दा कर छुट दिनैपर्छ

यदि, बजार अनावश्यकरूपमा घटाइयो भने सरकार आफैंले सेयर किनेर बजारलाई बिग्रिनबाट जोगाउन सक्छ । फेरि भाउ बढेपछि बिक्री गरे भइहाल्यो । जस्तो भन्सारमा न्यून बिजकीकरण भएका वा त्यस्तै, अन्य तरिकाले गडबडी गरिएका सामान सरकार आफैंले खरिद गर्न सक्छ भने सेयर बजारमा चाहिँ किन सक्दैन ? यसका लागि नीतिगत व्यवस्था हुनुपर्यो । धितोपत्र बोर्ड, अर्थमन्त्रलायले यसबारेमा अब पनि नसोचे काम कहिले गर्ने ?

हामीकहाँ म्युचुअल फन्डहरूको भूमिका प्रभावकारी देखिएन । बजार तहसनहस हुन लाग्दा पनि पैसा होल्ड गरेर बस्न मिल्छ, म्युचुअल फन्डले । यदि बजारलाई दिगो बनाउन भूमिका निर्वाह नगर्ने हो भने म्युचुअल फन्डलाई किन आइपीओ छुट्याउने ? अनि किन कर छुट दिने भन्ने गहन प्रश्न खडा हुँदैछ ।

पुँजी बजारलाई अघि बढाउन नेपाल राष्ट्र बैंकको भूमिका उत्तिकै महत्वपूर्ण छ । राष्ट्र बैंकले तरलता अभाव हुन नदिन तत्काल कदम चाल्न सक्छ । बैंकको पुँजी दुई अर्ब हुँदा कायम गरिएको ८० प्रतिशतको सीडी रेसियो अहिलेसम्म किन त्यही कायम गर्नुपर्यो ? पुँजी आठ अर्ब पुग्न लागिसकेको छ । अब तत्काल यसलाई ८५ प्रतिशत बनाउनुपर्छ ।

यसबाहेक, मार्जिन लेन्डिङमा पनि राष्ट्र बैंक त्यतिधेरै कठोर हुनुपर्ने कुनै आवश्यकता देख्दिन । बैंकहरू आफैं जोखिम बहन गर्न सक्षम छन् । कर्जा प्रवाहमा फ्रि फ्लोको व्यवस्था गरे पनि बैंकहरूले नै जोखिम व्यवस्थापन गर्छन् भन्ने मलाई लाग्छ ।

Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
I believe, big players from those sold a lot of shares.

Most of the medium and small and new were buying, selling very less.

It would be great to know who been selling and buying from one month before dashain.

I kept on buying, Last three days, I purchased 3 times more than I purchased since around dashain.

In mid crash, I invested in SADBL @ 460 and three days ago, I again invested at close to 350. Thats more than 25% crash even after mid crash. Crash over crash. I hope, tomorrow, there is circuit and cross 460.

Waiting for right and second qtr report.

I want to see all dev bank above 400 and banks above 450 just like in insurance and micro.
Registered: Feb 2016
Posts: 60
Rising Sun ji,

Top 5 brokers sell 25% of total - what does that mean? As in, they sold on behalf of their customers right? How does that make them behind the crash. I know they are, but is it also not selling on behalf on panicking clients and individuals?
"Be Fearful When Others Are Greedy and Greedy When Others Are Fearful"
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
बुद्धिमान लगानीकर्ता, जोगायौ बजारलाई

सेयर बजारमा आएको उतारचढाव सामान्य हो: गभर्नर डा.नेपाल - See more at:

Criminals in NRB, SEBON, NEPSE, finance ministry, big evil spirit behind the crash.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
In my view, 100% sure Sneal ji, our market is far better than market in developing country like india and china. our growth is huge and there are a lot of untapped market and even the tapped market can grow by many many times.

to be small businessman, you need crores of loans, today, small ones only take a few lakh.

Huge market.

So go for long term investment.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 44
Hello Experts, Do you all think NRN are really going to invest in this capital market ?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
Investment strategy for those who dont have insider info or connection with big player:

Invest when market is low

Then add more when market crashes for no reason.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
अर्थमन्त्री र गभर्नरबीच सेयर बजारका विषयमा भयो कुराकानी, थप अध्ययन गरी अघि बढ्ने निर्णय - See more at:

when there is margin call, we have to return money are add collateral instantly.

Same, way, we borrower, should be able to revaluate collateral and increase loan, instantly.

Margin should be max 75% depending on PE ratio (low pe)
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
my strategy, dont sell, buy slow.

somebody is buying shares, so those who are selling, probably sold 50billion worth in 3 mth, who are they going to buy back at low price.

many are taking loan and buying so many shares wont return to market easily.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
Simply the best.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
If you have courage and patience, Prakas Ji

Price has decrease too much of almost all company. You can choose almost any. My choices are:
MNBBL, SADBL, HBL, Sanima, Citizen, Prin etc etc

But I dont know when will market gain confidence.
Registered: Oct 2016
Posts: 268
Dear Prakas ji,
Thank you very much for considering providing you opinion on your purchase. I feel deeply honored.

However neither can i suggest you a single company nor can I suggest you enter into this market at this volatile period. Just wait until market shows some level of consistency. There is panic. Tomorrow Nepse may rise but however the consequences point otherwise.

I suggest you to make a portfolio with A grade commercial banks, Life insurance, Mutual Funds, non life insurance, Dev banks, Microfinances, Hydropower and NTC. All prices are low at the moment choose wisely.

And you don't have to hold shares for a long time if you have a good profit you can sell it at anytime. Secure your profit reinvest your principal+30% of your profit. This ensures growth.

Happy Investment. and have patience and faith.
Registered: Mar 2014
Posts: 2
Hello Everyone , I am very very passive user of this forum. Specially The Rising Sun and bazzar Guru I am thinking to put money on market one more time this week so could you guys kindly suggest me for tomorrow which share i should go for ? I am thinking to hold these share for at least for year until market really up//
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
Kalika micro ko eps 100+ haina hola

just under 50 hunu parne ho.

this year, we can expect 2/3 year bonus and probably right too.

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