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फेरी नबिलको share को price ६०००+ होला ?

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Registered: Jun 2013
Posts: 105
learnerr ji,

1. Use common sense and select a few companies for further study.
2. Get data from websits, newspapers, and company reports and analyze. See about past performance, present status and future prospects. Reach to provisional conclusions.
3. Solicit suggesations from friends, experts and colleagues.
4. Again, analyze the data made available through suggesations, advices and feedbacks. Compaire with previously reached conclusions.
5. See trends, see your portfolio and select company.
6. Collect information from multiple sorces; get feed back, suggesations and advices from sevral resource persons/agencies; filter them and decided judiciously.
7. After this process any decision you make is right decision for you. Listen to many but not be dictatated by any.

The above process is particulaly applicable for investors. For traders, high liquidity of a stock and trend are more important factors.

Both SCB and NLBBL are good companies and if you have decided to buy, it is fine. However, I were in your place, may be I would have selected one of these two companies and a hydro-power company. But, it is your money and you should feel more confident on and comfortable with your decision. I respect your decision.
Registered: Jun 2013
Posts: 74
Buy nlg !!!
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 35
thank you too much rajesh sharma jee for your valueable suggestion....i am planning for buying SCB and NLBBL .....these companies are best for investing in this situatin ,,,,,,please suggest me...
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 1385
मलाई साह्रै मज्जा लाग्यो यो discussion ले l
अरु पढ्नेहरुलाई पनि अबस्य लाभदायक भयो होला l

मलाई त college मा teacher ले पढाएको जस्तै भयो राजेशजीको प्रतिक्रियाहरु l
एक पटक फेरी धन्यवाद दिन चाहन्छु यो ज्ञानबर्धक जवाफका लागी l
Registered: Jun 2013
Posts: 105
learnerr ji,
If you have already banking stock with you, then my advice is make the portfolio a bit diversified. Hence please add one hydro-power company and another commercial bank or micro-finance company. Therefore, please go for either CHCL or BPCL or any other of your choice (60-70%). And, also you could go for another medium to low price commercial bank like NIB, LBL, Mega (or BOK and HBL are better but are risky due to Melamchi) or any other that you prefer (30-40%) . Alternatively, you could buy one micro-finance company instead of another commercial bank. Insurance company index has already moved quite high. For new investors, selecting development banks and finance companies is a bit difficult task as you need to peep inside to understand their real position. Hence, these sub-sectors are for a bit experienced persons, I believe.
« Last edit by Rajesh Sharma on Thu Oct 24, 2013 9:00 am. »
Registered: Jun 2013
Posts: 74
Nabil 6000 ta puglaa tra 3-4 years stock dividend chai diyena bane !!
Registered: Jun 2013
Posts: 74
I will suggest u skbbl or rmdc !!!!
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 35
hlo Rajesh sharma jee...i am new in the secondary market, now i have Rs 500000 , i wnat to invest this my small amount in secondary market,which company is best for investing in this time for long term or short term besides nabil bank because i have already bought nabil bank's share... ..plese seggest me.....
Registered: Jun 2013
Posts: 105
My perspective on your points above:

1. The price could reach the previous level, but may take time, say 2-3 years.
2. Agreed.
3. Agreed.
4. Most of the time it is true, but always there is risk with any company. The American energy giant Enron disappeared all of the sudden.
5. Agreed.
6. Agreed.

Thank you nissan ji for bringing specific points for discussion.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 1385
rajesh जीको विस्लेषण सटिक लाग्यो l

मैले अहिले सम्मको post reply बाट के बुझे भने -

१) पहिला जस्तो यिनको share मुल्य बढ्दैन l
२) ठुला लगानीकर्ताले पनि share मुल्य तल माथि पारीरहन्छन l
३) share बजार तल माथि भैरहन्छ l
४) कम्पनी छानेर लगानी गर्न सके घाटा हुदैन l
५) अहिले मुल्य घटेको बेला राम्रा कम्पनीको share किनेर राख्दा long-term मा राम्रो मुनाफा हुन्छ l
६) पुराना भन्दा केहि नया राम्रा कम्पनी पनि बजारमा आएका छन्,जसमा लगानी गर्दा हुन्छ l

के मैले सहि बुझे ?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 64
Thank you Rajesh sir for sharing your experiences which are very valuable for all the forum members.
Registered: Jun 2013
Posts: 105
Investment in share market is a risky business. When there is greater risk, there could be higher return. I had bought SCB shares at 7900 and that had reached to 9000. Now, it is 1800. However, I have not lost that much as I did buy/sale in-between of its shares and got bonus shares several years.

My experience tells me that the keys are "survive", "keep trying", "learn from failures and successes" and "keep cool when it is great going or you are at close to bankruptcy technically".

I think, bull would be the market ruler for a couple of years, though we will see short bear markets in-between. Hence, buying shares of some good commercial banks, hydro-power companies, micro-finance companies and a few insurance companies for long term investment would be better. For trading, there are good development banks, finance companies, hotels and communication companies besides the companies I have already mentioned.

Research, analyses and continuous watch over the market may help to maximize profit and minimize loss. Rumors could be most harmful factor if we fail to read them correctly. However, the rumors are part of market, and we could use the rumors spread by big players for our benefit sometimes.

As far as Nabil is concerned, it is a good company and its share price may go up considerably. The same is true for other good companies also. Seeing improvement in the macro economic, social and political environment, bull ruling the market and improved performance of good companies, such expectations are natural.

Hence, this is BUY/HOLD time.

Disclosure: I own Nabil shares.
Registered: Jul 2013
Posts: 287
Up and Down, Down and Up.
Registered: Jun 2013
Posts: 3823
यो त शेयर बजारको निरन्तर प्रक्रिया हो, तर शेयर त्यसरी बजार बहुलाएर बढ्ने सम्भावना चाही कम छ है /
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 1385
कुनै समय नबिलको share मुल्य ६००० भन्दा बढी,standard chartered को ८००० भन्दा बढी अनि NB बैंकको पनि ४००० सम्म पुगेको थियो l

के अब share मार्केटमा ती दिन फेरी फर्केलान ?

होइन भने एकचोटी फेरी share मा लगानी गर्नेहरु डुब्ने त होइनन ?

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