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It's almost impossible to loose in stock market ... Agree????

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Registered: Aug 2018
Posts: 17बजारमा-80
Registered: Aug 2018
Posts: 17
Nepse Long-term investing is gaining momentum... Its Buy!!!!!
Registered: Aug 2018
Posts: 10
नेप्से बजार ....Lets learn to buy on Low and Sell on High......

This is not high for selling...... चेतना भया ...???
« Last edit by trendingme on Tue Aug 14, 2018 10:13 am. »
Registered: Aug 2018
Posts: 10
लगानीकर्ताहरुले उतार चाडबलाई स्वाभाविक सक्रियता मात्र बुझ्नु पर्छ, उतार चाडब भनेको जोखिम नभएकोले दैनिक मुल्यांकन गरेर आफ्नो लगानीको क्षय नगरौ
It's good time to buy and manage your Portfolio.....
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7561
Not all fingers are equal in length. But that does not mean there is no co relation.

If one finger is unusually longer then we can say other 4 will be longer than normal too.

Same with the share. If share price of low EPS is below book value then share with high EPS will be way undervalued too.

And at present, those companies - whose price is below book value- are average and not about to go bankrupt.

There is no country in the world where market value is below book value.

If there had been, then company in other part of the world would have sold the assets of that company and get better price than selling their share at share market. This is basics of economy. And biddwan yuraj k would not know this cause he is ghamandi whose mind is blind. And since he brainwashed 8 class Oli, Nepal economy is going through tough time while it is suppose to start flying high.

No intelligent people would want to invest in a country where market value is lower than book value. In that country, you dont do business. In that country, you buy that company and sell its assets make make profit in the matter of days than run business.

Biddwan yuraj k is destroying Nepal, and I am the only one who is seeing it.

Sati ko sarap.

When somebody (in US) ask you or complain about TAX, you have to assume TAX rate is too high. And trying to fool that person with lies is making yourself fool. Not all can be fooled with words like you biddwan has been fooling 8 class Oli and his commie gang.
Registered: Aug 2018
Posts: 10
Keep it in mind:
Development is underway...
Innovations implementation underway....
economy will be better....
GDP increasing....
Spending Capacity increasing....
Percapita Income increasing...
Next Generation Consuming more and more ..
companies profitting ......
FDI attracting....

Future is bright bro....
where do you think our economy will be??? in comming days.... answer without bias....
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2134
Stock Market is all about risk and reward !!

There was one company in India which was Global and Investor had Trust and was also a Bank.
It was Global Trust Bank which collapsed. In recent we all now about Kingfisher Airlines in India !!

Global name such as AIG ( American Insurance Group ), Lehman Brothers (usa) and the Camera Maker and film Maker company Kodak all filed chapter 11 of Bankruptcy.

In Nepal also we all know about Nikon Air, Nepal Development Bank, Samjhana finance !!

In of the Portal there was a headline about Nepse on 26 July 2016 :-

Nepse Index creates a new high of 14.95 points to close at 1,881.45 points supported by a huge turnover of Rs 2.26 arba.

Impossible to Loose are basically are the word used by the looser !!

So the conclusion is if you are getting a share below the Book value of any company then i agree to your point it's almost impossible to loose in stock market !! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Can anyone here list few company whose share price is trading below the book Value ???? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
« Last edit by deepak_mm on Wed Aug 08, 2018 12:34 am. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7561
There are some who say "there are people who think share market should always go up ward" and they are idiot.

I am one of those who say share market always go up ward. Only sometimes it goes down ward. In free economy, economy has to keep on growing. Under developed country keep on expanding cause to meet need of people and develop countries need to create inflation to create growth. Plus, (I just realized one thing) there is always new discovery, need which creates new economy.

So economy always grows or the country goes out of extinct. And when economy keeps on growing, so does Share market.

If Warran buffet, had Nepali mentality, he would have sold his share when it had double and bought housed. And never would have become one of the richest in the world.

Nepali mentality may work in Nepal, but it is bad mentality and it would take you know where. If you read views of even so called expert, I see them nothing more than Gothalo.

Nepal is hopeless. full of leg pullers, big takers lazy, wants peace of others wealth. dung.
Registered: Aug 2018
Posts: 10
It's important to keep in mind that markets never move in a straight line and that Pullbacks and Corrections are normal part of the market ...

Investors should have capacity to accept such pullbacks and corrections... ultimate return is Profit.....

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