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FIFA World Cup 2018

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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7572
1: Korea
2: Panama
3: Tunisia (After Indiablockade england has become my no.1 hated, before, lower hated)
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2135
Let's see how Columbia performs ??
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7572
ha ha

looks like this world cup is anybody's cup. no perfect team yet to be found.

In the past, great teams used to battle one another, again this time, average battling with one another.

I watched Spain's first half, Spain looks to be the best till now.

Brazil also facing same problem, good individual players (but not great like they used to have) but no team game.

The best goals came from Russia, I like their 3 goals.

If teams dont improve, I dont think best will win, looks like lucky on the day will win.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7572
deepak_mm, I am not leaving Argentina. I am supporting Germany too.

Cause of emotion started from Childhood, I cant dump Argentina. Cause of few reasons, I support Germany.

For me, traditional power house/great grass root style of playing- there are three teams- Italy, Germany and Brazil. Brazil are ghamandi so I dont like Brazil, Italy are like Gangsta I did not use to like them, but something happened later so fine with them.
Then remains Germany, and there used to be, NTV used to broadcast German league foodball, i am familiar with their style too and I like them since Argentina is hopeless.

If Argentina wants to become champion, they need to hire Italian coach.

Germany is the only team, even when they are going through bad times, they are always a threat to opponent cause of their grass root training.
Registered: Nov 2017
Posts: 145
this time i m supporting BELGIUM!!
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2135
Oh rising ji leaving Argentina and started supporting my Team Germany
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7572
1: Costa rica
2: Germany (Since my favorite Argentina is hopeless and other powerhouse I hate, So I been supporting Germany among hopefuls).
3: Switzerland (Brazil used to be my most hated team before IndianBlockade)

Somebody tell coach of Argentina meaning of Football- Football means playing football to win. It does not mean Messi has to score. It does not even mean Messi has to tough the ball in the entire game.
When your opposition has given a job to 3 of their defenders to guard Messi- it means your 10 players are playing against their 8. If you have 2 player advantage and still dont win against average team, you are a born looser.
When 3 defenders are guarding Messi, and still you pass ball to Messi means, you are dropping ball in the area where 3 defenders are located. What kind of stupid strategy is that? There are 11 players in a team located at different places hoping One would get the ball. When you pass ball to Messi, means you are sending the ball where 3 of your opponents are waiting.
Argentinans are not fighters. They always had a looser for a coach.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7572
Argentina: It may be two world cup back or three, Argentina could have won the world cup, but I blame messi for unable to win. He is local hero not international. This is not the first time he failed in international game, it has always been against average and better team.

Argentina needs to change coach or what today they call Manager. He never have any idea of penetration when opponents play defensive.

When opposition play defensive means you can fully go offensive. When there are too many defensive players in opposition posts all the time, send 2/3 players who would run here and there infront of the post.

When they were kicked out of first round few world cup back, that year, I abandoned other games. Since, then I became matured and began to watch all game and choose one or hate another.

Argentina does not have what its called killer's instinct. When will supporter of Messi learn, he is not meant to be international player.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7572
1: France
2: Argentina (My favorite team)
3: Peru
4: Nigeria
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2135
:mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2310
my best team YELLOW GREEN and player da Silva Santos NEYMAR.
Probably YG will win this cup.
If green wins market 'll also catch green yellow train.
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2135
Well my favourite team is Germany and Columbia !!
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7572
1: Uruguay (Suarez, the best in my book)
2: Iran (pride in muslim world, one of just few muslim countries declined to surrendered to english)
3: Spain (Both are 2 of some teams I hate)
Registered: Apr 2016
Posts: 339
o i see ...........being a russian fan, mr deepak sir so much cruel...... :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7572
I clicked your topic hoping to find out which Team's loss or victory would spark sell off :mrgreen: disappointed as always
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2135
Group A Impressive victory by Russia over Saudi Arabia with score of 5-0.

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