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101 Task Oli has to complete or start within 3 year

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Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
probable candidate for falgun 25 contest : Mr Rimal
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
साढे २४ अर्ब बचत गर्ने अर्थ मन्त्रालयको योजना, सबै प्रकारका गोष्ठी, सेमिनार र कार्यशाला स्थगित

- So they are spending 24arab just in seminar. That money is enough to give job to almost 50000 people. Sati ko sarb. All those are looted.

Nepal is finished.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
पोखरा विमानस्थलबाट उडान गर्न नदिने भारतको संकेत, बुद्धको प्रस्ताव परराष्ट्रमा अड्कियो

Kick out india from koshi barrage and blow up the barrage.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
Government should announce ban of combustion engine vehicles:

(Posted on Sun Oct 09, 2022 9:35 pm)

It's right time to ban following:

Scooter below 175cc and 4 wheelers below 1000cc (petrol and diesel and LNG. But no ban on hydrogen) (Not a right time to ban bike cause no good options yet)

- Import ban after 2023
- Assembly ban after 2027
- Manufacturing ban after 2030

* Current main technology, it is said, lithium ion battery's max known capacity is 450kwh/kg which may be achieved in around 2028. Current capacity has reached around 200-250kwh/kg.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
Foreign media is saying- China coming to sign BRI implementation agreement, Fake news in Nepal has no idea.

Nepal needs to sign following agreement which are back bone of our future, there are many others too, but these are the back bone for our economy and national security:

1: Nepal China railway.
2: Nepal China roadway- at least 2 3/4lane roadway.
3: Nepal China electricity transmission
4: Using Yuan for foreign trade.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
Since RPP is joining govt, Gynandra Shahi needs to get following done for Jumla within 5 year:

1: Relocate people living in hopeless area
2: Increase agricultural production (including herbs) by 10 times
3: Build infrastructure for tourism (trekking)- Road, hospitality training (cooking), electrification, entrepreneurship training, clinics/hospitals, security etc.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
Immediate action govt need to take (within 1 year):

1: Export: Only export can fix our monetary crisis.
Cement dalals were saying Nepal can export cement worth 2-4kharab if they get incentives. Bring them over and ask for progress.

Plywood- should be exported to Bangladesh, Lhasa, Pakistan, Iran, Gulf, Srilanka. Increase forest size by 20%, then cut tree 2-4% ever year.

Export what can be exported.

2: Solve monetary policy crisis: Giving/taking loan is not a crime. Loose monetary policy related to business, share market immediately by 50% then loose rest slowly. Interest rate should never cross 12%. Ideal would be 8.9-10.5%.

We need 'monetary policy guidance', and I know what should be included.

3: Let banks, cooperative invest in share market: All their capital and reserve.

4: China: Ask China to build railway, road way and electricity transmission line immediately.

5: China: Make Yuan international trading currency. Make Nepal south asian hub for trading- yuan, chinese bond, shares. Let- At first, let corporations like banks, insurance, pension fund invest 1% (increase slowly) and for others, let them open investment company and invest- give license for 25arab at a time.

Also, make Nepali bond and shares tradeable in China/Hongkong.

6: There are many other task govt can start which is written in this thread.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
Budget 2079

Village Idiot finance minister and gang's expected gdp growth= 8% (8% of 40 kbarab=3.2 kharab)
Real possible gdp growth= 5% (2 kharab)

Village idiot and gang will be taking loan (foreign and domestic)= 5 kharab

So you take 5 kharab loan to increase gdp by 3.2 or 2 kharab. :roll: (since we dont have palm face emoji)

Congratulations, we have become superpower just like US, who prints more money than GDP growth.

MC pakhes (all fm, bureaucracy, politician, so called expert, media everybody)

Nepal is being systamacally destroyed by pakhe, dalal criminals. To save Nepal from economic destruction, foreign dalali, criminals we have to VOTE RIGHT. Vote for new ones, and in indirect vote, vote for mandale. I am not fan of mandale but until there is new party, vote mandale to destroy govt post held by nc, uml, maoist, madeshi to reduce opportunity for them to loot, their source of power, black money.

When Nepalese take loan, most of that go to investment.

When political party in govt take loan, it will be looted. The main source of black money in Nepal comes from budget and they are financing loot by taking loan.

Most of the tax paid by people are looted too.

And still NRB running MC got problem with public taking loan of 3 kharab but Govt is the one who is the reason behind big gap in Balance of power, inflation, black money, lack of productivity .....

When govt charges high tax, it hits official economy. When NRB passes bad monitory policy it hits official economy. When interest rises, it hits official economy.

But the activities of govt, nrb are promoting criminal economy.

High tax, high interest rate, bad policy harm official economy, industry.
High tax, high interest rate, loot of budget, misuse of budget increase inflation which increases cost of living, cost of doing business that is why we dont have exporting industry.

Idiots think, high import tax will decrease import and help production. It does not. Just like I said just above.
If it had worked like that, since govt had been increasing import tax every year, why is our balance of payment getting bigger and bigger in negative?
We are fking finished. Until pakhe die we are hopeless.

High tax, high import tax means big profit for criminals. That is why every body is importer in Nepal. Every criminal corporate house are importers.

There is one example, about one industry in Nepal which never suffered from under investment. You know what that is? Alcohol.
Why, cause tax on Alcohol is very high, so if you evade tax, you are fking rich. Look at the faces of those who are owner of alcohol factories. All look like criminal who are suppose to sell pan in India.

Do you think they are rich cause they are smart, no they are rich cause they are criminal.

Another, look how many gangs are involved in baluwa, gitti. Why? high tax, which means if you evade, you are 4king rich.

In Nepal criminal industrialist target high tax sector. If import tax is high, they import almost complete product, glue in Nepal and sell it as Made in Nepal.

Nepal is hope less.

VOTE RIGHT. Another danger already begun- US secretary, just yesterday, said the name- Tibet. .... we are on the way to become Ukraine.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
कुरो दुइ बर्ष अघिको
संस्कृति, पर्यटन तथा नागरिक उड्डयन मन्त्रालयको एक अध्ययन समितिले सरकारी कर्मचारीलाई हप्तामा दुई दिन बिदा दिनुपर्ने सिफारिस

कुरो अहिलेको
दुई दिन सार्वजनिक बिदाः सरकारी कर्मचारी दंग, पर्यटन व्यवसायी मख्ख

सुत्केरीको नाम गरि टाउको मैले खाएँ
पेट्रोलियम मूल्यको नाममा राम्रै lottery पारे, अब घुम घाम खर्च /भत्ताको पनि जोहो गर्ने नै होलान
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
People want to know how many tasks were completed in last 5 years ?
Regarding capital market task, he was unable to give even a smallest benefit to general investors
Broker license to bank is just a minor task, which is still in limbo.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
To solve balance of payment, we have to increase production, increase export and to do that we need to bring down cost of living, cost of doing business by reducing tax (including import), sign free trade agreement.

Govt should study, if it is possible, the following manufacturing.

1: import cotton from china, petroleum product from russia, make garment (raw material) using electricity of Nepal and export the material to Bangladesh.

2: import finished garment from bangladesh, Export garment from bangladesh to russia, central asia .

3: Import iron ore from russia, central asia- convert it into steel (if electricity can be used, if gas/coal is not the must) and export the steel to india, bangladesh.

4: import sugarcane from india, convert it into sugar using electricity and export it to china, russia, central asia, japan, korea.

5: import animal food material from india, and export pork to china.

6: import cement clicker from india, make cement using electricity and export to bangladesh.

FTA is the must. Decreasing tax is the must.

Nepal should become bridge. Also financial bridge- yuan, ruble and bonds and shares.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
आर्थिक संकटमा फसेको श्रीलंकाले गर्यो इराक र नर्वेमा रहेका दूतावास बन्द गर्ने निर्णय

In Nepal, embassy is just a place to give job to doggo. Nepal should close 50% embassies. Close UK embassy.

What is the average cost to run an embassy??? 50 crore/year. Closing 50% embassy means, Nepal could build one tamakoshi in every two year.

In Nepal, neta ko bed tataune lai janta le fee ternu parne. And they get congratulations from other doggo, from rival faction too, in the social media as well as media.

10000 na kati nepal bandaina.

In srilanka, governor resigned. In Nepal, Nepal cant even fire the governor. Governor has more legal right than the right of Nepal to exist.

If there are 25 lakh like me, mandale could join next govt. Do you have plan for Nepal??????

End board of director system in all govt offices. Reduce elected official no by 90%.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Tue Apr 05, 2022 7:37 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
aklai khelda pani furti, budo ko.

London is where thieves congregate - Peskov

Attn: Abramovich!

Not just London, 5eye and for Nepal- also India. Dalals used to be in pay roll of CIA, RAW in the past, but no longer. Lately, they help dalals hide black money.

Today, those who are in pay roll are new ones or those not in power like patrakar, civil society, low level bureaucracy etc.

Powerful politicians, bureaucracy, business community etc, they get to hide money in 5eye and Indai.
And they used that hidden money, to blackmail those dalals into getting things done in the victim country, society.

Before 9/11, blackmoney were hidden in many places, but after anti money laundering law passed by 5eye, they could only hide money in 5eye, and those 5eye let India hide too, cause of the greater agenda.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 1381
यस बर्षको संघको चुनाब पश्चात,

क्यारेम club मा अरु तिन जना पुर्ब 'प्रम'हरु पनि,

थपिने प्रबल सम्भावना छ :) :) l
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
One more task completed :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
What kind of a deal we can make with Mother Russia???? ;)

1: Organic farming- In deep west, govt should nationalize land- in terai as well as in hill, one piece, 25-50 km in the south-north and 3-5km long in the east-west.

And start commercial farming as well as training facility, with joint venture with Russia. Where they will be training modern agriculture, research, hybrid research, as well as train people from remote area for 2-4 year who needed to be relocated. ETC.

2: Ask help to build modern intelligence agency.

3: Ask help to train and stablish work shop where they will be building/converting vehicles into armored vehicles for army. As well as weapons.

4: Start many joint venture corporations to build parts for vehicles as well as electronic products- which will be supplied to south asia, east asia, africa, china as well as for assembly plant in Nepal.

5: Research centers, joint research, universities.

6: IT protection
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
आन्तरिक राजस्व दोब्बर पार्ने कार्ययोजना पेश गर्न अर्थमन्त्रीको निर्देशन

- I wanted to propose my plan to take Nepal's economy to 200 kharab, hope soon.

- Some are, increase export by billions then revolve saved money from balance of payment inside Nepal.
- Increase min wages to 40/50 in 5 year. Promote restaurant and tourism, entertainment.
- Reduce VAT on restaurant to 3-5%. One meal per day in restaurant.
- Turn Nepal's 70/80% land into tree plantation/national park. And use 60% of those tree for commercial use and export.
- Reduce VAT on every sector to 3/5% which will be used to create job like restaurant, tourism, furniture industry, private swimming pool, car/bike (after starting assembly) (entertainment not needed to reduce tax- but needed to be promoted) etc.
- Reduce income tax to 25%, Most of Nepalese should be put in the bracket of 5-10 and 15%, by not increasing tax, buy rather by increasing their income.

In short, balance of payment needs to be positive and revolve money as many times as possible.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
रसुवा नाकाबाट चिनियाँ सवारीसाधनको आयात बढ्यो

Finally something big (big trucks) is entering from Nepal China border. Hope to see, tunnel digging machine entering from that border, then ADS.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
Advice to current Finance minister:

Bureaucracy are alchians. .....

You can make them better, if you give them right target......

Give NRB target to increase BFIs deposit to 10000 arab. And Loan 7700 arab within 3 year.

Give Finance ministry target to take Nepal's economy to 10000 arab with in 6 year.

If progress is not satisfactory, fire them. You need to transfer deputy governors at NRB. Batmara ho, send them to finance minister and give them responsibility to spend budget in time. Khate, I am sure, cant even spent, how are they going to make money.

This kind of target can improve their attitude and thinking. This target will not only create job, increase gdp growth, but also create revenue and increase income of public.

Simple and effective.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
आर्थिक वर्षको अन्तिममा असारे विकासमा सरकारको जोड, एकैदिन १४ अर्बभन्दा धेरै बजेट खर्च

Tell you a secret. Dont tell your mother.

They do not do most of the development work in ashad. Its just, they make payment in baisak.

Why? cause dalals like chaos. They have been sitting on a ton of money and still they wait till last to make payment cause they want to loot in chaos. They see chaos as an opportunity.
Registered: Dec 2016
Posts: 173
Complete tax holiday and duty free import of machineries used in manufacturing of items like garments, shoes, furniture, light machineries and simple electronic devices should also be implemented.
Government should look at the import data, and promote sectors where money is being spent. Import substitution is the easiest way for us at the moment to get the quickest bang for our bucks.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
In Upcoming budget. Govt need to inject 400 billion extra.

200 billion extra to give loan to those sector hit by corona at 0% interest for 3 year and another 3 year at 5% interest.

100 billion loan at 0% interest for 8 year to assembly plants and parts manufacturer.

100 billion investment (and lending to support family business, agriculture etc and build house) to relocate people living in remote area where economic survival is impossible. Including small pocket area in terai and turn it into open land for commercial farming using huge machinery like in US, China.

NRB need to reduce compulsory investment in agriculture of total 10% loan. That amount is huge and I heard they are using that money to buy land. I was wondering, why banks are not complaining about that 10% quota for agriculture, turned it is being misused to buy land.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
I wanted to publish my plan to take Nepal's GDP to 100-150 kharab, but cause of NEPSE bfis depression I could not.

Some advice for up coming budget.

Decrease all TAX, except for VAT and CGT (Dividend tax should be exempted though). Reducing tax wont reduce in TAX collection, rather could increase tax collection.

To increase TAX collection, money should be circulated more times.

Look what happened during yuraj k, he increased CGT but TAX collection did not increase rather Nepalese lost a lot of money. Today, TAX is down than during the time of Yuraj k while TAX collection from CGT is huge plus TAX collection from broker, sebon, nepse, cdsc and their staff have increased by a lot.

To create job and reduce import, help balance of payment,

Decrease tax on parts by a lot. It should be in between 0-10%. This would create a lot of job in mechanical sector.

Reducing tax on parts reduced import of finished product which would save a lot of money in import and increase liquidity which can be used to circulate money more times inside the country.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
हप्तामा २ दिन बिदा दिनेबारे अध्ययन गर्न कार्यदल गठन

what kind of brain produce this kind of stupidity???

two day holiday in a week to promote tourism. tourist to sasurali????

there should be 10-15 day travel holiday in every 6 months, and provide them with 5000rs coupon (company need to pay- tax deductible) for family of 4 or more and they have to produce tourism related bill for refund.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
For the first time in life, majority liked NRB's monitory policy.

Monitory policy should be stable.

Monitory policy is the most stable policy among all policies.

So NRB better dont change monitory policy in future, let's say for next 10 year.

There are only three policy they can make a change if they want to change one of them is, after interest on loan falls, make interest rate policy on loan low up to 7% and high for bank- 10%, 11% for dev bank and 12% for finance.

Other two policies, I have talked before.

In future monitory policy date, just do analysis.

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