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NEPSE TO HIT 1000/- mark in coming days !!

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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7682
Marketmaker :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

It like 8 class Oli's Doctorate :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

CIB says, thanks for your contact info, Home address would be more preferable. :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2145
Just now Few Minutes back i have created my Face Book Id as some people wanted to chat with me might be both abusive as well as decent too !! Well my FB Id is Deepak Marketmaker !!

I can also be reached via e-mail :- My e-mail address is :roll: :roll:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7682
FAKE VIEW followed by FAKE FEELING. :mrgreen:

Which part of the story is fake, I knew most of the story a long time ago? Threat part is new.
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2145
बजारलाई १००० मा झार्ने संगठित प्रयास, बुलको पक्षमा लेख्नेलाई थर्काउन थालियो !

After going through this article it seems like that some frustrated bulls are trying to avoid the further downfall in NEPSE. A very good initiative by them to built up the Investor Confidence using a very little sized media house which is least known to General Public !! I hope this is not a sponsored coverage by this Media funded by frustrated bulls.

But in reality what i personally feel is that this news is just an illusion, Don't know could be truth also no idea on it !!

Looking at the today's pattern of trade its seems like some Bulls tried to pull up the NEPSE in last 15 minutes of trade on low volume based transactions but failed !!

Disclosure : The opinion expressed above is just a personal opinion of mine and it should not be considered as the 100% truth or genuine fact. If my words has hampered or hearten any body sentiment a word of "SORRY" in Advance !!

:( :(
« Last edit by deepak_mm on Mon Aug 06, 2018 3:37 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7682
यो सबै पछाडिको कारण निश्चित गिरोहहरुको निकै खतरनाक स्वार्थ रहेको खुलासा भएको छ| पछिल्लो समय बजारमा केही यस्ता गिरोह परिचालन भएका देखिएको छ, जसले जुनसुकै हालतमा भए पनि बजारलाई १००० को विन्दूमा झार्ने षड्यन्त्र रचिरहेका स्रोत दाबी गर्छ |

यस्तो गिरोहहरुमा केही धितोपत्रका दलाल व्यवसायी, केही म्युचुअल फण्ड, लगानीकर्ता प्रशिक्षणका लागि खुलेका केही कम्पनी र केही मिडियाहरु समेत संगठित रुपमा लागेका पाइएको छ | सो समूहले बजारलाई बुल गराउनुपर्छ भन्नेहरुलाई थर्काउने, तर्साउने, धम्क्याउने र केही मिडियाको प्रयोग गरी बजारमा चरम निराशाको वातावरण सिर्जना गरी बजारलाई जसरी भए पनि १००० को विन्दूमा झार्ने षड्यन्त्र रचिरहेको स्रोतहरुले बताएका छन् |

सो गिरोहहरुले 'बजारमा अब चाँडै डाउनट्रेण्डको अन्त हुँदैछ' भनेर लेख लेख्ने लेखकहरुलाई समेत विभिन्न ठाउँमा बोलाएर थर्काउन थालेका छन् | यो समूहमा लगानीकर्ता संघसंगठनका केही अधिकारी समेत संलग्न भएका देखिएको ती स्रोतहरु दाबी गर्छन् |

'मलाई कार्यालयमै बोलाएर 'बजारलाई जसरी भए पनि १००० को विन्दूमा झार्ने हाम्रो योजना हो, यसमा तपाईले पनि सहयोग गरिदिनुपर्यो' भने |

8 class Oli mare ko desh

लेखकहरुले आफूहरुको सुरक्षाको ग्यारेण्टी भए बजार घटाउने कार्यमा संलग्न गिरोहहरुको सम्पूर्ण विवरण सार्वजनिक गर्न तयार रहेको समेत बताएका छन् |

be careful deepak ji. do you want my protection. There is no human alive whom i cant kill with single punch. protection will cost you though.

यो घटनाले केही गिरोह कुन हदसम्म बजार घटाउन लागिपरेको छ भन्ने देखिएको छ | लामो समयदेखि कारणबिना नै बजार नबढ्ने कारण पनि नेप्सेलाई घटाएर १००० को विन्दूमा झार्ने दुष्प्रयास नै रहेको देखिन्छ | यो गिरोह बजारलाई अझ प्यानिक बनाएर १००० मा झार्ने र त्यसपछि निकै ठूलो भोल्यूममा सस्तो सेयर किनेर बजार प्रवेश गर्ने दाउमा रहेको देखिएको स्रोतहरु बताउँछन् |

And I believe biddwan Yuraj K is helping them. They are the same individuals who made a lot of money when NEPSE crashed from 1100 to 300 with the help of biddwan.

बजारमा गिरोहहरुको चलखेल र दादागिरी खुलेआम भएको भन्दै गणतन्त्र आएपछि समेत आफूहरुले स्वतन्त्रपूर्वक लेख्न र बोल्न नसक्ने अवस्था सिर्जना हुँदै गएकोमा दुःख व्यक्त गरेका छन् |

Communsit ayo!
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7682
How to identify FAKE NEWS?

When you see their mouth open. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Mon Aug 06, 2018 1:28 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7682
It has already been clear, unless 1000 gang sell to bring down NEPSE, NEPSE is not falling hard.

1000 gang has already sold their intended shares, and they want you to sell your shares to bring down market more. You want to be used?

1000 gang and 8 class oli and biddwan yuraj k have artificially kept NEPSE low. This is once in a lifetime buying opportunity.
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2145
NEPSE Movement will itself show whether this scenario is fake on genuine. Just wait and watch !! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7682
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2145
The Bank Over Draft Ghost once again going to haunt the NEPSE.
I started seeing some sort of Panic among Clients whose OD Limit are not getting renewed because of changes in the compliance requirements by the Bank !!

This might trigger forced sell off in NEPSE !!

Keep Strict stop-loss @ 1172/- and trade with lot of Precaution !!

Happy Investment !!

Well Somebody ji the Thursday close itself will act as Resistance for NEPSE Today !!
Registered: Jun 2017
Posts: 844
deepak ji says market may come out of this range (1172-1205) either in +ve Direction or -Ve direction !!

But talks about support only and predicts market may dwindles to 1152.

deepak ji,are you familiar with resistance?Dont you have that in your dictionary ?

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2145
After few days of side ways movement the Market will try to Take the New direction this week !!

As Currently the Market is stuck in the range of 1172 1205 and this week NEPSE will try to come out of this range either in +ve Direction or -Ve direction !!

Investor who are holding shares should keep the minor Stoploss @ 1185 with strict Stoploss of 1172/-.

Once 1185 Level is broken we would witness follow on selling in NEPSE with Support seen @ 1172/-

But if the support of 1172/- is broken on a closing basis then will witness flood gates open for the Target of 1152/-

Investor are advised to be cautions about their trades !!

Happy Investment !!
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7682

You want to start doing good and clean your Paap :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

8 class Oli wanted to to good, talks about no taking bribe. And I trust his wish but he is 8 class pass so unable to judge his decisions.

He wanted to do good and still he has become the worst PM/the most destructive govt in the history of Nepal cause of his advisers- biddwan yuraj k, bishnu rimal, gokarna bista.


Sati ko sarap.

Cause he is a sinner that is why he is unable to fight sarap.

He brought finance minister from outside in the politics like Nepal, and the one he choose turned out to be the most destructive finance minister/economist in the history of the world.

Intention was good but action is the worst.


Sati ko sarap.

Before election, he wanted to do good. Was pro economy, pro private sector, pro share market.

But after, biddwan whom he hired from outside brainwashed him and his whole party. I dont know, knowing or unknowing 8 class Oli/his govt is destroying economy, has attacking private sector and trying to destroy share market.

In the history of mankind, (in the past, only commie had) in modern history, this is the only govt who is trying to destroy share market of the country and the adviser is biddwan yuraj k. And this govt said came to build Nepal. What country, who want to build economy, try to destroy share market????

if this is not

sati ko sarap

then what is?????
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2145
People do mistakes and instead of correcting their mistake they try to escape from the mistake with an excuse saying sati ko sarap !! In life every body does mistake they should try to correct their mistake
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7682
sati ko sarap .............

Many leaders have committed mother of all PAAPS in Nepal. But seems like GOD is more interested in punishing mostly popular ones.

1: The most popular received the biggest punishment. Yes its Birendra. He was the most popular, he had haters too. And also received the biggest punishment. His whole family were killed like some stray dogs by his own son while he had full control over army and inside his won home.

2: Second most popular was Prachanda. He used to be as much popular as he was/is hated. He lost is daughter and son at early age and more is on the way.

3: Girija was popular as well as hated, and his daughter got cancer.

4: Madan Bhandari, he was a commie, so I suspect, he must be paapi too. His wife has cancer. His whole politics was revolved round anti india and his daughter elope with pet of India. What a punishment.

5: Gynandra was papi and somewhat popular too, and his family is messed up.

6: Mahendra was popular too and his family was messed up too and one of his son's entire family was eradicated.

7: Oli is committing paap too. He used to be popular till few months ago. But his fame did not last long. Betrayed Nepalese. Could his sickness be punishment too.

Now remains,
- Sher bahadur, he is one of the most hated and not popular. But he is papi. But it does not look like God is punishing him, he has lots of tension but still have not heard of the punishment. Or just we have not heard of it.

- Baburam, he is papi but we thought he was popular, turned out, his popularity was paid only in media.

Does this mean, God has been punishing popular paapi only?????????

ODI second for Nepal is about to be won. The have made us proud.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7682
sati ko sarap .............

there is something in my mind, could it be true????? coming very soon. :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7682
deepak_mm ji writes:

The Reserve Bank Of India has hiked the Repo Rate by 25 Basis Point now Current Repo Rate stands at 650 Basis Points from earlier 625 Basis Points !!

- RBI has increased interest rate on loan they provide to banks for lending to car and land/building from 6.25% to 6.50% (Had been in Nepal, they would have increased rate on share loan and not car loan and land loan)
Now Nepalese and Nepalese banks ask- So Indian govt lends money to private banks??? In Nepal???? And they lend at 6.5%??? And they have increased rate by .25% on those two category? In Nepal, NRB/biddwan decreased spread rate of the whole system by .5% and in india, just .25% in two category. In Nepal, when Interest rate increased by more than 70% that is 4-8%, it was normal for NRB, government, society. In India, they increased by .25% and their expert and media already sounds alarm.
Sati ko sarap.
There is no economic expert in Nepal. May be except for my self.

{Be scared of God, deepak ji, dont try to manipulate- rate increased by .25% and for two category- car and land}

So Looking at the scenario will our NRB too will hike The Repo Rate or hike its CRR ??

- {Be scared of God, deepak ji, be really scared} What has it got to do with Nepal. Since, we now found out, indian govt gives money to private bank to lend. So may be Nepal govt too start to give long term full loan. May be that is why Spread rate in India is lower while their EPS is way
In Nepal???? biddwans are running. One PHD some thapa, was saying, NRB does not give loan to private banks. NRB, biddwan should send him to india to give them similar advice.

Sati ko sarap.

afu lai biddwan samjine biddwan ta nepal ma matra raicha.

AS hike Hike by NRB in any these instruments will tighten the liquidity conditions in the Banking system !!
- {Be scared of God, deepak ji, really scared} . In India, their govt is pumping liqudity, int tightening liquidity through long term cheap loan.

Is not it amazing, Indian govt provides loan to private sector which they give to public to buy car and loan. In Nepal. biddwan yuraj K says, car and land are unproductive sector. No wonder, such a huge economy like India is growing more than 7%, Nepal's economy sill dip cause of biddwan. No wonder, indian share market is flying while Nepal's has been diving and diving more after biddwan yuraj k became FM.

Look biddwan, Indian govt is not tightening share loan just land and car loan, just by a little- ,25%

Let us see what happens Next !!
- {Be scared of God, deepak ji, you and your big daddies really need to be scared of God almighty}
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2145
The Reserve Bank Of India has hiked the Repo Rate by 25 Basis Point now Current Repo Rate stands at 650 Basis Points from earlier 625 Basis Points !!

So Looking at the scenario will our NRB too will hike The Repo Rate or hike its CRR ??

AS hike Hike by NRB in any these instruments will tighten the liquidity conditions in the Banking system !!

Let us see what happens Next !!
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2145
Reducing Business activity Especially in the Trading Segment is going to Hamper the earning of the banking sectors !!

Non Performance of Hydro Power sector will lead towards More Default with regards to Interest Income and Principal Amount !! As most of the hydro power companies are unable to perform due increase in Interest Payment and Delay in Project Execution by them and non availability or Poor quality of infrastructure in Power Transmission.

Hydro power companies are growing like mushroom without adequate Capital and Proper Infrastructure.

NEA is guaranteeing the Purchase of Power from these Hydro Power Companies but what if in Days to come it default in Power Purchase as Local demand is still not that big as compared to Out put available in coming days !

Whats is the Net worth of NEA ????? Does it has so much Net worth to Purchase all Power Produced by these Hydro Companies ??

For Man power Company Government is seeking for 6 Crore Deposit either Cash or Kind

NEA is doing PPA dhama dham , to Safeguard the Interest of the Hydro Developers NEA should also keep sufficient Deposit with the Government by means of Bond or Cash or else its Capital should be raised to that extent where it meet up the Settlement of the fund through Power Purchase !!

So due to these scenario Investor are avoiding Hydro Power !!

If government is so bullish on Hydro Sector why don't its nationalized the hydro companies Buy all the shares of PUBLIC at Premium !!

This is just a debate with no Conclusion !! :( :(
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 822
Growth of Commercial Banks (Which shall Continue Further and commercial banks COMPRISE LARGE SECTION IN NEPSE) > Prevailing Interest Rates (Which is Gradually Going Down)

1 - Marked will not fall except minor dips
2 - Because of announcements, companies with good prospects shall increase which shall push index up

.....Baki Ishwor Ko Leela....
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7682
NEPSE is totally controlled by idiot criminals and biddwan yuraj k and 8 class Oil.

I am not someone who can predict Idiots. So I dont know what will happen.

I am just looking for event, which will break away NEPSE from control of Idiots.

Ps- If you are not GOD then you must be the other person. :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2145
No Dear i am not a God at all. I am a simple human being like others !!

What Next for the NEPSE as per you and others ???

Now a days NEPSE trading session have turned boring !!


Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7682
We will witness a sell off after 1 Pm.

Either you are a GOD or someone, if had been in US- would have been chained from head to toe. :mrgreen:
Registered: Aug 2015
Posts: 77
यमराज आतंक रहेसम्म नेप्से मा सुधार हुने कुनै लक्षण देखिदैन | जुन दिन यमराज आतंक सकिन्छ तब मात्र नेप्से मा सुधार आउछ |
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2145
Today NEPSE tends to Move Down slow and steady as some of the bulls will be liquidating their Positions. We will witness a sell off after 1 Pm. Currently NEPSE is @ 1194.19 Down by just 0.19 points !! As per Technical aspects NEPSE will Move down to Level below 1185/- easily and after that we will witness follow on selling in NEPSE.

Today Avoid Buying !! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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