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Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2145
As per your theory if online comes then NHPC will be sky rocketing !! Ha ha ha !!
Online will help in increase of volume not increase in share price. Market price will be based on fundamental.
Though online will reduce time for execution as investor don't wait in phone Q and will further make the market practice transparent as there won't be hue any cry by investor that you executed my order late.

Online will turn many investor as trader. So people will focus more and more technicals. thanks
« Last edit by deepak_mm on Mon May 07, 2018 6:06 am. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
Somebody ji, my time line 2-4 week was for policy and program date, budget date and NRB's monitory policy. Not Online whose date is jesth end, if this date is not missed. I dont think, there will be much effect if a couple of week is missed.
Market is suppose to start increase for/from policy and program- since a lot of money is still outside the market and those holding share are not suppose to sell their share. So I expected NEPSE to increase a lot by now. But we all know the brain size of our big investor and institutional investor like mutual fund.

In the civilized world, if we look at their chart, if there is good news in the media, in the matter of seconds the line in the chart go straight UP without any transaction, but in Nepal, some come to sell if they get 5/10 rs profit.

LBS ji, I dont know anyone who is expecting share be added or deducted instantly in Online trading. But still we want Online cause brokers wont entertain our phone call during emergency. It will be almost impossible for us to change our order frequently, brokers would hate it.
If there is Online, we will be in full control of our trading.
Today, when there is bull, brokers tell new investor, it is not possible to buy at this rate so you have to go up. And during bear, just opposite which makes market volatile. So when there is online, we will be able to make changes as per market condition, Market becomes less volatile.
And most important is, when there is online, more investors will be able to participate. Especially NRN.

Today, daily transaction is around 50 crore, its like 50 big trader controlling market. If there is online, 10s of thousands can participate so big players wont be able to control short and mid term market.

Even today, there was a lot more buyer- at higher price- than seller in market depth. And still market decreased. I think market decreased today cause buyer were only offering good price but they were not taking offer from seller. And also, I think, since there was lower transaction, manipulator was able to bring down the market.

And online trading will make manipulation harder. When market capitalization grew- it became harder for individuals to manipulate the market.
Because of market depth, it become even harder to manipulate the market especially for brokers. And when there is online, I believe bargain rate gap will come down even further so will make market more stable.

You are confused with watch and time, Deepak ji. Watch is like your TA, which you can manipulate. Time is like fundamentals and does not require battery.

Tic Toc.

NEPSE is suppose to increase since govt is addressing Liquidity crisis in budget. Probably in plan and policy and nrb's monitory policy too. Since it is decreasing, so when the news arrives, there will be upper circuit. Our investor does not understand, share market is future investment. And we already know future so NEPSE is suppose to increase slowly but surely. but decreasing. Which only means, there will be upper circuity for a few days when news is published.

Amateur investors.

Tic Toc
Registered: Jun 2017
Posts: 844

I also know that it is not real time settlement.

But this ONLINE thing is a start of a golden era for NEPSE. You can consider as a foundation of a building. Pillars, walls, slabs will follows laters (real time settlement,no cheque collection/deposit)etc.

Once a foundation is placed. We can assume that other superstructure will follows sooner or later.

I want this ONLINE thingy to come on time coz-
1) it will send positive sentiments, good things are coming/ Nepse is modernising
2) It will boost daily turnover by twice or thrice

If you can place buy/sell order on real time, lots of people will be tempted to transact more. Nowadays even if you place buy/sell through phone, sometimes phone will not be picked up or brokers delays orders to enter in the system and alas oppurtunity is vanished in split minutes.

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Mar 2014
Posts: 163
Why are you so crazy for this online ,somebody jI ? It is not real time
settlement online. Now we are also using online .We can sell or buy
looking market depth through phone call. The ongoing online
is slightly few improvement.We can click ourselves only
and have to go broker house forsettlement. So it is not so
important in present form.
Registered: Jun 2017
Posts: 844
Jestha 18 coming in 3 weeks time.

ONLINE auuna ki kya ho. Aaune bhaye ta yo bela samma ta therai kura ko interaction bhai sakthyo.

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Now if ONLINE thingy doesnot come on time, people who want to decrease market will blow it out of proportion and use all their power to paint RED over Nepse badly.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 821
INTEREST RATE TARGET POLICIES are coming....Interest rate issue to be settled for good now...Government aims to lower interest rate by taking needful measures....

....Baki Ishwor Ko Leela....
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2145
Your watch ma battery aayo jasto xa. Tic toc is happening but instead of clock Wise it's Anti- clock Wise !! Plzzz. Don't take it seriously I am just kidding !! :)
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
"""Just kidding"" - you will be saying to those who have been waiting for 1000 :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2145
Your Tic Toc watch has no battery dear it's not working at all !! Ha ha just kidding :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
In a few days, they will start discussing budget in the house and in a Week, there will programmer and policy.

Wonder how many negative investor will be left our at current level.

Tic Toc

After jest 1, NEPES wont stop at 1600 (if there is even 5% professional investor in Nepal). 1600 is no longer next stop. Next stop 1800-2000.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
Those who sold this week will be crying next week.

Tic Toc

After jest 1, NEPES wont stop at 1600 (if there is even 5% professional investor in Nepal). 1600 is no longer next stop. Next stop 1800-2000.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
For me daily 5pt Up is enough for 5 year.

Big change in my prediction. Current NEPSE 1350. Next stop 1600. Within 1.5-2.5 month 1800-2000.

वैशाख २६ गतेदेखि प्रि-बजेट छलफल, नीति तथा कार्यक्रम जेठ १ मा आउने

I thought govt policy and program will be in jesth 11, turned out its in jesth 1. So far less than previously presumed for investor.

After jest 1, NEPES wont stop at 1600 (if there is even 5% professional investor in Nepal). 1600 is no longer next stop. Next stop 1800-2000.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Wed May 02, 2018 9:31 pm. »
Registered: Dec 2016
Posts: 173
My wish was 1% or a point only :D .
But, we will take 10 points.
10 points it is.
10 points all the way up to 3000.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
Under 40 crore trading, NEPSE UP.

I would like to ask again """ Will 10% be able to invest below 2000 :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: """"

Mutual fund share holders need to visit mutual fund office.
Registered: Dec 2016
Posts: 173
It is just my wish. I will be satisfied with 1% growth per trading day or 1 point increase every trading day. :D
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
1500 by dashain is too low.

Where did you get the no. 1% growth per trading day? Or you mean 1 point per trading day- which would be too low.
Registered: Dec 2016
Posts: 173
Rising ji,
I like your numbers. They are good numbers. I wish I could possess and share your optimism. I won't mind NEPSE at 1500 by Dashain.
I will take 1% gain in the index every trading day for the next two years. Can we make that happen? :D
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
Tic Toc

Investors have 2 week to 4 week.

Per day they can invest from 25-35 crore if turn over is 1 arab.

25*10=2.5 arab min can be invested.
35*20=7 arab max can be invested in 4 week if turnover is 1 billion which wont happen in current trend.

Mutual fund alone has 5 billion to invest.

Those who booked profit must have around 5 billion to re invest.

When Market becomes green other New investor will start to invest- (min)100000*200000= 20 arab
Old small and medium seasonal investor will enter too- 10000*10000000= 100 arab

Big investor may have 10s of billions still to invest.

Institutional investor like insurance and banks. I am not sure if banks will invest this time, but insurance will surely invest cause this will be their last chance to invest in this low so they wont miss since interest rate will fall for a long time cause govt changing interest policy. And insurance has more than 10 billion to invest.

Then comes NRN with 100s of billions.

Current NEPSE 1350. Next stop 1600. Within 1.5-2.5 month 1800-2000.

Will 10% be able to invest below 2000 :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
नियम बिपरित लगानी गर्ने म्युचुअल फण्डलाई कारबाही, मुद्दतिमा पैसा नराखेको सीबीआइएलको दाबि

म्युचुअल फण्डहरुले स्थापनाको उदेश्य बिपरित लगानी गर्न थालेपछी नियामक नेपाल धितोपत्र बोर्डले चाँसो व्यक्त गरेको छ। केहि म्युचुअल फण्डले सामूहिक लगानी कोष नियमावली, २०६७ को नियम ३६ को व्यवस्था बिपरित मुद्दती निक्षेपमा लगानी गरेको समाचार बिजपाटी डटकमले प्रकाशित गरेपछि धितोपत्र बोर्डले चाँसो व्यक्त गरेको हो।

'म्युचुअल फण्डहरुलाई स्थापनाको उदेश्य बिपरित लगानी गर्न पाउने छुट छैन' धितोपत्र बोर्डका सहायक प्रवक्ता निरंजय घिमिरेले बिजपाटीलाई भने, 'बैंक निक्षेपमा नियम बिपरित लगानी भए नभएको अध्ययन गर्छौं, त्यस्तो पाइएमा कारबाहीको प्रक्रिया थाल्छौं।'

citizen and NIC mutual funds may invest more than a billion in NEPSE very soon. Enough to make NEPSE green for more than a week.

Many are about to miss the train to 1600.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
They may address liquidity crisis in "policy and program" or budget or NRB monitory policy or in all - like keeping govt revenue in BFIs, bringing loan from international market, bringing down CD ratio, letting bfis lend their capital and reserve etc.

If they dont solve liquidity problem, GDP growth will decline further.

So we have one month to 1.5 month.

Suppose there is billion transaction In NEPSE. In billion 25-35 crore will be new and rest will be the one which will circulate- share swapping, profit booking.

Which means, till there is NRB monitory policy investor can invest from 5 billion to 10.5 billion.

(If NEPSE remains like this, and there is monitory policy- there will be 5% up circuit for a week, so big investors need to invest from tomorrow and still there is no time)

Plus there is Online trading.

Mutual fund alone need to invest 5 billion, those who booked profit during last week has around 5 billion, big players and new investors need to invest 100s of billion. And there is NRN.

Time and stock market wait wait for non. That is why, in civilized market, some are buying and some are selling. Unlike in Nepal where every body is either trying to sell or buy.

Tic Toc Next stop 1600. If you miss 1600 another major stop will be 1800-2000.

A lot of investors wont even be able to invest under 3000. May be that is why our Deepak je is talking about 3200 :mrgreen:

Happy investment to those who have already invested.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 821
....Until & Unless - Interest rate doesnt START to fall (Interest rate dont have to fall but just START to fall) - Market Wont Rise....

....As soon as interest rate fall is certain....Market will quickly gain few hundred points in no time....

.....Very Very soon, Interest rate is falling....

....Seems like from Finance Ministry Announcement to Interest Rate fall to Online Trading - All will coincide in Month of Jestha.....


.......Baki Ishwor Ko Leela.....
« Last edit by पूजीभैरव on Sun Apr 29, 2018 5:16 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
I really thought today will be green.

Looks like one birthday boy had a different wish.

We are back to where big daddies and big house could only invest 10 crore per day.

And I believe those sold shares for booking profit still has to invest more than 5 billion, Mutual funds need to invest 5 or more billion, big daddies and big house need to invest more than 100 billion and new investors need to invest 100 of billion.

Less than 25% can only invest below 2000.

And when there will be online, NRN will add 100s of billions withing a few year without NRN law.

Tic Toc Next stop 1600. If you miss 1600 another major stop will be 1800-2000.
Registered: Jun 2017
Posts: 844
Nabil eps 46.70.

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2145
Yes the big daddies I know has exited 96 percent and left with just 4 percent. Don't know about the others Big daddies what they have done. I am worried about those people who bought worth 2 billion last thursday and Sunday !! Hope they don't get Panic though they are nervous at current. If they get Panic we can see a Big downfall. You guys try to build a confident in them to avoid Panic.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 821

...Research, Analyze & Invest....Baki Ishwor Ko Leela....

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