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Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 822
Phase 2 - 2018
1- Nepse Bounce Back 2nd Time, Again In 2018
2- Within 1/2 Month

....Baki Ishwor Ko Leela.....
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7682
राष्ट्र बैंकले बैंकहरुलाई कर्जाको व्याजदर ११.६ प्रतिशतभन्दा माथि नजान बैंकहरुलाई सचेत गराएसँगै संघ तथा सदस्य बैंकले यस्तो अभियान थालेका हुन् ।

Tic Toc
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7682
छिट्टै दैनिक ५ अर्ब रुपैयाँ बराबरको सेयर कारोबार हुन्छ-डा. रेवतबहादुर कार्की

Tic Toc

Tonight, Imma fight
'Til we see the sunlight
TiK ToK, on the clock
But the party don't stop no
Whoa-oh oh oh
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2145
As ashad is coming near we are not seeing many of old loan not getting renewed by cooperatives which will further pressurized Nepse this time will be more of retail sell off in nepse.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7682
After bad news last week, last trading day- only increased selling of 10 crore.

Should we worry about tomorrow or selling pressure is over?????????/
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7682
What happened in NEPSE site, it was blue and turned red.

I was socked at first seeing .40% crash, then turned out it was two day back NEPSE position.

This is not good for heart. Cause of tension, I could not even exercise.

I voted for OLi(First time I voted looking at a politician), next time I am more likely to vote for a RAPIST than commie.

Only dead commie is a good commie. I am not saying that, that's the experience of the world.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7682
Finally, NEPSE downfall streak has ended today :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7682
SCB's interest rate has fallen to close to all time low????
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7682
सेयरमा लाभकरः पाडी त सत्तैमा पाकाे हाे तर लैनाे भैंसीलार्इ महँगाे परेकाे छ सरकार

-This is a bad example. In share market, if we take this example, calf and buffalo cost same.

Good example, a packet of one liter of milk.
- Here, let's say, one ltr packet of milk costs= 100Rs.
Here 100% right/bonus means- Breaking one ltr of milk into two half ltr packet and selling them @ 55Rs each.

If we resell one ltr packet of milk at 110Rs we would have to pay CGT on 10Rs.

In the past, if we sell half ltr two packet of milk @ 55 each, we had to pay CGT on around 10Rs.

After new ruling on CGT, selling two half ltr pack @55 each, we have to pay CGT on around 55Rs.

But for the first time in the history of Nepal, so called biddwan Dr.Yuraj K, the most brilliant economist Finance minister Nepal has ever got has been proven dumb Mathematically, thanks to new CGT ruling. And Math is universally always correct.

He should resign.

And this idiot thinks increasing tax is progressive :roll:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7682
CGT part- III

Share is not Kera, its like Water.

First of all we have to understand the principle of share value or market value or price of share or value of company .......... its like water.

Water flows from higher level vessel to lower level vessel until level of water is same in both vessel.

In share market or value of company or capitalization of company is WATER. Adding bonus or right share is adding vessel.

If 20% bonus or right is added, company capitalization will remain same but individual share price will shift from older shares to new shares by 20%. And price of all shares decrease by around 20%.

If there is 100% bonus or right, price of share will decrease by around 50%.

In the past, many were considered as biddwan (economist). Some disagreed and some agreed.
Some said baburam was brilliant and some like I said, he was dumb but it was difficult to prove or at least difficult to change mind of critic.

Same with the socialism and communism. Even though communism/socialism has failed and a bad system, unworkable system- there are disagreement.

Even though socialism has created problem in Venezuela, France- communism has maintained misery in Cuba, N korea.- Still it is hared to prove it to some.

But for the first time in the history of Nepal, so called biddwan Dr.Yuraj K, the most brilliant economist Finance minister Nepal has ever got has been proven dumb Mathematically, thanks to new CGT ruling. And Math is universally always correct.

He should resign.

And this idiot thinks increasing tax is progressive :roll:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7682
CGT part- II

There are some retard in social media, who does not understand about share/investment and current CGT principle?

(Morons, read previous posting first then read this post)

- Suppose, let's take Ncell for example. Owner is X.

Let's say, Ncell has 10 crore (capital) and present market value be 100 arab. (They have 10 lakh shares) which is owned by X.
Market value (100 arab) depends upon income and good will of brand.
Let's say, X sold Ncell to Y for 100 arab and pays capital gain on 9 arab and 90 crore.

Let's say Y pumps in investment to expand and adds 10 crore.

Now, Y's total investment in Ncell is 100 arab and 10 Crore.

Their market value will still be 100 arab unless their income grows.

Now, let's say, Y sells Ncell to Z at 100 arab.

Selling at 100 arab means Y in occurs 10 crore in loss.

As per, !$!$!#$ choro Ramesh raj gautam and biddwan Dr.Yuraj K based on latest rule of CGT, Y has to pay Tax on 50 arab. Since idiot Y doubled his capital.

Here, Y without making any profit or capital gain, has to pay tax on 50 arab where he actually spent/invested extra capital of 10 core. When He sells his company/Ncell, he actually makes 10 crore loss but has to pay capital gain tax on 50 arab (-10crore).

If Y had not increased capital of 10 crore, Y need not have to pay CGT on 50 arab which he did not gain. But cause Y added 10 crore capital- he made 10 crore loss- while selling so he had to pay CGT cause of his foolish decision of increasing capital in Sati ko sarap country like Nepal which is ran by commie Sh!t.

OUr retard politicians, bureaucrats so called expert who do not know that share investment and starting new business/buying old business is same thing. Again making same old mistake of misunderstanding the concept of investment.

Once dumb is always dumb.

I did say, so called biddwan dr.yuraj k is a bad economist.

Our finance ministry is ran by a person who does not understand economics. OUr share market is ran by someone who does not understand share market. OUr IRD is ran by someone who does not understand taxation.

Sati ko sarap

Dead commie is a good commie.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7682
CGT part- I

Capital Gain calculation: (using 5% CGT)

Bought before book close: 100shares@1200= 120000Rs
Bonus: 25%
Tax Paid: 125Rs by our company.
Adjusted price after book close: 960
Base price after book close: 965 (probably, I dont know how base price is calculated)
Total share after bonus: 125
Total value of share with bonus: 125*960= 120000Rs (zero capital gain)
If we sell @ 960, then we had paid CGT=125 Rs (We make no profit and still pay CGT 125Rs)
Tax we pay if new rules is applied: 25*860*.05=1075+125=1200Rs

We have to pay 1200Rs as tax without even making any capital gain. As per old rule, we have to pay tax even without making any capital gain= 125Rs. But as per new rule, we have to pay far more 1200Rs without even making any profit or capital gain.

I think we should not just demand reversal of new rule, we should demand ending of capital gain tax in Bonus and dividend too, since, just getting bonus or dividend wont guarantee profit/capital gain.

So how to solve latest problem created by Ramesh raj gautam?
-We need a TIME MACHINE.
Go back 70 year back, kill mothers of Oli, Yuraj K and Ramesh raj gautam. Killing their fathers wont be the perfect solution since we cant be sure who their real fathers are. :roll:
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Mon Jun 04, 2018 1:09 am. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7682
पुँजी बजार विस्तार र विकास हुनेमा आशावादी छु : अर्थमन्त्री

अर्थमन्त्रीले १ अर्ब भन्दा बढी पुँजी भएका उत्पादनमूलक कम्पनीहरु पब्लिक कम्पनीमा परिणत हुने अनि प्राइभेट इक्विटी, भेन्चर क्यापिटल तथा हेज फन्डलाई पुँजी बजारमा प्रवेश गराइने भएकाले बजारको दायरा विस्तार हुने अपेक्षा रहेको बताए

साथै, अन्य कोषहरुलाई पनि पुँजी बजार विकासमा समावेश गर्न सकिने उनले जनाउ दिए । यसबाट पुँजी बजारको थप विकास र विस्तार हुनेमा आफू आशावादी रहेको अर्थ मन्त्री डा. खतिवडाको भनाई छ ।

सरकारले नागरिक लगानी कोष, कर्मचारी सञ्चय कोष लगायतलाई पनि नियमन गरी लगानी परिचालन प्रभावकारी बनाउने नीति लिएको छयिनीहरुलाई परिचालन गरी बजार निर्माताको काम पनि गर्न उनले संकेत गरे

मन्त्री खतिवडाले शैक्षिक प्रमाणपत्र राखेर ऋण लिएपछि ऋण नतिरेको खण्डमा राहदानी जफत गर्ने, विदेश जानबाट रोक्ने र मतदानको अधिकारबाट समेत वञ्चित गर्न सकिने बताए । dont you think next commie or even socialist govt will forgive them just like they did to dhungel.

Nepal should have revenge killing by victim family or dhungel like tragedy will keep on repeating.

Market maker, huge institutional investor too are joining the party along with online, NRN etc etc.

Tic Toc
Registered: Dec 2016
Posts: 42
Why would there be any Foreign investment(In share market)?--- You and I are worrying about increase of capital gain tax from 5% to 7.5% but foreigner will be taxed at 25% in capital gain. Think for a second will you invest in Malaysia if capital gain tax for you is 5 times higher for you than Malaysian citizens?
NRB approval do not mean a thing if foreigner are not treated at Par with Nepalese Resident.

Non resident companies are taxed at 30% which is exactly as much as resident company. Even then there is difficulty in bringing FDI here. So forget about investment in Share market.
Registered: May 2018
Posts: 18
reply to - THE RISING SUN

Does this mean, this is the law needed for foreign investment in Nepal's share market from finance ministry side? Now SEBON and NRB have to release their side of law.

It means selling from entity like SBI, SCB, UNL, IFCI BANGLADESH, FMO (listed entity)
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7682
बाफिया, बीमा ऐन र धितोपत्र बोर्डका ऐनहरु आवश्यक संसोधन गर्ने कुरा, वित्तिय संस्थाबाट मात्रै कारोबार गर्ने कुरा पनि राम्रो हो

यसैगरी, आर्थिक विधेयकमा प्राकृतिक बासिन्दा निकाय (संस्थागत लगानीकर्ता) बाट १०% नै लाभकर असुल्ने उल्लेख गरिए पनि अन्यको हकमा २५% लाभकर लाग्ने भनिएको छ । अन्य भन्नाले विदेशी लगानीकर्ता लगायतलाई समेट्न खोजिएको देखिन्छ ।

Does this mean, this is the law needed for foreign investment in Nepal's share market from finance ministry side? Now SEBON and NRB have to release their side of law.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Tue May 29, 2018 8:27 pm. »
Registered: Jun 2017
Posts: 844
NO VAT ? what the heck ?? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

:P :P :P
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7682
No bad news for NEPSE as being spread by criminals.

It means, modernization will continue, which are in pipeline + भेन्चर क्यापिटल, हेज फन्ड तथा अन्य कोषलाई पनि पुँजी बजारमा समावेश गरिने भएको छ + १ अर्बभन्दा बढी पूँजी रहेको उत्पादनमुलक कम्पनीले पब्लिक कम्पनीमा परिणत भइ सेयरमा सूचीकृत हुनुपर्ने

Online very soon, I dont know what hedge fund, venture capital will do for NEPSE, but other fund(kosh) may be market makers etc.

Tic Toc
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Tue May 29, 2018 5:46 pm. »
Registered: Mar 2014
Posts: 163
अर्थशास्त्र पढेको वक्तिको शेयरमा लगानी नहुनु विश्वको अर्को अाश्चर्य हो। गजब रहेछन् हाम्रा अर्थमन्त्री ।
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7682
कुन मन्त्रीको कति छ सेयरमा लगानी ? आफ्नो भन्दा परिवारको नाममा धेरै

- For patrakar, not politicians not have share is great,
- For me, if someone is educated if he/she does not have good no of shares, I see them as savages.
(In US, elected politicians can have shares but not business. In Nepal, its just opposite)

यसै क्रममा अर्थमन्त्री डा. युवराज खतिवडाले दश तोला सुन,६२ हजार डलर र विभिन्न बैंकमा गरेर झण्डै ९३ लाख बराबरको नगद रहेको खुलासा गरेका छन् ।
- yesta ta biddwan economist re. He teach others to invest while he himself is keeping 1.5 crore cash.

In civilized world, only uncivil holds too much cash. They believe, Value of cash always diminish over time even if you keep it in bank. They always invest.

In Nepal, so called economist, media advice public to hold cash while share market is artificially kept low.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7682
नेपाल स्टक एक्सचेन्ज (नेप्से) ले पुँजी बजार विकासका लागि आगामी बजेटमा समेटिनु पर्ने महत्वपूर्ण विषयहरु समेटेर अर्थ मन्त्रालयलाई पठाएको छ ।

नेप्सेले अर्थलाई पठाएको राय सुझावमा गैर आवासीय नेपाली संघ (एनआरएनए) लाई सेयर बजारमा लगानी खुला गर्ने विषय, संस्थागत लगानीकर्ताको बजार प्रवेश, रियल सेक्टर भित्र्याउने, दोस्रो बजारमा पूर्ण स्वचालित अनलाइन कारोबार, डिलरसिप तथा बैंकलाई ब्रोकर लाइसेन्स लगायत विषयहरु समेटिएका छन् ।

budget on jest 15

Tic Toc
Registered: Jun 2017
Posts: 844

नेप्सेले जेठबाटै अनलाइन प्रणालीमा कारोबार गर्ने, केहीदिन पुरानो प्रविधिबाट पनि कारोबार

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7682
बल्ल सकियो प्रतीक्षाको घडी, पारित भयो मार्जिन ट्रेडिङ कार्यविधि, ब्रोकरबाटै सेयर किन्न कर्जा

Another revolutionary upgrade in Nepal Share market (first baby step)

Tic Toc

नेप्सेले जेठबाटै अनलाइन प्रणालीमा कारोबार गर्ने, केहीदिन पुरानो प्रविधिबाट पनि कारोबार

Tic Toc
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Fri May 18, 2018 2:42 pm. »
Registered: Apr 2016
Posts: 345
count down begins
tic toc :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7682
There are no seller in most of good scripts at lower price, while till yesterday, there were plenty of.

This proves, big criminals had been manipulating, and when they stop, there is no crash.

When criminals bring down the price, then bas@!#$! joint too. But till when????

Pig are created for bacon- plain and simple.

Tic Toc

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